#【ありがとうございました】 ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ! — ( asks )
mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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"Screw me if I'm wrong, but haven't we met before?" He doesn't realize that line doesn't work if you HAVE met. He's a little dumb.
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  There was amusement clear on her face when he said that, she knew that they had met before and it was clear that he didn’t think this line wouldn’t be applied to either of them。
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「So。。。」 Mukuro began, a smirk grows her lips, 「you want to fuck me~?」
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【 dirty pick up lines 】                            ♡                            【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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🛑 (sure why not)
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「Now, now, I’m beginning to think you’re following me〜」 Mukuro teases as he wipes blood off of her, 「is it because I fill your ‘good deed of the day’ quota?」 She hums, it felt nice to be tended to like this, even by a complete stranger。
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「What payment do I owe you after this〜?」 Perhaps it was the fight she was in, her adrenaline being a bit high, and the thrill of having killed something and now she wore a bit of gore, that got her a little too riled up。 「You paid for my drink before and now you do this〜 If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’d have some ulterior motives〜」
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【 clean blood off mukuro 】                         ♡                     【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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「How kind,」 Mukuro remarks as he proceeds to wipe the blood, not her blood mind you, off of her, 「I was kind of hoping to keep some on~ being decorated like this gets me rather hot and bothered~」 she teased, even though she honestly was quite a bit turned on by the blood that adorned her skin, or maybe it was the thrill of the kill that was really the major factor in how wet she was already, it was hard to tell。
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「C’mon~ whaddya say~?」 She took a hold of his hand and redirected it to her chest in a grip that could be easily pried out from。
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【 clean blood off mukuro 】                         ♡                     【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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“Maybe?” (Yasha)
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「And how often have you thought about kissing me, I wonder〜?」
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【 if your muse has thought about kissing mukuro 】  ♡  【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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❝ the mailman delivered your package to my place. ❞
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  When someone knocked at her door, Mukuro froze in her movements, not really expecting any type of visitor, and the mail carrier typically left her packages at the door, so Mukuro debated on answering the door until she finally gave in and answered it。 At least this time she was dressed appropriately to answer the door, checking through the peep-hole first before opening the door and blinking curiously at the man on the other side。
「Oh--」 Mukuro breathed out, blinking at the package, looking it over and it did have her name on it along with her address and the sender address was something she recognized, so it was something she was expecting to get。 「Thank you。。。 hopefully you didn’t go too out of your way to get this here。」
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  Her condo was at the top of a rather high-rise building so unless he also lived up here or in the building as well, hand delivering it like this would be something out of the way for him to do。
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【 First Meeting Sentence Starters 】               ♡               【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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Byakuya had taken the liberty of visiting Mukuro when he had finished all his work. He made the effort of finishing quicker than usual for this opportunity. However, upon reaching the quarters Mukuro resided in, he notices her with another man. From his point of view, it seemed to be an unpleasant type of interaction. The thought of someone harming Mukuro definitely displeased him. Hence why he moved practically at the speed of light in front of her to grab the guy's arm.
No words were exchanged but his grip would become tighter and tighter up until the man gave up and left the both of them.
Byakuya was well aware that Mukuro could handle herself but, something in him forced the captain to move.
"Pardon my behavior, scum should really be dealt with accordingly." He'd say when turning back to Mukuro.
"That aside, I wanted to ask if you'd like to spend the evening with me."
