#「☁ minjae; on my own (solo) ☁」
lgcminjxe · 9 months
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How was it already episode two of his show? He swears he had only just finished filming for episode one. Time was truly crazy, moreso when you're as excited as he is about having your own show. His first episode had gone well and had been released. He hoped it helped people find the best places to see animals. Now he was moving onto his favourite topic: food.
Yoon Minjae was notorious for having a hunger like no other. He was often seen eating and snacking. He loved cooking, baking, and just being in the kitchen. If he wasn't an actor, he would probably have become a chef. So it was only natural that he was excited about this episode.
Camera in hand, Minjae was already at his first destination. He was practically bouncing up and down out of joy for being so close to food. Would he be able to focus? He hoped so. (On second thought, maybe food wasn't such a good idea after all.)
❛ Greetings explorers and welcome back to my channel! Can you believe we're already on episode two? I hope everyone found last episode helpful. I had fun meeting all the animals as I'm sure you will too. But enough about last episode, let's talk about today's episode! Today’s theme is my favourite thing ever I'm so excited. We're going to be talking about food! But that's enough talking from me. Get ready because it’s time to go exploring! ❜
Minjae then proceeded to showcase numerous cooking workshops, hidden and quaint restaurants, famous and popular side stalls, as well as cafes. Throughout the episode, Minjae tried various dishes and drinks. He focused a lot on cooking workshops and smaller restaurants and cafes as he hoped it would help bring attention and business to these places and events.
❛ Honestly, I could do a whole serious on just food but I think I'll finish it here for today. All the dishes were yummy and I loved participating in the cooking workshops. As someone who loves being in the kitchen I felt at home and I hope you will too when you try! I can’t wait to meet in my next episode. Until then, exploration over. ❜
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lgcminjxe · 10 months
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Fashion was something that Minjae had a love-hate relationship with. Sometimes, he knew what he was doing and things looked good. Other times, Minjae had no idea how bad he looked. Perhaps that's why he was lucky that there were stylists here to help the actors and models prepare for the upcoming gala. If he were to do this on his own then he would surely embarrass himself.
Meeting with the stylists and designers had been fun. Minjae always loved whenever he could socialise. He also thoroughly enjoyed parties and events - especially when there was a theme involved. This year's gala theme was interesting and a little hard for the actor to think of an idea for his outfit.
After several meetings with various designers and the company's stylists, Minjae settled on an outfit that was as bright as his personality. Though he would have looked good in black, everyone agreed that white was the colour that best fit Minjae's bright and bubbly image and personality.
Minjae's hair was styled to look slightly wavy and there were gems placed inside to make it look like ice. He also had gems on his cheeks and face to match the icey look. His hair had grown longer since he first dyed it which added to the look (how Minjae would have no idea).
Minjae's shirt was not completely buttoned and it was open enough to expose the top of his chest and reveal a large silver chain that accented his look. The outfit not only looked good, but it was comfortable too. This was important for such a major event. Minjae was happy with how his outfit turned out in the end.
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
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if given a chance, would you be interested in being a part of a musical?
That's my dream, so yes.
3 genres that you would enjoy the most?
Historical, school, drama.
3 genres that you wouldn’t enjoy as much?
Horror, mafia, comedy.
3 character tropes that you would be interested in portraying?
Protective brother (he's best at that since he is one already), lgbt character (he thinks it's time there was more representation), prince.
3 character tropes that you would dislike portraying?
The villain (it's not that he'd dislike it, he's just not sure how well he'll do), unrequited love (it's overused), amnesia (it's beyond a joke).
list 3 of your favorite fictional characters from any work ( eg. movie, drama, animation, musical, play, etc. )
Chandler (FRIENDS), Michael Scofield (Prison Break), Tom Collins (RENT).
out of the four options, rank them in order based on 1 being the most important part to 4 being the least important part in deciding whether to take a specific acting project; character, storyline, staff ( eg. if the director/writer is someone famous ), money:
Storyline, character, staff, money.
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
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Yoon Minjae had never imagined that he would be here. He never thought that he would make it onto Spring Boys. Most of all, he never thought he would be given a solo. No pressure or anything.
