twerkbull · 5 months
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one piece boob sound effect
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kamiyatomoyo · 9 months
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tatsuya9 · 2 years
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ONE PIECEカードゲームのブースターパック 頂上決戦【OP-02】より エドワード・ニューゲート、サカズキ、クザンを制作させていただきました。
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mastomysowner · 2 years
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From サカズキTwitterろぐ by はー@ズンドコベロンチョ
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doglok · 8 months
【ワンピースカード】猫まる式ベロ・ベティ!! 革命的攻撃! 青黒サカズキVS赤黄ベロ・ベティ! ワンピースカードゲーム #ONEPIECEカード #ワンピカ #ワンピカード #対戦動画 #青黒サカズキ #赤黄ベロベティ 青黒 ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvxBOZDClfU
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vicisono · 2 years
クロス・ギルドのビラ初公開の時にはバギーちゃんは究極夢ヒロインかと思われたけど、内情が明かされたら一気に「暴力系ヒロインに囲まれた90年代ハーレムラブコメ主人公」解釈の方がしっくりくるようになったぞ。 つまりバギーちゃんが青髪ツインテの騒がし幼馴染ヒロインなのではなく、シャンクスの方が赤髪ショートの愛が重たい幼馴染ヒロインということに(看病イベントもあるしな)。 ときメモ2の光か東鳩のあかり……90年代末環境ならパッケージヒロインじゃないですか~。これはシャンクスにヒロインレース勝利の道筋が見えてきた?!
* バギーを崇めて勝手なビラを撒く部下 * ルフィを崇めて赤髪のナワバリで悶着を起こすバルトロメオ * サボを崇めて暴徒と化す野良革命勢力 * サカズキを崇めて命令無視でワノ国に乗り込む緑牛
強い剣士集団・プルトン・元ロジャー海賊団クルーがそろってるワノ国に上陸して(結果的に)開国を助けるのはクロス・ギルドと予想。 見習い同期の犬猫がいるからバギーをカシラにしたギルドと本気で物騒なことにはならないと思うけど、おでんを名乗る不審な女に遭遇してキレるバギーちゃんは見たい。
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kanika77 · 2 years
○麦わらの一味 主人公「麦わら」ルフィを船長とする一団。
・モンキー・D・ルフィ 説明不要の主人公。奔放な性格で自由を愛する。悪魔の実「ゴムゴムの実」の能力者で、ゴムの能力を多彩に活かした戦闘を得意とする他、「覇気」も身に着けており能力と組み合わせて使うこともある。最近破竹の勢いで勢力を伸ばしており、「四皇」と並び称されるほどになっている。
・ロロノア・ゾロ 「麦わらの一味」ナンバー2。二刀流に加え口に加えた刀で「三刀流」を使う剣豪。サンジとは反りが合わない。
・ナミ 「麦わらの一味」航海士。超グラマラスで金にがめつい。天候を操る術で戦う。
・ウソップ 「麦わらの一味」狙撃手。お調子者だが小心者。狙撃の達人であり、「見聞色の覇気」も使いこなす。父ヤソップに憧れている。
・サンジ 「麦わらの一味」コック。料理の腕は超一流。大の女好きですべてのレディを愛する男。炎を纏ったキックで戦う。
・トニートニー・チョッパー 「麦わらの一味」船医のトナカイ。かわいい。「ヒトヒトの実」の能力で様々な姿に変形して戦う。
・ニコ・ロビン 「麦わらの一味」考古学者。超グラマラス。頭脳に秀でていて、古文書の解読などもできる。「ハナハナの実」の能力で離れた場所に手や足を生やして戦う。
・フランキー 「麦わらの一味」船大工。改造した自分の体で戦うスーパーな変態。
・ブルック 「麦わらの一味」音楽家。「ヨミヨミの実」で蘇った骸骨。一時期一世を風靡する歌手だった。居合の達人であり、パンツを見たがる助平でもある。
・ジンベエ 「麦わらの一味」操舵手。「魚人」という種族���仁義に厚い。空手・柔術の達人。
・サウザンドサニー号 麦わらの一味の船。でかい。
○赤髪海賊団 四皇「赤髪のシャンクス」を頭に据える海賊団。一時期ルフィの故郷を拠点としていた。
・シャンクス 通称「赤髪」。「四皇」の一角で、義に厚い海賊。ルフィの憧れの人であり、麦わら帽子の元の持ち主。ルフィを救うために片腕を犠牲にした過去がある。剣技と「覇王色の覇気」の達人で作中トップクラスの実力者。ストーリーの最重要人物だが、最重要すぎて出番が少なく謎も多い。
・ヤソップ 「赤髪海賊団」狙撃手。ウソップの父親で、ある日突然ウソップを置いて旅立った。天才的な狙撃の腕と「見聞色の覇気」を持��。
・ほか赤髪海賊団の皆さん シャンクスの仲間たち。明るく陽気な奴らだが、仲間を傷つける相手には一切容赦せず、そしていざ戦うと超強い。「覇気」の達人が多い。
○他の海賊団 ・トラファルガー・ロー ハートの海賊団船長。ルフィの同盟相手。ルフィからは友達だと思われている。「オペオペの実」の能力者でいろいろ便利なことができる。
・ベポ ハートの海賊団航海士。ミンク族という種族で、白熊の外見。
・バルトロメオ バルトクラブ海賊団船長。ルフィの狂信者。「バリバリの実」の能力で強力なバリアが張れる。
・シャーロット・リンリン 通称「ビッグ・マム」。ビッグマム海賊団船長で「四皇」の一角。お菓子が大好きで、気に入ったものは手に入れないと気がすまない性格。めちゃくちゃ強い。麦わらの一味とも戦ったことがある。
