#「 ɴᴏ ʙᴀʀᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟʟ ʙɪᴛᴇ 」: // ɪᴄ
hxgure · 5 years
What would you do if you saw your father, right now?
The question settled in his mind, his body went tense. A question that brought up the past, left him looking back at a reflection of his former self. A lost boy that was more or less a wounded pup, following after a man who claimed the title of Father. The man kept him fed, just barely, kept him alive, just barely. Just barely existing with the sole purpose of living as a meal ticket for him. A means to rake in some bank at having his son get his hands dirty than himself, even though sometimes it was hardly enough. Still, he needed him– he needed him until he just didn’t. 
No longer did he, the monster as that man dubbed, served a purpose or any use to him. Tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage. To fend for himself. While to harbor hatred for someone like that was justifiable, Nicolas never came close to feeling that for his biological father. There was no use in hating someone that no longer cared for his existence. That just couldn’t be bothered with him. Few nights he recalled that final day he seen his face. The last thing he told him before disappearing from his life forever. It took him a while to know what he uttered back then but when he figured it out, it was something he’s come to know. 
No matter what he did, he would never be considered human. It wasn’t meant to be. A Twilight, A Tagged. A Stray. A Sufferer. A Monster. That’s all he’ll ever be, all he will ever been seen as. Something’s he’s come to accept a long time ago. It was only a matter of time until the rest of the people that seen the good in him, that held hope for him came to terms with that.
The question still remained in his mind, floating; almost searching but drawing up nothing. There was no hate, no sadness. The past was the past and there’s nothing to change it. Whether being abandoned by someone who brought him to the world molded him into a better person or not was something he continued to see. However, other than that, he just didn’t have anything he would like to say or do to him. 
Just simply pass him by, without uttering a single word and return back to his usual routine. They were strangers, no longer tied or connected. They had no more responsibility for each other. What’s done was done.
As his body eased up, Nicolas gave a slight roll of his shoulders, ever-so aloof and casual, as a soundless yawn parted through his lips. But not before finally signing his answer.
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That man was no longer his father. Never was and never will be. The only one that’s come close to such a title was Chad and Daniel Monroe. However, it seems another man, from one of those two, has abandoned him yet again. 
Maybe it was just fated. 
A sufferer, through and through.
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hxgure · 5 years
“I hurt people. It’s all I’m good at.” from alex :3c
Betrayal & Regret Sentence Starters
The words that formed along her lips, the more the frown deepened. It was almost as if she was trying to convince herself that, even though she was making it seem like she was convincing him. It ate at her, he could see that and seeing that only caused something to churn inside. Foreign, the feeling was but something made him want to grab her or hold her to reassure her that’s not it. That she was more than what she thought of herself. Nicolas just didn’t know how to. After all, something like that was more Worick’s area. To embrace so easily, so effortlessly. Nicolas was more of a man of very few words. Disliked to speak, wasn’t entirely familiar with handling something like this. Somehow though, he always did the right thing. Only when it came to her, only when it came to Alex.
From woman to first name basis. They’ve certainly come a long way. Progress, gradual but progress nonetheless.
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Deep and hoarse, low and barely above a whisper yet loud enough for her to hear, calloused hands took in her smaller, slender ones. A firm squeeze, absentminded strokes of his thumbs against the back of her hands, his forehead pressed against hers. The low, steady breathing of Nicolas tried to match Alex’s, to soothe her. Not focused on whether or not it worked, he fixed a heavy gaze on the woman. Something must’ve happened to get her like this. A nightmare, maybe. An encounter with someone of the past, another possibility. It didn’t matter though. She was here, away from all the terrible shit. Something they– he would take care of, if it continued to plague her, whatever it was.
Strange how words like the ones she uttered felt.. familiar. Hurting people and being good at it. Something that he experienced himself, for as long as he could remember. The guilt most Normals would carry, he didn’t. People like him never really did. Never came to dwell on something like that. Kill or be killed, something his kind were more than familiar with. In a harsh world like Ergastulum, it’s all one could follow. 
