#ㅤ ㅤ꒰..🪷꒱ sua : relationships ⊹꒪
enha-sua · 1 year
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♡. JUNGWON (suwon) !
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he will admit , he had a small crush on th girl when they first debuted , but it didn't even last like a month because they were so busy he didn't even have time to think , and it just went away.
his old crush on her aside , jungwon and sua get along really well , like a older sister younger brother.
their relationship is built on the mutual respect they have for each other , he respects her as his older sister , and she respects him as a leader.
they learned to fully put their trust in each other and motivate each other whenever they need it.
♡. HEESEUNG (suseung) !
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2/3 of the love triangle , probably the most famous pair between the triangle to , heeseung isn't shy when expressing his feelings about the girl.
you could also see he also took a liking to the girl during i-land , he also go find her when she was alone , sitting with her , talking to her and helping her with her the challenges , many fans trying to catch his reactions when she popped up on screen.
there's never not a time where they aren't caught being on cute outings together , like shopping (cue those cute photos of the boyfriends holding the girls bag while she shops.)
he cares for her deeply and understands her and enjoys her company so much , but he is also aware of the third party.
♡. JAY (say) !
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their relationship is one that's mostly shown off camera , on camera they have their cute moments , but you don't really catch because jay is sly with it.
they have a relationship where they don't have to always be around each other or show each that they care for the other.
they're the same age , but he is so much wiser than she is in his opinion and when she needs help he is always there.
his hypewoman fr , if no one laughs at his dad jokes , she is. she's gonna make sure he knows he's loved by many including her.
♡. JAKE (suyun) !
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sua and jake didn't really like each other in the beginning , during i-land fans would always comment on how they actively avoided each other , and when they had to interact it would be short with no type of emotions.
even when they debuted , they avoided each other for a short while , it wasn't until 3 months that they actually started to warm up to each other.
their relationship only went up from then , they actually enjoyed being around each other , some fans thought it was just for the cameras. until a clip of them was of them at a dinner together, not like a date (of course shippers took it that way) but they were just hanging out without the cameras.
their on camera interactions are so cute though , joking around silently when they aren't supposed to , them talking in english , but both their accents being so strong that no one understands but them.
♡. SUNGHOON (suhoon) !
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3/3 of the love triangle , sunghoon has always shown his affection for sua , she just noticed it , but everyone else did , including heeseung , he was the one who told her.
he is definitely more attentive towards her than he is to the other members , buying things for her if he see's it and is thinking of her.
while heeseung and sua's relationship is more so like a cheesy but cute k-drama , sua and sunghoon are like enemies to lovers , they love to bicker , but many fans say that's their way of flirting (maybe it is , maybe it isnt)
he also cares for her and loves being in her company, that's why he can't help but want to be around her all the time.
♡. SUNOO (susun) !
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the sunshine duo of the group , ever since i-land they've been close , one of the first people she ever talked to.
she never made friends easily , not really trusting people , but it came easy for them , she allowed herself to trust him.
he's easily approachable and she can tell him anything that's on her mind , despite him being younger , he definitely gives good advice.
spend their off times shopping and going to different cafes and food shops.
♡. NI-KI (su-ki) !
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she has a younger brother, and she very protective over him , and ni-ki is no different , that's like her blood brother in her eyes.
knows how tough it can be to leave your family and move to a different country , so they often bond over that , if one of them is feeling home sick or if everyone goes home , they'll go out and do something special together.
ni-ki sees sua as his older sister , a sense of comfort if you will , his home away from home , someone he knows will always have his back no matter what.
they're relationship is so wholesome , seeing them interact always makes fans smile- ni-ki making sua laugh when she's upset and sua always taking care of him.
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enha-sua · 9 months
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… before there was sua and heehoon , there was sua and very first love –
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timeline: 2017 – 2020
how they met: he was the son of her opera teacher. he would always visit his mothers office and as time went on he’d gradually come just to see sua; and in 2017 he asked her on a date, then after a few dates to be his girlfriend.
private or public? private
why they broke up? because they both knew it wasn’t gonna work, if she’d ended up debuting they’d hardly have time for each other and he couldn’t just fly back and forth to korea. it was sad, they didn’t want to break up, but they both knew it was best for the both of them.
status: strangers – lovers – friends ( sorta )
they still follow each other on instagram and he’ll sometimes contact her just to congratulate her, but i think it’s just a case of drifting apart and growing up, plus he has a girlfriend now , so it would be kinda awkward.
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enha-sua · 1 year
( 💕 ) ... SUA AND HER FAMILY !
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she loves sua and just wants her to be happy , she doesn't want her to suffer at all. it did take her a while to get used to sua being gone , but seeing her daughter preforming , and achieving big things , she can't help but cheer her on , her daughter looks happy and is living life how she wants and that's all the matters to her.
her relationship with her dad is up and down , he's still kind of upset that she decided to choose preforming instead of medical school , and he has a bad habit of bringing it up whenever she calls looking for a bit of comfort from her parents after a long and stressful day , causing a argument which results in her not calling for a while , and her mother calling to tall it out between them both.
her day one , her other half , if no one has her , her twin sister always has her back. since they're twins , they understand each other on a different level than anyone else. her sister did decided go apply for a college , but preforming arts , and soin she'll be transfering to korea for school , so they'll be much closer , but for now the try to talk to each other everyday to fill each other in on everything.
she's kind of jealous of her brother , because since he did end up choosing the surgeon route , sealing the stamp of approval of her father , something she longs for , but has yet to get. of course he's still in college and can quit at any time , but this really draws a wedge in there relationship sometimes because of her jealousy so they don't talk much and when they do it's very brief or a congratulations of a new achievement.
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enha-sua · 1 year
♡ ... TAG DUMP !
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