freebroker94 · 1 year
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住宅ローンには主に 3 つのカテゴリがあります。クレジットチャージが素敵な導入期間に固定されている、固定前払い期間の決定タイプ。変動資金調達コストでは、与信費用は通常、予測可能に見直されます。3 つのタイプがあります。可変型は、導入支援コストが最も目立たないため、最も有利です。フローティング ソートに関連するクレジット コストは、予想どおりに異なる場合があります。その結果、通常、今後も費用の上昇を維持する必要があります。公正な種類と正当な期間の決定の種類では、資金調達コストが固定されている間、金融協会は事前支出の増加に対処する必要があるため、クレジットコストが高く設定されています。変動前払いは、契約のリスクが高いと考えられる期間の大部分を占めています。これは、最大 35 年間続く可能性のある長期にわたるクレジットです。いずれにせよ、この文脈における「高い賭け」という表現は、法的多様性の全体的な意見を指すだけです。パークアクシスフラット パーク キューブ アーバンネックス コンフォリア パーク ハビオ プラウド フォン ル プログレス ディームス ブリリア 東京ダウンタウン マンション アット カスタリア オーキッド ザ スカイ 白金 不在委員会 フォン ル プログレス ワンルーフ レジデンス 田町 仲介手数料無料 ザ・パーク ハビオ 渋谷ヒルトップ 仲介手数料無料 コンフォリア渋谷クロス 仲介手数料無料 パークタワー新宿イーストサイドタワー 仲介手数料無料 HARUMI FLAGの無料勝どき販売・Harumi Flag無料取引 Shirokane The Sky。 多額の変動ベット額を知ることは非常に重要です。自分の財政状況を考えると、可変種類の賭けの長さが合理的であると主張するのは合理的です。ただし、正しい種類の賭けと比較すると、プレミアムの重みが大幅に減少する可能性もあります。代わりに、新しい冠の大惨事のエピソードの結果として機会が拡大したと考えられています。日本銀行の方法論によると、要素住宅の支援費用は前払い費用の総額を押し上げます。日銀が非常に控えめなテクニック信用手数料を維持している主な理由は、繰延パージによるものです。パージの下では、需要と供給のバランスが崩れており、協会は通常、寄付をためらっています。その結果、リソースの需要は抑制されます。グループによる取得と提供は、経済を推進するエンジンです。したがって、日本銀行は方法論をサポートするコストを 100% 以上削減しました。多くの人が、協会が店舗を確保することをより直接的にすることが可能であると考えています。その上、ホールドに対する企業の利益の塹壕は、大部分の秘密のお金に関連する財団のための標準的な利点のオープンな入り口を縮小し、彼らは個人の住宅ローンの進歩に行きました.これにより、銀行間で契約の与信費用を削減するための競争が引き起こされました。その後、変動信用費用が上昇する扉が開いたときはいつでも、上記の非常に低いサポート費用の反対の癖が発生するはずです.このように、日本経済は影響を受け、破綻は延長に転じ、仮説の支持を得る必要のある協会が確実に出現します。明らかに、個人補償も拡大しています。それが起こることを受け入れると、負の資金調達コストとゼロクレジットチャージのアプローチはおそらく解除され、住宅ローンを確保するための金融機関の間の抵抗は弱まり、住宅の前払いクレジット費用は全体的に上昇するでしょう.現実を見れば、2、3年で日本がこのような金融状況に陥ろうとしていることは誰もが想像できるはずです。確かに、アベノミクスが始まって、最近の日本経済はある程度異常なはずなのに、当時のゼロクレジットチャージ制度は解除されていませんでした。基準に抵触し、破綻を免れる道はなく、2016年にはマイナスの与信手続きまで迷走し、現在に至っている。基本的に、これらの過去の新しい展開を見ると、変動サポート費用が楽に上昇するとは考えられないというすべての特徴がありますが、お金に関連する急増をさらに抑止するイベントが次第に発生しています.それが新しい王冠の難易度です。すべてを考慮に入れると、Covidパンデミックのエピソードにより、変動前払い費用のエネルギーが後で印象的にさらに上昇するようになりました.ホームクレジットの支援費は、その頃の開発調和に依存するため、その時点で、返済期間が進むにつれて残高が減少し、前払いの不安定性の影響が減少します。住宅ローンは 30 年以上の長期貸付であるため、多くの人々が変動支援費の上昇に賭けることにストレスを感じています。とにかく、賭け金は返済期間全体を通して均一ではなく、返済が進むにつれて全体的に減少します.また、5,000 万円の利益と 0.5% 程度のサポート費用の上昇を受け入れると、毎月 10,000 円程度の返済不便を延長する賭けが発生することを理解する必要があります。頭金と保険料の返済額が同一の通常のホームアドバンスクレジットでは、基本的な資金調達コストが低いほど、月々の返済総額が低くなり、開発残高の減少が速くなります。過去の部分はイメージしやすいのですが、驚くべきことに2~3人の方がクレジット残高が減るスピードの違いをよく知っています。クレジット残高は前払い料金の源泉であるため、急速に減少した場合、サポート費用の拡大の賭けを直接減少させます。これから支援費が上がるとしても、なんとしてでもマイナスにはなりません。経済は影響を受け、人々の報酬は増加するでしょう。そこから始めて、私の見解では、資金調達コストの拡大という賭けについては、説得力のある説明が法外に強調されるべきであるということです。信用コストの拡大に賭ける可能性は人それぞれ異なり、貯蓄が完璧な人もいれば、貯蓄が苦手な人もいます。適切なことに、変数の並べ替えをすべての人に推奨するわけではありません。否定できない見方によれば、正当な種類の与信費用は十分に低いので、私は公正な種類の選択を決して否定しません.重要なことは、変数の種類の賭け金が高いという仮説を立てることではなく、有意な数で賭け金を測定することです。