#《 ° ooc ; psa 》 a special selkie delivery ! read this pls and thank
omends · 2 years
after spending some time on kaeys new blog and doing some soul searching I realized that I feel a lot happier and safer on the new blog, and I kind of just. don't want to come back here. the anxiety passed and I leaned into it and, surprisingly, it worked out really well for me so I'm glad for that. I just. don't have the energy to focus on multiple characters or blogs right now, so I'm going to focus on kaey and give him my attention and time, for better or worse. I'm not necessarily abandoning this blog or @feminsin, I'm just putting them on indefinite hiatus until I feel ready to pick up the characters again. very likely I will be making new single muse blogs as I get my groove back, but right now I just. get very overwhelmed on a multi. I apologize to everyone who was interested in interacting with the characters here or on my other blogs. ; ; if you would like my new blog please like / comment on this post or DM me. I might post the promo here eventually, but for now, I am keeping it lowkey. if folks aren't interested in interacting with him / writing with me then nows your chance to cut ties with no hard feelings. I may also follow some folks I'm interested in pursuing interaction with, but mostly I want to ensure the folks who follow me actually want me on their dash and to write with. again, no hard feelings. I really appreciate the patience and support I have been shown. <3 if you have Discord and want to maybe rp over Discord you can add me ! I'm open to writing any and pretty much all of my characters, so we can continue plots and ships if you want ! owo add me: seal snoot ;#5985 (you can also ask for my new blog URL on Discord as well if we already have each other added !) also, if you see some of my blogs deactivate (this blog and feminsin will be spared !) don't panic, I'm just doing some housekeeping. I've already deleted a few, but made sure to block folks so they don't have a ghost blog in their stats. ^^;
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omends · 2 years
just as a PSA to anyone who doesn't deal with depression, disability, or other factors that may prevent someone from functioning... just because we are engaging in things we enjoy doesn't mean we are currently capable of functioning. being productive is a whole level of functioning that isn't related in any way to the energy we exert to bring ourselves a bit of happiness, social time, or comfort.
just because someone is on tumblr, playing video games, watching youtube, etc does not mean they are in a mental space to walk the dog, clean the dishes, make food, etc. it isn't being lazy, its maintaining our wellbeing in the ways we can because - gasp ! - we seek comfort, escape, and validation to cope with our situations.
so like. dont be fucking judgemental. we are all doing the best we can with what we have. dont make people feel bad for enjoying something because "they should be doing something productive". dont worry, we are aware, you dont need to remind us. just let people fucking enjoy things in general on this hellsite without making them feel bad about it, its not that hard.
edit: thats also not even touching on how a lot of people with anxiety, adhd, autism, etc hyperfixate on certain interests or activities to cope. so fuck off with assuming everyone has the same allotment of energy to function productively / socially / etc.
edit2: also, seriously, mind ya damn business. idk if folks get some kind of self-entitled high for telling someone off for not being productive or what, but nobody asked so shut up.
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omends · 2 years
okay but can I talk about a pet peeve of mine ? I wanna know, why do people follow you and then promptly unfollow ? like, before you even get a chance to check their blog out and decide if you want to be mutuals ? I'm talking, like, less than 24 hours later they have both followed and unfollowed you ? am I the only one who gets annoyed when people do this ? or am I just being petty ?
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the thing is - and I highly suggest you read my psa here regarding it - I am not a fast person. in fact, I am so easily distracted I admit it's kind of embarrassing. and considering lately I've been busy with school and dealing with my mental health... it takes me time to get around to things like checking my new followers, and frankly, I don't think it's reasonable in the first place to expect potential new mutuals to follow you back immediately... but that may just be me.
simply put. please be patient. shit takes time. and I know that's not just true for me, but for a lot of roleplayers currently. and, idk, maybe it's just my experience, but it seems like lately people in the rpc are either really chill about timeliness and taking your time, or folks throw a hissy fit if you don't follow back / answer an ask / write a starter for them fast enough and abandon you. which is kinda bullshit, tbh.
if you aren't prepared to be patient when interacting with me and others then this is not the blog for you. to vibe with me you need to be willing to 1) work with me and 2) be patient with me. I am 100% ready to do both for you, all I ask is reciprocation. and, going forward - I was already pretty fast and loose with blocking for my own comfort, mind ya'll - I will block folks if I feel like they're perpetuating this need for speed mentality and general impatient / intolerant behavior.
