berserkerbarbie · 10 months
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Baddy -The Bad Lot Comes from the Moon- by Moon Troupe 2018
rehearsal vs show  
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sherin-rin-rin · 1 month
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Shin/Sou eating miso soup :3
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shinobus-left-eye · 3 months
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random speculation dump for the new lim event because i'm having a brainrot—
if this is gonna be another secret swan event, this means "free" lim natsume = "free" lim HiMERU and we're probably gonna choose between team sun and team moon or something
and secret swan was:
Part A: starpro (black)
Part B: cospro (white)
free lim: newdi (black)
so what if jewel of jekyll is gonna be:
Part A: rhylin (sun)
Part B: newdi (moon)
free lim: cospro (sun)
i'm delusional let part B not be starpro
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myscrap · 1 year
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もうちさんはTwitterを使っています: 「チアうづはー https://t.co/CqB6XTnErj」 / Twitter
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tokyo-akb48 · 2 years
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yoh-ko · 1 year
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bottegatramoda · 2 years
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【いよいよ明日】 神奈川TV『猫のひたいほどワイド🐈‍⬛』いよいよ明日お昼放送です。 お昼ご飯食べながらでも見てくださいね! 今注目の若手イケメン俳優 @souta.uemura1126 #植村颯太 君が、ウチのワークショップ「夏季限定サンダル作り体験」にチャレンジしてくれましたよ! 是非皆様ご覧下さい♪ 神奈川TV見れない方は、放送後YouTubeでも見れますので、#猫のひたいほどワイド で検索してみてくださいね! 靴作り教室に興味のある方はお得な情報もあるので、お見逃しなく❣️   サンダル教室、8月9月まだ空き有りますので、ご予約お待ちしております。 ファンの方に朗報📢 植村君とお揃いのゼブラ柄🦓の革もまだ有ります‼️😆 皆様のご来店お待ちしております。植村君がメロメロになった看板猫達にも会えるかも? #みんな見てね #神奈川テレビ #お昼休み #靴 #靴作り #サンダル #サンダル作り #夏休み #自由研究 #夏季限定 #明日 #明日放送 #2022 #8月9日 #お昼 #bottegatramoda #ご予約受付中 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg_4TFyL0nv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lostkokoro · 1 year
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Here's a collection of the first half of the official 2023 calendar artwork by Sonic Channel!
Which one is your favourite so far?
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months
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礒部 花凜は、日本の女優、声優、歌手。奈良県出身。アミューズ所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1994年5月26日
出生地: 奈良県
身長: 157 cm
事務所: アミューズ
共同作業者: BlooDye; ヒーラーガールズ
2015年2月1日から朝日放送(現:朝日放送テレビ)制作・テレビ朝日系列で放送開始されるテレビアニメ『Go!プリンセスプリキュア』のオープニング主題歌「Miracle Go!プリンセスプリキュア」のボーカルを担当する。これが歌手デビューとなり、大学在学中でもあった。
2015年12月24日より所属事務所をEFFECTからoffice EN-JINに移籍した。2018年11月30日付けでoffice EN-JINを退所することが発表され、フリーの期間を経て、2019年3月1日付けでアミューズに所属した。
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soimort48 · 8 months
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「月刊少年チャンピオン 2023年12月号」 石橋颯・竹本くるみ
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kurokeip · 1 year
A week or two ago there was a community discussion going on about enstars names, so naturally, I had to pitch in with my tinfoil hat and corkboard, to make it all about akatsuki.
The lotus analogy is frequently used with Keito, to describe his unwavering resolve and morals. I know most people don't think of Keito when they think of snakes (they tend to think of Ibara, who fits the Christian Snake-Person archetype) but in Buddhism, Snakes are a symbol of rebirth.
蓮巳 敬人 (Hasumi Keito) can be directly translated to something like: "Lotus Snake Respected Person"
They're also heavily associated with bodies of water, something that you might see crop up with him a lot. As for his first name, the Respect part is pretty obvious, referencing his strict personality, but what I really like is the little 人 character. Recognize it? Yup its the symbol that's used in-game for fans. It basically just means 'person'.
There's the undeniably human part of Keito Hasumi, the one that he can never escape, and that encapsulates him. Maybe at a time it filled him with despair, but what is mankind if not propelled by Hubris?
He's the Guy Ever.
Souma's name is interesting (��崎 颯馬) Because Kanzaki is a real last name. There isn't much connection to his character as far as I've looked into the origins of it though.
You could translate Souma's name directly into something like: Coastal God Swift Horse
神 is literally the character for God (kami). 崎 means peninsula, but coast also works. This is pretty blatantly a reference to his family's entanglement with the Shinkai Cult. It's impressive to see the foreshadowing with his name.
