#『  vaggie / hc.  』    ❝ mi cabeza en llamas. ❞
crimsonfacets · 2 years
↳ what loot items do you drop?
COMMON: Lilac dust. Lovely as a concept, but makes you sneeze your head off and gain a bad case of allergies.
UNCOMMON: Moths. Purple moths with red-tipped wings flutter freely and are attracted to both light sources and a certain Hell’s princess.
RARE: Watchful Damnation. Vaggie might have been a demon, but she was a good soul deep down. It’s only fitting you inherit her punishment for felling one of the humane souls in Hell. Consider privacy as a luxury of the past or put your brain hard to work to see if you can somehow lift another’s burden from your shoulders. Nowhere did it say the loot items had to all be “positive”. Also, I imagine a certain Princess would heavily influence this be obtained as soon as possible, thus it being right after “uncommon”. There is a slim chance that Vaggie was slain for a good reason, after all. I can definitely see this as being one of those “WELL THAT WAS NOT WORTH IT” kills. 
ULTRA-RARE: Death Token. An ominous-looking black key that smells of damp earth and strangely perfumed dust, and it bears a weathered headstone reading “Priscilla López“ at its head. Upon being used in a Witching Hour ritual, the bearer will arrive in the human world atop Vaggie’s grave.
LEGENDARY: (1) Moth Wings. These broken, dusty lilac wings are big and sharp at their tips, bearing the design of eyes in their patterns. They give a weak flutter now and then despite being no longer attached to their demon. Each flutter emits short-lived moths that crawl about in the vicinity before crumbling into dust. (2) Vaggie’s spear. This beautiful, ornate spear is sharp to the point and well cared for, and capable of slaying a demon. It has a history of threatening both pimps and radio hosts. (3) A pair of Master Keys to the Happy Hotel. No door can stay locked to you now -- unless the Princess changes them, of course. (4) Heart-shaped locket. This black locket pulses like a heartbeat, and upon opening, reveals the coupled picture of its prior owner and her beloved tightly embraced. They look so happy, but with time, Vaggie will begin to appear to fall asleep until she disappears from the picture entirely, and the Princess will appear deeply mournful. Her gaze bores into you, and sometimes she is glaring at you.
COMMON: Snow and Icicles. It does not melt immediately, and the snow is surprisingly soft to the touch. The icicles, on the other hand, are very sharp and could probably be used as a weapon. There’s a faint perfume scent lingering over both.
UNCOMMON: Milkyway Bubblebath. An extremely expensive luxury bubble bath mixture in a tall galaxy-themed bottle. Contains actual stardust and cosmic magic!
RARE: (1) Stella’s telephone. It does not appear to need to be plugged into anything and has multi-dimension long-distance calling! How nifty! (2) Cosmic Wine. The remains of dead stars and comet tails have been aged into some of not only the best alcohol you’ll ever have the pleasure of tasting, but also the most expensive. The common demon is damn well sure this thing has more value than themselves. Yikes.
ULTRA-RARE: (1) A single feather that belonged to the noble Stella, cold and fine, and drizzles snowflakes once waved about. (2) A regal pair of ice skates made of Goetian ice. Octavia has noted before how these are amongst her mother’s most prized possessions. They’re chilling to the touch, and you’re certain the blades are made of some sort of magic ice. (3) Goetian Snow. This snow is imbued with magic and radiates the energy of a fallen demonic noble, and it is beautiful. Only by the hands of the Morningstars can it be melted. 
LEGENDARY: (1) Two chilling-to-the-touch frosted snow globes that are stunning to the eyes and numbing to the hands if not handled properly. When shaken, one will show the Goetian Princess Octavia and the other will show Prince Stolas in actual motion going about their day-to-day. Powerful magic must be used to activate them for further use, allowing the holder to teleport to either one. (2) Stella’s Crown. The weight of it is surprisingly heavy in your hands, and it is pure Hell’s gold with fine engravings in its design. The tips are sharp enough to prick a finger. (3) A wedding band, glorious and priceless, but like the crown, is quite able of making one feel extremely nervous to even hold due to its high value. On the inside of the band appears to be the engraving of two summoning sigils; Stella’s and Stolas’s, both closely intertwined.