Alex, though, she made shit… better. Things he never really thought twice about, he notices. Always noticing, always observing. The little things. Always found his eyes following her. Always gone unnoticed, for the most part. He was okay with that, as long as he could keep doing that.
“ʏOᴜ FᴏᴏL.” Nicolas repeated, lowly but gently; almost tenderly, with feeling. Calloused hands loosened the grip they had on the woman’s smaller ones as they shifted; signing. He couldn’t help but notice the absence of the warmth from their hands touching. Strange..
‘You make things bearable– better.’
Even if it’s all temporary. Nicolas would enjoy it while he was still able to. Far past his expiration date, it was only a matter of time before all of this came to an end for him.
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hxgure · 5 years
“I guess I’ve just never been a trustworthy person.”
Betrayal & Regret Sentence Starters
Downcast gaze shifted, heavily fixated on the man with the pale complexion. Eyes more dead than his; listless, an endless void. Didn’t take much for Nicolas to assume that the other has seen some shit. Been through shit. Did some shit. People with blood on their hands, people that have killed, they recognized one another. Sniff them out like no other. Not that he was purposely sniffing them out. No, not at all. Just seemed they were drawn to each other, for one reason or another. 
Lips tugged, soundless chuckle reverberated within his chest, the sound of a dull grunt came from Nicolas. Trustworthy. Something he was doubted of countless times. More than he can count on two hands. The intimidating glances, the unreadable expressions, the silence, the standoffish vibe he gives off. A few of many reasons why they doubted someone like him but hardly did it bother Nicolas. He had a duty to fulfill and jobs to complete, all that really mattered for the most part. 
Money was money and he had a skill set that got the job done. 
The other guy though, he could see why he couldn’t be deemed as trustworthy. Similar reasons that was like his. Something told him it also didn’t bother him. Not to mention, his facial expression hardly changed to indicate that it bothered him or that he was hurt by it. Mostly came off more of a statement than anything. Didn’t even need his hearing to pick up on that.
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A rise of shoulders, back pressed against the wall as arms folded. With a dismissive wave of his hands, a flare of air seeped through his nostrils as the hoarse and harsh tone of his voice drawled out. “ɪS ᴛHᴀT ʀIɢHᴛ﹖ ᴀIɴ·T ʙOᴛHᴇR Mᴇ MᴜᴄH.” While he admitted to that, Nicolas was actually a trustworthy person to the right people. As loyal as a dog, but could be just as feral if the situation called for it.
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hxgure · 5 years
Was that..? A big smile spread across her lips at the sight of a very familiar bunny pin on Nico's shirt. Alice had given Nina a set on the previous week, and judging by the location, the little nurse had sneakily pinned it on without him noticing. She debated for a long while as to whether she should bring attention to it or not, but ended up tapping his shoulder and signing ' I like your pin '. After all, she was wearing one just like it on her scarf. 🐰
Headed back to his place, Nicolas wondered what had Nina over the moon. Greeted with an infectious smile and embrace from the beloved girl, the usual meet and greet for them, there was something about their exchange of goodbyes that was different. Usually, he waited until she fell asleep on his lap or on him to sneak away. Never really was one for goodbyes. First time had the girl with a death grip around his forearm, the other few times it was his legs. Nina’s come a long way from when she was much, much younger. From a little crybaby, to the cherished matured little nurse-in-training she was now. Wise beyond her years, really. He was really proud of her.
Today, though, despite the many backflip rides, chasing her around, just playing with her hadn’t exhausted. Either she had managed to improve her stamina or he was getting the old. More likely the ladder, not that he’d say though. Always kept shape, didn’t want to grow out of a routine he’s had for years and years. Still, she would be out like a light by now. Maybe she was up to something. She was getting better at surprises, keeping little secrets.
Maybe Worick was being a bit of a bad influence on her. The thought caused a soundless chuckle to slip from the Twilight. As if he was one to say anything.
Feminine smell with a touch of a chemical smell wafted nearby. Nicolas had already known who the scent belonged to even before he pivoted on his heel when a gentle number of taps was felt on his shoulder.