そこから先は、自分の補償、資産の保有、リスクの柔軟性を考慮して、信頼を持って決定を下すことをお勧めします。別の家に住み、別の人生を始めると決めたとき、多くの人が家具を選ぶ楽しさを想像します。一方で、この時点で持っている家具が新しい家に合うかどうか、または家具を修理する必要があるかどうかを引き続き考えている人もいます。野村ランドインサイドサロンのインサイドエキスパートが、新居に合わせて家具を考える必要のある方に、最適な家具の選び方や家具の見極め方をご案内します。多くの人が一般的に想像するテーブル、シチュエーション、ラウンジチェアにもかかわらず、チェストやパントリーなどの家具を収納する方法もあります。そのような家具は必要な場所に置かれて使用されますが、さらに部屋の質量に固定されている基本的な家具があります。検証可能な家具は、家族の傾向や住まいに合わせて、大きさや間取り、鍵の容量などを変えることができます。一緒に計画を立てることができるので、室内空間全体の迫力が驚くほどワンランクアップします。また、加工品の場合、入り口の形状や素材が特殊な作りになっているのは明らかですが、同様に家具職人が用意した大小さまざまなパーツを組み合わせて作る構造限界家具もあります。シートやテーブル、ソファなどの家具が充実しているのも魅力的なプランです。私たちのインサイドガイドは、すべての装飾品、加工品、構造物収納家具の特徴をうまく融合させ、使いやすく魅力的な全体的な配置を実現します。家づくりのお手伝いをしています。いずれにせよ、テーブルの装飾を真に選択したり、製品や構造を蓄積する家具について考えたりすることは、私にとって賢明なことでしょうか?長く使うものだからこそ、実際にたくさんの家具に触れてみることをお勧めします。これは、表面や使用感など、商品に関するさまざまなことが、実物を見ないとわからないということを踏まえたものです。雑誌、在庫、場所などを通じてイメージを固めることは基本ですが、店舗や家具メーカーのショーケース地域に行って装飾に到達することについてはどう言えばよいでしょうか?たとえば、座席とラウンジチェアに関しては、座席の快適さを評価し、しばらくしてからメインを選択することをお勧めします。このように選んだ家具は、実際に手にした後、あなたの人生を完璧に感じさせてくれます。メインシートやラウンジチェアに座ったときの傾向と、その時間の品揃えが、家を買って明るいという傾向を誘発することは認めます。 FLEXFORM、B&B Italia、Minottiなどの一流ブランドの家具は、多くの人に挑戦してもらいたいものです。家具選びの視野が広がりますし、情報が多ければ多いほど、より楽しく、より楽しく家具を選ぶことができます。プレゼンテーションエリアには、スペースを構築するための最良の方法に関する豊富な知識が含まれています。さらに、スタンド、ペンダントライト、植物などのアイテムの中にある実際の家具は、家具のレイアウトのモデルとして機能します。間取りや家具のプランを検討する際には、通常、容量の増加のリクエストを受けることが予想されます。その結果、食器だけでは余分なスペースが大幅に増えないため、制限を必要とするか、インテリアの外観を必要とするかの選択を迫られる可能性があります。
 Website: https://parkaxismaster.com/
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rf12193 · 6 months
不動産の賃貸、売買、サブリース、買取、仲介及びコンサルティング インターネットによる広告業務
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rf12190 · 6 months
不動産の賃貸、売買、サブリース、買取、仲介及びコンサルティング インターネットによる広告業務
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rf125873 · 7 months
不動産の賃貸、売買、サブリース、買取、仲介及びコンサルティング インターネットによる広告業務
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19790322 · 1 year
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dovieervin85 · 1 year
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parkaxistoyosu · 1 year
Park Axis Toyosu: A Tranquil Escape in the Heart of Tokyo
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Tokyo is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, towering skyscrapers, and bustling streets. Amidst this city of concrete and steel, finding a tranquil oasis can be a challenge. However, nestled in the heart of Tokyo's Toyosu district lies a hidden gem: パークアクシス豊洲.
Park Axis Toyosu is a 3.9-hectare park that opened in 2018. It is located on the man-made island of Toyosu, which was once home to Tokyo's famous Tsukiji Fish Market. The park offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, with a variety of attractions for visitors of all ages.
