#「 v; main 」
merchantofwhispers · 6 months
At last (@worldofsenelfy)
Almost two months had passed since she'd been inside that same club. She rarely frequented the same place too often, not wanting any undesirables to make a connection between her and any missing men. Gemina imagined it had been long enough, eager to go back to a familiar hunting ground with richer blood than those she'd been preying on in dive bars.
Not to mention that it seemed the "higher class" was easier to fool; a man with nothing guarded himself far better than a man eager to prove how much he had to offer.
It was that exact mindset that found her up on the second floor overlooking the rest of the club, nestled halfway into some random man's lap. His hand was halfway down the back of her dress with hers toying at the buttons around the top of his shirt; she had one goal -- to feed.
Well, she did, until there was suddenly a shadow looming far too close as her lips pressed into the stranger's throat in a warning kiss. Slowly, she shifted her eyes as her future meal looked up.
"Can I help you, man?" He'd said just as Gemina recognized Will.
Oh, wonderful.
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wiedzmacienia · 10 months
@honorhearted | continued from x
the morning, having come off a long evening during which she herself had a meeting with washing.ton followed by alden, had caused frustration to lace most of her existence the last few hours prior to her decision to seek the major out. another meeting of her own had been conducted this morning with alden providing fresh word from mrs. morgan which had been less than ideal. an acceleration of a plan had now been required and she had saw to it that molnar had left camp with a company not an hour before to see it done. the following hour, however, had been less tense, at least within the grand scheme of things. she'd entered back into her space with her light hues washing over a chest and come to some sort of decision. an item about the size of a larger book is wrapped in a cloth in her arms when she meets him outside his tent, worry creasing her features for a moment before he begins to respond. that is when katarzyna's features begin to cool in response, hold tightening on the item in her hold as if a means to keep her own emotions in check.
'don't you already know?'
know what?
there is a multitude of meanings the major could be referring to though she believes she's aware of which once once she allows the shock of his coolness to wear off. this must have to do with the conversation she'd held with the general the day before though the timetable presented for such a mission as he presented her with had been unclear the day before (clearly it was no longer unclear). yet she fails to see what reason tallmadge could have to be so angered by such for if they were truly to work together what reason should he have not to allow her to meet with one of those spying for him. especially if she was expected to share her own information with him from her own?
'seeing how his excellency has been cluing you in to our tactical plans before myself as of late, i would've thought this would be why you're here.'
until his following comment washes over her. that was it, wasn't it? she knew things he did not and it angered him. it angers her too, or rather his tone does as she follows him into the tent, thankful that the child is not there presently. idly she wonders if it angered him more that he wasn't being informed of certain things when others were or if it was because his excellency was speaking about it with a woman? somewhere in the back of her mind the witch knows she can not entirely fault tallmadge for something he is unaware of. that her actual position within her forces is still unclear to him even if washing.ton is well aware (and if washington approves of such or not, he has accepted it as what such is to provide him his alliance). that does not halt the ice-filled and tone which leaves her lips in response though.
"i actually came here to bring you this--"
the item in her arms is dropped, not roughly but not entirely gently either, onto his cleared desk still wrapped in cloth. she'd mentioned before that she held a copy of sun tz.u's art of war in it's original dialect and while she knows he could not read it she had intended to offer him the chance to look at it and perhaps read some of it to him with his own copy as reference. after all, he had offered to teach her of a language she did not know, even if such would have been done with auggie present. this was how she saw fit to return the favor. now however, she's beginning to regret such a notion.
"--because i thought you might like to see it."
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there is a harshness to her, a glare given to the wrapped book itself as if it burned her before falling up toward the major who she's now standing next to by the desk. she holds her ground, stance firmly in place, confident and perhaps defiant. men and woman had been punished for less of a tone with her. but he was not one of those under her command and she knows, even if she must keep reminding herself, that he can not be faulted for his lack of understanding. it's entirely infuriating and yet perhaps more of an indication of why he should not be informed of such, at least until he presents himself ready to accept it.