Aloof eyes trained on the fluid motions of her hands, the amusement blatant on her face. Eyes filled with mirth. Nicolas was confused though. A brow arched, further indication of being absolutely clueless as to what she referred to. Slowly, he went to glance at the direction where she was looking at.
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‘Pin? What pin?’
There, as broad as daylight, a cute bunny pin was clipped to the end of his blazer, front-side. It didn’t take long for Nicolas to notice they were sporting the same bunny pin.
Nina, that sneaky girl. He made a mental note to pay her back. All in good fun of course. Although it amused him to know that Nina even had a troublemaker side to begin with.
Sluggish yet amused, Nicolas smirked at Alice as he absentmindedly thumbed over the bunny pin on him. Calloused hands strayed towards one another, signing to Alice. There’s a moment of pause as a curious question came to mind. He wondered just what else Nina would be up to. If Alice planted the idea, he had her to thank to get the cherished girl to be mischievous every once in a while. Nina deserved that much.
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hxgure · 5 years
Nina hops straight into his arms and offers a cookie. She loves Nico lots!
A familiar scent; soothing and welcoming. Nicolas pivoted on his heel as he felt her come closer and closer. That infectious smile of hers, pure bliss and just absolutely radiating. A positive energy that he needed a dose of every now and then with all the shit that goes down in Ergastulum. One of very few people to genuinely express just how happy she was to see him and was always more than eager to be in his company. Something she wasn’t alone on, he always welcomed and enjoyed her company heartily. 
Effortlessly and easily, Nicolas holds onto her as she jumped straight onto him. Clamping down on the offered cookie with his mouth, gently enough to not bite through it entirely, he spins her around a bit before leaping high in the sky. She always enjoyed it when he did this, not only that it was always fun to just be free like this. To enjoy little small moments like this. Already used to the high back flips in the air he provided for her, Nina seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself.
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Despite not being able to hear the sounds of wholesome laughter coming from her, Nicolas was able to feel the soft vibrations coming from her while he held onto her. They had the best view of the city, even with a little sunshine and the people in it leading seemingly mundane lives even for just a moment, a city like Ergastulum looked nice from above. 
As they finally touched the ground, Nicolas set her down. Finally able to eat the cookie she had given him, there was a small tilt of his head as he seemed to stare at it for a moment. 
‘This is different. It’s pretty good.’
Taking another bite, as if he were savoring the cookie like some kind of food expert, it seemed like Nina was waiting to see how he felt about the cookie. Always one to have a little fun with her, he finished up the cookie with barely much of a reaction. Merely dusting his hands, he rolled his shoulders a bit, followed by a sluggish motion of his hands.
«Make it yourself?»
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hxgure · 5 years
“Oops, did I do that?.. Oh well.”
The shorty kneed the back of his knee without warning, causing Nicolas to nearly lose his balance. An immediate glare was fixed on the younger male, the expression on his face told him that he wasn’t even the least bit sorry about it. As a matter of fact, he was grinning from ear-to-ear. He was evening snickering a bit with the way his tiny body shook.
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An accusing finger waved at Doug, knees a little shaky as he regained his composure right after. Hands shifting quickly, mostly habit, nearly forgetting he wasn’t well-versed with sign language, luckily Nina had translated from near by.
“He said, ‘You aren’t even sorry, you midg–’… Nico, you meanie! I can’t say that. Come on, be nice.”
Shaking his head, ever-so childishly, he made his way towards the shorty to make it seem like he was about to do the same but merely stretched out his cheeks the way he did with Nina but more aggressively and with a smug smirk on his face.
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hxgure · 5 years
“Hey, I made you something.” Cherry doesn’t have a lot, but she sure can cook. She holds out a small parcel of wax paper, an enticing smell wafting from inside.
Platonic fluff meme!
The sweet, heavenly aroma wafted up to his nose. Thick and heavy, it nearly made him salivate. Nearly. A curious gaze roved over the small parcel of wax paper. She made something for him, something that smelled very delicious and he was a little eager to taste it for himself. A hesitant hand stays in the pocket of his pants, his gaze tears away from the food in her possession. He wasn’t really the type of person who people would give gifts too, much less something personal like a home-cooked meal. To express gratitude, that was something Nicolas more or less struggled with. Maybe because it was a little hard, but he just had his own way of expressing thanks. 
