#⠀⠀you can lean on my arm as you break my heart.⠀⠀ ・⠀⠀.⠀♡ ⠀⠀SANJI ⅋̼. ZORO FT. LYCTORALSAINTS.
seraphseye · 7 months
ヽ ⠀⠀* ₍   𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞,   accepting.   ╎   ♔.     a kiss stolen away in a corner, ignoring crowds … from @lyctoralsaints, sanji and zoro.
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𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎'𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 , despite the dozens of conversations that buzz on around him , inviting a raging headache in. but he does not cave  in no matter how tempting it might be ; no , instead , sanji raises his glass to his lips to take a sip from his drink , painting an image of somebody keeping his cool way more than he feels he truly is. the group had ventured out to a tavern for the night and he hadn't been able to contain his joy at the thought that , finally , zoro would not be drinking the ship dry of everything on board. their bickering had , at one point , morphed  into  a  dance  between  them ⸻ the brushing of hands in passing , a hand at the other's thigh beneath the dining table , kisses stolen in the night while their crew sleeps. a crew that has yet to learn of their secret rendezvous ( though he believes a couple of them suspect it , mostly nami ). he had not accounted for zoro staring him down like a hawk from across the building. perhaps the bartender's rejected friendliness had been obvious to more than just him.
the rest of his drink is finished in one swig , and he's brave enough to finally meet the other's gaze as he rises from his chair in hopes that his eyes can silently convey his request , pivots , and disappears into the crowd. the night breeze is cool against his overheated skin as he ducks out of the tavern. cold stone at his back as he leans against the wall , a flicker  of  flame in the dark of night , and then a slow inhale. ❝ you're making it awfully hard to ignore you , you know that ? ❞ smoke is exhaled in the opposite direction of zoro before his hand is curling into the fabric of his shirt , reeling him in until they're close enough to be breathing the same air. ❝ if  you  missed  me , you can just say that instead of pouting in the corner. ❞ cheeky grin at his lips before he's tugging him forward to close the distance between them , pressing a kiss to his lips that's all hunger , all desperation ⸻ and still , with so  much  love that he threatens to collapse beneath the weight of it all.
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loguetowns · 3 years
new perspectives (zoro + sight)
roronoa zoro x reader
he's seeing things and it's your fault
part of my five senses collection
0.7k words
a/n: this was loosely inspired by a scene from hometown cha cha cha! it's been a while since i've written anything substantial but zoro always brings me back ♡
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the sails just beneath him and the flag flying above his head, zoro's seen this view over a hundred times.
from where he sits in the crow's nest, nami's tangerine trees grow behind him. some days, he finds nami reading underneath the branches and other days, it's sanji inspecting the budding fruit.
if he looks through the two wooden planks on the northeast side, he has a clear view of the ship's upper deck. sometimes, it's usopp seated there with his tools and scrap parts. most of the time, it's luffy's sleeping atop the merry's head.
zoro knows the going merry like the back of his hand, second only to usopp. when you spend this much time getting to know the world from high above, it's hard not to. he enjoys the solace of his own company up here. it's quiet and familiar; it never changes.
until it does.
"you really need to find a better hiding spot."
zoro hears you before he sees you. your voice makes him smile - but then again, everything about you makes him smile.
"who said i'm hiding?"
you climb into the tiny nest, bumping knees as you sit next to him. "says the laundry that's sitting on my bed."
"your bed?" he snakes an arm around your waist as you cozy up to him. "i'm pretty sure that if it's my room, then it's my bed."
you grin, "what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, right?"
"right," he leans in to flash you a teasing smile. "so, i guess my laundry's your laundry then."
the dumbfounded look on your face has him breaking face, and he starts laughing.
"wait! chores don't count!"
you're trying to be indignant over his laughter, and if zoro was a gentleman then he might entertain you. but when you look as cute as you do after losing to him, how can he resist?
not to mention the fat smile on your face as you stare at this handsome green-haired man, who always looks best when he's laughing without a care in the world.
"you're the worst," you swat his chest, but he catches your hand. he pulls you into him, hugging you close and resting his chin on your head.
"yeah, but you like bad boys anyways."
you say nothing and zoro grins. he doesn't have to see your face to know that you're blushing at the truth.
"no," you say. "i like you."
like a schoolboy, zoro's heart races at the small confession. he kisses the top of your head - an unspoken admission of love - and you snuggle into him in response.
"i love you."
"i love you, too."
laundry forgotten, the two of you let the world fall away. with the sky above you and the sun on your skin, you stay like this for a while. neither of you really know how long it's been, but does it really matter?
zoro's chest rises and falls against your back, and your fingers intertwine with his. the waves crash below you, and when the breeze hits just right, the smell of citrus and salty air floats around you.
from where he sits in the crow's nest, zoro's memorized every inch of the going merry. he's seen this view over a hundred times, and yet, because of you, it's completely different now.
when he looks at the tangerine trees, he sees you on his shoulders, giggling as you try to reach that one orange on the farthest branch because you swear that it's the sweetest one (it was sour).
zoro doesn't see usopp tinkering away on the upper deck. what he sees is the memory of you, on that cloudless, starry night, looking beautiful as ever as you tell him about your trip into town with luffy (there was lots of meat involved).
the spot atop the merry's head is no longer luffy's nap spot; it's the place where you shared your first kiss at dawn before the world awoke (save for nami, who tactfully pretended not to see).
everywhere zoro looks, he sees you - whether it's the going merry, the sea ahead of you or some brand new island he's never known. after meeting you, though nothing has changed, everything has changed.
and sitting here, with his lover close to his heart and his love returned in spades, he wouldn't have it any other way.
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