#「┊ robin x kat (001 / araneorum) 」
wontgodowninhistory · 5 months
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🌈 : @araneorum asked:⑁ / kat ! // still accepting this meme
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the squeak that kat let out as she leaped onto robin’s lap was endearing. everything about the other girl was adorable and she was completely enamored with her. the notes for her history exam were pushed aside and forgotten as both arms went securely around the other girl. yes she was there to study but she wasn’t going to reject some attention. “what's wrong? is ancient greek history boring you?” robin never got bored with anything that was providing her knowledge. she was especially fond of history and learning how past idiocy shaped the modern idiocy of the world. “you know we are supposed to be studying. that’s why i came over.” robin didn’t really need to study, she already had most of the material memorized. just like her ears, her mind was also a little genius. she absorbed knowledge like a sponge, even if it was something she’d never really need out in the real world. “would you rather do something else?” robin’s heart raced at the thought of cuddling with kat. her parents didn’t know that they liked each other and it probably was best to keep that to themselves. she doubted they would get violent like her father would but they might stop her from coming to their home or at least being alone with kat while she was there. they’d known her since she was just a little girl and kat’s mom would babysit her whenever robin’s grandmother just needed her out of the house for a while. robin didn’t want to tarnish their belief that she wasn’t like her father. she needed them to like her since most parents didn’t. “i could probably use a little break. i swear i’ll dream in greek tonight.” she chuckled as her blue eyes diverted from kat’s and she blushed.
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