#【 msumalia 】
msuchangmin · 4 years
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˜”*°•.˜”*°• 【 yule ball 2020 】 •°*”˜.•°*”˜ han changmin attending with malia moon
d a n c e with me, baby lets get lost right here
d a n c e with me, babe under the chandelier
♡ @msumalia ♡
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msuethan · 4 years
☠ Troublemaker | Ethan & Malia
     The thing about Ethan that others often found out after they’ve dealt with him at least once is that he’s definitely a troublemaker. It was his way of just having ‘fun’, messing with others or even pranking them to have some sort of enjoyment when he was bored and needed something at least interesting to do. There were even times when he would happen to drag someone into the mess he creates, just like right now. He had pulled a small and harmless prank on another student, though somewhere along the lines he had gone a little too overboard.
     In the process of all this, Ethan had managed to drag Malia into the mess he had caused and of course he didn’t feel even the slightest bit apologetic for even doing so. Why? Well, the first reason was because he never felt sorry towards anyone, it’s just how he had always been. The second reason was that he loved the reaction of others when he got them into trouble along with him.
     Now Ethan is just standing there, listening to the teacher scold not only him but Malia as well, even though the poor girl actually didn’t have anything to do with what was going on, though to him it was amusing in a way. He smirks at the thought but his attention is quickly brought back to the teacher. “And what’s so funny, Ethan? You two almost injured another student.” This causes Ethan to shrug in response, clearly uncaring about the whole situation. “Well... we almost injured a student. We didn’t though so I don’t see what the big deal is...” This of course is the wrong thing to be saying in a situation such as this, especially to a teacher, though Ethan ignores the look of disapproval he receives for it.
     If his sister ended up hearing about him almost injuring yet another student he knew that he definitely wouldn’t hear the end of it. Just thinking about what all his sister would do or even say makes him want to roll his eyes, though he holds back and just lets out a soft sigh while crossing his arms over his chest. You’d think that he would learn his lesson by now, but when it came to doing things like this he just couldn’t help himself. 
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msuqueenbee · 4 years
the cheerleaders are led by a drill sergeant. miyoung's contact in malia's phone is general gyeon
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msuselene · 4 years
* to be young,
what the heck—is the room spinning?
she laughs at the thought that pierces through her brain. the very one that does not seem to be functioning that well at the moment. it took a few seconds of staring at a singular point with extreme focus when she realises that it was all in her head. perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol. who is she kidding? it was definitely the effects of whatever darned thing was handed off to her as soon as she entered this party. it was turning her senses into mush. this could not possibly be the same brain that deals with biological concepts on the daily. the capacity for both stupidity and intelligence is just unfathomable. 
it seems she is tethering on the end of foolishness at that moment when she whirls around a little too quickly and lost her balance. reaching out to the person closest to her, she grabs on tightly. “malia, i’m so sorry.” she says through a laugh. releasing her hold on the younger girl as she manages to keep herself upright. “this is so stupid i don’t think i’m ever drinking again after this!” she says, all while clutching the glass that was almost empty and managed not to spill when she went off-kilter.
she was about to say something else but all thoughts flew out of the window the moment she hears the next song. “oh, i love this song!” she says perhaps a little exuberantly. “come dance with me! i know you’re a great dancer.” she smiles.
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msuxelodie · 4 years
.looks so sweet
elodie has a weakness for sweets. she always had and she always will. the little cakes and pastries, candy of any variety, it always get her. she’s always craving it. 
so the sweets booth quickly becomes her favorite spot of the whole carnival. it will be a miracle if she doesn’t get a cavity from all of this sugar. nevertheless, it doesn’t really stop her from looking all too pleased as she finally gets her hands on some cotton candy-- perhaps her favorite treat of these sort of events. 
it’s enough to placate her for a bit. 
i was enough to placate her for a bit. 
one minute she was looking at her cotton candy, almost mouth watering, and the next it was on the ground, dirty, ruined, and inedible. her poor cotton candy. 
“hey.” elodie snaps. “look what you did.” maybe she should have held onto it harder or maybe someone should have been paying attention to where they were going. “you ruined my damn cotton candy.” 
a bit of character building for @msumalia
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emdoesrp · 4 years
Bella’s mother and aunt may have their own little drama going on, no thanks to their grandmother, however she didn’t care about that shit. She actually loved her cousins, she had grown more and more caring towards the two despite the drama revolving around their parents. Malia was definitely one that Bella loved spending time with. Yes, they had different personalities and views on certain things, however they did have one major thing in common and that was how they didn’t care for their grandmother and the petty shit she had done to cause their family to become this way.
She slowly, and quietly, tiptoes closer and closer towards Malia with a smile on her face as she attempts to sneak up behind the other female to give her a little ‘scare’. Once she’s behind the other she quickly wraps her arms around Malia and speaks in a loud tone. “Malia!” Bella then rests her chin on her cousin’s shoulder and smiles even wider. “What’s one of my favorite cousins in the whole world doing right now?”
