#「ʜᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴏꜰᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ ║ ʙᴜᴛ ꜰʀᴀyᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅꜱ⸝ ʜᴇ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋꜱ」 [Nettle]
@viisiond || cont. from this post || hi im emo
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"You goofball."
The reply is a bubbly one full of giggling and accompanied by a beaming, flushed face. Exasperation and deadpanned one-liners are slowly being abandoned as Nettle grows more comfortable with their current relationship.
Being romantically involved with someone is still such a new feeling, and he feels like he's floundering most of the time. It's just so overwhelming- feeling this happy. Feeling so warm. So loved. Feeling so at ease around someone, and so safe. Even when they were only friends. It's multiplied tenfold since the shift toward romance. Something about him has always made Nettle feel at home. Like he belongs.
It's something he never thought he would find. It's why he cherished their friendship so much. It's why seeing the affection in Kaeya's eyes, hearing the warmth in his voice...sometimes it leaves him so emotional he can barely breathe.
He feels the creeping thought in the back of his mind sometimes, the little whisper that tells him this won't last, don't get too cozy, but...
When he feels Kaeya take his face, brush his thumbs over his cheeks...it doesn't bother him. The uncertainty of everything in life becomes insignificant. No matter what changes in the future, Nettle is certain Kaeya will always be someone he can trust and rely on. And that's enough.
He folds his hands over Kaeya's, leans into the touch. His hands are so big in comparison to Nettle's. Stronger. But so much warmer than one might expect, so gentle and careful in the way he touches others.
"It was a good day," he finally says, quiet and content, "Even if I've been cooped up in your office all afternoon waiting for you to pay attention to me."
It's wonderful. Feeling Kaeya kiss the top of his head, the rumble of his chuckle as he scoops him up into his arms just to hold him. In the past Nettle has hated feeling small, hated being reminded of how little he is. He loves this, though. How completely drowned he is when Kaeya wraps him up in a hug and lifts him off the ground. It feels more like flying than being held, but even better is the feeling of being able to return that embrace.
"You can break for dinner now, right?" He asks softly, "...let me have you to myself for a little while, will you?"
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@viisiond || [oppresses u with unprompted starters(or drabbles idk) bc I don't wanna send u overly lengthy asks] || gay gay gay gay gay gay gay-
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"...It's cold," Nettle finally says after a while. Overnights in Dragonspine are the worst parts. All that time staying still, with little to distract him from the pained process of breathing with his faulty lungs in this cold and brittle air...it's easier when he can focus on walking or fighting or anything else. He's so very exhausted, and he does want to sleep, and he knows he has only himself to blame for stubbornly insisting on coming along for this expedition knowing how poorly his body handles extreme cold.
There's a quiet hum of acknowledgment from Kaeya, settled against the rock wall of the divot in the cliff face that forms the bulk of their camp's shelter. It's a setup stationed by the adventurer's guild, one of many placed as checkpoints for those who knew their way and safe places for those who had lost it. A roaring fire within the pit at the center, torches mounted against the rock in a few places for additional light. Kaeya is seated under one such torch, reading, seeming relatively unbothered by the chill that still lingers despite the fire and the shield from the wind.
...Well, that's no surprise. He's a Cryo user, for one thing, so he's a little more resistant to the bitter cold, which makes him an asset even if the environment can sometimes work against his usual battle style(after all, a lot of the more aggressive things on the mountain are well adapted to the cold). And aside of that, he has a strong, robust constitution even in comparison to other Knights, nevermind a scrawny little fellow like Nettle.
Still, if I don't manage to get some rest I'll be completely useless by morning, He grouses to himself. One way or another he has to get some sleep.
If it gets too cold when he's at home, well...actually, ever since he's been walking, his little nephew has somehow sensed when it's too cold for his frail uncle and toddled off to find him, dragging his blanket and a stuffed toy along, crawling into bed with him to curl up against him under both their covers and keep him warm. Before that, he would bundle up and make a pot of tea, sprinkling in some mild sedative to help him sleep.
And idiot that he is, he's fallen out of the habit of keeping that on hand thanks to his nephew's little cuddle radar. Quietly, he blows warm breath onto his chilled fingers. Kaeya idly turns a page.
...You know what? He's too tired to care about his usual touch aversion. Too tired to care about seeming weird or clingy or even about having to endure Kaeya's merciless teasing. He wants to rest and he wants to be able to stay useful through all this.
