#被虐のノエ ル
uci-fanfic-requests · 6 years
Can you please write a Noel and the Mortal Fate crossover?
Admin Notes: I’d be lying if I told you I played through all 7 parts so here’s the deal: Noel becomes a deceased one! -Admin Hirahara
“Hirahara, don’t run so quickly.” Kinoshita called after his current mission’s partner, letting out a sigh when Hirahara showed no signs of stopping. “It’s too early to get separated, and this is a big town.” Not to mention, the buildings all looked similar and were tall. If Hirahara took off down an alley, they probably wouldn’t find each other in a while.
“This place is suuuper weird!” Hirahara yelled back, making a sudden right. Kinoshita started picking up the pace as well to keep up. They didn’t need to look around to come to that conclusion, though. The case report read as follows: LaPlace was a town that used to be run by the mafia. However, the reason for the mission had nothing to do with that. There are rumors around that there is the ghost of a girl with no arms, though her objective is unknown, she appears to have the ability to tear up the town. That was quite a problem, for a deceased one to cause trouble for the living. Kinoshita was supposed to find this girl, and at least try and talk to her before things got too troublesome. Or at least, he was supposed to.
But at the moment, it seemed more like he was just running after Hirahara, who found everything “really cool” and had to “touch it”. Really, he should have come alone. But Rokkaku was pretty insistent: bring someone with you on the mission. And Hirahara was the only person willing to come. Although, looking at it now, it was possible he only wanted to go explore a new place. 
“Oi, Kinoshita! Come check this out!” Hirahara waved to the emerald eyed escort from just up ahead, where two streets intersected. “Deceased one located!” At that, Kinoshita hurried over, looking to where Hirahara was pointing. Indeed, there appeared to be a young girl in a ripped red dress, dragging herself along the road. Her walking seemed… mechanic, at best, and she didn’t appear to have any arms. The image of her disheveled body pulling itself on the creaking legs was out of place, deceased one or not. It was hard to tell exactly, but it looked like she was mumbling something under her breath. Her eyes, though yellow, seemed to glow.
“Miss,” Kinoshita frowned, slowly walking towards the girl. The moment he spoke up, though, the girl appeared frightened and took off, much faster than she had before. “Tsk.” He’d just wanted to talk. “Come on Hirahara, let’s go after her.” He started running in the direction, wondering how someone who was moving so slowly before had gained such speeds. They were already losing sight of her. Well she is a deceased one…
There were surprisingly few people out on the streets, and it was easy to slip passed anyone who didn’t take notice of the two escorts. From the looks of it, the girl had disappeared into a municipal building. It wasn’t long before Kinoshita and Hirahara were inside as well. There was a stage and a grand ball room or sorts, and upon the stage was a grand piano, two statues of angels to the sides. Although a beautiful ivory, Kinoshita couldn’t mistake the strange dots of red upon the piano. As he went to inspect it, he heard Hirahara say something like “I’m going to explore more.”
As he thought, the grand piano was stained with blood, dripping into the keys. But what was more disturbing was that when Kinoshita turned his back, he heard it begin to play. Though there was no one there, it was almost as if there were hands dancing along the keys, tracking red fingerprints on each note played. “…” Unable to ignore it, Kinoshita finally turned around. The melody seemed to tell a story of some sort: A young girl who wanted to play at the opening ceremony, was tricked into giving up her arms and legs for an incorrect cause. A devil, feeling sorry for her, gave her artificial limbs to stand on, but it was already too late. She had died, having been thrown off a roof and lost too much blood.
“…How sad…” Kinoshita sighed, running a hand along the side of the grand piano. Saeki would have loved to see this. He couldn’t spend his whole time listening to the piano, though. He was here on a mission. He continued walking around the building for a bit, but he feared that the deceased one had run off already before then. Just as he was entering the main lobby once more, he caught a glance of the torn up red dress, running out the door. It’s her! Kinoshita immediately began chasing after the girl, watching as she darted into an abandoned building near the waters.
“I wonder why she came in here…” Kinoshita looked the place up and down. It seemed like the standard grey building, soon to be torn down. He had planned to check every floor for the girl, but it fell short as soon as he heard a yell from the roof. “Someone’s up there?” He hastened his steps, hurrying up the steps as fast as he could. On the roof, there was a man with glasses standing dangerously close to the edge. The young girl slowly dragged herself closer to him, her low voice audible even from where Kinoshita was.
