#❮ appleyed / andromeda presley ❯ ━━ ❝ some girls are full of heartache and poetry .
calledkore · 2 years
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"Winter's comin' too fast, these days." Persephone is not so reluctant to make her trip down below these days, 'course, but watching the last inklings of Summer already replaced by changing leaves and cooler winds... she wonders if her darling sister is as affected by the shifting seasons as she is. "Won't be long now."
@appleyed​​ // ❤
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@appleyed: ❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜ for seph !
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"Somehow, this feels like a trap," Persephone mused with a soft chuckle, eyeing her sister cautiously for any hint of trickery in her expression. Still, such a thing didn't seem to be in her nature; Annie was a good many things, but a trickster didn't exactly seem to fit the image she had of the girl. That in mind, she shuts her eyes and holds out her hands with little hesitation.
( Did Andromeda realize the sway she had over the goddess, to have her obey from so simple a request? )
200 random dialogue prompts
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calledkore · 2 years
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@appleyed​: i should have listened to you.
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An indignant sort of remark burns on her tongue -- the venom of a Goddess ignored, and yet, she cannot bring herself to spit it. Not at Andromeda, not at dearest sister. What good would come of scolding her now, when the past was set and it would change nothing? A slow breath is drawn in, released in a long sigh before she wraps her arms around the girl in a tight embrace.
"Oh, hush," is murmured through a kiss to her forehead. Persephone can never bring herself to stay mad at her for long. "You made a choice. Didn't work out the way you wanted... Ain't gonna do neither of us any good to go rubbing salt in those wounds."
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calledkore · 2 years
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@appleyed​: ❛ you must have felt like a princess. ❜
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The sound that leaves Persephone is more breath than laughter, but the humor remains nonetheless. A princess? She wonders what Andromeda visualizes when she says it, if she is imagining the fantasy sort that children saw in fairytale books from a young age. Flowing gowns, sparling tiaras...
The longer she thinks of that image, the less it seems the sort of thing Annie would have any interest in: that sister of hers, meant more for dirt and hard work than diamonds and servants.
"Depends on how you imagine a princess, sunflower," she muses softly, absently twisting at her wedding band. "But, don't think that's how I'd say it."
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calledkore · 2 years
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@appleyed​ : ❛ i was alone so long, i didn’t even know that i was lonely. ❜
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Alone? It was a word Persephone couldn't think she would have ever associated with Andromeda. Her little sister, who could smile brighter than sunshine itself, who so often found herself in the company of other demigods. Lonely. It was a word that didn't suit her, in the same way as her unfortunate name.
When it came down to it, she hardly knew what Annie had come from, knew very little about the family that had raised her. Had they been kind? Cruel? Was any of it that her sister had divulged truth, or was she simply protecting herself ( and them in turn ) through lies?
"...Lonely," she finally hums out the word, tilting her head to look at Annie's face more closely. Tsk. It didn't suit her. "No reason for you to ever be lonely, not anymore. Not while I'm around." And then, reaching out to squeeze her sister's hand tight, "Just call my name, and I'm there."
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calledkore · 2 years
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@appleyed​: ❝ i got heart where i shoulda had brains . ❞
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Laughter bubbles up from the goddess' throat, a smile warm enough to frighten away even the winter's chill for her darling sister. Now, it was a half-truth -- Andromeda had more heart than most, especially given the life she'd lived. The things she'd been through. Would've been far too easy to let those things take that warmth and kindness away, to dull the precious stone that she was.
Persephone would take heart over brains any day.
"Ain't hearin' none of it," comes with a chuckle, arm looping lazily around Annie's shoulders to tug her in that bit closer, share that bit of warmth before her own descent back into the cold and dark. "You're plenty smart, where it counts -- and heart is somethin' you can't learn, can't teach. You either got it or you don't, and you got it, sunflower. No shame there."
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calledkore · 2 years
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SEASONS COME AN' SEASONS GO, but it'd been far too many months since last she'd seen Andromeda. Persephone had never made it much of a habit to bother in the lives of her mother's other children, never quite found that she could relate to them much, but Annie... there was something to that girl, less their mother's spitting image and more something unique. She had always been 'Seph's favorite.
"Been a long time," she hummed out pleasantly, nails tapping along the railing of her sister's temporary homestead. "Don't suppose you got time to catch up? Tell me all 'bout the latest trouble you been into?"
@appleyed​ / ❤
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