・シャーロット・ブリュレ ビッグ・マムの娘。お兄ちゃん大好き。美人が大嫌い。「ミラミラの実」の能力者で、鏡世界を移動できる。
・シャーロット・オーブン ビッグ・マムの息子。「ネツネツの実」の能力者。
・シャーロット・カタクリ ビッグ・マムの息子。「モチモチの実」の能力者で、見聞色の覇気の達人でもある。めちゃくちゃ強い。
○世界政府 世界の国の大半が所属する組織。「五老星」「天竜人」を始め上層部には怪しい人間も多い。
・五老星 世界政府の一番偉いおっちゃん達。シャンクスと密談したことがある。
・ロブ・ルッチ CP(サイファー・ポール)0という諜報機関の一員。ブルーノやカリファとともに、麦わらの一味とも一度戦ったことがある。
・ブルーノ CP0の一員。触れたものや空間をドアにして瞬間移動できる「ドアドアの実」の能力者。
・カリファ CP0の一員。美人秘書官。
・チャルロス聖 「天竜人」。すごい権力の持ち主だがゲボカスみてーな性格。
○海軍 「世界政府」の擁する武力。海賊達や不穏分子に対処するため、強力な海賊とも張り合えるだけの力を持つ。
・赤犬(サカズキ) 海軍元帥。正義のためなら過激な手段も辞さない性格。
・黄猿(ボルサリーノ) 海軍大将。剽軽で掴みどころがない性格。「ピカピカの実」の能力者で全身を光に変えて行動することができる。
・藤虎(イッショウ) 海軍大将。座頭市みたいな戦闘スタイル。仁義に厚い。
・コビー 海軍大佐。正義感の強い若者。「SWORD」という特殊部隊の一員で、「ロッキーポート事件」を収束に導いた英雄として知られている。ルフィの古い友達であり、海軍にありながらルフィを尊敬している。
・ヘルメッポ 海軍少佐。ルフィやコビーとは色々あったが、今はコビーの相棒。
・海賊 海のあらくれ達。「麦わらの一味」や「赤髪海賊団」のように、一般人に積極的に危害を加えないものもいるが、大半は現実の世界と同じく、圧倒的な力を背景に弱者を踏みにじることを厭わない輩達。
・大海賊時代 海賊王「ゴールド・ロジャー」が処刑された後、彼の莫大な遺産をめぐり始まった、数多の海賊たちが相争う混沌の時代。
・悪魔の実 不思議な植物の実。食べると超人的・個性的な能力を得るが、代わりに一生泳げなくなる。海の中では基本的に能力が使えない。
・覇気 気合パワー的なもの。類まれな実力者にしか使えない。大まかに3種類に分かれる。
・武装色の覇気 攻撃力や防御力を高める覇気。使うと、体の場所が黒くなったりする。極めると「悪魔の実」の能力に関係なくダメージを与えたりできる。
・見聞色の覇気 感覚を強化する覇気。極めると、遠くの相手の存在を感じたり、他人の心や視点を読んだり、未来を予知したりと人それぞれ多彩な力を発揮する。
・覇王色の覇気 覇気の中でもさらに限られたほんの一部の強者しか使えない技。ぐわっと威圧するだけで弱い相手を気絶させることができる。
・電伝虫 電波を使って意思疎通する不思議なカタツムリ。作中では捕獲・改造され人々の通信手段として用いられることもある。
・四皇 海賊の中でも頂点に位置する最強の称号。「赤髪」シャンクスと「ビッグ・マム」シャーロット・リンリンはこの称号を持つほか、「麦わら」モンキー・D・ルフィもこれに並ぶと称されている。
・天竜人 世界政府の成り立ちに関わると言われる貴族。「神」と自称・他称されており、どんな傲慢なわがままを言っても(海賊すら含めた)誰も逆らえない圧倒的な権力を持つ。天竜人に逆らうと、世界政府がありったけの海軍武力を率いて報復を行うといわれる。
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hinomaru6 · 4 years
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yugikitten · 4 years
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Welcome to another mid-week fanart! This time featuring Akainu (Sakazuki) and Aokiji (Kuzan) as scuffling kids, Once again from One Piece This piece was requested by @kingmagmaslaps (Twitter) Currently busy doing “spring cleaning”...in the middle of summer cuz ynot ... I have to reduce my stuffs number This is what happens when you can’t say no to your family giving you stuff you don’t need...repeatedly... Anyway Hope the heat is treating you guys well, have a great day, cheers! posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CCFvfKUFDUO/
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loveandpeace555 · 5 years
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【海軍最高戦力〝三大将〟のフィギュアが参戦!!】 #ONEPIECE #フィギュアーツZERO #サカズキ #クザン #ボルサリーノ #フィギュア #誰が一番好きですか? (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4U6AllgoQ0/?igshid=972zpokclzsa
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
This is the ask:
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Thank you maxene1995 for the request.