'i'm supposed to go check on abe -- by myself, might i add -- but w.ashington has suddenly decided that you need to come along.'
this is new information. katarzyna knew the town the general wished for her to go to with the major from their conversation of which also spoke of her own presence there prior, her own spies of which could help the cause though names had not been discussed. she imagined that would be worked out between her and the major or when they arrived and would meet with those allies they had. it seemed a benefit to have her join the major. no matter how one looked upon it, a crossover of their allies would have to transpire and it would only aid the cause if she could see where his lived and such be able to send a critical message quickly if needed. the new information in question however is the name. abe. it makes her eyes widen briefly before she lets out a calming breath. surely there was more than one abe in the town. he could not be referring to cabbage man.
'it's too dangerous. you're not a spy, zyna -- you're not even one of my men, so this is a fool's errand. please…'
anger rises back within her before his use of a nickname seems to cause her pause enough to actually listen to his words. has he ever referred to her such before? now she finds a strange mix of emotions playing at her. he has managed to insult her and express worry for her in the same breath. had he not seen what she had been capable of before that first night they met or even when they fought that horrid creature of a witch in the woods? surly if it was dangerous for anyone, it was more dangerous for him who held no powers to get him out of such a situation if he was caught. knowledge of her rank or not, would he ever see her for what she was truly capable or would they continue this dance for the entirety of the war? still, it is difficult to remain completely cross with him when there is a genuineness to the fact he is misguidedly attempting to keep her safe when he turns softer and looks upon her and asks her to reason with his commander.
god, why was benjamin tall.madge such an infuriating man? why could she simply not be cross with him and that be that?
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"i'll put aside that you still seem to think i am unable to protect myself from danger." her tone is somewhat softer but still offended in a way she can not hide, turning matter-of-fact as she speaks again. "you're wrong though. it's not a fool's errand. i have my own spies in set.auket whom i imagine the general wishes you to meet and i have an alias there as well. if someone sees me, though i would rather them not at this time, a reason can be made for such unlike you. i'm afraid i can not reason with him when his logic for us to go together is sound. and-- "
this next piece of information would either serve to make him more angered or he would see the benefit of such.
"i know you do not seem to like seeing magic--"
she knows he understands that magic is not the same across the board at least in some sense as they have not actually bridged the gap in speaking topic, his own way of treating her especially after dealing with the incident in the woods and his willingness to let auggie play with cora and furgus said as much but she also knows he is still getting used to the idea of magic in a positive context and that would take time. she just wished, well, she's not entirely sure what she wished or why it mattered to her what he thought.
"--but if i see where this abe lives and he can be convinced that such is not evil i have means to pass communications to him quickly and directly but i must be able to see the place for such to work."
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firejugglinghobo · 2 months
//continued from [x] @sadiebrin
Every little thing Dustfinger learned about her was beginning to build a picture of who she was, though still foggy. She didn't like to talk about herself, obviously.
She was certainly very highly trained, though for what Dustfinger hadn't quite been able to figure out yet. Something that had required her to spend a good deal of time outdoors. Something that had honed her instinct for danger to be even sharper than Dustfinger's. And something that had caused her a lot of pain. She flinched like a mistreated animal.
Dustfinger's eyes followed the chain of the trap closely. His eyes stayed on the ground as he started walking again, more slowly and cautiously, his pleasant stroll through the forest turning to a careful stalk.
"You have good eyes. You see any other signs of hunters?"
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cornelianlute · 5 months
@ragingfists liked for a starter
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"oh, excuse me, sir. i did not see you there." the princess of cornelia was out on another trip into town (in disguise, of course). it was part of her duties to see how the people of her kingdom were faring. aside from the chaos a traveling fair can bring, things were the same as usual. brushing a lock of hair the colour of carnations behind her ear, the princess continues, "are you a traveler come to experience the festivities in store? if you would like, i can show you around the town?"
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geniusdonkey · 1 year
@citizensofeggton | x
"Oh, I was working but I do take times to go for a walk to get fresh air and get something to eat too..." Tadano said with a nervous smile. "I admit sometimes I let myself go with coding the whole day, but I try hard to not forget to eat at my hours and to do what I must with a schedule..." he said. "Oh, I've been working lately in Petunia's system and app that was asked for me to develop. I'm almost half way of it done! I'm glad that it's slowly taking shape!" the donkey said happily.
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"Oh? So you're having troubles with the bills?" he asked with concern. "Do you have enough money for you and Lily? How much are you owing?" the donkey asked, wanting to help them.