Rubbing the back of his neck, a flare of air escaped his nose as a tentative hand finally escaped the confines of his pocket. It’s not every day he gets to munch out on some good grub. Only times he was able to was whenever Worick’s clients made him home-cooked meals. Although most of the time, he didn’t even have a chance to take a bite out of any due to them not eating meals together the more they grew older. Eating alone was something he made a habit of, the meals were always warm. Alex always made sure of it, always left something for him whenever she did cook. It was.. a good feeling. Helped him enjoy the food better.
Here he was, being given a nice warm meal– and just for him. It was such a foreign feeling, especially with how casually Cherry offered it to him. As if it were something they had on a daily basis. Welcoming, accepting, so personal. It was.. nice but foreign. To be treated like someone normal, something he actually came to like over time despite how different it was.
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Leveling a gaze on Cherry, the food in his hands, Nicolas took a huge bite. Almost as if he were savoring the food watching her as he did, there was a bit of a nod. A low hum reverberated from his throat as he took another bite, not exactly letting her know that it was good. However, with the way he was eating, it was indication that he genuinely enjoyed it– not even paying attention to the small pieces of the food around his mouth and a bit on his cheek.
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hxgure · 5 years
❝ I can feel you staring at me, why don’t you just come in? ❞
‘Looks like you got caught.’
Not exactly being the most discreet, Nicolas had a habit of observing. There were times when he found himself staring at Alex while she was seemingly distracted with chores. Something about watching her doing mundane things placated him, put him at ease. Stilled anything from crossing his mind, as if everything was okay and ordinary– despite the cruel reality that was Ergastulum.
Just like her, Kagome. In time, he found himself at peace around her. Maybe it was due to how determined she was to learn from him, brushing up her swordsmanship. There was something calming when it came to them sparing. Almost therapeutic. Time he genuinely enjoyed. Once he realized it, the more he tried to figure out how it all started, how she was able to become someone dear to him. It was also pretty fun messing with her, she always took the bait. Not to mention, she scared easy. her reactions were always pretty amusing, admittedly.
Still, like a watch dog, he watched her from the doorway– almost as if keeping guard, ready to scare away any lurking nearby dangers. It was a habit, wherever he went, to stand guard outside. Nicolas knew how many Normals weren’t fond of Twilights, knew more than half the time he wasn’t welcome where they were at. The reason why he watched Kagome from all the there but always the kind young woman, and ever-so casually, she invited him in. What exactly was she up to anyway? In a place like this?
As a soundless sigh parted through pressed lips, Nicolas rolled his shoulders before entering the building. No one seemed entirely against it, but there were a few curious gazes cast their way. He didn’t mind one bit, he figured Kagome wouldn’t either– maybe. He wouldn’t like to cause any problems for people who earned a place in his life.
Gently bumping her shoulder with his, he gave a bit of a nod as he jutted his slightly. Calloused hands shifted in moderate speed, to make it easier for her to make out what he was signing.
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«What are you looking for, anyway?»
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hxgure · 5 years
👀 "What has happened here?"
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!  // ( accepting. )
While Worick was considered a chick magnet, Nicolas seemed to be a magnet to felines. There wasn’t a day a cat showed up anywhere he went. Whether it was at a back alleyway, on his way to an errand or on a job, or just sitting outside his doorstep or hanging overhead. There was always one or two that purred and meowed in an attempt to garner the attention of the deaf man. More than usual, he would give in and scratch them behind their eyes or run a thumb across their heads, his way of petting them.
Today was no different from the rest, not entirely too different.
An odd number of stray cats engulfed him. It started off with two, then the number gradually increased. It was almost as if he were catnip to the mewling felines, all equally craving some type of attention but also acting on their own. The younger of the felines seemed to have made themselves comfortable in the pockets of his blazers, his shoulders, and somewhere on his lap. While the rest were merely resting besides him or brushing up against him.
