silverwoodwork · 10 months
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ドラゴンボール 以前のレッドリボン軍のキャラクター略歴と、人造人間21号/ヴォミとゲロの家族についての詳細を2ページにわたって掲載!
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dbfandom · 1 year
Uh, seems I should give a crash course of Japanese needed to understand Dragon Ball 101... and some things you see in the fandom lol
Just out there: I'm a linguist / grammar nerd, my knowledge of Japanese as a whole is very limited. I just use the following tips to understand most of what's happening and how I deconstruct things, as well as why/how certain things are written!
So here, please check it out if you're interested in how I decipher most of it!
Today.. writing systems !
Japanese uses three writing systems (well, 4):
Hiragana: syllables; mostly used for prepositions and words. They're round and have few strokes.
Katakana: syllables; mostly used for foreign-loan words, emphasis, sounds, and machine-caused onomatopoeia. They're square and have few strokes too.
Kanji: ideograms; Kanji are (usually) words/concepts on their own and there's thousands of them. They come from Chinese. On their own, or coupled with each other, Kanji carry their own meaning. They're also combinatory (aka one kanji can contain many kanji within; check how tree 木, woods 林 and forest 森 are written for example; yup, it's just more trees squished together lol)
Romanji: latin alphabet letters (if I write "watashi", this is romanji). The transcription of japanese to the latin alphabet actually follows some rules, put a pin on it I'll explain that later.
Hiragana and Katakana are the same syllables, if it helps you out, think of them as lower and upper case letters (they don't have the same uses tho). Together, they're called kana.
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In green: しかし (shi-ka-shi), means "however"); this is written in hiragana
In red: マシン (ma-shi-n ; machine) and ドクターゲロ (dokutoru—gero ; doctor gero)
in blue: 人造人間 has the kanji for man/person twice. It literally translates to "man-made human being" (and in English we've translated this to Artificial Human or Android, while some other languages translated it to Cyborg).
You can see that next to the blue square with 人造人間, there's tiny hiragana (じんぞうにんげん; ji-n-zo-u-ni-n-ge-n); those are called furigana and are present to tell the reader how the kanji is read (and what it means haha). Most shonen manga have them because they're aimed at kids who don't know all of the kanji yet! Furigana are also important because kanji can be read in two different ways (the kanji for mountain is either read as yama or san for instance; it's got to do with the Chinese pronunciation or the word as well as whether the kanji is on its own or combined with another).
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Same here: everything is in hiragana except for Gohan's name (with the little furigana to tell you to read it as go-ha-n) and Gohan's age of 4 (they use the romanji /latin for numbers instead of the proper kanji).
If you remember Death Note, there's a moment in which Misa reads Light's full name above his head, but she reads his first name's kanji (月) as "tsuki" and then she's told it's actually read "light" (ライト; ra-i-to; aka the katakana transcription for the English word light)
Now, remember that pin about romanji? And if you remember some old (oooold) fanfics where Vegeta's name is written Bejïta? Well, this comes from that. Japanese syllables don't allow to transcribe everything, and phonology makes it so that Japanese speakers tend to pronounce loan words according to their syllables.
Dragon Ball's katakana name is ドラゴンボール (do-ra-n-go- bo—ru, or Doragon Bōru in the proper transcription system (the — means "longer vowel" which transcribes to an ō). This is why you sometimes see Goku's name written Gokū or, in old books, Gokuh or Gokou, and his furigana is go-ku-u). And there's a lot of loan-words used as names in Dragon Ball. Vegeta's name are the katakana for BE JI (+ longer vowel) TA.
Of course, when you know "all Saiyans are named after Vegetables", you can easily transcribe "back" to the origin-word that it was supposed to represent (you don't go around and write doragon boru, you write dragon ball, after all). Some are easier than others, and Toriyama (with his dad!boomer energy who loves bad puns) also switched some syllables around... Hell, even Saiya-jin (saiyans) (with jin as the kanji for people/population) is actually rearranged syllables for Yasai (vegetables). With that knowledge, Raditz could be transcribed as Radis or Radish (depending on your language) and Kakarot could be carot (or cacarot).. To go back to the original reference instead of playing translating back and forth forever lol.