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  Everyday, Mukuro was tested for her patience, and it seemed that today was one of those days。 After having hardly any sleep, paired with the training she did today, and along with the fact that dinner time was approaching, Mukuro just wanted to just relax for a minute before figuring out what she wanted to do for dinner。 But it seemed like one of her squad mates had something different in mind and just。。。 would not stop talking to her。
  Mukuro was doing everything in her power to end the conversation as quickly as she could and as politely as she could, but her fuse was shortening and shortening, to the point where Mukuro began to take the inhale that would have told him to fuck off and a fist formed that would have absolutely broken the guy’s nose, when suddenly white filled her vision。
  Mukuro had to blink rapidly a few times before realizing that she hadn’t gone blind with rage and that it was a captain’s haori had moved in front of her, specifically Byakuya’s haori, tilting herself a little to look over his shoulder, Mukuro watched as the Captain held a near death grip on the guy before he finally left。
  Honestly she was more surprised that the guy stuck around as long as he did when Byakuya showed up。
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「Thank you, Captain Kuchiki,」 Mukuro said with a small, relieved smile。He was right, scum should be dealt with accordingly, that’ll probably be the last time she’s polite to that particular man。  Then -- it hit her, the way Byakuya swooped in and referred to the man ( attempting? She really wasn’t listening to the guy - she hardly knew his name。 ) to hit on her as scum -- that typically wasn’t done to someone who saw the other in a platonic way -- right?
  「I would love to, have you eaten dinner yet?」 Mukuro answered, her smile growing along with a hint of a blush on her cheeks。
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【 unprompted asks 】                      ♡                    【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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“If we had a child, like actually had one, what would want their name to be? Boy and girl option.” Kengou asked from his spot with her in their bed, far away from Sayaka’s curious ear.
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「Well— I’ve always liked Reina or Kanae as a girl’s name as for a boy’s name。。。maybe Jun? Yōsuke is a good one too,」 Mukuro answered his question without really batting an eyelash, 「what about you? Are there ones you like?」
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【 unprompted asks 】                      ♡                    【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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  — near immediate blind rage lol the millisecond she feels his spiritual pressure cease, she’ll feel a back of the mind snap and then slice down everything/everyone in her path from wherever she is to where she last felt his spiritual pressure. She will absolutely not be stopped unless her body quits out on her, is restrained super securely, or killed. Because, she could absolutely not live through another heart-break of having someone she loves and cares deeply for to be killed, but at least in this instance she would know who did it and she could track them down and kill them unlike last time.
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  — and if Mukuro is still alive after the rage subsides, she’s damn near inconsolable, she’ll have that glassy/soulless look in her eyes and it’ll look like she’s looking through someone than actually looking at them, she’ll be super distant and if she ever smiles, it’ll be out of politeness and they’ll never reach her eyes. Conversations will be as curt as possible and of course, the near non-stop crying as soon as she’s behind closed doors because, even though she wouldn’t have been there to see it happen, she still would have the mindset of ‘it should have been me’ :)
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【 unprompted asks 】                     ♡                    【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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[ neck ] from Alucard (because why the hell not?) :3c [ neck ] — sender bites and licks along receiver’s neck  
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  The moment his fangs dip into her skin, Mukuro’s lips part to let out a moan, pressing her body more flush against his。 Another moan would leave her lips when his tongue smoothed over the bite he gave her。
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「More, please~」 she begged softly, a small moan leaving her lips as anticipation began to build up in her。
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【 oddly specific sensual touches 】                ♡                 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
Random positivity for you!
We have been mutual for more than 3 years I believe and it is a pleasure to have you around for so long. I'm happy to have seen your oc develop so much and see who she has become now. You are doing a fantastic job and your presence is definitely enjoyed.
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Me rn with all this kindness:
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— no but for real ;w ; oh my gosh this is just!!!! super kind and unexpected!!! ;o; thank you so very very much!!! and ya i think that’s the correct amount of time??? idk time’s an illusion and moves too damn fast lol ;w ; but I also just love seeing you on my dash and I think we’ve had a few interactions every now and again and i’m def looking forward to more!!!
