skykashi · 22 hours
New official Naruto art just dropped 😍❤️
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I love this one, it's so cute 🥰
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11-effy · 2 days
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blightowl · 3 days
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Kisame Week 2024 continues at @kisames-corner ! It's Day 2! Yes it is don't look at the timestamp shutup
Prompt: Sea Monsters
Kisame and the gang encounter a sea monster alright. But maybe the real monster is the one who wont let Kisame keep his new pet.
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mintsussy · 2 days
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peace!! ✌️
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ghostgomery · 14 hours
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a request i received on Twitter
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devildanya · 18 hours
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tired after a mission
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poissonchan · 2 days
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new purchase!! by @Soreyal kofi -> http://ko-fi.com/A4031QO1
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sharkb497 · 12 hours
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orochiposting · 5 months
“I can fix him dw” [drill sounds] {screaming} [chainsaw revving]
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kokonutcat · 3 months
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Whoever draws Itachi with glasses in official arts did nothing wrong
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gwen-starkk · 26 days
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ngl the akatsuki as a band would be cool asf
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orangelemonart · 2 months
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Every time I see fanart of Naruto wearing an Akatsuki cloak, this is all I can think about
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kankuroplease · 2 months
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Thank you for the warm up ideas 🖤
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blightowl · 1 day
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Kisame Week 2024 continues @kisames-corner and here's my thing for Day 3! We will not discuss what day it actually is.
Prompt: Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead
The Akatsuki crew found this skeleton in an old barrel on the orlop deck. The Hidan insisted on keeping it and Deidara insisted on decorating it as a mascot. Konan insisted they get rid of that biohazard. Now.
But when the lads started pouring out their problems to "Ol' Bonesy" instead of her, she decided to let this one slide.
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bakapandy · 6 months
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KakuHida...my problematic faves...
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amber-skai · 4 months
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This screenshot made my whole day so I redrew it🥺 I thought it was just too cute.
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