One of the park's main attractions is its large pond, which is surrounded by lush greenery and a walking path. Visitors can rent rowboats and pedal boats to explore the pond or simply relax on the benches and enjoy the view. In the spring, cherry blossoms bloom around the pond, creating a picturesque scene.
Another highlight of Park Axis Toyosu is its playground, which is designed to resemble a ship. The playground features slides, swings, and climbing structures, providing children with a fun and safe place to play. The ship's design also pays homage to Toyosu's history as a fishing port.
For those who enjoy sports, the park has a basketball court, a tennis court, and a soccer field. Visitors can bring their own equipment or rent it from the park's rental counter. There is also a fitness area with outdoor exercise equipment, perfect for those who want to stay active while enjoying the fresh air.
In addition to its recreational facilities, Park Axis Toyosu also features a variety of gardens. The park has a Japanese garden, a rose garden, and a garden that showcases seasonal flowers. Each garden has its own unique beauty, and visitors can stroll through them to appreciate the different colors and scents.
For those who want to learn more about the park and its surroundings, there is a visitor center that provides information about the history of Toyosu and the park's design. The center also has a small exhibition space that showcases the flora and fauna found in the park.
One of the park's most unique features is its "forest bath" area. This area is designed to promote relaxation and mental well-being, with a walking path that winds through a grove of trees. The park's designers intentionally included this feature to provide visitors with a peaceful retreat from the stresses of urban life.
Overall, Park Axis Toyosu is a welcome addition to Tokyo's urban landscape. It provides a much-needed escape from the city's hustle and bustle, while also promoting physical activity, mental wellness, and environmental awareness. Whether you're looking to take a leisurely stroll, play sports with friends, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature, Park Axis Toyosu is the perfect destination.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a peaceful oasis in the heart of Tokyo, Park Axis Toyosu should be at the top of your list. With its diverse range of attractions, beautiful gardens, and serene atmosphere, this park is a must-visit for locals and tourists alike. So pack a picnic, grab your friends and family, and head to Park Axis Toyosu for a day of fun and relaxation in one of Tokyo's most beautiful green spaces.