Same for Bulma. Her katakana name is bu-ru-ma which is the transcription for "bloomers" (aka those gym shorts). This is why in old doujins, you'll see her name be written as Bluma or Bloomer or any other option around that. Bulma's name is written with latin letters very early on though, so there's consensus about her name, but there are others...
So let's talk about ブラ(bu-ra), the second kid of Vegeta and Bulma.
Until DBS came around, it was generally accepted that her name is Bra (like Trunks' name is Trunks and not Torankusu or Tolanks.. even if some people will write torankusu and I find that hilarious), because everyone in Bulma's family is named after undergarments (Bloomers, Panties (Panchy), Brief (Dr Briefs in English, professor Brief elsewhere), Trunks... and Bra for brassiere or plain old bra).
But in DBS, the anime gave her the Bulma treatment and showed her name in latin letters (Bulla).
Now.. why does it look so weird sometimes?
Because Katakana (and Hiragana) are syllable systems, and as such, no consonant (except for N) exists on its own. All consonants must have a vowel attached to them! And when a foreign word is transcribed to katakana, this is how they (generally) do it:
Base on the pronunciation, not on the actual spelling of the word.
If there's a consonant sound alone, add u (except T and D, those get an o)
If the sound doesn't exist as-is in the syllables available, pick the next best thing (fa will be fu + tiny a to let people know how to read it FA and not FUA). The L and R sounds are grouped together into the transcription with R, but they're more or less pronounced the same (in the middle). If you need a harder R, refer to the next point.
Use "longer vowel before this symbol" (ー) and "harder consonant after this symbol" (ッtiny version) symbols as needed to emphasize stress syllables or. (ベジータ (bejita) カカロット (kakarotto)
This is why sometimes you'll see "Furiza" and you'll be "wait what" and then pronounce it and say "ooo.. Freezer". Why does English write it as Frieza? idk. French does Freeza and Spanish Freezer (the name is not the exact transcription for Freezer, since they removed a —; it's フリーザ instead of フリーザー)
Here's a fun example:
Fu-(tiny a)-i-na-ru- fur-a- (harder consonant)shu;
Fainaru Furasshu.
You know those "U" are usually there because of how the syllables work. Let's remove them.
Fainar Frassh.
You also know those R letters aren't hard strong R, so pronounce them a little softer, without rolling them. Pronounce this out loud now.
Did the piano start playing???
As my scanner now works, I'll show you how older fandom people used to transcribe the katakana names in latin letters before there was an official "decision" about such things!
Please feel free to share, correct, expand, etc!
And you can always buy me a doujin to support my work haha
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nandenandenande · 2 years
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zugadooon · 2 years
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ドクターゲロ「16号はヤバイ、ガチでヤバイから起こしちゃ駄目」←これさぁ https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2021/12/14/%e3%83%89%e3%82%af%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b2%e3%83%ad%e3%80%8c16%e5%8f%b7%e3%81%af%e3%83%a4%e3%83%90%e3%82%a4%e3%80%81%e3%82%ac%e3%83%81%e3%81%a7%e3%83%a4%e3%83%90%e3%82%a4%e3%81%8b%e3%82%89%e8%b5%b7/
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takachan321com · 4 years
Source: おまとめ アニメ
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1:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:13:55.09ID:EoIp7axW0.net 泣ける
7:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:15:22.25ID:+cQbD+BZa.net わかるドクターゲロ死んだとき泣いたわ
9:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:15:35.43ID:GpVne4yD0.net >>7 草
94:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:26:22.73ID:5CQx1gCa0.net >>7 ええ…
108:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:28:04.31ID:PgLCo0hBa.net >>7 17号18号が仇を取ってくれるんだ
525:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/03(日) 00:07:03.84ID:mq/iB5mS0.net >>7
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ドラゴンボール超 8 (ジャンプコミックス):Amazon商品ページへ飛びます 原作・原案:鳥山明 作画:とよたろう 集英社
1: 2019年1月9日(水) 悲しいなあ
2: 2019年1月9日(水) 見た目がね……
3: 2019年1月9日(水) ドラゴンボール超の力の大会では虫にやられた模様
5: 2019年1月9日(水) 亀仙人が前線に立ってる時代やぞムシケラとか余裕で戦力やろ
6: 2019年1月9日(水) 軍師やし
7: 2019年1月9日(水) 同化しかパワーアップ方がないからなぁ
12: 2019年1月9日(水) >>7 いうほどか? フリーザにボロ負けから3年間修行でドクターゲロに圧勝やぞ?