The closer it got to the recording of his solo mv, Minjae felt the pressure building on him. Was he ready to have a solo? Did he deserve it? Why had it been he that had been given a solo and not anyone else? What made him different? Was it Legacy’s way of embarrassing him? These thoughts and more ran through his head often and his coach noticed just how busy his mind was. The same coach that had been there for Minjae throughout the entire Spring Boys process.
Today was no different to any other day and Minjae found himself opening up easy. Now that everything was over and Spring Boys was finished, Minjae felt more relaxed. He used this moment to release all his thoughts and feelings that he has kept in throughout the show.
❛ How did your solo performance go? ❜
❛ You know obviously that I was so nervous about being given a solo and that I felt a lot of pressure because of it, right? ❜ He began. ❛ It turns out it was justified. After seeing all the other clubs and groups performing I was thoroughly impressed and scared that I would fail. When it was my turn to perform I almost cried. Sure, I’ve performed before but never solo like this and never under such conditions. But I’m glad I got to have that experience. I was able to learn and grow as an artist because of it. ❜ The coach nodded and Minjae let out a soft sigh of relief.
❛ What was it like bonding with the other boys? Easy I’m guessing since you’re so social, Minjae. ❜
Minjae nodded and smiled brightly. ❛ It was so much fun getting to know everyone and seeing how talented everyone was! Oh! Also getting to spend time with V&A sunbaenims was a dream come true. We had a lot of fun playing games and working together on performances and songs. It’s definitely an experience I won’t forget anytime soon and I hope I made some new friendships out of it. ❜
❛ You seem to enjoy performing a lot, Minjae-ah. Have you thought of switching paths? ❜
This question threw him for a moment as he wasn’t expecting it. He thought about it for a moment before he finally shook his head. ❛ Not at all. Sure, I love singing and performing, but I also love acting. If the chance was presented to me to become an idol I wouldn’t say no and I would happily accept it, but I don’t think I would switch paths. At least not yet. I love what I do and if I ever want to perform I can just audition for a musical, right? I’m not saying no to being an idol, but I enjoy being an actor too. ❜ Minjae smiled brightly at the coach.
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lgcminjxe · 8 months
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It had been way too long since Yoon Minjae was last on a red carpet like this. He couldn't remember the last awards show he attended as an actor. This past year had been full of amazing opportunities. He'd had support roles in various dramas that he hadn't had last year. He'd spent a long time in the chorus or background and this year finally felt like it was his time.
Preparing for the gala had been so much fun. Minjae had had a blast preparing his outfit with the stylists and designers. Also getting ready and dressing up was a blast that Minjae kind of wished he could do this more often. The theme of this year's gala was so much fun and everyone looked amazing while walking on the red carpet.
When he arrived, Minjae waited for his turn to enter the carpet area. He began walking and he had the brightest and biggest smile on his face that he could muster. He posed for photos when he could and made his way slowly down the velvety red carpet as he answered questions from interviewers.
When asked about how his year had been, Minjae proudly spoke about how he had been incredibly lucky to be part of the amazing projects he'd been cast in. He spoke about Bullet Inquiry and Martine Corporation as well as the variety shows he'd been part of. He also spoke about all the incredible work that the company had done as a whole. He was also asked about what his future plans were. He reveled a few of the things he'd like to accomplish in the following year such as trying more modeling or acting gigs. Of course everything was entirely up to the company and Minjae had no control but he could only hope.
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lgcminjxe · 10 months
இ 2023 REVIEW இ
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"What were some of your greatest accomplishments this year and out of all of them, which one was the most memorable one for you?"
❛ I've been lucky this year and I got to be part of so many amazing projects and I got to experience so many amazing things that it's hard to pinpoint but if I had to choose I'd say being cast in Bullet Inquiry, being cast in Martine Corporation, and having my own Youtube show. These three things are the most memorable for me and they are things I definitely won't forget. Oh! And also having my own solo song during Spring Boys. Being president of Spring Boys is something I won't forget either. ❜
"What area(s) do you think you’ve personally improved on since the beginning of this year? [please list out the skill(s) and reason(s) why]"
❛ Out of everything, I think I've improved a lot in acting, modeling, and English. Acting because of all the amazing productions I've been lucky enough to be able to be part of. Modeling because of the companies that find me appealing enough to want me to be the face of their products. And English just through studying and working hard on learning the language. ❜
"What are some of your personal goals for 2024?"