Remember. If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, just remind them or yourself that there are people here for you. Whether you want a shoulder to cry, or a place to vent or some suggestions, we are here for you. There are good blogs and anon that are ready to help you in every way we can. Your life is worthy of living. Those of your loved ones us worthy of living. Don't give up.
Tw: mention of suicide, self-harm, mental health issues, bullying, implied rape, implied torture, implied harassment
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It felt off, the entire day simply felt off. He knew, given his years in the job, that there was always tranquility before a storm.
You were at home, you weren't feeling well. For some reason he was suspicious of that, he could see that there was something troubling you, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He called you, just to hear your voice, and to make sure you were okay.
Nothing. Once, twice, then nothing. It always rang but nobody picked it up. Usually you would always answer his call. He thought about what may have happened. Something must have happened. Even if you were ill, you would always answer. His voice was soothing to you and you liked talking to him.
Thinking about it, it had been some days since somebody last saw you around the base. It was odd, you liked to roam around. That was it. He sat up and made his way to his home.
Silence greeted him, no sound could be heard. He called out to you, but no answer was heard. Slowly he went up the stairs, one after the other. Seeing your room, he knocked, in case you were asleep. He opened it.
You weren't there, but there was the bathroom door open. He made his way across your bedroom, seeing nothing out of place. But the bathroom. You were in the bath hub, or better, your wrist were dangling inside, red and warm blood flooding out your cut veins.
He acted quickly, not leaving his panic to get in the way. You were so pale, and the blood loss was starting to get near a dangerous point. You were disoriented, you didn't know how you ended up with your wrist all bandaged up, and most certainly you didn't think that you would fail. It was the second time you tried.
Your father looked at you in your eyes, asking you why in the world you would do that. But first you needed to sleep it off and eat something to make your body work.
The day after, you were looking better than the day before. Still, you were in no condition to go out, you were rather exhausted. Your father tried again, he wanted to know why you would go to such length.
Well, it's not like you couldn't tell him. For once it was good to be heard. So you told him, everything. About the recent death of your best friend, about this group of pirate that made you watch your best friend's death and how they, both mentally and physically, tortured you. There was no sign, true. But the scars and the guilt were extreme. The shock of this death was too much.
You had been stalked by them and harassed for a long time. You didn't know until the tragic event the people behind it. You simply crashed, yesterday. Your mind went into overdrive and you remembered all the threats, the insults and the words. That and the death was what lead you to try to kill yourself.
Not his absence nor the physical pain, it was the memory and the words spoken that day. You weren't even crying, you were so numb and so tired, you simply wanted to end it all. It's felt... Right in your mind.
"y/n... I.." - "don't. I know, I won't do it again, I just need space for a moment." How could he help when he didn't know what to do? Where can he start? Well he could hunt down those scum, first. At least he will give your friend the peace they need. At least he could help with that
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"Why? Why did you do that? Did I fail you? Did I do something wrong? Or did I miss something important? Was it because of those stupid rookie that didn't listen to me? I should have known, I should have done something more to stop them, I should.... I should have protected you. I will do more I swear, y/n, I do."
What can a father think, when they find their beloved child, hanging from the ceiling of their house? What would you think? Well, he was shocked and disappointed in himself. If he knew that you were this troubled, he would have done more. But it's no use to cry over spoilt milk.
He rushed to infirmary, and told the doctors what happened. While you were unconscious, you were still breathing. You were still here, at least he came before tragedy struck. So what happened to you? How come you tried to kill yourself, when you have always been a bright child?
Days before you would try to meet your end, there was something troubling you. Or better, some people troubling you. Why did some damn rookie had to harass you day and night? Why did they have to be so... So gross? You were a child, so why didn't they leave you alone? They knew who your father was. You told them that you were going to tell your father, and they just laughed.
