#➥ profile. ┊ hc meta [cynder].
asteriskheart · 4 years
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@madestars​ asked: TALK ABOUT SPYRO AND CYNDER 
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​►  ❪   MULTIMUSE ASK  //  accepting  ❫  
send in the name of a muse you don’t know at all and i’ll tell you…
   their general personality
Having lived the early years of his life believing he's a dragonfly, Spyro is a little naïve about how the world works, but that does little to stem his eagerness to learn and grow. Adventurous, courageous, and curious, even from a young age, it only bolstered as his past came into question, his recklessness only slightly kept in check by his more cautious brother Sparx. Even so, he's still more mature and serious than his partner dragonfly. What he lacks in cockiness and arrogance, he more than makes up for in sarcasm and a willingness to correct his past mistakes.
Spyro carries a great deal of compassion for others, that one individual always willing to help them no matter what happens. Rewards aren't needed, he's just happy to be a help to those in danger. He's generally optimistic, preferring to see the brighter side of anything he does than focusing too much on the dark situation he's found himself in. Slowly growing into his assigned role, he's always pressing to forge his own destiny as a Purple Dragon. He's still a young dragon though, and while smart and tenacious, he can be quite childish at times - not all the time but he has his moments.
   their hobbies
Training to become a part of his clan's warrior caste, practicing his element powers (his favourite being fire), swimming, exploring the woodlands, tasting flowers, helping others.
   things they like
His friends and family, fire, learning (particularly different cultures and history), dancing, flying, getting adrenaline rushes, seeing others smile, engaging in firefly traditions / customs.
   things they dislike
Malefor, people close to him being threatened, being trapped, shrill noises, letting others down, failing to live up to expectations, when others constantly brings up Cynder's dark past after she was released from Malefor's control, blue peppers.
   some things people do that annoy them
Misunderstandings, haughtiness, when someone is deliberately vague, Sparx's constant jokes and sarcasm, when Sparx stays up very late (because when Sparx is up, everyone has no choice in catching a wink of sleep).
   how easily they form friendships
Spyro is a very caring dragon, it takes a lot for him to make enemies. He's social, willing to put himself out there, not afraid to start a conversation, and a predisposition to giving those he's meets a fair chance, so it’s easy for him to form friendships.
   how easily they get crushes
Not that easily, to be honest. He's too focused on helping others and dealing with a war effort to pay attention to any developing crush he might have for someone. With that in mind, he may not notice when someone is flirting with him and can be pretty dense about romance… at first, at least.
   the kind of person they get along with the best
People who can ground him, remind him to care about himself. He spends an exhausting amount of time putting others first. All things considered, he can get along with most people in general, but he does have a preference for patient people who have known him for a while.
   the kind of person they get along with the worst
Is it a cop out to say villains / bad guys ? He just generally despises people who do things on purpose to hurt or demean others, and those who are cruel of their own free will.
   whether or not they could get along with your muse(s)
Yep! We’ve already discussed a lot of this, but like Spyro’s just a friendly dude, he’d be up for talking to any muses you toss at him.
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   their general personality
Cynder is a bit of a wild card. Overall she's very calm and collected, witty, resourceful, bold and cunning, but also very naive in certain aspects. Due to the way she was 'raised' during her brief stint as a newborn, very controlling and with a lot of expectations thrown on her shoulders, she never really experienced childhood like most of her peers. As she was stolen by Malefor's dark forces and born under his corrupting influence, Cynder was initially a weaponized monster, fitted with an unstable, biting personality, and a matching explosive temper. Nothing matter beyond the return of her master. Everything else was a means to that end in her eyes. After being freed, Cynder had never really had her own thoughts or had to fully think on her own before, having nothing to call 'herself' outside of Malefor. And once the weight of everything she'd done fully settled in, the trauma and guilt she felt nearly crippled her.
Due to her own personality still developing, she can often quickly shift moods. One moment she can be both serious and humble, or lighthearted and chaotic. It depends who is with her at the moment, and she’ll react accordingly. She's become very opinionated, not afraid to speak her mind about something though usually coming off extremely blunt and sarcastic when doing so. At times her irritable temperament shines through, subjecting those around her to snappy remarks. Still, Cynder has an intense sense of loyalty, and shows determination to help others and prove that she isn't the monster she once was. She wants to do all she can to keep those she cares about safe.
    their hobbies
Currently she doesn’t have many hobbies, since her time was mostly devoted to war and is now spent focusing on stopping Malefor. However, this is something she's been working on ever since she first stayed at the Dragon Temple with encouragement and support from Ignitus and Spyro to try new things.
    things they like
Freedom, independence, her personal space, time to herself, fish, the sky, feeling the wind on her scales, the idea of finding her own destiny.
    things they dislike
Malefor, reminders of her past, being chained in any form (physical or psychologically), accusations of her still being evil and returning to Malefor's side, people trying to shove her back into the old path of expectations and servitude she'd been on for her entire life, the green snake collars keeping her tethered to Spyro, frail and weak heroines.
    some things people do that annoy them
Passiveness, testing her patience, being extremely obnoxious / loud, being overly happy, Sparx's constant quips (sometimes she wants to whack him out of the air with her tail / wings so he can finally shut up… sometimes she follows through on the thought).
    how easily they form friendships
Not at all. On a scale from 1 to 10, she's like a 3. She's reserved about reaching out to others, but if someone’s persistent, understanding and patient enough, doesn’t mind the occasional snippy comment, and they mush themselves next to her for a little bit (just to show you aren’t scared / intimidated by her / her past ), a friendship forming is possible!
    how easily they get crushes
It's a similar case as above. It's not very easy as it’s also just not on her mind, but she does best with people who are heartfelt, genuine and understanding. She likely wouldn't realize any growing feelings, and so they seem to sneak up on her.
    the kind of person they get along with the best
Other laid back people tbh ? Like you can be energetic but if you’re like chill with most things then like,, Neato. Cynder usually does best with someone who’s able to take her sarcasm and not think too much about it ? She also likes someone with a sense of competition, but not too much or they'll likely become a rival instead of a friend.
    the kind of person they get along with the worst
Cynder can be rather distrusting due to her attitude growing up and the general sentiment directed towards her after she was freed from Malefor. Anyone who's a staunch believer in thinking she can't change will not get along with her. She also isn't fond at all of the overly eager, always happy, cliche protag type. Obnoxious people have a way of grating on her thin nerves and shortening her fuse in particular.
    whether or not they could get along with your muse(s)
Lmao Cynder would be much more selective but the answer is still a resounding yes.
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asteriskheart · 4 years
Contemplating the reality that, pretty much right after birth, a corrupted Cynder was almost singlehandedly responsible for hunting other dragons to near extinction with the wars and dragon purges, leading to the general decline of all dragon civilization and culture, and then has to confront that fact and the subsequent guilt after she’s taken in by the very Guardians who she had imprisoned for years.
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