❛ My biggest goal is to be cast as a lead in a musical. Being a musical actor is my dream and I'd love to be one of the main or lead cast members. I'd also love to do some more solo work and branch out into new areas. I've enjoyed the different experiences outside of acting so I'd like to explore more of the singing or modeling side. ❜
"Out of all of the actors, what do you think makes you stand out from all of them?"
❛ I think my previous experience as a child actor is something that helps me stand out more. I guess also my outgoing and social personality. I'm loud and very social and I enjoy making new friends and meeting people so it's not hard for me to get excited and enjoy life which I guess makes me stand out a little. ❜
"Aside from your main career path (actor), are there any types of gigs outside of it that you would be interested in doing in the future?"
❛ I'd love to do more singing or performing. I also enjoy being on variety shows so I'd love to try more in that area. Also doing more solo work whether that is acting, modeling, hosting, whatever. The sky's the limit and I'm always ready to experience new things and try new ventures. I'm excited to see what next year brings. ❜
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lgcminjxe · 10 months
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As soon as he'd heard about the upcoming auditions, Minjae had all but jumped at the chance to audition once he'd heard there was a musical. His ultimate dream was to become a musical actor and so it wasn't hard for the young male to decide which project to audition for. While the movie sounded intriguing, Minjae knew he would regret not following his dreams. Plus, there were countless melodramatic and darker musicals that Minjae could draw from and were fun to sing.
The first musical and character that popped into his head was Les Mis and Jean Val Jean. While he absolutely adored the song Bring Him Home and the meaning behind the song, and while he respected what the character went through, nothing said melodramatic more than Sweeney Todd. After all, who wouldn't think of a murderous man seeking vengeance and wanting to protect his family?
Minjae was the kind of person who, like Sweeney, would do anything and everything to protect his family. Like Sweeney, if anything were to happen to his family, Minjae would probably go crazy and seek vengeance. In the way Sweeney Todd is driven by his family, so is Minjae. So choosing Sweeney Todd felt more fitting for the young actor. Now he had the character, he just needed to choose the song to sing. So many amazing and emotional songs to choose from. He finally settled on Epiphany. It was full of various emotions and it was very powerful. It's the point where Sweeney turns and decides to become a murderer. It was full of dark and powerful emotions.
Minjae loved to challenge himself and singing such a song as Epiphany would indeed be a challenge. Minjae worked incredibly hard to practice. He worked on drawing out the emotions required for the song as well as the vocal range and tempos. Minjae spent hours in front of any mirror he could find while he sang and rehearsed for the audition. Finally, the audition came and Minjae was nervous but excited.
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lgcminjxe · 10 months
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Not only was Minjae excited about having his own personal Youtube channel, but he was also excited about being able to travel and experience new things. He couldn't wait to get started and he thought why not start with something he loves looking into - animals. Minjae was going to show the viewers the best places in Korea to see animals.
First thing's first, Minjae needed an introduction. He needed something that would become his catchphrase and that he can say at the beginning of each episode. Now, Minjae liked to think he was creative, but in reality he wasn't really (he'll still deny it and swear he's creative). He took longer than he'd like to admit before he came up with what he would say and he's still not sure he's happy with it.
Finally, the first day of filming rolled around and Minjae set up the camera so he could film his introduction. He was dressed in casual clothes and had a bright smile on his face. He greeted the viewers with a giant wave and ear-to-ear grin.
❛ Greetings explorers and welcome to my channel! My name is Yoon Minjae and I'm an actor under Legacy Entertainment. I'm so excited to introduce you to my channel and show you some amazing places to visit while in Korea and also some unique experiences and workshops! I can't wait to get started! Today's theme is, drum roll please, ❜ Minjae used his thighs to create a drum roll (that he'd add in later), ❛ Animals! Get ready because it's time to go exploring! ❜
The video then continues to show Minjae introducing and exploring Seoul Zoo. He would talk to the camera while he walked around the zoo. He was like a child while walking around. Minjae absolutely adored animals and he made sure he attend every event or show that he could. He also experienced as much as he could at the zoo before he moved onto the next location. Minjae would then proceed to show another two small locations before it was time for him to conclude his video.