He stands abruptly, drawing his blanket tightly around his shoulders.
Kaeya doesn't react to his movement until he's standing in front of him. And by the time he looks up, Nettle is already pulling the book from his hands and crawling into his lap. He turns to lean back against his chest, hands the book back to him, and still shivering he curls up tight in his blanket.
...You know, Kaeya's got a much higher core temperature than he expected, all things considered. That's for the best, though. Hoarsely, he mutters a brief explanation before any question can be posed.
"You're the only one awake to say whether you're okay with sharing your body heat," He turns on his side a little, "...Well, either way, if you wanna scoot me over to the side somewhere once I drift off that's fine. ...But it's a lot warmer here, so...just let me...hang out until I can..."
He's already so much warmer, already feeling the shaking of his body settle, already feeling the exhaustion overpowering discomfort and bringing sleep with it. All in a matter of moments. Even though he usually gets incredibly anxious being this physically close to anyone.
He's barely alert now, too drowsy to attribute any reason or rhyme to the situation. He feels safe and comfortable, he feels relaxed. And rare as that is, tired as he is, he'll just let himself figure out why that is later.
Blinking blearily at the campfire, slumping softly into slumber, he thinks he might glimpse Kaeya closing his book. And as his eyes flutter shut and he floats away he thinks, maybe, he feels arms wrapping around him, or a hand gently sifting through his hair- maybe someone whispering a lullaby, barely a breath, telling him to sleep sweetly and feel better soon.
Or maybe he's already dreaming...?
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@viisiond || cont. from this ask || sir. please.
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Nettle doesn't react with any sort of shock or awe. Rather, a wry smirk works its way onto his face as Baizhu approaches, and he quirks a brow.
"Who says I only just noticed?" he chirps lightly, "That's a silly thing to assume, don't you think? It's not exactly a question you ask over afternoon tea the moment it strikes you."
Baizhu isn't a great deal taller than him. But he's standing...rather close(which is making it hard to breathe...) so Nettle has to tilt his head up more to look at him than he would otherwise.
Still, though the proximity has him a touch flushed, he sets his hands on his hips and forges ahead.
"I'd already heard plenty from my sister in law before meeting you," he says, "And the folks who gave me directions to the pharmacy once I got into town were more than a little eager to relay the juiciest rumors, as it were."
He pauses and takes half a step back. He's too close and it's making Nettle's throat tight. (He's just so pretty, damn him, and he's got that weird look on his face that Nettle can't read, the one that still gets butterflies swarming in his stomach,)
"Anyway," He continues, clearing his throat briefly when his voice cracks, "...You know by now that I find that kind of gossip idly entertaining at most."
"But I knew the second I saw you, really." he says, "Not even just from your eyes or anything like that. The way you carried yourself, the way the air felt different around you. It was so tangible I felt it in my fingertips. ...Honestly, it kinda knocked the wind out of me."
He finally has to avert his eyes, and he feels the flush burning in the tips of his ears despite his efforts to stay calm. That feeling in the air is the heaviest right now that it's ever been, and Baizhu seems to be piercing holes in him with such a direct gaze. The look alone is enough to have his pulse racing.
"...But it's not something you bring up over tea. And certainly not while you're still just a customer who asks too many tedious questions about herb quality and growing conditions, and...anyway, I wasn't going to make any conclusions based on rumors. And I wasn't going to go asking someone else behind your back either. You can be a little insufferable sometimes, but you're still my friend. I trust you enough to at least take me seriously when I ask that kind of question. I tried not to make any guesses or expect anything as far as how you'd answer, but..."
He's looking intently to the side and at the ground now. He can't get another word out. His throat's so tight that it hurts and his pulse is so quick he's getting woozy. He hates it, hates how intense his physical reaction to being flustered is, how obvious it makes his thoughts. Not that he's ever been really good at keeping strong emotions off of his face or even out of his body language.
Finally, straining to get the words out, he says in a tiny voice, "...Thank you though, for answering honestly."
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@duskknightery || JESUS CRUST THIS IS SO LATE AUGH || gay people.
Nettle hasn't had as much opportunity to get acquainted with Diluc Ragnvindr as he would like- not outside of his occasional visits to Angel's Share, at least.
Even so, he's somehow managed to fumble his way onto the brusque fellow's good side...Diluc seems to find him agreeable, at the very least, so perhaps that means they've become friends.