‘Must’ve been something I ate.’
The only explanation to the influx of cats that were currently clinging to him. Only one person held witness to such a sight and he was just as curious as he was. Nicolas nearly missed what was said due to the tail of the cat on top of his head lazily wagging it’s tail in front of his face. It made it a bit hard to read the guy’s lips but he managed to; barely. 
More of the cats seemed to have gathered around his head. Now, he was no longer even able to see the guy who asked him about the situation at hand. 
··ᴛʜAT·s WʜᴀT… ɪ·D ʟɪKE Tᴏ KɴᴏW.··
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Nicolas barely managed to muffle out, trying to set down the cats on his face anywhere else besides on him.
Just what exactly was it about today with him and cats? He was convinced that Worick had something to do about it. Maybe snuck some catnip in one of his pockets.
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hxgure · 5 years
'you like snakes?' // :3
That was a first. Not entirely expecting to be question, Nicolas simply leveled a deadpanned stare on the female as he mulled over the question for a bit. There wasn’t much to do at a time like this, things have been fairly quiet and while he wasn’t necessarily fond of company at random, especially of the opposite sex, he’d figured to entertain her for a bit. Just a bit. 
‘Snakes, huh?’
There was no way of him to really form an opinion on them. Never has he come close to one or seen one. All he knows that a great number of people seemed to be terrified of them. Most feared what they didn’t understand anyway, same could be said about him. There were people, who feared him or who hated him, based on the being brainwashed and condition to hate and fear. Like sheep. They weren’t all so bad. Some were able to change. Unfortunately, not many would though.
As for snakes, he didn’t see much of anything to be particularly interested in them. Maybe due to lack of information. He just knew the very basics of what they were capable of, how they lived, how they ate, the fact that they shed their skin. Despite the slithering reptiles not having any limbs, they were quite formidable. Almost as if that was their compensation, a loss of limbs for their intelligence and deadliness with their fangs and poison. Something he could more or less relate to. 
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Seeing the blatant confusion and possible discomfort of the silence, Nicolas gave an indistinguishable grunt. It wasn’t much of an answer but it summed up how he felt about them. He didn’t necessarily really dislike them but he also didn’t really like them either. More like he felt neutral towards them. The woman probably had a thing or something for snakes.
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hxgure · 5 years
“ nothin’ ever stops you leaving.”
⊰☠⊱ — The sadness in her eyes made him tear away his eyes from her, just for a moment. He knew what she meant. If they could just stay, safe and sound, they would at least be together and not in harm’s way. However, that was only temporary. It wouldn’t take too long until the danger came to them. Now that he couldn’t have. Wouldn’t have. Not while he was breathing. Which explained the sadness and concern etched across her face. She knew how far he would go, until he was bruised and tattered. Close to death’s door. Something he was no stranger too. Many times had he been close to knocking on that door. It just wasn’t his time– not yet.
At least he would like to see, feel her sing one more time before it was his time. Although that may just be wishful thinking. Not that he’d outright ask. He would like to bear witness to that, those comforting vibrations. It would be a good way go. The soft vibrations seeing him off as the light faded away completely in him.
‘Don’t be so eager. You still have a job to do.’
Baring the rarest of smiles, so gentle and warm, a foreign sight to behold, Nicolas casts a glance off in the distance for a moment. He wasn’t even sure what to tell her. There were times when his words wouldn’t come out the way he wanted. It sometimes left the wrong impression on her, he knew that. They always stepped around each other’s feet, like an awkward dance. An awkward dance that was slowly coming into place as they were slowly finding their rhythm with each other. A sense of understanding, from each side.
«You, singing.»
It was a half truth but the look on her face was so serious, he couldn’t help himself but tease her a little bit with that. All an attempt to lighten her up as well as to catch her off guard. That concern belonged to someone more deserving. Someone that could be saved. He was far too gone in the deep end to be saved, it was only a matter of time until he cashed in his chips. Nicolas was way past his expiration date anyway. 
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«You know I have to.»