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【 unprompted asks 】                      ♡                     【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
❊ I want to roleplay with you ✷ I wish our characters were friends ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ✪ You seem like a cool person ❇ I love the way you write
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  — oh my gosh thank you!!!! I’m always up for plotting whenever, I may be a bit slow at it granted, because a lot of the time ideas will come to me and i just totally blank on telling the person who I think would be interested in said plot and i forget to write it down ( i have terrible memory lmao ) but i’m always up for just throwing ideas to the wall and seeing what sticks lol
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【 what do you want to tell me? 】                 ♡                   【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
😃😃 pride go brrr! :3
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— I know earlier I stated I was proud of my development of Mukuro, but I also just proud of how really well fleshed out I think she is?? LIke I do think i have to go back and edit her personalty portion a bit again or at least look it over because I don’t think i’ve updated that in a while,
— I also really like how she’s just a constantly developing character? I thnk that’s just pretty neat tbh  b/c she changes and grows like a person
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【 something i'm proud of with this blog 】           ♡           【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
💦 👀 Hisagi
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「Well, out of the ones I've had, one of my favorites has got to be where he's got me bent over his desk, pinned firmly against the wood as he's fucking me from behind with hard, deep thrusts。 Starting slow at first but it doesn't take long for the pacing to quicken and we're really going at it like rabbits~」
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【 a wet dream mukuro has had about your muse 】   ♡   【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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「While normally, I typically have。。。 rather wild wet dreams, with Byakuya I’ve notice that the more common wet dreams I have are a bit more romantic in nature。 The place always varies, from offices, his home, the garden at his home。。。 but it’s always so gentle and yet so hard, and he hits me so very deep。 There’s so much kissing involved, so many sweet words exchanged, I wake up both so very wet and crying a little because it’s so good, so tender and loving。 It’s more than just sex, its pure, unadulterated love making。」
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【 a wet dream mukuro has had about your muse 】   ♡   【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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[ TUG ] (Mukuro dared him to do it so Yasha is tugging her hair…from behind…have fun) [ TUG ]:          sender grabs the receiver’s hair and pulls at it
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  She shouldn’t have been super surprised that he followed through with her dare, but the force at which he pulled was a bit surprising。 It wasn’t painful, of course, but it was a little more harsh than what she was used to。 And so, when he gave that initial tug, a moan flew out passed Mukuro’s lips。
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「Damn-- you actually did it,」 Mukuro said, her breathing hot and heavy as she spoke。 「Do it again~」
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【 things done with hair prompts 】                ♡                【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise? ✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
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♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
  — the most recent thing was that one dude who flipped out on me, saying i didn’t actually give a damn about him/his problems when in fact I was often comforting him lol and I’ve had a very popular blog try and take my OC ( face claim - backstory - you name it ) and I got hate for it. lol loved that.
✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
   — I’d like to think I have for the most part, there have been times where I’ve interacted with people and they ended up having a very extensive call out post about them and i’m just sitting here like :y ‘guh dam’
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
  — It was when it was my time of the month and i had a cis male mun tell me some “tips and tricks” on how to deal with cramps -- now i get really bad cramps so that puts me in an already bad mood and to have a cis guy tell me what to do really sent me off the edge ( i also want to note that this guy had already been getting on my nerves far before this -- he was one of those types that even if it was my queue posting and i wasn’t on tumblr he’d hop into my DMs asking for where my responses were at/start new threads/want to ship?? )
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
  — oh gosh!! that’s such a tough answer lol I honestly feel like recently it’s hard to get accepted anywhere now ( especially with OCs ) like in my experience, when I had single fandom OCs blogs I think the only fandom i had great success in was One Piece lol with my shiba captain and her almost all dog-ass-dog crew lolol and the one I had least success in was whenever I’d make bleach exclusive OCs ( again this was waaaay back in the day and almost all bleach blogs I came across were not OC friendly lol -- honestly i think i came across a couple bleach OC blogs that also stated they weren’t really OC friendly which honestly confused the hell out of me but you do you i guess ? and I think at the time I was making my Bleach OC blogs the fandom had just gone through some wicked nuts OC drama? again, i’m not sure but a lot of blogs I’d come across hinted towards it ) but the only fandoms I ever really heavily RPd in on here are: one piece, bleach, and yugioh lmao
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【 salty af munday meme 】                     ♡                     【 accepting 】
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