#「I hope you’ll stick around||We’re lost‚ until we’re found」[Ashe🎔Yuri;tomestobetold]
'I want the K' RNG kiss prompts; Ashe & Yuri for @tomestobetold
#21: and then there's tongue
Ashe isn’t even sure what they’re bickering about- are they even bickering?
He hasn’t had nearly enough alcohol to be drunk. He’s a little buzzed, that’s all, but compounded with exhaustion, stress, and the cacophony of noise in this tavern...well, he’s having trouble putting proper thoughts together. He’s really not in a mood for conversation at all actually. He would have been content to just have a few drinks with his dinner, doze in the corner for a while. So he doesn’t really recall when or why Yuri joined him or what they’ve been talking about. Just that Yuri’s words are too many, too fast, and this entire place is getting too loud.
And with a tiny imperceptible click the wyvern rider sets his drink down. Fuck it.
“Shut up, Yuri,” it’s a hoarse and weary groan that rolls out of him. He thinks Yuri might pause, startled by the interjection. He’s not exactly paying attention anymore.
“I’m too tired to...to even words right now.” his hand is already reaching out to grip Yuri’s collar, pull him in with a sharp jerk. “I can’t even breathe in here.”
And he kisses him. Him and his stupid, smirking, pretty face. With those stupid eyes he could swear really truly glint when he’s up to mischief. But they see everything too, always watching, always calculating, save for the times they’re cast somewhere else entirely. (Somewhere lonely, somewhere empty, somewhere Ashe always finds himself wanting to fill up with something warmer and softer, but he knows Yuri would never let him past the wall-)
Whatever the case, Yuri doesn’t push him away. And it’s one hell of a kiss, all things considered(maybe in part because Ashe has been wanting it for so long, too long)
Their lips move over each other and Ashe pulls away just to gasp in a little air before diving back in ravenously. And he’s pulled himself flush against Yuri, feels his body heat, a palm flattened against his chest. And he parts his lips and rolls his tongue over Yuri’s bottom lip, tastes the tang of whatever he’s been drinking. There’s a hint of a groan on his breath when he finally pulls away with his head spinning. Yet for all the intensity it all only took a moment.
“Not that I don’t enjoy your company, but right now you need to find something to keep that silver tongue busy other than talking.”
And quick as a light, Ashe is on his feet, weaving through the throng of drunkards toward the door. It’s less about fleeing and more about getting fresh air, and he knows following him will be an easy matter if Yuri has any inclination to do so.
On one hand, as he’s stepping into the chilly air, that was damn cathartic. But he rubs his face, musses his hair, marches forward. For all its catharsis, now there’s an entirely different sort of tension driving him up the wall and exhausting him.
(He squawks a frustrated swear to the silent glow of the streetlamps.)
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