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omends · 2 years
hey, time for an unsolicited reminder that it's okay if you don't have everything nailed down for your original character when writing them on your rp blog. it's okay if you change things. it's okay if you write meta and then later reread it and decide you don't like it and don't want to use it anymore.
it takes time. it's okay that it takes time. it's okay that you change things; they aren't "mistakes" they are character development, so lean into it. there is no wrong way to write your original character, so don't hesitate to experiment and explore !! it'll come in time, and you'll know what works when it comes to you.
creating and writing an original character is a process !! it takes time, effort, and trial and error. no one expects your oc to be perfect and completely developed... and if they do, fuck them, you're writing and developing this character for yourself, not them. the people who matter will be patient and helpful, not critical, of the process.
also, as long as I'm saying so... don't be an ass to folks who are still developing their original characters in the rpc. it's a process, it takes time. be supportive, be patient. your favorite canon character wasn't perfected in a single night, so be conscientious that you are witnessing and possibly actively participating in the development of your partners creative genius.
in short: it's OK to be uncertain about your oc. it's OK to change and update things about them. it's okay to explore and experiment with different ideas, even if they don't work out. it's okay if you change meta, or don't have all meta available. it's okay if you're wishy-washy / indecisive. it's okay if your original character is a work in progress / constantly in development.
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omends · 2 years
I just got my final project back ! A-, 92% ! I missed 15.3 points out of 200. Guys you have no idea how happy I am ! ; w ; I have a B overall in the class !
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omends · 2 years
2023 is the year I admit kaey is my comfort character... so he is whatever he is because he makes me happy, sorry not sorry. like. just let this feral man chirp at you and flick his ears and smile with his sharp teefs. just go along with it, its fine. he doesnt know, I dont know, nobody knows and thats just how its gonna be.
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omends · 2 years
happy new year everyone ! thank you for supporting me and being patient with me, I really appreciate it. thank you for following me and interacting with my kids. I hope this year will bring us all new good things. opportunities, ideas, friends, relationships, knowledge, experiences. and, as we go into 2023, please remember your own worth, and that only you can be you. there is a spot in this world that is you-shaped, and it can only be filled by you. you are important in your own way, and worthwhile, and never more or less than you should be, just exactly as you should be. stay positive, stay hydrated, and keep your eyes on the horizon, not your feet or the road behind you, or the obstacles ahead. life is worth living, creativity is worth expressing and sharing, and love is worth giving, to others and yourself. go in peace, my friends.
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omends · 2 years
going into 2023, I want to be honest about something. when I say I have anxiety I mean I have crippling anxiety. I frequently experience physical pain and can become nauseous to the point of being sick. I currently do not have a way to manage my anxiety, but I am working on getting my medication looked at. when I say I am doing my best I mean I am working around my anxiety and low energy.
my rules say I use block liberally, and I try, but I literally have an immense amount of anxiety when blocking people, even if its for my mental well-being. I have anxiety when I follow people. I get sick when I message people I'm not close with on Discord to plot or just chat. I overthink and I know I overthink, little things become big things and simple conversations become confrontations... I do my best to curb it, and not to project on others, but it is a process I am still working on.
And I'm not saying this to make anyone feel bad, I know most people in the rpc experience a level of anxiety, I just want it to be clear that when I thank you for your patience and understanding, when I apologize incessantly, it's because of this. When you're being patient it's with my anxiety, when you're being understanding of my slowness it's because of my anxiety, and when I apologize it's for my anxiety.
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I try very hard to be a positive and supportive presence because I know if my anxiety is treating me rotten other people are feeling similarly. I am literally sitting here trying not to cry because I feel like I'm just being a lot, but I want people to know. most days are a struggle for me, but I get through them the best I can, and I am so thankful for the people who have stuck by me. a lot of the time I feel like I don't even deserve it, but I wont belittle the support I am given; it means a lot to me.
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omends · 2 years
alrighty. I'm biting the bullet and switching to the new editor / trim reblogs. if you haven't yet, or don't know what I'm referring to, you should read this post ! I also humbly ask for your patience while I adapt to the new editor lol
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so far I am very fucking annoyed by the inability to use the small text keyboard shortcut, and the fact that, for some reason, using the editor to make small text doesn't keep the text small if I continue to type ?? anyway.
I am using the new editor. ye have been forewarned uwu
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omends · 2 years
hey all ! this is a polite reminder that I am not fast. ; ; it takes time to answer asks, carry out on my inbox calls, DM people back, write starters, follow folks...
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I know it sucks waiting, but I ask that you please be patient with and give the benefit of the doubt to me and your other partners / mutuals. just because I haven’t done something for you or acknowledged something you did for me yet DOES NOT mean I don’t want to interact with you / I am not interested in interacting / etc, it just means I don’t have the spoons right now, I’m busy, I got distracted, or any other number of things. 
if you genuinely feel like I am ignoring you / your efforts then please reach out to me, because I guarantee I’m not and it’s a misunderstanding that can easily be assuaged by communicating with me. this is a polite reminder that if I am following you then I m genuinely interested in interacting with you and enjoy seeing you on my dash, NO EXCEPTIONS. if you want to interact reach out to me, poke me, please don’t be shy ! you are always welcome to do so, and you are NEVER bothering me, I promise.