颯馬 (swift horse) referencing his affinity for horses. Also neat that he owns and rides one (shout out to saigo-don) . 馬 also generally means 'steed', which ties into his tendency to become a vehicle for other people's wishes. His lack of independence, his desire to be relied upon. He's good at doing what he's told, just like a well tamed horse.
鬼龍 紅郎 can literally be translated to (Oni Dragon Crimson Guy)
Okay so Oni are an interesting creature mythologically speaking, because firstly, they're intelligent 'evils', and their symbolic meaning varies largely. I'll jot down the possible connections to Kuro in bullets.
• Come in the color red
• Humanoid, scary, intimidating
• Can be reformed and converted into Buddhism (we'll discuss this later)
• sometimes used as a guardian symbol
Dragons are also similarly intimidating creatures but they have more positive connotations! They're viewed as Guardians and symbols of strength. They're also associated with guarding water bodies (I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down)
The 紅 in Kuro is a character you'll find appears frequently in Akatsuki's discography and name. I like to theorize that Kuro was the reason Keito named it 紅月 and not 赤月, even though they basically both mean 'red moon' and 赤月 is the more Obvious name choice.
Kuro's name is also a bit of a pun, because although it means red, kuro (黒) means black. His hair. Leo calls him 黒 when he's gloomy lol.
Trivia/Symbolism corner! A lot of this is just my theories.
Oni are commonly depicted wearing tiger skin clothing and carrying an iron club. Sound familiar? Tetora's name (鉄虎) literally means Iron Tiger.
Souma displays an affinity for sea and water animals, Kanata has the kanji for 'deep-sea' in his name (深海) Keito is more representative of shallow waters (think of a Lotus filled pond). Souma has his loyalties torn between two water bodies, which is very neat.
Souma switches loyalties from Kanata to Keito... he's 'surfacing'
(Kind of like a turtle)
Summer bird features this huge swathe of shallow water and a bird taking flight into the sky, maybe Because he's becoming independent of those figures and exploring his own aspirations.
The fact that 鬼 in Chinese means 'ghost' and then you have akatsuki mortality trio again with 鬼 (ghost/soul) 神 (god/immortal) 人 (mortal)
Coming back to akatsuki and Water, there's 蓮巳 which evokes the image of a pond, 龍 which guard bodies of water.
Kind of like how Kuro was Keito's physical shield during the war. Both snakes and dragons are used interchangeably on occasion as 'guardian' motifs in temples.
of course 紅蓮, which means red lotus or just a way to refer to a layer of hell in Buddhism. Hell couple
The idea that Oni can be converted to Buddhism, kind of parallels Kuro leaving his delinquent lifestyle behind to follow Keito, the Buddhism Guy. In Unification by force, Souma even points out that Kuro has been copying keito and saying prayers before he eats.
Kuro's themes of self-improvement and his 'Soul' motif. the Buddhist idea of refining the immortal soul into its best self.
That's all I can think of, feel free to point out any inaccuracies and I'll edit the post ASAP.
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berserkerbarbie · 10 months
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Baddy -The Bad Lot Comes from the Moon- by Moon Troupe 2018
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artifedexx · 2 months
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Satsuki! I drew him for TDOV and forgot to post it here...
Satsuki is trans (he/him) and doesn't bind, while also sporting a newly written version of his birth name. His choice not to bind comes from both his lack of chest dysphoria as well as the fact he's athletic and has active hobbies anyway, so binding would only be in the way. His family, including his mom/dad, older brother and twin sister, have been 100% in support of him, especially when it came to his enthusiasm for picking a more personalized way of writing "Satsuki." It was written as 咲月季 but he chose instead to write it as 颯
He's never been shy about his identity, so there's sometimes the occasional bully, but his circle of friends are ready to come to his defense. 🤜🤜🤜🤜💥💥💥
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8purinpurin9 · 19 days
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その後にテテテテンテテテテテテテン♪ みたいな感じのBGMと共にかろやかにぐるぐる回るヤドカリさんのアトラクションに乗りまして。伊野尾くんは初めてやったみたいなんですけど、途中で前やったか後ろやったか前後のどっちかのヤドカリに乗ってる方々とご対面するターンがあって。少し気まずくて2人して「あっ、あっ!」ってなってました。おもろかった!あとマーメイドラグーンの中に(魚に変身した)風磨くんと大貴くんが居ました!!いやあ、まさかお2人に会えると思ってなかったんで会えて嬉しかったな!
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myscrap · 1 month
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Xユーザーの海月魚さん: 「入道雲 屋上 はー #デレステ #久川颯 https://t.co/S9Gq6t76gk」 / X
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tokyo-akb48 · 2 years
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