#螈 : π₯𝐒𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐳𝐚 / the chameleon.
geaesaekki Β· 24 days
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               @dcrkfcngs sent :
❝ i’m back in town and you’re too busy to see me…im disappointed..❞ - remy
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"Come onn don't break my heart like that, it's not true. I just had to lay low because of work... Sometimes it's not safe for me to go around too much. You know that yeah? I want to protect you from that." Mara speaks taking Remy's hand to pull her closer. Mara never wants to worry Remy but her work is a big part of her life and yes, it gets dangerous and messy sometimes. It is true that they haven't seen each other a lot these days. Remy is Mara's little sunshine, seeing her makes Mara forget about the recent chaotic events in her life. "I"ve missed you, you know? A lot." Mara then adds, a tender smile on her lips, one of her hand pulling Remy closer, the other tugging one of Remy's strand of hair behind her hair as she bites her lower lip. "Don't sulk on me mm? What can I do to make it up to you? You name it and I do it, like your Wish is my command." Her grin widens, her fingers caressing Remy's cheek and jaw tenderly. "Yeah? How about that?"
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geaesaekki Β· 2 months
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               @stillresolved sent :
β€œPut a sweater on.” He’s scowling and almost very pointedly looking at anywhere that isn’t in Detective Lim’s direction. Which is also kind of difficult considering that she’s perched on the coffee table in front of him and of course, she’s in her pajamas. Not that that’s a bad thing, but also if he looks at her, he’ll get a full view of down her low cut shirt, which is also not necessarily a bad thing, but she’s his co-worker and yes, he’s seen her naked before, but he feels like a pervert now just looking in her direction and that’s not a feeling Ga-ram is looking to entertain with someone he actually respects and– he covers his face with a hand, fingers digging into his temples. β€œPlease.”  ( still maram!!! but lighter now :DDDD watch k think themselves into a tizzy JFKLSDJFKLSJ )
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Of course to the remark, Mara's eyebrow lifts. What's up with that? He has seen her naked before. A lot. "Are you saying you don't like the view, Mister?" Mara replies with a cunning smile on her lips. "Offensive." It is the perfect opportunity for her to tease him even more and have her little fun. As they spend more and more time together, she discovers little things about him each time. Garam can be a shy man, or perhaps the word shy isn't adequate... He wouldn't stare, he would look away, cover his eyes, it's not shyness it's something else. A side of him that Mara finds endearing. Could it be due to them having sex most of time drunk and in a hallway or in a car? Their intimicy is always so raw and wild, the times they can just contemplate each other's bodies is ... rare. Even when lying in bed, she usually escapes fast to hurry to the station. Today is a sunday, they got so lazy in the morning, her pajamas are still on, a tank top and shorts made of white cotton, light on her skin. "It might be the first time I'm being asked to cover myself when I'm looking this delicious in the morning. What is it? You want a show but you're too shy to ask?" Mara says now moving her hips from side to side, biting her lower lip into holding a grin as she knows he will ask her to get down and stop this. "Do you want a little bit of this?" Now she traps her breasts in between her elbows to showcase her cleavage even more. "Or do you want a little bit of that?" Mara insists, this time turning around and presenting her back, the shape of her loins, the perkiness of her ass, still dancing on that table and putting on a show for him, pulling her hair up, her hands down her sides, spinning and dancing in all the suggestive possible ways.