❛ I hope this video helped you to learn about new places and experiences you can partake in that introduce you to animals. I had so much fun today and I hope you guys will too when you try! I can't wait to meet in my next episode. Until then, exploration over. ❜
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
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Minjae couldn’t believe it. The fact that Bullet Inquiry was now at an end. The thought of no more filming or being on set made Minjae incredibly sad. It had been way too long since he’d last been on a set and played a character as fun as Jinhyuk was. Minjae can remember back to when the casting was announced and he found out that he would be a supporting role. He was both shocked and also excited.
He can remember the first day on set. He can remember the first table read. He can remember the rehearsals. He can remember everything. And now here he was at the finale party and the atmosphere was bittersweet - at least for him.
He tried to get lost in the party and celebration and for awhile it would work and he would be distracted. But then he’d remember that Bullet Inquiry had ended and he’d become sad again. It was during those deeper moments where he would seek out his cousins or someone close to him. He needed to be around people when he felt down and sad.
Eventually, Minjae would forget and let himself have fun at the party. He shared in laughs, happy moments, and socialisation with his fellow cast members. The party was the perfect way to celebrate all their hard work and effort they had put in to filming and learning lines. So much happens behind the scenes to prepare a drama and most fans are oblivious to what exactly happens and what the cast have to go through. It isn’t easy being an actor but Minjae would not trade it for the world.
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
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Minjae wasn’t sure what to expect at the audition and so he had tried to prepare for every scenario. This was the first time he had been asked to make a character and he was somewhat nervous. Minjae was so used to being an upbeat and outgoing person and playing such roles that he suddenly wanted to try and test his acting ability by branching outside that and going for a more quiet and mysterious character. He wasn’t sure it would work, but at least he tried and that was all that mattered to him.
Arriving in the audition room, Minjae suddenly felt nervous. He was about to present his character for a comedy show - but his character wasn’t a typical comedy character. The biggest comedy aspect that Minjae had thought of was that his character would always just appear in the background with no prior warning - sometimes even scaring or startling people. His character was often eating too so when you put both together it seemed funny, at least in his mind. He always chuckled and laughed whenever he saw characters or situations like that so he wanted to try for himself.
He smiled at the staff members and panel and introduced himself and his character. ❛ Hello. My name is Yoon Minjae and I’m auditioning for a lead or support role. The character I created is named Samuel Park and he’s not your typical comedy character. I wanted to try and branch away from outgoing and constantly happy characters so I hope you like him. ❜ Minjae smiled brightly before he listened to the audition instructions. There were three scenarios and he had to choose one. Damn. This is going to be harder than he thought.
Finally settling on scenario 2, Minjae began the scene. He pretended he was sitting as his desk doing his work. Suddenly, he looked up and acted as if someone else was there and had just given him more work. He frowned and turned to the fake computer. He then acted as if he was googling something. He muttered to himself loud enough for the judges to hear ❛ How to get away with murder ❜ and ❛ Is it illegal to murder a coworker when they’re an asshole? ❜ before hitting the backspace button on his ‘keyboard’. He let out a sigh before going back to work.
His scene probably wasn’t funny but it was all he could think of given how nervous he was.
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
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Samuel is somewhat disorganized but he can always seem to find whatever he needs instantly. He never talks about his past and hardly ever talks about himself. He’s very mysterious and somewhat aloof. He’s quiet and often appears out of nowhere scaring some people. Samuel always seems to be there. If anything goes wrong in the company or with work, the first person people turn to is Samuel because he always has a solution or a contingency plan. Samuel is honest and straightforward. The biggest quirk of Samuel’s is that he always seems to be eating something. There is food in his hand whenever you see him. Also, as mentioned before, Samuel often scares people because they didn’t hear him walk or he’s just popped up out of nowhere.
Samuel is the youngest son in his family. He has an older brother and sister. He grew up in money but was never spoilt. In fact, Samuel often hides the fact that he came from money. He wants to live life on his own without his father’s help and influence. His older siblings are successful in their careers and studied at university. Samuel is still deciding what he’s majoring in and so he’s trying different courses and subjects at university.
When Samuel is faced with stress, he eats or takes some time for himself. If he’s very stressed he will listen to music through his headphones and take deep breaths. When it comes to his interests, Samuel enjoys music, eating, food, animals, and playing games.