The gaze shifted for a moment after he signed, finally giving an answer. One that she already knew. He had a job to fulfill. People to save, to protect, to fight for- Alex being one of them.
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hxgure · 5 years
“ i must be missing something. ”
No stranger to the confusion that settled across her face, Nicolas would merely avert his gaze but for a moment. Either people figured he was some kind of loon with the way he communicated through his hands or most just weren’t well versed with sign language, it always left the deaf man to feel a little frustrated sometimes.
While not being understood was an entirely frustration altogether, he wasn’t entirely too fond of repeating himself. Maybe, just maybe if he chose to be vocal, maybe he wouldn’t have found himself in this situation. Nicolas should’ve known better yet sometimes he could be stubborn– and maybe a little forgetful. 
Still, she wasn’t at fault. It would only make matters worse if he made it seem that way. Trouble like that was something he much preferred to steer clear of.
Rubbing the nape of his neck, his gaze no fixed on hers, other hand in pocket, Nicolas released a soundless sigh. He felt a little awkward but he would get over it soon.
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··ᴛʜAᴛ·S MɪɴE.··
Pointing a finger this time, Nicolas nodded towards the coat that was currently on her person. She seemed to be having a little too much fun with it before he realized she had snagged it. He wasn’t even sure if it was intentional, she probably just wanted to try it on.
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hxgure · 5 years
“ one of us is gonna lose. ”
In a city like Ergastulum, where Death greeted all and was no stranger to no one, something like a loss wasn’t a luxury. No one could afford to lose in a place like this. To lose was to forfeit one’s life and while cashing in one’s chips was inevitable, it was their mission to last as long as they can. If they were able to drag their body to the battlefield, so be it. 
Never be dead weight.
However, in this instance, a loss wouldn’t mean much of anything, except hurt the ego. There was also the fact that they never really got to finish their fight, seeing as it went interrupted. The tall one, Gina, had no mercy when it came to sedating him so he could behave like a good dog should. The price he paid for baring his teeth. Now, though, there was no one to interrupt them.
They could simply fight to their heart’s content.
The thrill of a good fight was something Nicolas always had a way of seeking. Even went as far as to provoke his opponent to get them to go all out from the start or to throw them off their game a bit. It was one of few times where he liked to talk shit. The few times he didn’t mind speaking.
A sadistic grin crept it’s way to the deaf Tagged’s face, like a predator eyeing it’s prey. A dark, hoarse chuckle parted through lips as he curled a finger at the shorty– Doug.
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··ɪT Aɪɴ·ᴛ GᴏNɴA Bᴇ Mᴇ. ᴡʜAT AʀE YᴏU ᴡAIᴛIɴG ғOR﹖ᴄ·MᴏN, ᴀIɴ·T GᴏT AʟL DᴀY﹐ SʜᴏRᴛY.··
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hxgure · 5 years
“I swear to god, if you get blood on me…”
INJURIES // meme; accepting! [ x ]
⊰☠⊱ — ‘Shit.’ The erratic pounding of his head, like a drum on never-ending loop. Just thumping away, loudly; painfully. 
Parched lips tightened as he held back a groan of agony. It been a while since he sustained a blow that fatal, much less stay conscious as he was now. Too stubborn to go down yet eager to be knocking on death’s door. His self-destructive nature had the tendency to both put him in danger yet come through for him when it counted. Even though it encouraged those who cared for him, who worried for him, to give him a good scolding. He would never see the end of it. Their lips had the tendency to move fast when they got emotional. Even though he had some trouble when it was like that, he understood– loud and clear.
They deserved better, honestly.
With a shake of his head, the blood that trickled down his nose and forehead brought him back to reality. Half-lidded eyes sluggishly glanced towards the person nearby– an unfamiliar face. Cleaning up after his buddy? More unfinished business? 
‘Can’t catch a break, huh?’
Catching a glimpse of movement– despite how his vision blurred, he was able to catch what he had uttered. It caused a smug smirk to form along his lips, followed by a strained cough. Baring his fangs at him couldn’t hurt either. He did have the tendency to mess with his enemies a bit. Even if he wasn’t in the condition to provoke anyone.