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geaesaekki Β· 2 months
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               @stillresolved sent :
He tries not to let it happen too often, but somehow, always, he ends up doing it once more. Drinking to forget. It creeps up on him, the regret and the bitterness of it all– was there even a point to any of what he did at all– no matter where he goes, but none so often as when he comes back to an empty apartment.Β Ga-ram hates being at home alone. Isn’t that why it was easier to be K? Judge Kang needed someone available 24/7, someone willing to be errand boy, middle man, and co-conspirator, all in one. Now he’s none of those things and well, there’s only so many things Ga-ram can do before he starts spiraling again.Β  Which he already has. He’s not sure when Mara decided to come around, not sure if they had plans for such either, but he recognizes her voice. His head spins as he stumbles to the door and then glares at her. β€œ...What happened to asking before coming around?” ( still here with some sads....so here's maram :'3 )
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Mara and Garam together, they drink, a lot. It always starts with beers, be it at the bar or at one of their places, with a chat and food, the beers lead to tequila and the tequila lead to watching dumb movies and fucking against a wall. It's fun. She likes those nights with him - however, they don't happen on a daily basis. Being creatures of solitude, they both need their own space, these nights of just being by themselves like a retreat, or at least, that's how it used to be. More and more, Mara finds herself knocking on his door without sending a text first. It's correlated to how her life has been spiraling into chaos these days, she has started to talk to him, to open up, slowly but surely. Garam... it's different, he listens, he listens a lot. Sometimes he doesn't speak yet it's the perfect form of comfort that Mara seeks in him, again, he listens to her like nobody else does. He worries too, by lecturing her and telling her she's going to be arrested yet all she hears is concern and it reassures her not to be completely alone anymore in her mistakes. All the space she starts occupying, it could have been space for him to talk to, but he does not. Perhaps, once or twice, yet it was brief, about the life he lived before about how it's not his life anymore. Mara is aware by whom's side Garam has been working for so many years and yet... he never quite described the hole it left in his life, truly, she has no idea. The door is wide open and the scene is so not expected. Drunk sure he is, but he usually waits for her to start the festivities. His first words are spoken, like a true drunk man - he attacks, which causes a slight frown above her eyes and a sarcastic scoff. Classic Garam though.
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"Yeah yeah sorry papi, you don't get to kick me out or you're gonna die alone." Mara speaks walking inside, pushing him with her shoulder, and throwing her leather jacket to the side as it hits a chair and lands on it. "I bought some burgers from accross the street. Oh, and you look like shit." She says, flashing the paper bag that she sets down the first wooden surface she can find. Turning around, she's staring at him. No matter how she wants to keep on getting sassy like she always does, she doesn't like that sight og him in that state so much. Him telling her she should text first... what is it, was is drinking himself to death when she isn't around or something? Mara believes it's either harder or easier to have a conversation with him now. Harder as talking to a drunk can be a complicated task - but perhaps easier as in, maybe, now with all his walls down he would open up to her. Stepping to stand in front of him, one of her hand scoops his jawline, taking a long look at him, pensive. "Say you're freshly coming back from the club. Say you don't always drink alone like that." It's 8pm. She knows the answer already, Garam doesn't party. "Come on, talk to me."
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geaesaekki Β· 3 days
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   2023, August. Diary of a masked girl. entry #xx
"Four weeks since I have created her. I decided not to name her, not to make too real. I will end her, soon. I turn on my screen, turn on my camera and I put the mask on. That is where my nights and sleep have been gone,, leaving me in a hallow state as I have trouble focusing when the sun rises again, as if her face and mine violently collapse in my head whenever my mind drifts for a little too long. The investigation is moving faster than I thought, as my unexpected notoriety as the mask girl online quickly got me in the radar of the ones I am tracking. I got contacted by an anonymous, claiming to want to represent me, promising me more money for my art if I accept to work under their name. There is no doubt in this approach being the one of the organization I am targetting, the one extorting, pressuring girls in order to build an enslaved hub of cam and escort girls with their lives in leash. I haven't responded to the invite yet, I need to find the perfect angle to go furthur without seeming too eager or else, they might suspect my status and intentions. I believe my streams cannot brutally stop, can thet now? I keep getting online. Just a little more. When I become the mask girl I wear colorful dresses, long blond hair, my chest proudly revealed by a tight cleavage and my thighs at the edge of my skirt. At first, I couldn't wait but to call them all, these men logging on and drooling on me : Pigs. Disgusting little pigs, touching, pleasuring themselves the way I know they do. So I did. Insulting them, calling them pathetic while laughing as loud as I could. Surprisingly, they loved it. And so I wondered, what hole can you fall in to dream of a girl you have never met to make fun of you this way? Degrade you this way? Yet in a twisted day, the more I do, the more I understand. There are different ones, too. The ones who don't need more but a kind word every day. They don't want to see my face, they don't want to see my body, they just wan't company. And so I talk to them, sometimes in ways I never thought I could talk to someone I've never seen. As if, now that we both have our masks on, there is nothing we can't tell each other, right?
