chinesedramaoutfit · 2 months
Nian Shilan, Consort Hua
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mydaylight · 5 months
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By the way, in case anybody is interested, the Magpie Bridge Brigade has recently finished the complete translation of Empresses in the Palace, which is linked above. They are currently in the process of updating the first 15 episodes. I highly recommend the series, which is an exquisitely crafted period drama that is distinguished in everything from the engaging plot, the incredible acting and iconic character development to the gorgeous costumes and sets. The translators have done an amazing job, so this is a great opportunity for more people to get into this great series! You really cannot go wrong with Empresses in the Palace.
(also just fyi, that last shot shown in the tweet does not mean the character has died)
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freesoar · 9 years
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doglok · 11 months
宠妃的仪态形体训练#后宫猫#每个猫步都踩在心巴上 #甄嬛传#猫步 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJrsBu3ecjY
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hunnibee26 · 3 years
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Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river.
Life changes like the Yellow River changes its course.
If Empresses in the Palace could be summarized with just one quote, it would be that one. As one concubine rises, the other falls depending on the volatile favor of an emperor who will never replace the first wife that he lost.
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hailanyi · 3 years
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freesoar · 9 years
今天,本宫做个东道,带大家看看本宫的婆家——紫禁城。甄嬛传里,你们一定都看到过壮丽的紫禁城了吧?告诉你们,那大部分是外景基地拍的,并不是在北京故宫。如今,什么不能山寨?区区故宫又如何?如果你们看到真的紫禁城竟是如此的破败,不禁要哀叹了吧?反正本宫不好受,桑心呀~~~ 好了,废话少说,来次够! 卡忙,北鼻~ 首先,这是俺家大门,午门。
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它后边呀,就是中和殿、保和殿。甄嬛传里没有提到啊,本宫就不带大家去了。咱们来好好看看我那死老头子的寝宫——养心殿 这个破破烂烂的房子就是养心殿了。从我那死老头子开始,以后的皇帝都不住乾清宫,改住这里。怎么样,想不到吧,皇帝的寝宫如今破败至此!
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咦?这是什么东西?吹的风这么凉爽?这,这是电风扇……哀家不应该认识这个,穿帮啦!!小允咂,这段掐了别播啊!😁 这死老头子,竟然背着本宫在他寝殿里用这么好的东西!气死宝宝了!
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哎!桑心ing…… 以后本宫是断不敢再来侍寝了,万一内死老头子用劲过猛,这破房子塌了可咋办?!
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接下来,本宫带大家去看看后宫。 这是皇后凉凉的景仁宫!好破败……从此我再也不羡慕皇后了🤭
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至于端妃的延庆殿、敬妃的咸福宫、还有祺嫔的钟粹宫,齐妃的长春宫等等,或不欢迎本宫去,或还在维修,就不带大家去了,外观和景仁宫是一样的。太后的寿康宫现在不让进,哀家也木有办法。 诵经的宝华殿现在根本就不开放,俺家那死老头子不让去,俺也木有办法…… 这是乾清宫皇帝大婚时的新房,本宫不是皇后,未曾住过……
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好了,就到这吧,出了神武门你们就可以回家啦。 对了,至于本宫的寝宫怎么不带你们去的问题,那是因为故宫里根本就没有碎玉轩这个地方!还有啥存菊堂啥的,那都是编出来的,让本宫咋带你们去呀? 最后本宫还要得瑟一把,你们常去的颐和园,其实是哀家的儿子为哀家六十大寿修的,当时叫清漪园。你们去的时候别忘了来看本宫啊~ 哼哼,你们要真看到本宫,还不吓死你们!哈哈,哈哈哈哈…… 最最后,再让你们看看本宫老头的泰陵 这是大门,气派吧
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至于哀家的坟在哪?嗯,告诉你们也无妨,就在这个坟东面,叫泰东陵。对!哀家自己一个坟,不和他们掺和。 什么?要哀家带你们去看看哀家的坟?岂有此理!哪有自己带人看自己坟的? 什么?陵容、眉庄、宁嫔……你们想太多啦!那些人都是虚构的!哀家生前从不认识她们,倒是果郡王是确有其人的!look!这著名的杜甫草堂正门匾额的“草堂”两个字就是他写的。
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至于他和本宫是否有私……八嘎!这是谁这么缺德呀!本宫何尝有过这等风流韵事!你当本宫是某某某某高官们的公共情妇呢!😡至于弘历,那可千真万确是本宫的亲儿子啊!不然他能给本宫修颐和园?! 好啦,别问啦!自从甄嬛传播出以来,天天有人来问,老娘都烦死了!天也不早了,本宫也乏累了,要回本宫的泰东陵歇着去了,你们都跪安,散了吧……
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michyeosseo · 3 years
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Women are the ones fighting in harem dramas. And for better or worse, the emperor and eunuchs are men. But in Blossom, there are only women.
