#《 ° myk ; meta 》 welcome to the storm / i am thunder ; welcome to my table / bring your hunger
omends · 2 years
myk runs ( and lives above ) his own shop: Devil Hound Books & Antiques. its in the name, he sells books, antiques, and magically attuned objects as well as offers his services as a witch, mostly spell crafting and warding, sometimes divination. his side business and "profession", however, is procuring magical books and artifacts.
anyway, have some facts about his shop
it will appear in random locations around the world. its primary residence is in london, with a secondary residence in seattle, but can show up anywhere.
it has incredibly strong wards, to both prevent hostile magic and contain the magical energies within the shop. any kind of magical capability will be suppressed upon entering the shop; myk can, of course, provide exceptions for his clients, but in general no magic except his is allowed on the premises.
it has a communication spell that allows myk to understand anyone who enters the shop, even if they are speaking a language he doesn't personally know.
it kinda has a bigger-on-the-inside vibe ? it's very cozy and enclosed to fit lots of books and antiques. for supernatural and magical beings, tho, the shop will actually adapt in appearance to fit their preferences / expectations !
it exists within its own pocket dimension. it can only be traveled to through accessing is from the outside entrance, wherever that may be, or via myks own portal, to which he will sometimes provide a key to those he trusts.
it cannot be stolen from. any items removed from the premises without being unwarded by myk will a) immediately teleport back to its place in the shop and b) be replaced in the persons possession by an object of no value.
all items are warded, both to prevent stealing and ensure they aren't damaged. you never have to worry about knocking something off a shelf and breaking it in his shop, it is literally impossible.
the shop sign and all related logos depict a black dog with red eyes holding a lantern. the doorknob is a dogs head, and the key to the shop and myks personal portal is a lantern keychain.
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omends · 2 years
myk loses time frequently and has trouble keeping track of it. he consistently loses or breaks his watches, possibly as a side effect of his time loop. another side effect of his time loop is he is immune to any time-related magic.
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omends · 2 years
tag dump: chey & myk
《 ° chey ; visage 》 tall dark and handsome / charming and then some ; that boy is all dressed up for a hit and run
《 ° chey ; aesthetic 》 my addictive personality will someday get the best of me
《 ° chey ; isms 》 been blamed for everything since i was born ; i do my best work when im doing wrong
《 ° chey ; musings 》 and though the honesty hurts the lying was worse ; cant take this to the grave
《 ° chey ; interaction 》 im that kind of trouble you know you want to get into ; im the good kind of bad / come play with me ?
《 ° chey ; meta 》 i do this all the time / blending in between the lines of my fiction
《 ° chey ; ship things 》 we can take it slow and you can show me how to slow dance
《 ° chey ; desires 》  i wanna know what its like to feel wanted for more than something thats less than dishonest
《 ° myk ; visage 》 i know how to lose it all to find myself / go ahead call me a liar ; i went to hell and i came back on fucking fire
《 ° myk ; aesthetic 》 when you believe in things you dont understand you suffer
《 ° myk ; isms 》 i died like a saint / was reborn a devil
《 ° myk ; musings 》 when i was a child i heard voices / i learned the voices died with me
《 ° myk ; interaction 》 and theyre crying out ‘please stop youre scaring me’ / god damn right you should be scared of me
《 ° myk ; meta 》 welcome to the storm / i am thunder ; welcome to my table / bring your hunger
《 ° myk ; ship things 》  tell me what youre afraid of ; i could be your halo / i could be the devil thats in your head
《 ° myk ; desires 》  everything you say can and will be held against you / so only say my name
#《 ° chey ; visage 》 tall dark and handsome / charming and then some ; that boy is all dressed up for a hit and run#《 ° chey ; aesthetic 》 my addictive personality will someday get the best of me#《 ° chey ; isms 》 been blamed for everything since i was born ; i do my best work when im doing wrong#《 ° chey ; musings 》 and though the honesty hurts the lying was worse ; cant take this to the grave#《 ° chey ; interaction 》 im that kind of trouble you know you want to get into ; im the good kind of bad / come play with me ?#《 ° chey ; meta 》 i do this all the time / blending in between the lines of my fiction#《 ° chey ; ship things 》 we can take it slow and you can show me how to slow dance#《 ° chey ; desires 》  i wanna know what its like to feel wanted for more than something thats less than dishonest#《 ° myk ; visage 》 i know how to lose it all to find myself / go ahead call me a liar ; i went to hell and i came back on fucking fire#《 ° myk ; aesthetic 》 when you believe in things you dont understand you suffer#《 ° myk ; isms 》 i died like a saint / was reborn a devil#《 ° myk ; musings 》 when i was a child i heard voices / i learned the voices died with me#《 ° myk ; interaction 》 and theyre crying out ‘please stop youre scaring me’ / god damn right you should be scared of me#《 ° myk ; meta 》 welcome to the storm / i am thunder ; welcome to my table / bring your hunger#《 ° myk ; ship things 》  tell me what youre afraid of ; i could be your halo / i could be the devil thats in your head#《 ° myk ; desires 》  everything you say can and will be held against you / so only say my name
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