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Exploring Tokyo's Hidden Gem: Park Axis Toyosu Canal
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When people think of Tokyo, the first things that come to mind are probably the bustling streets of Shibuya, the bright lights of Shinjuku, or the serene gardens of the Imperial Palace. However, hidden away in the lesser-known district of Toyosu lies a hidden gem that is worth a visit: Park Axis Toyosu Canal. Check their site to know more details パークアクシス豊洲キャナル
Park Axis Toyosu Canal is a beautiful park that stretches along the banks of the Toyosu Canal. The park is located just a few minutes' walk from the Toyosu Station, making it a convenient destination for both locals and tourists alike. Although the park may not be as famous as some of Tokyo's other attractions, it has a lot to offer and is definitely worth a visit.
One of the most striking features of Park Axis Toyosu Canal is its unique design. The park was created by the renowned landscape architect Peter Walker, who is known for his innovative and sustainable designs. Park Axis Toyosu Canal is no exception – the park is designed to be both beautiful and environmentally friendly.
The park features a variety of different areas, each with its own distinct character. Visitors can wander through the "Green Carpet" area, which is a lush expanse of grass that stretches out towards the canal. This area is perfect for picnics or relaxing with a book on a sunny day.
In addition to the Green Carpet, the park also has a number of other areas that are perfect for exploring. The "Green Arch" area is a beautiful space that is filled with trees and plants, while the "Water Terrace" area features a tranquil pond that is home to a variety of fish and other aquatic creatures.
One of the most unique features of Park Axis Toyosu Canal is its "Living Wall". This is a wall that is covered in plants, which helps to purify the air and create a more natural environment. The Living Wall is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also serves an important environmental purpose.
Another highlight of the park is the "Sky Walk" area. This is a raised walkway that offers stunning views of the park and the surrounding area. Visitors can climb up to the top of the Sky Walk and enjoy panoramic views of the canal and the Tokyo skyline.
Overall, Park Axis Toyosu Canal is a beautiful and unique park that is definitely worth a visit. Whether you are looking for a quiet place to relax, or an interesting place to explore, the park has something for everyone. So next time you are in Tokyo, make sure to add Park Axis Toyosu Canal to your itinerary – you won't regret it!
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Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace: A Hidden Gem in Tokyo
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When it comes to Tokyo, there are many places to explore, each with its own unique charm. However, if you're looking for a hidden gem that's off the beaten path, Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace is definitely worth a visit.
Located in the Koto ward of Tokyo, Monzen Nakacho is a historic area with many traditional shops and restaurants. The Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace is a modern complex that's been designed to blend in with the surrounding area. The complex is built around a large courtyard that's filled with greenery and water features, creating a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city. Check their site to know more details パークアクシス門前仲町テラス
The terrace is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and cafes, making it the perfect place to spend an afternoon or evening. One of the standout features of the terrace is its architecture. The buildings are made from natural materials like wood and stone, and they're designed to maximize natural light and ventilation. As a result, the terrace feels open and airy, and it's a great place to relax and unwind.
If you're a foodie, you'll love the restaurants and cafes at Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace. The complex is home to a variety of eateries, ranging from traditional Japanese cuisine to international dishes. Some of the standout restaurants include TENOHA Tokyo, which serves up delicious Italian-Japanese fusion dishes, and Blue Bottle Coffee, which is known for its artisanal coffee and pastries.
For those who love shopping, there are plenty of stores to explore at Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace. The complex is home to a variety of boutique shops that sell everything from fashion and accessories to home goods and stationery. Some of the standout stores include Studio Clip, which sells stylish and modern home goods, and Indigo Craft, which sells hand-dyed textiles and clothing.
Another great feature of the terrace is its events and activities. Throughout the year, the complex hosts a variety of events and workshops, ranging from art exhibits to cooking classes. These events are a great way to learn more about Japanese culture and to meet new people.
Overall, Park Axis Monzen Nakacho Terrace is a hidden gem in Tokyo that's definitely worth a visit. Whether you're looking to explore a new neighborhood, enjoy some delicious food, or do some shopping, the terrace has something for everyone. And with its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere, it's the perfect place to relax and unwind after a busy day in the city.