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geaesaekki Β· 1 month
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Β  Maritza, and "don't say my name."
Maritza Lim Guerrero is her legal name. Her journey began in the vibrant city of San Juan, where she was born to a Puerto Rican father and a Korean mother. Growing up in a household of mild influence, her father was part of a powerful cartel in the city, provided them with a comfortable social status. However, all it came crashing down when Maritza was a teen. As her father tried to run away with the cartel money and without his family, he got stopped, beaten up to almost death. Her home became a place of fear and violence as Maritza's father, burdened by his own failures, turned abusive towards both her mother and her. Drinking most of the time, blaming the two women for his pathetic fail. They were constantly in danger, now that her father was indebted to the cartel. In a desperate attempt for safety, Maritza's mother decided to escape his grip. One night, she woke Maritza up, with little money, enough for plane planes, straight toof Seoul, South Korea to live with Maritza's maternal grandparents .In this foreign land, Maritza had to adapt, which happened to be difficult for her as her maternal grandparents weren't the ideal deal either, constantly looking down on Maritza's mother life choices, and by extension looking down on Maritza as well. It was better than the streets. Not only did she adapt to a new culture, but she also got rid of the name given to her by her troubled past. She wants to be called Mara.
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geaesaekki Β· 1 month
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Β  maritza,Β crimson.
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geaesaekki Β· 2 months
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Β mara, as Inspector lim.
Mara has built her career, her path, her reputation through her resourcefulness and her tenacity : qualities that anchored her name into the Force legacy. Such a fast ascencion, especially for a woman in that type of field has lead her to earn grand respect from her cadets who do aspire to become just like her. Her golden days have been marked by solving the most complex and intricate cases, which she used to get promoted to the homicide unit. As time goes however, some end up seeing the cracks of the perfect tale that Is Inspector Lim : she never truly played by the rules. Many of the cases she solved, she did by going to any extent in order to succeed. An extent that means cutting many illegal deals with underground moguls, a lot who became good friends of hers. The ones on the field with Inspector Lim can see : she's reckless - some would say insane to risk it all like she does. Of course she would, no matter what she attempts, it all ends in a victory and her name in the news with praise... as long as she doesn't get caught.
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geaesaekki Β· 2 months
   La rose.
   2024, February. Diary of a masked girl. Entry #xx
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"I kept staring at the enveloppe. A dark one overplayed in between my fingers, adorned with a single rose. Something is running through my veins, rattling in my guts, awakening my senses. Something I cannot quite put a word on. The invitation, it emanes this air of exclusivity that makes me realize I might get closer to the my answers than I thought. Apprehension, that this case could be even bigger than I imagined. It is addressed to Mask Girl – my alter ego, the mysterious who had captivated countless of voyeurs and well, apparently the elite has their eyes on her as well. It has been two months now that I've been pursuing this network who's trafficking women, exploided them as camgirls. Thankfully to Doe's collaboration, I could identify all of them and it appears these girls not only work online but I believe somewhere, with clients, in Seoul. The deeper I digged, the darker it got. I could tell : these girls aren't working at some dirty hole in the red districts nor giving lazy handjobs in crappy massage salons - they are so impossible to properly track that I know I'm dealing with something big enough to have the means to make a woman disappear without leaving trace. The significance of this invitation wasn't lost on me. La Rose, is a name that has been whispered in hushed tones among the elite circles. At the force, we barely know anything about it as I figured my superiors must be paid a huge pile of cash to keep their mouths shut - or who knows, threatened to do so. La Rose is a sanctuary for the wealthy and the powerful, gentlemen and ladies, politicians and CEOs, indulging in their most clandestine and disgusting desires. This could be bigger than the Burning Case back in 2019. The reveal of what goes on behind this secret society would sink the entire country's economy, I can tell. For them to invite Mask Girl ... could the girls I've been trying to find be there : forced, used and killed? What do they want from the Mask Girl exactly? To work for them or to become one of them? I couldn't shake the feeling that my answers are waiting for me there ."
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geaesaekki Β· 2 months
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Β  maritza,Β in the sun.
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