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lgcminjxe · 2 years
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In all of his acting career, Minjae had hardly had to act as if he were in love. Most of his roles were not romantic in nature. Even if they were, he couldn’t remember if he’d ever had to act in the way that the audition brief suggested. Minjae had only been in love once or twice so he wasn’t incredibly experienced. He was surprised that he somehow had something with Dowoon. What that something was, they hadn’t spoken about yet. But it was something, and he would use that to help fuel his emotions during the scene.
Having to act with a camera and not an actual person was a new experience for him. Minjae saw that as a challenge and a learning experience for him. If he wanted to be a successful actor, he needed to be able to adapt and push himself. He was ready for the challenge that this audition would bring him.
Minjae had spent some time asking as many people as he could about their first love and also researching dramas and movies. He was able to build up some ideas in his head and when he finally settled on what he wanted to film, Minjae arranged everything so it would be ready.
Turning to his best friend to help, Minjae had chosen a day to film his audition where the weather was good. Of course, it wasn’t the idea weather that suited his scenario, but there were ways he could work around it. Ideally, Minjae would have liked snow but he was able to make his own fake snow that would suffice for now. After he had made sure that Teddy knew what he needed to do, Minjae was ready to film.
The recording started with a slowmo Minjae and Teddy running, with Minjae holding his arm behind him as if he were holding a hand and running with someone (he was actually holding Teddy’s hand but that’s not important). He kept looking behind him and smiling at his ‘co-star’. After running for a few seconds, Minjae stopped and the video went to normal speed. Suddenly, snow began to fall and Minjae held out his hand. He then turned to the camera. ❛ Oh look. First snow. You know what they say about seeing first snow together, right? ❜ He smiled softly. He then turned so his body was facing the camera and he reached forward as if he were brushing hair behind an ear. ❛ This is our first of many first snows together. ❜ He then wrapped his arm around the camera as if he were wrapping them around his co-star. Both Minjae and the camera then turned to face the snow once again as they watched it. 
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lgcminjxe · 2 years
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Minjae still couldn’t fathom that he had been chosen as brand ambassador for Goodal. How he’d managed to get this position was beyond him. All he’d done was hang out in the beauty room and use a bit of makeup to touch up his costume. He was sure there were certainly other trainees that would be a better choice, no? Still, he was thankful to have been chosen. He felt blessed.
Now that the models were at a press conference for their respective brands, it was becoming more real to Minjae. While he wasn’t what one would imagine as the face of a cosmetics company, Minjae was still happy to have been given this opportunity.
He looked around the room at all the cameras and press people. It reminded him of old times and of why he rejoined the entertainment path. Minjae smiled as he listened to his fellow models answering questions and revealing their thoughts. It wasn’t long before it was Minjae’s turn.
❛ This question is for Yoon Minjae. What are your thoughts and feelings about representing Goodal? ❜
Minjae smiled brightly before he answered. ❛ I am actually very honoured to have been chosen to represent Goodal! It’s such an amazing company with amazing products. I’ve used their products before when taking care of my skin and body. I’m very happy and excited to be part of this amazing group of models and artists. ❜ Minjae smiled brightly.
❛ Since you said you’ve used their products before, what’s your favourite product to use? Also, how do you use Goodal in your daily life? ❜
❛ Oh that’s such a hard question since I love so many of their products! ❜ He chuckled lightly and smiled. ❛ I love using their calming sun cream and cleansing foam. Oh, also their dark spot products are so useful! Sometimes, with our schedules, we can get dark circles and spots so the treatment definitely helps. Honestly, their entire calming range of products are just amazing! ❜ Minjae clapped his hands together excitedly as he grinned brightly. ❛ Plus, all their products smell amazing! ❜  
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lgcminjxe · 2 years
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Not only did Minjae not expect to be invited to any of the awards shows, but he also hadn’t expected to be called on stage.
Of course, he’d attended them before but never while signed under Legacy. This was to be his first awards show as not only a member of Legacy, but also as a musical actor. Of course, he was only attending as part of the ensemble, but he was blessed either way.
Sure, he was only here as part of a courtesy, but he was here nonetheless. Minjae was excited to be there with everyone. After all the effort and work they had put in over the past few months, it was all worth it to be standing here now. Minjae felt proud of everyone.
He had never expected to win and so when Newsies was called, it had taken a few moments for it to register. Soon he was being pulled up with the rest of the cast and standing on the stage. The spotlights were shining in his eyes but he was happy. He waited patently for everyone to finish their speeches. He had been so caught up in everyone’s happiness that he didn’t notice he was at the front of the group. It took him a few seconds to realise.