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Park Axis Toyocho Residence: The Ultimate Urban Living Experience
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The concept of urban living has evolved over the years. With the increasing population density in major cities across the world, urban living is now more about convenience, comfort, and luxury than just a mere necessity. The Park Axis Toyocho Residence is a prime example of how modern urban living has evolved to provide the ultimate living experience. Check their site to know more details パークアクシス東陽町レジデンス
Located in the bustling district of Toyocho, Koto-ku in Tokyo, the Park Axis Toyocho Residence offers residents a unique combination of luxury, comfort, and convenience. The development is a collaboration between two leading Japanese real estate companies, Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd. and Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
One of the main selling points of the Park Axis Toyocho Residence is its location. Toyocho is a vibrant district that offers residents easy access to a wide range of amenities. The area is home to several supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls, making it an ideal location for people who value convenience.
The development comprises two towers, each standing 33 stories tall. The towers offer a total of 586 units, ranging from studios to three-bedroom apartments. The units are designed to offer residents the ultimate living experience, with a focus on luxury and comfort.
The apartments feature spacious living areas that are designed to maximize natural light and provide residents with breathtaking views of the city. The interiors are tastefully designed with high-quality materials, ensuring that residents feel right at home as soon as they step through the door.
The Park Axis Toyocho Residence also offers residents a wide range of amenities that are designed to enhance their living experience. The development features a fitness center, a swimming pool, a spa, and a rooftop terrace. The rooftop terrace is particularly noteworthy as it offers residents stunning views of Tokyo Bay and the surrounding areas.
Another unique feature of the Park Axis Toyocho Residence is its focus on sustainability. The development is designed to be eco-friendly, with a range of features that are aimed at reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable living. The development features a green roof, which helps to reduce heat island effects, and a rainwater harvesting system, which is used to irrigate the development's green spaces.
In addition to its focus on sustainability, the Park Axis Toyocho Residence also prioritizes security. The development features 24-hour security, ensuring that residents feel safe and secure at all times.
The Park Axis Toyocho Residence is an excellent investment opportunity for anyone looking to purchase property in Tokyo. The development's prime location, stunning design, and focus on luxury, comfort, and sustainability make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for the ultimate urban living experience.
In conclusion, the Park Axis Toyocho Residence is a prime example of how modern urban living has evolved to provide the ultimate living experience. Its location, design, amenities, and focus on sustainability and security make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for the ultimate urban living experience in Tokyo. Whether you are looking for a studio apartment or a three-bedroom apartment, the Park Axis Toyocho Residence has something to offer everyone.
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parkaxis · 2 years
Park Axis - A New Urban Oasis
Park axis is an urban rejuvenation project in Nantong city. It is an artistic, interactive and adaptable open space that provides something new to the people in the city.
The previous park consists of an axis walkway, a center linear waterscape, two green belts and decorative statues. The new design removes non-operational elements and transforms the park into an inspiring, interactive, and multi-functional open space that is useful to the users and fun to the visitors.
The Concept
A revamped park with a triumvirate of attractions, this urban oasis re-imagines the old school by providing an enticing new experience to both locals and visitors alike. Its new found luster is the result of the latest in smart parking technology from Axis and its partners, which not only helps safeguard visitors, but also optimizes revenue and reduces costs to the tune of millions.
The most important function of this innovative approach to parking is delivering a great first impression. The best way to do this is to offer a well-designed and branded visitor reception area that showcases the latest in smart parking technology and the benefits it can deliver, from intelligent guidance to an enhanced user experience and a more efficient parking management system. The resulting experience is an exceptional first impression for the park visitors, with a greater chance of them returning again. The resulting benefits will help to ensure this area is consistently the envy of the neighborhood.
The Design
The park axis design is to bring back the function and engagement of public space. Previously, the park lacked functional areas, such as an open lawn, a central linear waterscape, and two green belts. This park was ill-maintained due to a lack of maintenance budgets.
This was a negative impact on the public experience of the park. It became a place that visitors could only look at and never interact with.
We aim to create a more active park that is useful for urban activities, such as music festivals, art events, and weekend markets. With the new design, visitors can use this park to get a break from their busy lives, and feel inspired again.
To achieve this, we remove the center linear waterscape, replace it with a multi-functional open lawn, and reduce the overly dense green belts at two sides. These steps are to make the park easy to maintain and provide a more engaging public space that is multi-functional and inspirational for the locals.
