lurxof--thxmaw · 1 year
Lady autism moment all the time every day
// indeed!
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lurxof--thxmaw · 11 months
I'm going to make out with your grandma, and you can't do anything to stop me.
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The collective silence is much louder than any words could ever hope to be.
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lurxof--thxmaw · 1 year
So since you won't marry me (which is fine, I'm not upset), I wanted to ask: you know the lady with the scarecrow mask? You know, blue kimono, big ass autism eyes and pathetic energy? Well, is she single?
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For possibly the first time in her long life, the Lady is speechless. She thought she had finally met the peak of idiocy a long time ago, but today she must retract that statement.
The shifty shadows behind her shoulders are easy to ignore, even as one of them pipes up timidly, 『A-Are they talking about me?』 between the whispers. Her surprise is evident and, as much as she hates to admit it, the Lady shares her sentiment. All this information was supposed to be secret - everything the Lady had ever shared about her predecessors was the bare minimum. She hadn't even spoken their names.
"Mind your words", the Lady snaps, eyes narrowing as the temperature in the room grows colder. Though it is a comment done in good faith, she will not allow any ill words in regards to her ancestors, no matter how aggravating they could be. "The person you seek is long gone. She has been deceased for the past two centuries." Her spirit was well and kicking (unfortunately), but that was not necessary information for her guest to know.
"I suggest you search for someone else to share your... affections with." She adds sternly before taking her leave. She can't wait to finally follow through on her promise and eat your soul.
All due time. All due time.
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lurxof--thxmaw · 1 year
- tag dump, CHARACTERS.
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