#【 a mask of confidence worn well but cracking more and more ⁎ support: xander 】
freedomarrow · 4 years
Reach Out To The Truth? || Leonardo & Xander
Right when he thought their situation could not get any crazier, he is proven wrong the very next day. Honestly, he needs to stop having those kinds of thoughts, he just ends up jinxing it.
Their group holds a meeting to try and decide what to do, during which emotions run high, particularly between Takumi and Xander. Leonardo spends that whole time sitting beside Merric in silence, trying to focus on the conversation, but also lost in thoughts of his own.
So long story short - the history the Academy teaches is falsified, the Elites were never the allies of Seiros, the “King of Liberation” may have never been anything more than a bandit, and now they are supposed to pick a side to support in this whole chaos. Did he get that right?
Something else bothers him, however, as he walks through the Imperial Army’s camp together with the Nohrian Paladin, hoping to get some answers that he believes he may need.
Zanado. The sins of Zanado. What happened with Zanado? Who or what caused Seiros such grief and burning, uncontrolled fury?
Leonardo does not dare approach her, but... perhaps the man who stopped her from slaughtering Lamine on the spot would be willing to share something.
The soldiers, though visibly incredulous, do not stop the two as they make their way through the camp towards a large, more decorative tent, where they presume the man - Wilhelm, was it? - to be. However, just as expected, a guard blocks the way. Leonardo pauses, glancing over at Xander. Hopefully the Paladin is more skilled in the art of... speaking, than he is.
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