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アメイジングデジタルサーカスのポムにーさんが可愛かった。 照れ顔も焦り顔も屈託のない笑顔も好きだけど、ポムニーのような引きつった顔も好き。 最後の壮大な音楽が流れている中、アップしていくポムニーの顔がどんどん引きつっていくのめちゃくちゃグッと来た(歪み)。 pomni from THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS was cute. I like her shy face, impatient face, and carefree smile, but I also like her drawn face like pomni's. I was really moved by pomni's face getting more and more drawn as it was being uploaded while the magnificent music was playing at the end (distortion).
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