#❮ kamikotized / gabriel agreste ❯ ━━ ❝ do you accept it for the greater good ?
missallanea-a · 8 months
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@nerdynanny : ‘ so you’ve gained the power to protect what you hold dear? ’ - from kamikotized cuz i need HERO GABE AND NAT BEING CUTE
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She must have been fidgeting with the brooch and not realizing it. That's the only reason she can come up with for this sudden interjection, her gaze pulling away from her phone to turn in Gabriel's direction. A brow lifts, silent as she watches him a moment longer than truly necessary. What was this prying about...?
Protecting what she holds dear. That really was her true goal behind all of this, wasn't it? The children she'd taken under her wing. The innocents who were being harmed. And... She turns her gaze away with a smile, humming softly as she tucked her phone away in a pocket.
"Are you upset?"
She doubts it, but has to ask nonetheless : she had, after all, gone behind his back in all of this. She wouldn't apologize. In truth, she had no regrets. "You're more than welcome to try and take it back from me, if you are."
He wouldn't. He's far too much of a gentleman, and she knows it.
"If you think you can."
random kingdom hearts quotes
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missallanea-a · 7 months
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@nerdynanny : ♡ _ ♡ for nat from a flustered @kamikotized
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"Oh...?" Amusement plays through the laugh that slips past Nathalie's lips -- not a cruel sound by any means, just simply caught off guard by such a question. "Well... I suppose first and foremost... it's his heart. The kindness that he... refuses to allow the world to dull. It takes true strength to remain... soft, in a world where cruelty is rewarded."
Of course, it would be a lie to say that was the only thing she found attractive about the man.
"And I suppose I would be remiss not to mention that he has lovely eyes, or the fact that he's just... generally a very handsome man. A man who knows how to dress themselves well seems to be a rarity these days."
send ♡ _ ♡ and my muse will admit what they find attractive about your muse
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