❛ Oh, um, thank you so much to everyone who made this happen. Everyone worked hard on this production - both cast and crew! Also, thank you to everyone who loved and supported me! This is my first production as a musical actor and it definitely won’t be my last. Also, thanks to my best friend Teddy and my amazing cousins for always being there for me. ❜
Once his speech was done, he moved aside to allow the next person to make their speech. He then vowed he would return to acting in full force.
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lgcminjxe · 2 years
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Not many would know but Yoon Minjae was a fan of the Legacy senior artists. He was also a fan of the newer artists too but there was just something about the senior artists that drew him in. Maybe it’s because he grew up listening to them and watching them on stage. DBSD, Haru and Blazing will always have special places in his heart.
So when he had been given this mission, Minjae was both excited and nervous. Would he be able to complete it successfully without getting distracted or discovered? He needed to make sure he planned this well or else he might lose not only the mission but also the opportunity to get a photo with a DBSD member.
It had taken a few days for Minjae to come up with a solid plan. He also needed to wait for a time when he would be able to encounter Seohan. Legacy was a big company and there were a lot of people who both worked for the company or were signed under it. Finding his target was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. The longer time passed, the more Minjae feared he wouldn’t be able to complete the mission given to him and he’d be known as a failure. He couldn’t have that. He needed to find a way to Seohan.
Thankfully, the fate gods were feeling generous towards Minjae because near the end of the time period, Minjae was finally able to spot the very person he had been chasing for days now. He just needed to think of a way to approach the elder while seeming natural. Who knows what might tip the prankster off and so he needed to be careful with what he did. He quickly called his sister (part of his plan) and held the phone in his hand.
He naturally approached Seohan and began his plan. ❛ Seohan sunbaenim. Do you have a minute? I’m so sorry but my older sister is a big fan of yours. She doesn’t believe we’re in the same company. Would you mind talking to her? Or even taking a photo with me so I can prove it to her? She said she would give me money if it was true. ❜ He chuckled and smiled. Being an actor had its perks and Minjae was able to use his skills in times of need. ❛ She says that even if you talk to her it doesn’t prove you’re you since it could be anyone imitating you. I know you’re probably busy but would you mind? ❜ Minjae gave the older idol his best ‘please help me it’s for money’ face.
Every excuse for a refusal was countered by Minjae. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer and he wasn’t going to take bribes either (though the treasure did almost tempt him). His sister’s voice through the phone definitely helped and the idol reluctantly agreed and posed. Minjae thanked him and promised to give the money to him if they met again. He bowed respectfully before sending the picture off to his manager.
Mission completed.
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lgcminjxe · 2 years
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Minjae had always loved the Halloween parties that Legacy threw. Not only were they a chance for everyone to dress up, but it was also a social event - two things that Minjae loved. This year, Minjae had opted to dress in a ‘couple’ costume with Teddy. His best friend was dressed as Winnie the Pooh and Teddy had come as Piglet. It hadn’t taken much for either to agree since he and Teddy were practically the same person and once one of them had an idea, the other would almost instantly agree.
At some point during the party, Minjae had lost sight of his best friend. He had gone around trying to find Teddy while also being social. He was happy to not only be able to meet new people but also catch up with old friends. Since becoming an actor, Minjae had missed his trainee friends. And now that he’d moved out of the dorm he didn’t have much chance to see them outside of the company and even then it was hard given schedules and other events.
It was good to see everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. Some people had really gone all out for their costumes and Minjae was quite impressed by everyone’s imagination and innovation. He couldn’t imagine the amount of time or effort some people put into their costumes and so he tried to compliment as many people as he could on their costumes throughout the party.
It was about halfway through the party when Minjae needed a little break. Ever the social butterfly, Minjae had spent most the party talking to people and he needed some time to recharge his inner battery before he continued socialising. Plus, Minjae needed to touch up his makeup and costume. That’s how he ended up inside the beauty room.
Once he had opened the door, he had been hit with a room he wasn’t expecting and he stood there in awe. Everything was laid out nicely and there was so much makeup - most of which Minjae had no idea what it’s use was. ❛ Amazing, ❜ he had whispered to himself as he looked around. Finding a seat, Minjae sat down and started fixing his makeup and costume. 
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