#【🌊♆ eternal eternity】
"Liebesfreud" Fritz Kreisler
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Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune Tags
Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune Tag
【🌊♆ senshi of grace sailor neptune】
RP Threads
【🌊♆trials from the stars】
【🌊♆ down time with haruka】
【🌊♆ sparkling waves】
【🌊♆about sailor neptune】
【🌊♆ elegant guardian of grace】
【🌊♆usagi playing the violin】
【🌊♆answers for the ambassador】
【🌊♆ eternal eternity】
Kaiou Michiru Sailor Moon Tag
【🌊♆ neptune eternal power make up!】
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astrcthesiai-archived · 8 months
"You're so cool! I want to become a manga artist and a voice actress when I grow up". ( to Michiru from Yui )
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Michiru smiled at the younger girl. There was a faint flush glittering her cheeks from the girl's compliment. She was vaguely reminded of Usagi. She closed her eyes, and opened them again, to tuck a strand of aqua hair behind her ear. A small smile reached Michiru's lips.
"Thank you," she answered. "It'll be a lot of work," she said as she glanced at one of her older artworks. It was a whale leaping out of the water in space. Another was a storm and rogue wave at sea. She glanced at her newer work. It was happier than her former works, dolphins leaping out of the water towards a moonlit palace in the distance. It was a representation of her hope for a peaceful future for the Moon Kingdom and that of Earth's inhabitants.
She smiled at the brunette again. "I'm sure you have what it takes to become both. What genre of story do you have in mind first?" There were all kinds, from shounen to shoujo.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 9 months
"You remind me of my computer program friend. Her name is Ante!" ( to Michiru from Yui )
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A computer program friend? Michiru blinked and smiled softly. "Ante is her name? I'm Michiru, and you?" the Senshi asked. She wondered how exactly the sweet brunette's friend reminded the girl of herself. Appearance? Was it the wall of poise and grace she put up when meeting new people? Michiru was interested. However, the girl said she was a computer program.
Sounds like this was more up her fellow Senshi, Ami's alley. It was also something that would interest Setsuna or Sailor Pluto, considering the introduction of artificial intelligence in the laboratory she works at?
Perhaps it was time for Michiru to learn a new thing or two?
"May I ask how so?" Michiru wondered.
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