COMMON: (1) Drink Me potions. Pretty but simple glass bottles filled with a purple liquid that tends to make one hiccup and shrink to the size of a mouse! Flavor varies to that of cherry tarts, roast turkey, toffee, pineapple, custard, and hot buttered toast. (2) Playing cards. A handmade set of playing cards tucked away within a burgundy pouch. They feature odd-looking characters instead of your standard caricatures, ranging from a frightening, thin, grinning cat as the Joker and a monstrous, wicked-looking crowned heart as the Queen.
UNCOMMON: (1) Shattered Looking Glass. What was once a mesmerizing hand mirror has shattered suddenly upon Alice’s death, leaving behind only a cracked, rose-molded handle and large shards of glass. (2) Eat Me cake. An enormous cake decorated with white fondant and cherries, reading ‘Eat Me’ in red icing. Take only a small bite to become the size of a house!
RARE: (1) Alice’s Omega Charm. A chain necklace with a big, silver omega charm hanging from it. One wonders how this can be worn comfortably, but the brown strands of hair caught in the chains can lead one to believe it’s worn often. Its symbolism is left ambiguous without its wearer. (2) Patient Files reading “Rutledge Asylum” and  “Houndsditch Home for Wayward Youth - recordings by Dr. Angus Bumby” on the front.
ULTRA-RARE: (1) Brown Suitcase. This looks like the suitcase of a nomad, filled with the basic essentials, dresses, overalls, striped stockings, and travel-weathered belted boots. There’s a bronze ring full of keys attached firmly to the top of the inside, dangling what appears to be an empty vial and a miniature glass house. There are strange knickknacks to be found in here as well beneath all the dressings, things such as a teacup, a bottle of teeth, a turtle shell, and pamphlets to a theater that does not exist (?). (2) Alice’s Sketch Book. A brown hardback with tatty edges and worn, messy pages, stuffed to the brim with vivid, imaginative drawings in both charcoal and paint and keepsakes. There is strange gray and black fur tucked away within a skull-centered pocket watch made of bone in the very back of the book, rested in a made indentation and hidden behind a drawing of the same cat in the playing cards. The word ‘Wonderland’ is a repeating word scrawled throughout this book. (3) Liddel Family Portrait. A framed photograph of a mother, a father, an older sister, and a young Alice hugging her rabbit toy. It’s unknown how this has survived the Liddel catastrophe, but it had made its way to her hands and became quite the protected item.
LEGENDARY: (1) Alice’s White Rabbit. A soft and dingy white rabbit with one button eye, decorated with stitches galore to keep this old thing together. It has a dark, shiny red nose and a hollow eye socket that looks morbidly realistic, and has red stains splotched about that just cannot be rinsed clean. The fabric on the right side of its head has been torn off, showing the hard foundation beneath that’s browned with time, eerily enough reminding one of a skull cap. This was the most sentimental item that Alice possessed, a survivor of the family fire, and was almost constantly in her grip as it is the only material thing to have brought her comfort. (2) The Vorpal Blade. A long, sharp bloodied kitchen knife embellished with floral filigree in its blade and design in its handle. The energy it admits makes it feel sentient to some degree.
tagged by: yoinked it from moooooonths back.
tagging: @idyllicserendipity / @yukikorogashi, @thcsevoices, @tcthinecwnself, @casketdweller, @ominasapphirus, @soughtbirthright, @musedbyalli, @heedingcalls, @pomfiores, @blackstardiopside / @lcftcult, @desdouxjardins, @lightcreators, @rosa-geminae, @bloominghands, @tanteichi && whoever else would like to do this!
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
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3AM is the Witching Hour, and that is the hour in which those who have died can take advantage of to cross over into the human world for that one single hour, unless something powerful binds their soul to the mortal coil once again. They’ll be dragged back into Hell if they don’t return of their own volition otherwise, and it is not a pleasant process.