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onerooomdisco · 2 years
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孙俪 Su Li
后宫·甄嬛传 Empresses in the Palace (2011)
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ngaluong1960vn · 3 years
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They reunited !  Zhen Huan vs Hua Fei
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vvzzbf · 3 years
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remo-ny · 7 years
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ongnable · 7 years
朱正廷 (Zhu Zhengting), parodying 后宫甄嬛传 (2013)
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freesoar · 9 years
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“东单,东单,我是西单,听到请回话……娘娘走到哪了?" "西单,西单,我是东单,娘娘在你附近正被一群熊猫搜查良民证。娘娘走得急,未曾携带册封金册,请求支援,请求支援"  ”东单,东单,我是西单,正在巡逻,无法支援。但请娘娘赏个脸给他们看看,问一句:猫猫,你还记得大明湖畔的……哦,不不不,错了错了!是猫猫,你可看过《甄嬛传》?你可认得本宫?事到如今,娘娘唯有豁出这张脸了!“ 尼玛!主意是好主意,可你这话怎么说的好像要本宫失节的样子! 几个熊猫刚刚搜查完路人甲的良民证
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西单和王府井一样,全街闭店!两个小熊猫正在商店门口巡逻。他们滴表情好卡哇伊。旁边一个“小雨伞”正扒门向店内张望。 这个情景让本宫的钩钩心又起了。你们看这样解说可好?😁 ——熊猫甲:兄弟,这个“小雨伞”好可耐,我想把她买下可好? ——熊猫乙:呦西~ 😁😁😁……
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一辆辆大卡车把长安街拆下来的护栏运走,好露出“没有栅栏”的长安街。 所以各位在电视上看到的长安街,其实是已经隐藏了层层栅栏的“改革开放”的长安街
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眼瞅着天要黑了,本宫安排了浣逼、小允子,又独自潜回前门一探究竟…… 看到了吧,由于本宫独得恩宠,竟能来在这戒严的区域
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mejomonster · 4 years
douban shan he ling - people who like this show, also like:
nirvana in fire, love and redemption, sha po lang, 夜燕白 ye yan bai (isnt this going to be a bl adaptation?) , 将进酒 (???is this what i think it is), 后宫·甄嬛传  (literally on my to watch list), Love in Between (also on the my list), along with other shows i might want to check out mm
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10 + 11 questions tag
Thank you @shenmeizhuang for tagging me!
A. Always post the rules. Answer the questions then write (10 or 11?) new ones.
B. Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their questions.
My questions:
Favorite heroine.
Favorite drama trope.
Name a character that you initially liked but came to dislike.
Least favorite drama trope.
What dramas do you think should be 20 episodes shorter?
Favorite example of trope dissection/dispellation. 
Favorite time travel drama.
What historical figure would you like to see a drama about?
What type of plot twist would you like to see more?
What is the worst plot twist you have seen in a drama?
Favorite villain or antagonist?
Hua Fei, from the Legend of Zhen Huan/后宫 甄嬛传.  For all of her bad traits -- callousness, selfishness, a tendency to want to murder her enemies -- you can’t help but to feel bad for her.  And at Yongzheng for treating her like he did.  And I think that’s what I truly loved about Zhen Huan -- even the antagonists were fleshed out and multi-dimensional.
