#⟨    *&. GLORYFORSAKEN.    ⟩  ┋  JULIETTE FERRARS & AARON WARNER .   « 001. »
seraphicae · 5 years
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    ❝   you have no damn clue what it’s like ,   ❞ her gaze stays trained on the ground , refusing to look at him . she doesn’t even have to  ,  really  –––––   his emerald eyes have been burned into her memory .  ❝ to have your own family look at you like you’re some kind of monster . to never touch another human being . to not have someone hug you when you’re sad and scared and alone . ❞   all feelings she was far too familiar with  (  lately  ,  because of him  ) . it’s then that juliette allows her gaze to track upwards  ,   stopping when she meets his gaze .  ❝ i won’t be your weapon . i’ll die before i let you make me touch someone else . i’ll make sure of it . ❞
                                    .*·゚✧・ @gloryforsaken​​  /  AARON.
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