Her head tilts slightly to the side so she can get a better look at her cousin, batting her eyelashes as she does so. She could have easily just called out the other’s name at a distance, however what was the fun in all of that? Bella loved excitement in her life and she believed that everyone should have a little bit of it in their daily lives no matter what. Living a boring life with no fun really wasn’t her style.
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msuxander · 4 years
something in the woods ;
with @msumalia​ at the carriage ride | msumausoleum
xander finds himself back at the carriage ride and he has to say he's still annoyed at the student who had denied him riding alone the first time he was around. the carriages are meant for two passengers at least. it was truly luck that stephanie had shown up with natsuki for the ride as well before xander could hex the student in charge of the rides.
xander had found himself annoyed and irritated by all the pulsating energy in the dungeons. he needed some peace and quiet before returning to party. he's well aware that he could simply return to his dorm and call it a night but the idea of any students bringing the party back to their dorms wasn't exactly an enticing thought either. either way, he'd have to deal with the students until the night fully died out with all activities put away and the dungeons closed. seeing as the carriage ride was one of the only things that would actually allow him some relaxation, xander decided he would get the quiet ride he wanted this time.
many students made a conscious effort to avoid him the entire night, but he was going to get someone on that ride with him no matter what. and then he spotted her. xander recognized her face but he couldn't put a name to her... he had seen her on the cheer team and a few times with the toseong quidditch team. none of that mattered though because she was walking directly towards him and her aura seemed timid. it was enough for him.
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"you. you're coming with me." xander gruffly stated before grabbing her by the arm and dragging her towards the carriage that had just returned, the passengers hurriedly shuffling off as soon as they recognized xander.
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msuxahyoung · 4 years
Potions was one of her favourites, so it was no surprise that Ahyoung chose it as an extracurricular. She'd already found a spot to call her “usual”, but today everything was a little bit different. For some reason (and she didn't quite exclude having been hexed just yet), she felt extremely tired, exhausted even.
There wasn't much to be done, caffeine didn't help, but that was no excuse to miss any classes especially not one of her favourites. So, as best as she could, Ahyoung floated through the room to ask the professor for an ingredient she'd forgotten. The ingredient in hand and a hearty yawn, hidden behind her free hand, later, she made it back to her waiting potion and let it slip in.
Her eyebrows furrowed as the liquid turned blue and started to bubble, which was a rather direct sign that she should take a step or two back, but in her confusion, the girl just kept staring.
A loud plop later, she found herself covered in a good amount of blue, jelly-like potion and realised that the students directly gawking or laughing at her weren't those she'd greeted earlier.
“Oh no,” she murmured, turning her head to the side to look at the owner of this cauldron and ruined potion who was standing right next to her, “I'm so sorry!”
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msuatlas · 4 years
do you think we'd still be friends if we were in different houses?
      "honesty hour, honesty hour.” atlas whispers to himself, didn't expect to be hit with this kind of heavy-impact question. “to be honest, no, i don't think we’d still be friends. it's kind of similar to how apes together strong. we only got to interact with each other thanks to us being in the same house, otherwise you would've asked for a hand from another person, from another house and then there wouldn't be me standing there to guide you anymore.” 
the senior swallows, giving her a small and subtle smile. he's. smiling. gently. “but forming a friendship with someone depends on many factors, i think you could effortlessly make friends with anyone you want to, malia. anyways, the fact that you and i are in the same house means that we're kind of fated to be friends. i don't believe in destiny and all that bullshit but wouldn't want to mess with that either— the point is, you're the best cheerleader mokseong's ever had and so many things wouldn't be the same anymore if you weren't a part of toseong so let's just be grateful for that. i like you, mal.”
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jamiesofine · 4 years
is there anyone you have a crush on? uwu
honesty hour : open !!
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       she had to laugh at that question but it was admittedly such a cute one. everyone knew jamie didn’t follow the traditional rules of having a crush , it developing into feelings and then dating that whole shabang.. but if we were strictly talking about a crush? “ oh , i just have to pick one?? but that’s not fair , all the women here are so beautiful how could have a crush just on one? like look at you malia , so beautiful ! it’d be hard not to have a crush on you , right? ”
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msucaleb · 4 years
so....who are you and why does mom hate you? :/
“you wound me, malia! you know me! the funniest, greatest guy on this planet! and delphine hating me? that’s a new one! i think i’ve been a pretty good influence on her kids. i don’t see any reason for her hating me.”
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msuchangmin · 4 years
|| closed starter ☆ @msumalia​ ☆ || Changmin was just getting out of his last class and he had a break for lunch before his lessons in the afternoon, leaving his classroom and heading in the direction of the cafeteria like he did most days. He was walking along slowly, feeling a bit run down by the lack of fun and spontaneity in his schedule lately, same ole’ classes, same ole’ lunch room, same ole’ meal and then turning around to go right back to those same ole’ classes. He remembered he used to have a routine in the beginning of the semester but it was much better than what he did now, and the only difference was that he used to spend most of his days with Malia. They’d been really close friends ever since she moved to the small village he lived in, so when they started school at the same time it was nice to already know someone. They’d study together and eat most of their meals together up until they started getting more comfortable and actually making friends in their own houses and classes. They still saw each other in passing or in class but he’d realized that it had been quite a long time since the last time they had lunch together, so he decided it was about time that changed. [ owlet - To: Princess Jasmine♡ ] > Good afternoon Princess, I hope you are doing well. There is a small matter of business that I would like to discuss with you if you have the time.  > Haha! Malia! Hi > Do you have any plans for lunch? If you’re free, we should get together like old times! > Meet me at our usual table!