Vaggie adores this hour. Whenever possible, she’ll return to the world above and walk the night with her umbrella, providing herself to be a strange and eerie, gaussian sight that is better to be left alone than to be toiled with. Living folk who’ve spotted her often believe she’s a ghost, and she’s something of a small tale in the places she enjoys as regular haunts.
The most ordinary way a demon arrives is literally by walking right out of their grave - or rather, their gravestone, if they have it. Those who have died and were never been given a proper burial will crawl or walk out of the location for which their body is at unrest, so the sight of someone walking out of a lake or climbing out of gravel pits has been a phenomenon going back for centuries. This further feeds tales of Vaggie’s sightings to being referred to as ghostly ones, as she is always leaving through a particular cemetery gate.
Witching Hours happen to also be Vaggie’s favorite idea of a date night. She loves taking Charlie up above to visit late night shops and piers, carnivals, cafes and restaurants. Due to Charlie being the Princess of Hell and a powerful individual, she can bend the rules and let their dates up above go on past the ordinary hour easily.
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
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Vaggie’s damnation comes in the form of disembodied eyes that haunt her every move through the afterlife, never granting a moment’s privacy; never blinking, never looking away, never distractable, never able to be locked away or stuffed in the boxes she’s tried to commit them to multiple times. It’s Charlie’s presence, however, that temporarily relieves Vaggie from their constant gaze as they suddenly close and vanish into thin air upon the Princess willing them away herself. They do bleed back into reality once the two are apart, though.
Unfortunately, unless she ascends to the throne and becomes the Queen of Hell, only Lilith and Lucifer can dismiss them and grant Vaggie true, lasting peace from the invasive gaze. So far, that sort of notion has not been passed. The theory is that they’re still waiting to see if Charlie & Vaggie are going to make it as a couple (despite clearly showing proof of that) before they grant such a big blessing, and until they are sure, the gaze stays.
Her feelings on the eyes are aggravation, exhaustion and constant irritation. She wishes she could say you get used to them, but you really don’t. She can put mental blocks up in her mind to ignore them, but the feeling of being watched is always there and it is always capable of sending her mood straight south.
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
M   :   MOONLIGHT. what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc? to vaggie luv charlie ... not that she doesn't already know, just wants to double check ....
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"You're such a dork."
Valentine's Day Alphabet
M   :   MOONLIGHT. what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
The "who" is, of course, with the love of her life; her woman, her babe, her future wife, the legend, Charlie Magne.
Vaggie's ideal date is fairly simple, to be honest. The both of them dress their absolute best, hit up the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in town, and then head up top to the world of the living for the rest. The real thrill lies in taking Charlie to fairs, women's nightclubs, midnight premieres, and long walks in a thriving city nightlife. Showing her girl what a slice of being up top is, showing her the fun of it! Sneaking into enormous theme parks and revving everything up for just the two of them, going for a drive in a beautiful top down corvette.
and you know, ending it all with passionate and ravenous lovemaking. Perfect date. 200/10.
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
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Surprising / Scaring Vaggie is a double-edged sword! While yes, you do successfully spook the moth demon, you also get a wildly twitching nose as her natural defense mechanism is.. dust! During extreme moments of anxiety, high temperament or fright, lilac dust [ & sometimes even moths ] puffs off her body and momentarily fogs her immediate vicinity, causing the worst case of allergies, sneezing fits and reddened, tearful eyes galore. In the end you have to ask yourself: Is it worth it?
And it should go without saying: she does weaponize it, too. Pocket sand, except worse!
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
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Vaggie and Charlie have discussed it back and forth throughout the years, but there is one solid truth Charlie knows about Vaggie; She has no interest in being redeemed. The mission is noble and she’ll do it for Charlie, as well as for her own personal belief in the system of becoming a better person, but she will not be taken to Heaven and would fight the notion of it even happening.
With the life Vaggie’s had, along with other very personal reasons, she hasn’t the slightest interest in going on to a “better place”.
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
warning; contains mentions of child abuse, homophobia and suicide.
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While Vaggie may refer to her never having had a “mother” and never knowing her “father”, she did actually have both. Their presence in her life was something of absence and abuse, however; her father took to verbal abuse long since before she could remember, and her mother always doted on her father and took his side for everything. Vaggie was never the priority. She still doesn’t understand why they went through with having her at all.