The Structure
Park axis is composed of four areas: A central event lawn, a landform performance park, two interactive sitting areas, and a playground. Its design is based on careful studies of functionality for the CBD, neighborhoods, and visitors.
The existing linear waterscape is replaced by an open lawn that can be multi-functional for events, music festivals, and weekend markets. This new lawn is easy to maintain and provides a sense of liveness in the landscape.
The new design is inspired by the preserved old trees of the area and incorporated seating and leisure areas under them, providing shade in the sun, allowing users to relax and enjoy the space. The landforms are designed in light color pavers that catch the shadow from the tree, a feature that gives a sense of movement in the space. It also features a petal shape platform for viewing the city or for musicians to play on the weekend. The structures are designed to be artistic, interactive, and adaptable for the future.
The Landforms
The Cheonbuldong valley in the north-eastern part of Seoraksan hosts a plethora of fluvial landforms such as slot gorges, waterfalls and singular and strings of potholes. In addition, steep rock-cut lateral drainage channels are present throughout the upper parts of the valley. Check their site to know more details パークアクシス
The geodiversity of this mountainous terrain is the result of a combination of both inherited and contemporary processes. Structural landforms, such as blockfields and sorted stripes (although a little more difficult to date), are examples of morphological inheritance while bedrock-controlled major denudational features such as domes and fins represent products of exogenous long-term processes.
Using Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating we estimated surface exposure ages of a selection of boulder-dominated landforms in Rondane, eastern South Norway for the first time. Although the study is limited to only a few, the obtained results offer useful information about timing of landform stabilization and initiation. This was achieved by applying the most efficient SHD technique to each of the investigated landforms and by incorporating old and young control points on a regional calibration curve.
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estatopics · 2 years
三井不動産レジデンシャルは、入居者のライフスタイルや目的に合わせて利用可能な「Mixed PLACE」という空間コンセプトを具現化した、大規模賃貸マンション「パークアクシス門前仲町テラス」(東京都江東区古石場二丁目、総戸数189戸)を7月29日に竣工した。8月31日には、同コンセプトを有した「パークアクシス東陽町レジデンス」(東京都江東区東陽五丁目、250戸)が竣工予定。 「Mixed PLACE」は、住まう場、働く場、くつろいだり、リフレッシュする場の機能を融合させた空間コンセプト。様々な使い方ができる約200平方メートルの共用スペースを備え、多様なライフスタイルに対応する。また、専有部の一部住戸にはテレワーク用のデスクを置くためのスペースや造作カウンター等を設け、専有部においてもテレワークに適した企画とした。
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kanglo · 3 years
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Purpose Transformation Facilitating & Coaching Company 企業と人の創発を生み出し、その先の未来を創るファシリテイティング&コーチングカンパニー
【PX】=Purpose Transformation©:「存在意義による変革」
カングロ株式会社 代表取締役 藤井啓人 本社:東京都港区北青山2-7-13青山アラマンダワークコート3階 渋谷LAB:渋谷区宇田川町6-20 パークアクシス渋谷神南1205 [email protected]
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2nd-jiken · 5 years
株式会社Lightblue Technologyが、マーケティングAIソリューション ...
#東京都文京区本郷 2019年03月25日 04:06:00 代表:園田亜斗夢 本社:東京都文京区本郷7−2−11 パークアクシス本郷の杜 8階 806 電話:03-6801-8247 設立:2018年1月 HP:https://ift.tt/2U99xtK ... 東京都文京区本郷の近所のバー
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rupachan · 6 years
リビングルーム8.2帖、ベッドルーム5.2帖あるパークアクシス虎ノ門1LDKの室内動画です。詳細はコチラ⇒https://air-premium.jp/building/%e3%83%91%e3%83%bc%e3%82%af%e3%82%a2%e3%82%af%e3%82%b7%e3%82%b9%e8%99%8e%e3%83%8e%e9%96%80/ リビングと寝室の間仕切りはスライドタイプなので開放して広めのワンルームとしても利用可能!キッチンはガス2口コンロ、バスルームには追い焚き、浴室乾燥機が備わっています。玄関を開け正面にはシューズインクローゼット、その左手にパウダールームとトイレ、1216サイズの浴室がございます。敷金追加でペットの飼育も相談可能です。
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