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mute-call · 7 months
@laidtowaste // permanent starter call.
"Mike Schmidt," Steve repeats, scribbling something down to pretend he's taking careful note of the young man's name and qualifications. Mike seems like a good kid--too good for a job like this--but Bell isn't exactly in a position to start turning away candidates. Between the pay and the hours, there haven't been too many people walking through those doors looking to join the Fazbear family.
"Great to meet you, Mike! Everything seems to be, uh... in order, so." Would it be suspicious to tell Schmidt he's hired so soon?
"What do you say we take a tour of the place? It'll be a lot quieter after hours, but it'd be good to get you familiarized with the layout, maybe meet the band for--for if we end up going ahead with the hiring process."
He drums his fingers against the desk, not making eye contact with the man in front of him.
"I gotta ask, Mr. Schmidt... what drew you to this position in the first place? Not that I'm not happy you applied! It's just-- well, this kind of work isn't for everyone. I just want to make sure it's going to be a good fit."
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woodblxssomcrowned · 13 days
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Doodle dump
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anthologyoflucas · 9 months
Talia is walking through the woods in the middle of the night with just a flashlight to guide her. "Don't know what I'm doing.. this is not my job.. I should be at home watching anime." She's singing a little ditty to herself as she keeps walking the woods following scratches on the trees and the faint sound of rustling and movement.
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Something has been mutilating people just outside her town and she was probably the best bet at finding and eliminating it. How? She has no clue. She was just gonna go glowy-eyed and hope she could pull off this hunting thing.
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id1elust · 2 months
tell me you want me. / @carnalphenomena
ㅤㅤ He feels electrified by the sensation of Spirit's skin under his fingertips, revelling in the heat radiating from her body. As his hands explore every curve, a primal desire to possess her completely consumes him. The softness of her skin and the scent of her hair intoxicates him, sending a surge of lust through his veins. He is lost in the moment, completely enraptured by the woman lying before him on his sofa.
ㅤㅤ❝ Of course I want you— ❞ William whispers against lips, before kissing her with such gentleness and sincerity, ❝ Never wanted anything more. ❞
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secondhandmckie · 2 months
@painofhumanity | (continued from: x)
“Had a client that was…a little too enthusiastic with the sadism,” Morgan explained in a strained voice. He was never shy about where he worked, or what he did for a living, so casual mentions of rough sex with a paying customer were not unusual for him. He felt a spike of fear at the thought of going to a hospital, but he played it off with a pained chuckle. “Nah, you know you’re the only nurse I like, Ellie.”
No, it wasn't a secret, but Ellie did wish Morgan was more careful with himself. To have someone take things so far wasn't unusual, but it didn't mean she had to understand it or like it. She pulls over one of the dining chairs to sit in front of him, first aid kit open on her lap. "Stop being cute while I'm trying to concentrate." She admonished gently, her hands moving to his face first, turning it carefully this way, then that. "Tell me what hurts--and don't be a hero, okay? Tell me everything."
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merchantofwhispers · 4 months
“Shhhh. You don’t want us to get caught, do you?” ~William 
"And what if they do?"
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She grabbed him by the collar and tugged his face closer, continuing to blur the boundaries outlined in their original agreement. Gemina looked up at him, her red lips pursed together in a confident smile as she listened to the sound of the party outside. Bringing Will had been a last minute decision; she needed a date and a venue filled with high-class criminals and other "monsters" wasn't a bad place to take your-.. Whatever she could consider him.
Her plaything.
Her obsession.
"They weren't exactly out mingling, however, as Gemina had dragged him into one of the private rooms to "help her with her dress". That help meant it was now hiked up to her hips while she explored beneath the hems of his clothes. "-But if you're not the type of man to put on a show.." She hummed, dragging one of her hands up to his throat where she tapped. "Let me taste you in other ways. Please? I'm starving.."
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ancicntforged · 5 months
In the dimly lit quarters of the Astral Express, Black Swan stood near a large window, having sat on one of the many chairs. Her gaze was fixated on the stars that darted past. The soft hum of the Astral Express' engine was the only sound, creating an atmosphere of tranquil solitude. Of course she turned when Osiria entered the corridor, a faint smile playing on her lips.