A honorable mention would be Ulanara Yi Xiu/Huang Hou from Zhen Huan.  
Favorite character trope/archetype?
Interestingly, when it comes to female characters, I am willing to give any character trope a try if the storyline is good.  That said, I notice I do gravitates more towards dramas where it’s “carefree young woman getting entangled in political drama and then internalizes too much.”  Aka Bu Bu Jing Xin, Glory of the Tang Dynasty, Imperial Doctress, to some extent Singing All Along.
As for guys, because I inevitably end up watching palace dramas/court dramas, I am a sucker for “I am a prince/emperor with all the duties in the world including polygamy but I only have one true love” type of character  (see above dramas).  I swear this post will not become my rambling on Glory of the Tang Dynasty, Part 3.
Least favorite character trope/archetype?
The Evil Secondary Girl(TM) in modern dramas.  I give the trope a little bit more leeways in palace dramas because backstabbing and all are I guess historically accurate (maybe? lol) but the evil second girl trope in modern drama makes my eye twitch.  
The biggest example I can think of is Ha Jae Kyung from Boys Over Flowers.  I have many many issues with that drama (don’t get me started on what they did with Jun Pyo that even Lee Min Ho can’t save), but the drama never gave a reason for why she was the Evil Secondary Girl (TM).  Yes she’s betrothed to Jun Pyo, whichl from all indications was arranged by her parents.  The drama never gave an indication as to why she’s so attached to Jun Pyo, other than this supposed betrothal that was arranged by other people. 
Least favorite drama trope
Love stories where the jerk of the main character (always the dude) remains a jerk to everyone else but the Main Love Interest(TM). 
Blackmail stories, like Sealed with a Kiss.  It’s not as much romantic as just plain creepy.
Name a character that you initially disliked but came to love
Wei Zi Fu from The Virtuous Queen of Han.  It wasn’t even that I initially disliked her character -- I just found her character really boring and a little bit insufferable by how good she is as a human being.  But then by the end of the drama I was pretty much HURT ZI FU AND I CUT YOU, YES INCLUDING YOU LIU CHE.  
Favorite multi-season drama?
I don’t really watch a lot of multi-season drama that’s not in English, to be honest? I guess if you count Glory as multi-season.
That said, I have high hopes for the 2nd season of Dr. Qin Medical Examiner. 
Favorite example of trope dissection/dispellation.
Bu Bu Jing Xin.  It took the trope of “amazing heroine that everyone loves” and shred my heart to pieces.
Favorite time travel drama.
Bu Bu Jing Xin again.  I haven’t watched the Myth yet (honestly, I know that it ends up super angsty and I keep chickening out because of that), and while I enjoy Gong for the time traveling palace Boys Over Flower adaptation that Yu Zheng kept denying, Bu Bu Jing Xin is just so tightly and well written, well acted, beautiful, and dramatic but never over the top.   
Choose a period drama, sageuk, or wuxia that you would like to time travel to
Most of the period drama and wuxia that I watch end up with 90% of the cast dying so I am not sure if I actually want to time travel to any of them.  At this point, probably Glory of the Tang Dynasty so I can talk some sense into Li Chu and Zhen Zhu during certain plot points.  And also because I feel like Li Chu occasionally needs a Get A Grip Friend.
Historical event/time period/historical figure(s) that you want to see a show explore.
I am not sure, really.  I would love to see an epic political drama of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period that wasn’t overwrought with romantic melodrama a la Qing Shi Huang Fei.
Name a show with the best (most intensive yet reasonable/plausible) plot twists.
Bu Bu Jing Xin.  I guess it was not a plot twist because I knew history and what happened between the fourth and eighth prince, but the deterioration of their relationship throughout the drama was actually made in a way that was super reasonable and plausible even though it broke my heart.
I’m tagging @cdramaddict, @dangermousie, @shenmeizhuang.  I realize that I don’t talk with my mutuals a lot, but anyone who wants to answer can :) 
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