just like. real life and spoons are actual shit and make things tough sometimes, so please be patient. reach out, try communicating, don’t assume. be polite and conscientious. thankee. <3
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omends · 2 years
I have made some updates to Kaey’s profile, specifically his universes ! first, his universes are organized into sections, focusing on main and alternate. he now has three main universes: his basic one which is what has been used on this blog thus far, then one based on his wings lore and one based on his shadow lore, which I will be posting more info about soon ! I’ve also added two sections for AUs, one for each of his different backstories, and another just for the misc stuff like his cryptid universe, evil universe, etc. I will be adding separate profiles for each of these with the important lore and info if you want to interact within them.
so I hope ya’ll will like all of what I have to offer with Kaey. I love all that I’ve done with him and really hope to explore more of it in interactions and discussions !
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omends · 2 years
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just in case you need reminding my DMS are always open. you are not annoying me by messaging me. in fact, I WANT you to message me, I LOVE when I get messages, I think MORE of you should message me. it doesn't matter what time of day it is, it doesn't matter if you're there to talk about ships or plots or oc ideas or anything else, you are always welcome to message me.
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omends · 2 years
listen. firstly. I am so sorry I'm such a flake / so easily distracted. ; n ; it's never my intention to leave people hanging or stop responding etc, I just get caught up in other stuff and then forget or I start feeling awkward / dumb and hide myself. secondly. I'm sorry I say I'll do stuff and then don't actually do stuff, or take forever to do stuff. again I'm just. very easily distracted and anxious. :c I know I say it a lot but I really mean it, thank you for being patient with me, and thank you for being understanding.
I'm not a fast or particularly organized person, I lose focus and energy quickly... but I'm doing my best, and I WANT to be here and interact with ya'll and chat on Discord and whatnot ! I appreciate ya'll as fellow creators and enjoy having you on my dash and look forward to eventually getting to know you and your muses ! thank you for following me, even though I don't do much and don't currently have a lot to offer.
that being said ? my DMs and Discord are always open. you are never bothering me by poking or reaching out, and you are always welcome to ! going forward I'm going to be doing my best to keep reaching out to folks and keep communication open, and going into the new year I hope to get better at keeping track of things so I don't get lost in them as easily. owo again, I really appreciate ya'll patience and understanding. it means a lot to me, and the support keeps me trying to do better and more. <3
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omends · 2 years
okay, it's a new year ! I have class starting tomorrow (ugh) but I want to start getting things going here. mostly, I endeavor to do better in reaching out and responding to folks, because I know I have sucked at that. but other than that, here are some things you can expect from me this coming week:
- new shipping call - new inbox call - meta posts - a lowkey plotting call / discord drop
if you have discord, add me cowards: seal snoot ;#5985
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again, I am starting my term tomorrow so I can't speak to my energy level, but I am going to try and be more present, more engaged, and work on communicating.
in general, know three things: 1) I am slow, 2) I am forgetful, and 3) you aren't bothering me when you message me. if I don't respond after a day ? poke me. need validation that I saw your message / am interested ? ask me. and if you're anxious or shy about messaging me ? please dont be ! my sleep schedule is actually shit so it doesn't matter if its noon or midnight, my DMs are open to you.
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omends · 2 years
my final project is due this week, and then next week is my last week of the term before the holiday. while I’ll likely be around on tumblr and discord I won’t be very active for lack of spoons / energy, so I appreciate ya’lls patience ; w ; I really want to be here and engage but at the same time I don’t want to spread myself too thin / promise too much of myself, what with school, the holidays, guild stuff, my mental health, etc.. but I’m doing my best !
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to be proactive, if you’re interested in interacting you can...        - like my inbox call, and I’ll send you some memes when I have time !        - send me a spotify wrapped meme, or any meme, to jumpstart interaction !        - fill out my interest tracker, to help get things rolling !        - add me on discord: selkiesaurus#5985, to start chatting together !
anyways. hello to my new followers, sorry the blog isn’t much to look at it currently. to everyone else... thank you for your continued patience and understanding. owo; I appreciate it. remember to be hydrating, and that the holidays are hard for a lot of folks so try to be patient both online and in real life ! I care you all, and hope you’re doing well. <3
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omends · 2 years
I’m still riding the migraine train but I wanted to pop in and say, from the bottom of my little selkie heart, thank you to all my friends and mutuals, whether you are new or have been with me for awhile ! I am literally so happy to share my characters with you all, and really fucking appreciative of the time and support you’ve provided me. seeing you on my dash and in my notifs is always a great sensation; being able to witness your characters and the ability to entwine them with mine, reading your amazing writing, and talking and getting to know you is a genuine honor. ; w ; I mean it, thank you all, I love and appreciate each and every one of you, I really REALLY do <3 you make it worthwhile, so thankee
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