Diluc knows his name, his usual order- the names of his sister and her wife, who sometimes go for drinks with Nettle. He's even committed the name of Nettle's nephew Briarly to memory now, despite never having properly met the little boy. They've exchanged enough small talk over the months since Nettle started going to the tavern that privately, Nettle considers him a friend despite not having seen him much of anywhere other than behind the bar.
He hasn't been to the tavern in some time now, though- mostly for lack of time and energy.The first week it was because Briarly was sick, and Nettle was lending an extra hand at the tailor shop so that his sister could excuse herself to take care of her son where necessary.
In the weeks since then, he's found himself busy helping his sister-in-law give first aid training to some inexperienced adventurers. Part of that has involved leading exploration parties for practical classes, learning to identify and use medicinal herbs in the field.
And so the only times he's seen Diluc the past month and a half are when he happens to pass by the tavern on the way from one task to the next. He'll manage a quick greeting and smile if he can, but aside of that they haven't even spoken.
Regardless,it's kind of a surprise when, while ambling home late from filling commissions, Diluc catches him by the wrist on a street corner. He looks like he's been running and Nettle is about to ask if something is wrong before he finds his voice stuck in his throat. It's hard to get a word out or even think once Diluc has dipped down to kiss him.
He's dizzy when Diluc pulls away, but he hears the words clearly all the same. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Nettle doesn't know how to respond. He isn't unhappy to hear it, but he's...very caught off guard. That Diluc might put any thought to him when he's not around has never occurred to him. And he's not blind- Nettle's been thankful for alcohol to explain the flush in his cheeks at times when they're talking, and glad for other customers to hold Diluc's attention when he finds himself staring a little too much.
“Uh, I...” he finally manages to fumble for something to say, “...I didn't...realize.”
His free hand has come up to clutch the fabric of his jacket over his heart and he feels the deep flush in his face.
“I guess it never struck me that you might miss me too.” Nettle's voice is small and shy, an admission both that Diluc was on his mind as well as the surprise at learning he's important to him.
Diluc's hand drifts down from Nettle's wrist to gently hold his hand instead. He realizes that he's not wearing his gloves.
“Sorry if I startled you with the...” Diluc's eyes flick away and Nettle feels his heart jump when he sees his cheeks grow a little pink. “...it was impulsive. I didn't even realize I was doing it until I pulled away.”
“I mean I was definitely surprised...” Nettle says, and he moves his hand so that he can hold Diluc's as well. “...but I think that...I kind of liked it. So you don't have to apologize.”
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@duskknightery || diluc das gay || bro....no dont stop bro.......
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Nettle melts right into the kiss without really meaning to.
He likes a lot of sweet flavors, but apples and cinnamon are probably two of his favorites. He likes sweetened cinnamon so much that he uses it in his soap and other hygiene supplies.
...Tasting it on Diluc when he pulls him in by the waist to kiss him is infinitely better though, and has Nettle dizzily chasing after his lips when he pulls away, not wanting to let go of them just yet.
"...You're surprisingly eager today," Diluc says in response, giving him a bemused look. Nettle flushes.
"Oh. Er." Well, it's true that he's still...rather on the bashful and shy side with these things. Being involved with someone, being affectionate with them. He likes it- loves it, really- but he's still been a jittery mess most of the time as he adjusts.
"...To be honest I just really like apple cider," He mumbles in embarrassment, "And apples. And cinnamon- I think you knew about that one though."
He shyly glances up at Diluc again and his heart catches in his throat a little.
The smile on his face is small, just a slight turning of the corners of his mouth, but it's the look in his eyes that has Nettle's pulse racing. It's focused and intent, with a rare little gleam of mischief in it.
"I'll have to remember that," Diluc says. Nettle can hear in his tone his intent- I'm absolutely locking this away to find ways to tease you later, it says.
Diluc enjoys seeing him flush and fidget and squirm a little too much, maybe, Nettle thinks.
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@viisiond || meme time B) || jesus fuck. this is a goddamn novel. we both are feasting today, apparently.
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Just like that, he forgets how to breathe. How to speak. How to move. Sitting up to stare at Kaeya in shock is completely automatic. He doesn't register it at all.
They've been dozing in the sun on the lakebank for something near an hour, barefoot, jackets shed, soaking up the late spring air and relishing the last day of a long weekend.