You told your dad, and he scolded them harshly. But it was all for nothing. Just a week, no more. Then, it all came back, with a vengeance.
You were actually going to see your father, you had a present for him, when they grabbed you, and caged you in an empty room. They told you awful things, absolutely abhorrent acts they will do to you, if you don't keep your mouth shut. You tried to escape, but they mental anguish of the moment and their words made you spiral.
After that, you lost your spark. Just it felt wrong to go on like this. Every day you would replay those words, going down and down that rabbit hole, that would eventually lead to the attempt.
~Present Day~
The doctors told him that, while you were sleeping now, you had suffered some damage to your vocal cords, given how tight the rope was around your throat. You will recover, but the scars.. They were harder to wash out.
Well, when you woke up,hours later, you found your dad sleeping beside you, in a chair that looked uncomfortable, your hands clutched tightly in his. You didn't know what happened or why you tried to hang yourself. You didn't know or better you tried to fight the Impulse, but in the end it for the better of you.
You layed there, contemplating how to break out the news to your father, when he opened his eyes, and looked at you, eyes pleading to be forgiven. You hugged him, and sobbed against his chest. The weight of the day already dawning on you.
" I am deeply sorry, and I know that it won't have the same effect, but I.... Please y/n, forgive me, I should have done something sooner. Please, y/n". You could only nod, when both of you were crying, there was no word to be said, action spoke louder.
KUZAN /クザン
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First and foremost, he is a father and a marine, he is the embodiment of justice. He is the one you calm when you have a problem.
So why didn't you do it? Or where you threatened into doing it? We don't know, you are in an induced coma. Your injuries were rather serious. And the overdose didn't help at all.
What happened to you? You... You were raped, and beaten. By who? Pirates? Traitors? It's hard to describe where they fall, but they were once people you trusted. And they betrayed you.
Why did they do that? You were just a jovial kid, running around and living your life. So why did they feel the need to be this... Disgusting towards you? Why? It all started with touches. Unwanted touches. Then more and more sky words were told.
You eventually told your father, but he couldn't help you. The ones responsible were already gone. So you thought you were safe, yes? Wrong. It all happened so fast.
You were trapped, their hands on your body, roaming, touching where they shouldn't, doing things that you didn't consent to. You tried to scream, to kick, to escape, but you were one against many. You had no chance
You were still young, and you had already a burden to carry. How could a kid live like this? Hiding the secrets of what happened to you in fear of abandonment and retaliation? You feared the reaction of your father, you feared that he would love no more.
Of course your abuser knew that, and they gave you a "solution", you were so traumatised that you weren't able to... Let's face it, you weren't even aware of what you were doing. Trauma and shock and pain surging through your body.
You saw the pills and you swallowed them, thinking about them as painkillers. You slowly went to sleep, but you hoped that it was eternal. No pain. Nothing. You were floating, you were feeling free.
It was at this time that you were found, by an officer and brought to the doctor. You were overdosing, and you were slowly on the brink of death. Your dad didn't waste time in coming to your side, and asked what happened.
What the doctor told him, left him deeply shocked and hurt. One cause his child had been put in this situation, two cause he didn't know what was wrong and he could have helped you if he did, three... You tried to kill yourself, to escape this situation.
Days later you woke up, feeling rather sore and woozy. You recalled slowly what happened, but your dad was there for you. "y/n.. I know that.. What happened to you was traumatic, and I'm... Ashamed of myself for not noticing or helping you before. And I understand if you're angry with me. Just know that... I'm here for you, if you need me"
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kamiyatomoyo · 2 years
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
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When Garp tells Sengoku if he isn’t held down he’ll kill Sakazuki himself, what he threatens is actually サカズキを殺してしまう/sakazuki wo koroshiteshimau, which is different from just ‘I’m going to kill Sakazuki’ (which would just be korosu instead of koroshiteshimau).
The 〜てしまう/teshimau suffix/auxiliary verb means something that’s done by mistake/accidentally/in poor judgement. So Garp is saying here, basically, “I know it would be really fucking stupid to kill Sakazuki and if you don’t stop me I’m going to do it anyways.”
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mastomysowner · 2 years
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小サカズキ中サカズキ大サカズキ。 by えれはいむ
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kaigo-plus1 · 5 years
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声優さんって凄いよね!圧倒的万能さ加減がたまらない。 #声優 #立木文彦 #マダオ #碇ゲンドウ #車内アナウンス #名探偵コナンのウォッカ #更木剣八 #ドン・クリーク #赤犬サカズキ #カイジのナレーション https://www.instagram.com/p/BslsGC4HkCz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vzrjbt74kcqr
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onepjp · 7 years
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海軍大将 ”赤犬”
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