#【 interaction: liam stoyan. 】
rclldamage · 1 year
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It had been a hard road, yet it was one that had been off the beaten path. Travel without horse or carriage hadn’t been an issue. Only the uneven terrain of the untamed wilds had been. Liam had found a river close by and had taken the opportunity to wash away the grim of travel. A welcomed refresher of cool water against bareskin and a chance to wash travel stained clothes. Night had started to settle by time he returned to the small area he had decided to rest at and the rabbit he had hunted roasted over a crackling fire.
He laid recumbently on his bedroll on his side with a book in front of him. When he had tended to the camp, he had made sure it was compacted enough where all had been in reach. His leather armor was being used as a pillow of sorts, his bow and quiver had been placed against a tree. The only weapon he kept close by was next to the book. One of the handaxes that he had purchased from the last settlement he had come across.
As the fire crackled and warmed his bare skin, a noise raised his attention from the pages of the book. Cautiously, he rose from his position, a hand reaching for the ax by his side in preparation. Hand weapons felt so weighted to him, more comfortable with a longbow in his hand but such a weapon was never best to wield in tighter quarters. “Is someone there ?  Announce y’self and speak friend or enemy.” 
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requested starter for @cxncordia. perception check roll: 13.
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rclldamage · 1 year
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There was too much loss in the world that Liam had chosen to live in. Familiar faces there one moment and gone the next. One may argue that the deepest desire in Liam Stoyan’s soul was to be wanted. To be desired and coveted. His soul sung a brilliant melody when he found himself between two individuals who wanted him. A deepening ocean of need, desire and something … something that he could not describe or even attempt to find words for in order to try. His little secret was kept buried deep inside. His senses were heightened, ran ragged by the assault of two lips, four hands, and the press of bodies against his own. Placed between two so well sculpted lovers that he had no idea where he began and they ended. Liam didn’t care either way. He melted into the strength of Joe’s kiss, submitted to him completely and opened his mouth to have the man claim him … only to be pulled away and have his mouth claimed by Addison. His entire body shuttering with need so evident by how rigid his cock had been between his legs. How his excitement dripped so thickly from the tip and pooled on the sheets of the bed.
Liam had no need to wait long as he found himself forced onto all fours. Fingers gripping the sheets beneath his palms as Joe forced his legs apart from behind and raised his hips. His eyes looked up at Addison as he took position in front of him, his tongue eagerly out and accepting the column of the man’s arousal into his mouth. His cheeks hollowed, head eager in movement at the taste of Addison’s cock on his tongue. He swallowed around the man, tongue teasing the underside of his length … only to moan so loud around the column of flesh when he felt Joe penetrate him. Slow and almost torturous in his movements, Liam forced himself back to fill himself with the man. He gasped around Addison in time with the surprised sound that would escape Joe as his body pulled the man deeper into his heat. His soul was aflame. 
The fantasy of being wanted more than just for the night by two men repeated in his mind as he worshiped Addison’s length so eagerly. Pulling from the man loud moans of wanton desire while he rocked roughly back against the other. Joe, taking matter into his own hand, gripping his hips to keep him still in order to drive a brutal pace into his body. Slowly, Liam slipped into the space where he was neither present or absent between the two. All there was had been him, his body, and the way the two felt inside him. Eagerly, he wanted more. He demanded more as he swallowed Addison to the root, his throat closing around the sensitive flesh and holding him there before the lack of air caused his eyes to water. He pulled himself free, gasping as spittle dripped from his lips. His pupils were blown, darkened into pin pricks of black holes.
When the two shifted position, Liam eagerly laid on his back, head held off the bed while his legs were lifted to rest on Addison’s shoulders. He closed his eyes and faded away into a pleasant abyss as Joe used his throat, hand pressed against his neck. Floating, weightless, all Liam desired was for both men to keep him. To desire him. To break him in all the right ways that war never could.
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answered ask for @cxncordia
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