8: 2019年1月9日(水) 中ボスキラーのピッコロさん返して
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geriyura · 6 years
ドラゴンボールの孫悟空「特に何もしていないのに17号の強さはオラと対して変わらねぇ なんでだろ」
ドラゴンボールの孫悟空「特に何もしていないのに17号の強さはオラと対して変わらねぇ なんでだろ」… #アニメ #マンガ #漫画 #声優 #ガンダム #ジャンプ #ONEPIECE #ワンピース
1: 名無しのあにまんさんch  2018/11/24(土) 17:23:02
4: 名無しのあにまんさんch  2018/11/24(土) 17:28:03 話の都合です 3: 名無しのあにまんさんch  2018/11/24(土) 17:23:49 ドクターゲロの技術がすごいからに決まっとるじゃろがーーい!!
続きを読む Source: あにまんch
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uwasa-antena · 6 years
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ドクターゲロ「18号に生殖機能付けちゃおっと(ニチャア」 Source: ウエブニュース
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himatsubushini7 · 7 years
      謎の科学者人造人間21号   人造人間21号 何かNARUTOに出てきそうなキャラデザだね pic.twitter.com/IPEwKKOzfX — りゅう (@ryu_dragon_ball) 2017年9月16日 鳥山明先生の描き下ろしで、PS4『ドラゴンボールファイターズ』に登場する模様 以下、ネットの反応 何このベタ塗り やる気無さ過ぎだろ ゲロに匹敵する頭脳で 16号(ドクターゲロの息子を真似て作られた)と関係もあるって 絶対ゲロの女体化だろ すげーデザイン好み…薄い本が捗るぜ ドクターゲロで完結じゃないんだな グレイグの服装と似た模様だな 鳥山のマイブームなのか こういう時だけでもアナログで描いてくれないかな   PS4/ Xbox One「ドラゴンボール ファイターズ」第1弾PV 【公式サイト】 Source: まとめインフォ速報
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mahhasokuhou-blog · 7 years
1: 2017/06/03(土) 22:06:10.420 ベジータが気絶したバータの喉に膝蹴りを喰らわせて殺すところ
2: 2017/06/03(土) 22:06:55.245 ドクターゲロが一般人の首をブチッ
3: 2017/06/03(土) 22:07:39.604
続きを読む Source: 超マンガ速報
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shissokuantena-blog · 7 years
続きを読む Source: あにこ便
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zugadooon · 4 years
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ドクターゲロ「16号はマジでヤバイ、とにかくヤバイから起こしちゃダメ」←これ https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2020/09/15/%e3%83%89%e3%82%af%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b2%e3%83%ad%e3%80%8c16%e5%8f%b7%e3%81%af%e3%83%9e%e3%82%b8%e3%81%a7%e3%83%a4%e3%83%90%e3%82%a4%e3%80%81%e3%81%a8%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8b%e3%81%8f%e3%83%a4%e3%83%90/
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takachan321com · 4 years
アニはつ -アニメ発信場-
Source: おまとめ アニメ
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1:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:13:55.09ID:EoIp7axW0.net 泣ける
7:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:15:22.25ID:+cQbD+BZa.net わかるドクターゲロ死んだとき泣いたわ
9:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:15:35.43ID:GpVne4yD0.net >>7 草
94:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:26:22.73ID:5CQx1gCa0.net >>7 ええ…
108:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/02(土) 23:28:04.31ID:PgLCo0hBa.net >>7 17号18号が仇を取ってくれるんだ
525:風吹けば名無し: 2019/03/03(日) 00:07:03.84ID:mq/iB5mS0.net >…
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1: 2017/06/03(土) 22:06:10.420 ベジータが気絶したバータの喉に膝蹴りを喰らわせて殺すところ
2: 2017/06/03(土) 22:06:55.245 ドクターゲロが一般人の首をブチッ
3: 2017/06/03(土) 22:07:39.604
続きを読む Source: 超マンガ速報
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