#乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠  ⁠)⁠ㄏ idk dude
caineinthecorner · 5 months
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Languages (The Others)
★ Based on my language general hcs + the brothers' hcs.
Hi I am sleep deprived. Behold part two of my shitty hc delusions wooooo.
"Caine you missed some" yeah I'm lazy (+ don't know their characterization well enough). If you want to add hcs for the guys I skipped you can but in the meantime I'll go with the basic bitch options
Gentle reminder I make shit up. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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★ Solomon.
Okay so like I said with Asmo he knows french (and they're both nasty with it)
Basically he rizzed up Asmo in french
Using the dude he was in based out of he also knows English (native probably), Welsh, German, full-ass Demon Tongue and like some latin for magic bs. Idk
(bcs the guy lived nearby those countries in ye old Europe(tm) and something something immortal so why tf not learn languages while at it)
(also of course he learned demon tongue. He wants to rizz up demons and what better way to do that)
He learned demon tongue from random demons and a lot of trial and error
Plus he knows japanese if we are under the pretense that mc is japanese.
So like Solomon tries to use language rizz to get close to you as the other human student in Devildom. So basically using the Asmo trick with you.
... He's kinda painfully obvious with it
(how tf did Asmodeus fall for this shit?)
If you don't speak any of the languages he is fluent in his ass will ABSOLUTELY pick 'em up and be like "hey I want to learn:)"
He uses language as a tool to get what he wants basically
No wonder him and Asmo get along
If you know a language that is not loquar-translatable and he speaks it as well prepare to get secret-talk'd a lot.
Not having people spying your convos is a incredibly valuable asset in Devildom
Especially since you're around the brothers almost 24/7 and they're fucking VIGILANT
Oh also he 100% knows that Asmo fakes being shit at English.
But he's a simp so 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠  ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Luke.
Yes he doesn't need Loquar to communicate with you since he's an angel BUT
For some reason (cough your heritage cough) he keeps messing up in which language speak to you with.
Angel instincts are telling him to just use whatever language with you but the thing is that You Don't Know Whatever Language
Which is odd because that's something he only does with fellow angels????
But you are human so
He doesn't think much of it. He's probably just confused because he's around mean demons! >:T
(His basic subconscious instincts are harder to control since he's low ranking and his Angel brain is going "You = angel = language doesn't matter")
But since he keeps somewhat messing up around you he decides to gesture to hell when talking to you just in case
so you get the gist through his mannerisms in case his words get fucky
His least favorite language ever is Demon Tongue. Even outside of Not Liking Demons he doesn't like how throat-y and intensive it is.
↑ that is a popular Angel opinion btw. Demon Tongue in general is just annoying to use for them and barely any Angels use it outside of in-the-moment communication with Devildom natives.
If you ask him his preferred language he'll say some form of Latin since it's the preferred language of most high ranked angels, as well as Michael's.
But it's actually English.
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★ Simeon.
Since he is was a high rank angel, he doesn't mess up what language speak to you with. He has real good control of stuff like that that comes with experience and age.
(in fact he's very confused why Luke keeps messing up so bad around you but doesn't think much of it since Luke is technically still a fledgling)
I already said this but yeah his preferred language is Archaic Latin (shared it with Lucifer pre-fall).
Ever since Lucifer's fall he switched to plain English and that's the answer he'll give you if you ask.
Only Angel that isn't bothered speaking demon tongue and will do so at his own leisure.
If you try to learn the demon language he is unironically so helpful because he isn't a spiteful bitch like Lucifer and actually teaches you shit without throwing you into the wolves
In fact Simeon is amused as hell over the fact that Lucifer is making you learn the hard stuff first. That is so him.
He's like the good cop of the learning dynamic. Cool substitute teacher vibes
Simeon finds accents to be the cutest thing ever since it is an inherently odd concept for someone fluent in Everything Ever
He has (jokingly) cooed over Luci's accent when he speaks Latin nowadays. Lucifer is not at all amused.
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★ Barbatos.
He knows every language.
... Yeah that's it that's the list
Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me this motherfucker does not speak Sumerian
Ofc he knows every human language ever. And Devildom's. He knows™.
Funniest thing is that he doesn't even need Loquar to talk to you. He just deadass speaks your language with full fluency and you Never Notice
You only notice one day while having a normal convo with him and then Diavolo walks in speaking full deadass gibberish somehow and you're like ????? and Barbatos says "oh apologies I forgot to apply Loquar to you here you go"
Like deadass he would fuck with you so hard when it comes to languages.
Do not go to this man for language advice he will teach you proper stuff in the most incorrect way possible
(Probably! Or probably not! It depends! On what? Who the fuck knows™!)
He's deadass a roulette of proper, legitimate advice or literal shitposting
He wrote the Voynich manuscript. It was a housekeeping journal he was keeping in a dead Devildom idiom that ended up in the human realm by accident
He didn't retrieve it solely because seeing humans go insane over it was funny as hell and he has a secondary copy anyway. That book has nothing relevant in it besides like two recipes.
He did go to check back on it once to write down a meat pie recipe Diavolo's father liked bcs he didn't have on the copy
Barbatos is the definition of "wtf what language was that" "yes."
He and Lucifer have random days where they just pick a language to speak to each other. It helps to maintain fluency.
