#【 a trail of blood and steel beneath the shade of eagle’s wings ⁎ support: edelgard 】
freedomarrow · 1 year
Grief Is Just Love With Nowhere to Go || Village Finale Team 1
@crimsonvassalage @hresvelged @exclted @higaneion @cleversteel
"Move on...?" "I can hardly remember her. To forget about her is just..." "Just...!"
"I'm so sorry Arke. Every time I think of you, I try to remember you as you were, but then I always imagine what you have become."
All the while she speaks, a twitching, broken, shattered monstrosity climbs up from the edge of the cliff towards them, a mangled mess of body parts where they do not belong, as if someone cut out a random piece from a battlefield full of corpses strewn everywhere and placed it in front of them.
Though Leonardo remains silent as Colm, Kris and Pelleas attempt to reason with the mourning voice, within his chest his heart is pounding, jumping, as though it wants to stop.
In the end, it would seem that his stories of bonds and family may have either fallen on deaf ears, or simply made things even worse.
But that does not make them any less true.
Sighing, he steels his resolve and draws two arrows. However tragic it is, one thing remains true - they have to get back home. Even if they must fight their way through.
As the motherly spirit casts a protective enchantment on whatever is left of Arke, and the disheveled mostrosity strikes at Hubert, dealing damage, but also suffering a counterattack that knocks her (it?) off-balance - Leonardo sees the spell wear off and the well-trained eyes find the best moment to let the arrows fly.
Leonardo uses the Hunter’s Volley combat art and attacks Arke with Lughnasadh: 2d20(+6)=20, 15. Crit, Hit Leonardo deals 3.5 damage. Arke HP: 36.5 → 33
Leonardo attacks again (+6 Spd): 1d20+2=16. Hit Leonardo deals 0.5 damage. Arke HP: 33 → 32.5
They strike true, prompting the monstrosity to take a step back with a screech, the empty grey eyes staring at him as though in shock, piercing him with a worse glare than anything he ever received from a Begnion soldier, a laguz, or a Feral One.
They need... to get out of here.
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freedomarrow · 1 year
Evening Storytime Feat. a God || Leonardo, Dorothea & Edelgard
Chalkos? The god is no mage, she tells you. That said, she is emotional, and the emotions stirred from holding Edelgard and listening to your requests occasionally causes chunks of Chalkos to fall from the sky. You may have to play with her emotions. Grants 4d4 Chalkos.
@scarletrefrain @hresvelged
The bizarre nature of the dream was far from done playing with them, it would seem. From a nervous village, through a bizarre dungeon, through the horrific sight of the aliens throwing the girl off the cliff in a display heartless - and yet one, somehow, not particularly surprising for the Daein. Expected, almost.
Far from the first time he saw an invader being cruel for the sake of it, after all.
But the terrifying memory is already largely faded, replaced by one of serenity. The calm, dark forest stretches all around him - a bringer of the rare moments of peace and safety he knew even in the worst of times, a protector, an ally. Though the realization that his call for Micaiah, Edward, Nolan, Sothe - it will go unanswered, and it stings a little, he nevertheless finds himself feeling... well. Surprisingly so, and almost to the point of guilt - especially when he takes note of the presence of Dorothea and Edelgard, and the states they are in. He probably is not supposed to be feeling so well.
But can he help it, if for years the forests were the only places where he was allowed to experience comfort and serenity?
And here especially, he cannot help but feel as though the forest, the night, the calm moon above his head - that it lives - that she lives; she lives, and breathes, and listens to his thoughts most intently, and she is the one taking care of the wounded Edelgard with the concern of a parent watching over their sick child.
“... Hey. How are you feeling?” A somewhat personal question, perhaps, that he poses to the girls - but are you okay? felt simply stupid in comparison. “Let’s try to take it easy and rest for a while. A lot has happened.”
His mind races through the images of the past days, as though to fill in what he hides behind the simple a lot - and as he speaks, he takes note of something shiny now resting in the grass near him.
... Chalkos? Interesting.
He sits down directly on the grass, the same way he always has. It is quiet, and he gets the impression that the silence is not going to help lift the mood.
It is not as though Leonardo dislikes silence, he very much enjoys peace and quiet - but sometimes, it makes it too easy to think.
“You know... I’ve spent many nights like this, actually. If you’d like, I can... share some stories, maybe? To pass some time while we rest...”
It feels weird, being open about himself. But he cannot help but be influenced by the serenity of the scenario he so well knows.
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