The neglect and terrible treatment at home led to a maladjusted and poorly reared child who grew up to have an often inconsolable anger, which led to violence, which led to home receiving calls from both the police and the school. Which, unfortunately, led verbal abuse to grow into physical beatings from both parents. Some people noticed, but no one ever did anything - they kept to themselves and huddled away, covering the eyes of their own children and telling them to ignore it.
It was 17 when Vaggie dropped out of High School and eventually left home, striking out on her own. She stayed with aunts and uncles until her parents eventually came along and drove her out of their homes, none having the interest in dealing with the drama, or simply not being courageous enough to handle it. She felt love from her relatives, she even took to caring for nieces and nephews, and forming bonds with her cousins, but her mother and father threw a wrench into the relations and forcefully excluded her from the family all-together. What poisoned the well to the point of no return was when both her mother and father outed her to members of the family, a great many of which were unfortunately deeply catholic, thus casting the poor teenager out with absolutely no one to go to. She became homeless, and took to drastic measures to get by.
The mortal life shaped Vaggie to be a very angry individual, and also an incredibly sorrowful one. Her heart hurts, and her view of herself is incredibly shot all to hell. Suicidal tendencies were there, but she calls herself a “coward” for never having been able to go through with it. She just stuck it out until she met an untimely and violent end.
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crimsonfacets · 4 years
😒 - “Ugh! Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? @ Vaggie and Malaria!!!
get to know my character through an ask!
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Vaggie’s entire life, minus one Princess.
While Charlie no doubt tries to appease annoying folk, Vaggie on the other hand does not let them waste her time. Depending on who it is and what their flavor of annoying is depends on her reaction, although the general is, “Look - I gotta go, I’m busy.” and she holds her hand up if they try to say anything, and she walks off. She does not have patience for that and she does not let herself become a polite doormat. They’re cut off. However, if this is someone insistent, it usually leads to Charlie intervening because Vaggie starts slipping and is going to come to blows and throw some punches if this person is fully aware they’re grinding her gears and are being very smug about it, which they tend to be.
Best.. to not annoy her. If she’s not walking away, she’s eventually going to get a little confrontational.
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Malaria will tolerate it for a while longer than Vaggie because she lives in Endsville, and this sort of this is the norm. However, there comes the point where she cuts the line. “Are you done? Are you finished?” and if it doesn’t end there, if they don’t get a hint, and they usually don’t, you just see her face slowly scrunch up and eyes get squinty, brows furrowing. Her own annoyance becomes frustration, and she eventually starts pulling her hair and grinding her teeth before she likely shoves the person in a trash can and shoves the lid down on top of them SKDGKSDFF. Very rude!!
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crimsonfacets · 4 years
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Vaggie’s tags.
『  vaggie / ic.  』    ❝ like a moth to a flame. ❞
『  vaggie / visage.  』    ❝ rímel corriendo por sus pequeños ojos de bambi. ❞ / mascara running down her little bambi eyes.
『  vaggie / insp.  』    ❝ reina de la belleza degenerada. ❞ / degenerate beauty queen.
『  vaggie / aes.  』    ❝ polvo morado. ❞ / purple powder.
『  vaggie / interests.  』    ❝ i see it ; i like it ; i want it ; i got it. ❞
『  vaggie / hc.  』    ❝ mi cabeza en llamas. ❞ / my head on fire.
『  vaggie / style.  』    ❝ es como si nunca hubieras tenido alas. ❞ / it’s like you’ve never had wings.
『  vaggie / bonds.  』    ❝ coolest kids in hell. ❞
『  vaggie / &charlie.  』    ❝ hers&hers. ❞ [ for @soughtbirthright ]
『  vaggie / &charlie.  』    ❝ baby girl; heaven is a place in hell with you. ❞ [ for @idyllicserendipity​ ]
『  vaggie / &mimzy.  』    ❝ nada tendría una oportunidad contra mujeres como nosotras. ❞ / nothing would stand a chance against women like us. [ for @idyllicserendipity​ ]
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