Barbatos jumpscared Satan once by going, full ass unprompted mid convo, "Oh right you speak Tagalog."
He knows what languages everyone speaks like a white girl knows zodiac charts
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★ Diavolo.
Ok so he probably knows English since it is Solomon's native and humanity's current universal(ish) language
Like of course he wants to communicate with humans! Of course he'll learn their language!!!
Unlike Barbatos and Lucifer who are very impressive Polyglots he's realistic in his language stuff. The more down-to-earth of the three
His English is hilarious
Not particularly because he says things wrong but his accent and tone just makes it sound incredibly funny
He sounds exactly like a dubbed-over superhero doing a friendship monologue At All Times
He is so earnest with it that you don't have the heart to explain why you're laughing
Anyhow fun fact:
Loquar for some reason translates what he says in Demon Tongue the most literal ass sense possible for literally no reason
Which is odd(tm) but mostly just funny as all hell
Everyone has been troubleshooting whatever the fuck happens to Loquar Ad Vos with Diavolo but no idea so far.
The phrase "have you tried unpapplying it and applying it again" has been uttered more than once unironically
The working theory is that since Diavolo is royalty and Loquar Ad Vos was created with the sampling of normal demons it works wrong on him since there's something different(tm)
Reverse engineering the Loquar spell to work on him has been in the works for a while. Loquar is drafted like shit since it is an old human-oriented spell (Basically like spaghetti code needing to be rewritten), so it proves a bit troublesome.
You later find that Diavolo speaks in a very uniquely pronounced manner
↑ Think of it like Devildom royalty has a very distinctive Way Of Speaking. Like an accent but also not. Probably magic related in some way(?)
"do you want to consume nourishment" ← Diavolo's ass getting mistranslated
So yeah Barbatos or Lucifer kinda have to lend a hand when you two communicate.
If you're English speaking then you two kinda communicate that way sometimes. You reassure him on his accent and help him along if he gets anything wrong.
(he's fluent-ish in Japanese as well if we are running in the assumption that the reason why MC's canonically japanese is because they needed someone who A) speaks a language translatable by Loquar Ad Vos B) is also a language Diavolo knows and C) is not of the same social background as Solomon)
He will get so unapologetically excited when you start learning demon tongue. You two can!!! Communicate even more!!!!!
Demons will be genuinely mortified if you gain Diavolo's accent while speaking demon tongue. Why does this random ass human speak like royalty ತ⁠_⁠ತ
Very (un)subtle way to tell everyone that you're besties/partner/whatever of the literal prince of Devildom.
Something something dragon being possessive something
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daisyvisions · 8 months
open discussion: if tbz were vampires, which era/century do you think each of them would be from?
it doesn't have to reflect their actual ages, since they'd hypothetically remain the same age as when they were turned and that's what decides their "human" age. but I am curious.
eric screams posh victorian child, but also he could be some dude™ from the 80s idk. younghoon deffo screams joseon or goryeo nobility. idk about the others. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
this is so fun omg I've never had an ask like this before! hmm for me I think...
came from the victorian era -
Kevin, Younghoon, Chanhee,
came from the renaissance era (or older era) -
Juyeon, Jacob, Hyunjae
came from the 1910's - 1950's -
Sangyeon, Eric, Haknyeon,
came from the modern era (60's and present day) -
Sunwoo, Changmin
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OKAY turns out gram has a Big Gay Crush on black and is not in fact secretly dating his girlfriend lmao
also yoks persistence in finding unar is so fucking funny like bro ran into a burning building to save this guy hes never met (which, a valiant thing to do obviously) and even without seeing his face hes instantly entranced ?? and hes like i gotta find out who he is no matter what im not gonna give up no matter how long it takes all from that One interaction they had and he keeps finding him and hes so obvious its embarrassing tbh :/ turns out his guys a cop though so we'll see how that goes 😭😭
also also i really like seans girlfriend shes cool as fuck i wanna be her when i grow up . + the thing at the end where those masked motherfuckers got black fucking got me by surprise even though it was obviously coming lol
why didnt he go with Something (anything) to defend himself with though 😭😭 which probably wouldnt have helped in the long-run but STILL
also i dont think i trust todd very much tbh :/ i mean he seems like a pretty chill dude but k also wouldnt be surprised if he was the one who orchestrated the whole black getting injured thing 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ except that seems too obvious so idk But i cant wait to find out
ajfnsklf i only watched one episode this time but i Couldnt Help It i Had to share my thoughts :P
omg the Gram/Black/Balck gf (who I cannot remember the name of) love triangle is so good but also doesn't have the most satisfying resolution I don't think.
Yok is so me in meeting the guy one time and becoming obsessed lmfao. I also love that Unar is a cop cause it adds so much to the activism and conflict of trying to make change from within a system or choosing to work from outside it. Which is really one of the big reasons I like the show, it explores all the challenges of activism and how different types of activism all have pros and cons. Someone on reddit descibe the show as being "political but intimate" which I think sums it up quite well.
Namo is one of my favourites, I'm pretty sure she's Seans ex? their relationship is honestly really ambiguous.
Really interesting that you don't like Todd, though to be fair he is rich (in contrast to Blacks gang) which is immediate bad vibes.
Dude you are seriously binging this and I love that for you. making me want to rewatch it AGAIN.
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