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··ᴛHɪNᴋ YᴏU·ʀE ᴀ LɪTᴛLᴇ LᴀTE ᴏN TʜE WᴀRNɪɴG. AɪN·T sOʀRʏ ·BᴏUᴛ TʜAᴛ TʜOUɢH.··
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hxgure · 5 years
! ! ! signs: [ you can understand me? ]
Eyes usually fixed on lips, it was a first time (in a quite a while) since he only had to focus on hands. The mask wearer didn’t leave him much of a choice anyway. There were no lips to read, there was no face to recognized. Simply the motions of the hands. She was speaking his language and that in itself was truly a rarity– but also like a breath of fresh air.
‘Speaking of fresh air..’
The smell that lingered on her was something.. familiar. It rang something in his memory, his former life. Mercenary. They always found a way back to him or he managed to find his way to them. They say no one can escape their past and Nicolas was more or less starting to think it was true. Much like a guarded dog, a wary eye was kept on the tiny form of the female.
It was oddly surprising to see himself as actually taller than someone else. Usually the women he’s encountered more or less beat him in that area. More often than not, they always meant trouble. There was always something with them that made it hard to handle them; get along with them. 
After a few good minutes of basically sniffing her up like a dog from his distance, the way those delicate hands shifted– he could tell she was surprised but almost hoping he would be able to understand her. Her signing was very precise and clean, maybe something she picked up very early at a young age. Perhaps even drilled into her until she got it down to a T.
Calloused hands moved, no longer on high alert. If she were a mercenary on a job and it was to take him out, she would’ve done so without trying to make small talk. Just must be stopping by. 
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«Pretty much. Guessing no luck ‘til now?»
It begged the question on just how many people did this person encounter until someone was able to finally understand her. Nicolas figured the mask was probably something that set off some people. Was she maybe on the run? Hiding? There was probably a reason for the mask but he wouldn’t pry. After all, it wasn’t his business. Whether this was a circumstance that could be considered good luck was completely up to fate though.
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hxgure · 5 years
Kintsugi (Or whomever you deem fit) | meet + random
send meet + [number] to meet my muse at that location.send meet + random to leave it up to a generator.
a diner
Cold meals, lone apartment. Same old, same old. Nothing he would change, something he’s become accustomed to. Preferred, even. Not much of a people person, not much for mingling. More of his pal’s thing. People always liked Worick and he always knew how to act, how to behave around people. Nicolas though, hardly was he able to pick up on social cues. Not that he disliked people, just was never good at it. 
Today though was different.
Cabinets, dry. Fridge, cleaned out. Despite the comfort of being around his pal, Worick, they never made it a habit to eat together. Always had a way with women, they always spoiled him with goods– food being among them. Sometimes he would get a taste of the food, seeing as Worick would always leave him some. Tonight, there was none of either. No leftovers.
‘Can’t even order takeout, no laptop. Damn fool took it with him.’
Just an outdated cellphone, which it’s only purpose served for Nicolas was simply text messaging. Easier for a Deaf person like him, but a hassle with other things. Like ordering, couldn’t do it. Wasn’t exactly possible for him. If his pal were here, he would’ve asked him to do it but alas, here he was, at a nearby diner.
Dimly lit, flickering lights. Cozy, though. The atmosphere.. warm, inviting. Different from what he’s experienced in most places. Most were hostile, had a face people didn’t like. Wasn’t too fond of. Always so stoic; apathetic.
Dead fish eyes scanned the menu that never ended. Breakfast, lunch, dinner– options that went on and on. Wasn’t necessarily a picky eater, but wanted to pick something worth his money. His gaze shifted from the menu to the woman sitting a seat away from him at the front counter. People sometimes avoided these seats, not much for small talk probably. He knew how that was.
The woman was dressed classy, didn’t quite fit with the small, cozy place here. Stood out like a sore thumb, but she seemed to be enjoying herself, comfortable maybe. Something delicious wafted by his nose. Looks like she had gotten herself something good to eat. He briefly wondered what it was.
‘Looks pretty good.’
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Maybe he should get the same thing.
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