#้พ : ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฆ ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐š / the chameleon.
hymnoire ยท 8 months
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๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐™๐€ & ๐‹๐„๐„ ๐†๐€๐‘๐€๐Œ
โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ@stillresolved asked for an incorrect quote
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
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โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ@dcrkfcngs liked for a one liner !
"Have you come to break my heart love? I know it was just a kiss, Remy. I liked it yeah but don't worry, I can tell you're into men. We can go easier on the cocktails next time."
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hymnoire ยท 7 months
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"You've tracked me down here?" If only her past could remain in the past. The enemies of her father, Alejandro Guerrero, were many back in San Juan. The cartel he was in, they made way too much money before it all crashed and burned into a mess that made most of them run out of the country. To have escaped from San Juan and change her name apparently wasn't enough, the mistakes of a man like her father would forever follow her. Mara will always remain Maritza Lim Guerrerro, daughter of an international drug trader, a family of criminals. "What is it, he owed you money? Is this what you're after, my money?"
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
The palms of her hands down the desk, her eyes are resting on every single piece of evidence gathered : photos of the women both Doe ( @mythvoiced ) and Mara have managed to identify as trafficked in the network of sex workers she has been tracking for weeks now. If Mara could gather the profiles of half of them, the other half came from Doe and his own investigations : as a way for him to prove how serious he is on his offer, he wants to help.
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"Impressive." The word is meant. "I know you got this whole anarchism, fuck the system, death to the monarch vibes going on for you but : you would make a good inspector. You did a good job." It always is a dangerous line for her to walk : Detective Lim Maritza works alone and insists on working alone. Trust, she refuses to give to the first man in a suit pretending to seek Justice and fight for a brighter world. Yet after weeks of back and forth between Doe and her, she must admit, he's an asset. "You're serious about helping these women, aren't you?"
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
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ย mara, as Inspector lim.
Mara has built her career, her path, her reputation through her resourcefulness and her tenacity : qualities that anchored her name into the Force legacy. Such a fast ascencion, especially for a woman in that type of field has lead her to earn grand respect from her cadets who do aspire to become just like her. Her golden days have been marked by solving the most complex and intricate cases, which she used to get promoted to the homicide unit. As time goes however, some end up seeing the cracks of the perfect tale that Is Inspector Lim : she never truly played by the rules. Many of the cases she solved, she did by going to any extent in order to succeed. An extent that means cutting many illegal deals with underground moguls, a lot who became good friends of hers. The ones on the field with Inspector Lim can see : she's reckless - some would say insane to risk it all like she does. Of course she would, no matter what she attempts, it all ends in a victory and her name in the news with praise... as long as she doesn't get caught.
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
"Your feet are freezing!" chiwon @ mara :) the other bed-sharing options were too sweet; chiwon is going to complain the whole time... ( but secretly she is feeling oh-so-cozy and safe when her and Mara share a bed ๐Ÿ’›)
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"Oh Yeah? You like my cold feet? You want more of them?" Mara replies on a cheeky tone as she turns around in the bed to face Chiwon. There were nights like this, nights of sleepovers just the two of them here in Chiwon's bedroom. The sheets are comfortable, the bed frame is of quality, a comfort that could pass as the perfect illusion of not being stuck in a recorated prison cell. Out of playfulness and quite frankly just wanting to annoy Chiwon even more. Mara entangles their legs under the blanket, only to press her feet even more against Chiwon's, perfect knowing the other will fight back. It does make Mara laugh to mess around, making sure she keeps her feet on Chiwon's no matter how much the other tries to dodge and push her away, using hands to remain in place and letting out laughters of chaos making. After a small game of tangled limbs and legs, she slows her teasing down as she still faces Chiwon in the dark. The blanket is right above both of their shoulders, keeping them warm in their matching white cotton night tanks and shorts. Their eyes are connected under the dimmed lights of the corridors bulbs as Mara's fingers reach out to Chiwon's hair. Whenever together, Mara forgets about the cruelty of the world they left outside, the one they left behind, the unfairness and the violence that lead her to become what she became, a pariah, a murderer. A part of her did not want to ever be released, to just stay here in this microcosm of concrete they made their queendom out of. It was as twisted as delusional, to think this reality was the sweetest she ever knew - however - this gentle illusion made her nights peaceful, lulled by a feeling of being exactly where she is supposed to be. There is this game of theirs sometimes, one she likes playing with Chiwon where they imagine a complete new life for themselves : new identities, new names, new daily routines, incongnito and free. "I found a name for our store. So how about At Chira's? It's the combination of our names like Chi for Chiwon and Ra for Mara-" She pauses, her eyebrows bending slightly. "Oh wait no.. Now that I say it out loud, it sounds like some crappy restaurant where only serve a bunch of retired yakuzas-" She then speaks, her index finger still twirling with the other's lock gently. "The Wonders of Chiwon and Mara? Ugh- Yeah now it's a strip club- " A laughter escapes from her lips. "God you know what, we should just open some shady business, at least I got ugly names fitting for that," Mara adds in a joking tone, a sleepy laughter following. There is a silence she leaves before carrying on, her eyes drifting a bit, breaking the eye contact with Chiwon however, their faces remaining close. "Hey..." She whispers again, in a tone that's almost impossible to hear. "... If we get out of there, I mean, when we're free and everything, you won't leave me behind right?" The grand Inspector Lim Mara, back in the days used to stand high and strong, wrapped in an ego of praise and notorioty and status. The episodes that followed in her life however proved to Mara how everything and everyone she ever knew simply turned their back on her. Despising her, walking away from her, not daring to pronounce her name anymore for her sins. Even her very own mother. "... You won't go away.. Yeah?"
โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒย bed sharing starters:