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"Osiria." The Memokeeper greeted. "Your presence brings an unique harmony to this journey among the stars. I've been pondering the enigmas of the cosmos." A silent motion for Osiria to take the chair on the other end of the table. "I find your perspective intriguing, so tell me, what secrets have you unraveled in the silent epths of space? I sense that your path is intertwined with several members of the Astral Express."
For now she awaited Osiria's response, Black Swan's expression a blend of anticipation and serenity, as if she already knew the answer, yet still valued the journey of discovery.
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firejugglinghobo · 28 days
continued from [x] @sadiebrin
Dustfinger clenched his teeth tight against the pain, stopping a scream just short of erupting from his throat as unexpected pressure constricted his leg where agony was already throbbing to the rhythm of his racing heart.
He really tried to resist looking down, knowing it would only only make him light-headed to see what his leg must look like, but curiosity got the best of him.
He thought he might have already become delirious when he did see what she was somehow doing. It looked like threads of the clearest seawater were weaving into the fabric of his dirty jeans.
At first glance, the wound didn't seem so bad; there wasn't nearly as much blood as he'd expected by the pain and former, though thankfully not personal, experience of this kind of weapon. But a slight shift of his leg - accompanied by a grunt of regret - brought his awareness to the back of his thigh, just above the knee.
The back of his pantsleg was wet with blood, all the way down to his tattered old boots. There was so much red that it was hard to tell whether the tightness around his leg was making a difference in slowing the flow at all.
He regretted looking. He clenched one hand into a fist in an attempt to keep himself more conscious than not.
S was telling him she'd carry him. Though he'd realized by now that she had some sort of combat training and was stronger than she looked, he still didn't expect her to be able to get very far carrying him, even if she was able to get him off the ground.
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"You go. He's after you, not me."
His words were slightly slurred and his voice breathy, more likely from shock than blood loss, but it wouldn't be too long until the latter became an issue as well.
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cornelianlute · 5 months
@fabullisnova || eiko liked for a starter.
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"ah, eiko! it is good to see you again!" the princess of cornelia was about to retire to her garden. there was a significant lack of care lately that she hated to admit, but she had found herself quite busy with her royal duties. "i would ask what brings you here today, but i was hoping you would oblige me with something? i do so need a break from helping my father and mother and i was wondering if you would like to come visit my garden? perhaps there is something you can take home to your moogle friends, too."
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geniusdonkey · 11 months
@sunsetrcse | x
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"Huh?" Rose was pulled out of her thoughts at this, having been staring into the window of a shop. Perhaps she was had a wistful look on her face or something, causing the other's statement. But regardless, she smiles warmly and shrugs. "Oh, heheh. It's okay, I'm used to it. Besides, I'm not now with you here, right?" She puts her hands in her jacket pockets. "What are you eating? It looks good!"
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"Ah, haha sorry! Did I scare you? It wasn't my intention!" Tadano replied, rubbing the back of his head with the hand he had previously in his pockets.
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"Oh, this? It's a crepe with ice cream and fruits. Would you like one? They are typical sold here. There is a shop that sells them not so far from here. They can add different fruits in it and your favorite ice cream flavor on top of it." the programmer explained. "It's on me, if you'd like. I don't recall seeing you around before..." he added.
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mute-call · 5 months
"Andren?" Steven sounds almost giddy as he pushes open the door to their little apartment with his shoulder, his arms full of red and pink boxes.
Freddy's had tried a holiday promotion that had mostly consisted of up-selling cheap candy and putting out new limited-edition toys for twice the price of the regular ones. Steven's days of skimming stock are mostly behind him, which is why he waited a full two weeks after Valentine's Day to bring home the extra goodies, but he did stash a few of the nicer plushies in the security office to make sure they wouldn't sell out before he managed to grab a few for himself and his partner. He can't wait to show them off!
He dumps his loot all over the dining room table, starting to sort it by character, when he hears something rather odd coming from the other room.
"Uh-- Andren?" he tries again, poking his head around the corner to see--
A bird. And an entire bird habitat, from the looks of things, including a cage too large for their small living space and an assortment of what he can only assume are pet toys.
Is he in the right apartment?
"Uh... honey?" Bell calls, knowing Andren will probably emerge from the bedroom or bathroom soon. "Did I-- forget we were planning to get a pet...?"
@happylabs !
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