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msuqueenbee · 4 years
it’s obvious our @msulevi can knock anyone off their feet (surely 2/3rd of our suseong quidditch chasers must know something about this?) but we might've finally found someone who'll sweep him off of his! freshman @msumalia was seen on top of him in the hallway near hwaseong’s common room, and let’s just say they weren’t exactly using their mouths for talking. our source says they were quick to leave — most likely to keep canoodling out of sight, as this forbidden romance most likely won’t sit well with geumseong’s quidditch co-captain and malia’s brother, @msunate. but no one likes a hypocrite, nathaniel… what were you doing with @msumagnolia at the bonfire? 🐝
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msucal · 4 years
cal what made you choose that hair color and why are you so pretty?~
honesty hour with cal lee!
cal doesn’t get shy often, but he couldn’t help but cover his face and giggle when receiving the compliment. it was one thing to call him hot or sexy. but pretty? it’s a word that makes the other lose his composure because of how shy it makes him. he always liked being called pretty when it’s unexpected. that’s why he always appreciates it when malia calls him it. 
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he tries to remain composed before answering her question. “i just wanted to give blonde a try! sometimes i go back to blue or silver. especially since blue was a good color. i’m thinking of going pink for the spring.. but i like the blonde because geummie pride.” he finds himself smiling when he answers the last question. “why are you the sweetest freshman ever? you’re making it hard to not choose a favorite moon sibling right now, malia.” 
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msutaejun · 4 years
with @msumalia on the quidditch pitch
there aren't many things that can make taejun sad. in fact, he's rare for taejun to be sad. emotions have such a wide range and taejun is typically happy or cheerful, along with feeling mischievous when he's a little more invested in pranks that others wouldn't expect him to be a part of... but sadness. it's something his grandparents have always taught him to welcome as well but he's never found himself to ever really process that emotion.
with how the quidditch season has been going so far, he knows that there's a pinch of sadness somewhere inside but he's refusing to let it grow by ignoring it. as the teams co-captain and seeker, the first two games of the year for suseong were major losses. being beat by levi in the amount of time he had and then losing to haejin. of course, taejun had great sportsmanship so he held nothing against either of the seekers but the same couldn't be said for himself. there was so much shame and guilt in having let down his teammates and taejun was starting to feel like there was no way to make up for it. of course, winning the next game would change it all but what were the chances of that? taejun could practice but that wasn't going to guarantee him catching the snitch for his team.
his thoughts are clouded and all he can think about is how he needs to work harder. fly faster. see further.
it isn't until taejun realizes that he isn't even searching for the snitch anymore that he decides to fly back down to the ground. as soon as he lands, he turns to see malia catch the snitch during their practice before she notices that he's already retreated to solid grounds.
guilt immediately fills taejun as he thinks about how hard malia is training as well. she's doing a great job but here he is simply brooding about his losses and not even being able to focus properly on practice. it wasn't fair to the younger toseong student considering how willing and excited she was to practice with taejun only for him to not even be completely in it. dejectedly, all taejun manages to do is take a seat on the bench while hanging his head low. he really should be doing better. he knew he could yet here he was doing nothing.
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msuhana · 4 years
budding parallels
similar but not quite the same, virtually so; but hopefully, not at all. see also: hana and @msumalia​ and the similarities that bind them, and the differences that hana wishes were enough. 
truth be told, hana sees a great deal of herself in malia. ( whether that was a good thing or not was to be decided ) where they differ, however, falls short of expectation. ( not that that was a bad thing, perse, if anything, hana thought it was for the best ) if she could wish anyone to be more unlike her, she’d think that grace should fall upon the best souls she’s witnessed. and while she’s not one for auras, hana thinks malia may have the best of them. she finds malia soft where hana isn’t -- an innocence, untainted, she holds so dear that hana can’t fault her for it. 
she finds it endearing, instead. 
but alas, the qualities she sees in malia are ones she doesn’t wish for her. not in someone so sweet and so new to the world -- she’s heard the stories of the incoming freshmen, privy ears to gossip as any one with a sense would be. and she finds the new toseong students all a little green in the ears and sparkly in the eyes. 
so, it comes to no surprise when one of hana professors asks if she’d like to take anyone under her wing -- and usually, hana wouldn’t -- but she relents, ‘it’s just for the time being to help them get used to the school’ they had said and hana isn’t one to argue. so, with a smile on her face she takes the name and reads it over, once, twice -- three times for good luck -- before slipping it into her pocket right before the seat beside her is taken at lunch. hana doesn’t think much of the acquaintance, if anything -- she supposes, maybe this would be good for her.
staying cooped up in the library was not doing her complexion any favors. 
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