“I don’t want to die… I don’t want to suffer… I just wanted to be the featured pianist…” Her wails felt more desperate than spiteful, and for a second, Kinoshita wondered if this girl could really be called a deceased one. “You told me the president of Stella Stage was a horrible person… No one told me I would have to pay such a cost… I don’t want to be in pain…”
“Hey, miss,” Kinoshita tried again, gaining the attention of the ghost girl. When she saw him, she looked like she wanted to take off again, only this time, there was really no where to go. “Listen, you can’t go messing with the living. You’ll have to receive punishment.” The girl immediately looked scared, shaking her head violently.
“I don’t want to suffer… I don’t want to be in pain… help me…” Those didn’t feel like the regular cries from a deceased one either. There did seem to be some ominous shadow casting around her, though, but Kinoshita wasn’t entirely sure it was actually because of the girl. It was almost like… a large, dark crow was looming over her.
Kinoshita really had just wanted to talk this out with her, but before he could say anything else, he heard Hirahara yelling from behind him. “Oh, it’s the deceased one!” He charged passed Kinoshita, aiming his shovel for the girl.
“Hirahara, wait-!” But the golden eyed escort was already striking down on the girl, who had nothing to defend herself with. It looked like her shadow had stretched out a large claw, but it was no match for Hirahara’s brute strength. When the escort landed, he pivoted and swung up, striking the girl with the tip of the shovel. She fell on her back, unable to get up from the lack of arms.
“By~e!” Hirahara grinned, swinging down with his shovel as hard as he could. With one finally screech, the girl vanished, probably disappearing to the underworld. “Mission complete!” He gave Kinoshita a thumbs up.
“Ah, I wanted to talk to her more…” Kinoshita sighed. It would have been nice to hear her out before we sent her to hell…
“Hey, Kinoshita, what should we do about him?” Hirahara pointed to the man with glasses, who appeared to still be in shock from seeing the girl. “He’s mumbling all sorts of strange stuff.”
“She came back to haunt me…” The man wheezed, his hands on his head. “Because I tricked her to get rid of that guy in charge of Stella Stage. Because she wanted revenge. But you took care of her so she can’t do it anymore…!” At this realization, he slowly began to laugh. “Hah… ha ha… And you devils can’t do anything without the contract. Ha. Ha ha ha.”
“Did you say tricked…?” Kinoshita asked, his expression holding a much darker overtone. This person tricked the deceased one? That doesn’t seem fair at all. Not to mention, now that the two escorts had gotten rid of her, this man could continue whatever he was up to. And it didn’t sound good. No matter how he phrased it, Kinoshita just felt like he had been used by this man as well. Take care of the deceased one. That was the mission, which they carried out. But still, to leave this man the way he was… “That’s too bad. We don’t deliver punishment for the living.” With that, he glared, his emerald eyes like daggers. “Come on Hirahara, let’s go home.”
“Thanks for the report,” Rokkaku nodded, looking over the papers Kinoshita had turned in. “It seems like this incident went out without a hitch.”
“Really, it was Hirahara who took care of the deceased one,” Kinoshita glanced down. He was still feeling uneasy about this whole mission, how the girl really didn’t seem like a typical deceased one who caused trouble for the living. He finally had to ask. “Rokkaku-san, what exactly will happen to that deceased one?”
“Hm?” Rokkaku glanced up from the report, noticing Kinoshita’s slight uncertainty. “Well, it appears her crimes are minor, at best. Though her feeling of resentment and revenge are clearly there, it would seem she didn’t actually harm any of the living. I’d say… She may serve a sentence, and then go back to the stream of reincarnation.” The captain put the report down, stamping it as “completed”.
Kinoshita, feeling somewhat satisfied with this answer, smiled and nodded, then excused himself from the office. As he walked down the halls, he ran into Saeki, who appeared to be walking to the music room. “Oh, hey,” Kinoshita waved, hurrying to catch up. “I’ve got this melody stuck in my head that I was wondering if you’d be willing to play…”
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