They had a light spar earlier, really just stretches and routines to stay loose between proper work days. They'd slumped down to sit, they'd talked aimlessly about nothing in particular for a while. When the warm light started making him drowsy, Nettle had flopped over without hesitation, mumbling about the breeze feeling nice.
He thinks Kaeya probably sat and watched him for a few minutes before he finally laid back as well. It wouldn't be the first time. Since they've been together he's developed a habit of it. He just sits and observes for a little while, completely absorbed, the look on his face softer than snow.
Of course Nettle doesn't mind. It's cute- and it made him a little self conscious at first, but now it's a comforting reminder of how important he is to the most important person in his life. It's not unlike the way Nettle will climb into his lap and just sit and rest and listen to his heartbeat(even if he's in the middle of paperwork).
Quiet moments, soft and honest, sides of themselves they can't show anybody else...
They're both the most well rested they've ever been since they started living together. Kaeya's arms curled around him chase away his anxiety and his insomnia, ease the tension that often has him waking up every other hour. Nettle's stubborn insistence that Kaeya rest at least long enough for him to fall asleep pulls him away from overworking, and he falls asleep even without meaning to, lulled by Nettle's slowing breaths and how neatly he fits against him.
The way Kaeya's had his everything. All his firsts(his first crush, his first kiss, his first...well.), all of his heart...
It's the first time he's been in love. The first time he's been in a relationship. And maybe that's why Nettle has, deep down, been holding his breath for that other shoe to fall- for it to end. After all, who ends up spending the rest of their life with their first love?
That's for fairytales, right? It's not something that actually happens.
"...Sweetheart, breathe." Kaeya's voice interjects and rips him away from his mental reeling.
He inhales. Deep, shuddering. His eyes refocus and he looks down at Kaeya.
God, but his face is so soft. He's resting his arm across his forehead, there's a small smile on his face(horribly fond and amused), his uncovered eye is fixed on Nettle...
...And though his posture is relaxed, Nettle knows him too well to be fooled. He sees that subtle flush, the slight nervous flicker in his face, and he knows- he knows not only that the words slipped out of Kaeya unbidden, but that they are sincere.
And it breaks him into pieces. "K...Kaeya-" He chokes his name weakly, then clenches his mouth shut and slaps his hand over it. Because the tears are spilling over already and he needs to rein it in lest Kaeya mistake his reaction for upset- because it's not.
He's so overjoyed he thinks he might pass out. Or just die, right here. He squeezes his eyes shut, feels his body trembling, tries desperately to regain enough composure to speak or at least to hug him.
He takes in another shaky breath. Kaeya hoists himself into a sitting position. He reaches out and grasps his shoulder and asks, carefully, "Ned, are you all right...?"
"You-" Nettle's voice cracks, "...you mean that. You're serious."
"Yes," Kaeya says, still careful, but rubbing his shoulder gently.
"So then you-" Nettle looks at him, "Kaeya, you've thought about this. You don't just- you don't decide something like that without really, really deliberating over it, you just, you-"
Ned inhales again, finally managing to swallow his tears, and clasps his hand over Kaeya's on his shoulder.
"...Are you sure?" he asks, barely above a whisper, "...Are you sure it's me you want t- for...for the rest of your life?"
Understanding dawns on Kaeya's face. A heartbroken realization that even now Nettle feels like he isn't good enough for anyone.
"Ned," He murmurs, "Who else could it be but you?"
He brings his hand up, brushes the remaining tears from Nettle's face, leans in and kisses at the trails they left.
"I'm sure, all right?" He says, "I have been for a good, long while."
Nettle lets out a small, broken little laugh.
"Really," Kaeya insists, "...granted, I had a different plan in mind for asking you. One that wasn't so...sudden. Or informal. But if you want to let me try again I can go get the ring from my bag-"
"The ring," Nettle breathes, and the tears start all over again. He lets them, and he lets his face split into a brilliant, ear-splitting smile. He stops trying to hold back the overwhelming joy, lets tearful laughter spill out of him, and he lunges forward to wrap his arms around Kaeya, bury his face against his chest, holding on for dear life.
"I love you," he whispers, "I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you..." he pitters off, repeating it weakly.
One of Kaeya's hands presses against the small of his back and the other on the back of his head, pulling him in closer in a crushing hug.
"Ned," He says, this time firm and sure, "Marry me."
"Okay," Nettle whispers, "Yeah. Okay. Yes."
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Nettle is barely conscious and not very coherent, so he hasn't the foggiest idea what Baizhu is talking about. Or if he's even addressing him. “Wassat?” he slurs deliriously, blinking his eyes open to squint at the doctor.
Baizhu looks up and his pensive expression changes to something more tender(or maybe that's Nettle's fever talking).
Still, sick as he is, it's impossible to miss the softness in the way Baizhu gently brushes sweaty hair out of Nettle's face and applies a fresh cold compress to his forehead. And in the way he traces his fingers over his cheekbones, his lips, his jaw.
“Shh,” Baizhu hushes him, “don't you worry, I was just reading a book.” he lifts one of Nettle's hands, kisses his knuckles. If he weren't already dizzy, Ned is sure he would be absolutely reeling now. His heartrate has skyrocketed for sure.
His face screws up, though. He doesn't remember much about how he got here. He's not sure where he is. He got caught in the rain overnight while traveling and got sick, he knows that, but...the last thing he reallyremembers is stumbling his way underneath a rest area awning at the edge of town, intending to catch his breath...
This isn't his usual temporary room at the Liyue guild, so...perhaps he's in an infirmary somewhere?
“Whatever you're fussing over in your head, it can wait,” Baizhu speaks up again, “You're safe here, so be a good patient and focus on resting. That's something I'll give a reward of my own, how's that sound?”
“Y'really sure y'wanna tease someone with a 102 degree fever?” Nettle's laugh is weak and hoarse. Still, he lets his eyes drift closed again, hand reaching out to grasp weakly and blindly around for Baizhu's until he feels the doctor take it, squeeze it gently, hold it.
This may just be work for him, or perhaps just doing a favor for a friend, but even so Nettle is grateful to have him here.
He thinks he feels some pressure on his cheek as he's slipping away into sleep. A kiss, maybe...? and they sound distant, but he hears someone speaking...
“Just rest now. It's all right. I won't leave your side.”
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Starter for @tcyvct's Zhongli || Requested muse: Nettle Reed
Of course when his guild work takes him abroad, Nettle always makes sure to prioritize finishing his assignment before doing any sightseeing.
Luckily, the business that brought him to Liyue Harbor this time around was fairly mundane and simple- at least for someone with a Dendro vision like him.
The local guild branch had asked for someone to help them assess and hopefully fix whatever problem was causing rot in their greenhouse. They grow not only medicinal herbs there, but vegetables to help cut down on general food expenses. Cyrus had decided Nettle was the clear choice to help with such a task.
In the end it's taken him only a day or so of analysis and work to get the gardens on the mend again. The main problem had been with the layer of loose mulch that had been recently laid down- a small parasite living in the wood. Nettle made sure to point out the signs so that the staff could better monitor the quality in the future. He helped them clear away a good chunk of the diseased wood, and while they worked on procuring a fresh supply he set to work with his Dendro vision, working it through every plant bed to revitalize the plants and soil- his creative control over his element also allowed him to essentially 'sour the taste' of everything in the greenhouse and make it inedible to the bugs. After helping inspect and lay down the fresh mulch, he found himself with plenty of free time and a few days to simply rest and explore the area before returning home to Monstadt.
Of course he's gotten input from local adventurers on notable locations- a bookstore, several restaurants, some scenic viewpoints.
And as always, it's the local flora that captures his attention the most. He's always had an affinity for flowers, after all. So as he wanders the streets he spends quite a bit of time simply admiring or sketching the greenery. It's his first time seeing glaze lilies and silk flowers that aren't imported or dried, and there are different varieties of tree here than he usually sees in the Monstadt area.
...Another thing he is prone to doing is losing any awareness of his surroundings when he's really focused on something. Of course he's much more careful about keeping his guard up in the field, but in the middle of a populated city...
Well, suffice to say it isn't long before he manages to bump right into somebody because he's too busy gawking at something.
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Snapped out of his fascinated daze, Nettle lets out a tiny yelp and a frantic apology before he even finishes looking forward to see who it is he's collided with.
There's a tall(at least, tall in comparison to him) man standing in front of him. Very handsome, and seemingly unperturbed- Nettle takes additional note of the clothes he's wearing. Tailored exactly to his size, well made, and from high quality fabrics. All his years helping in his sister's shop have given him a good eye for this sort of thing. Is he perhaps local nobility or a reputable business owner...?
Regardless, Nettle offers another apology. “I should have been looking where I was going,” he offers sincerely, “I'm sorry for bumping into you, sir.”
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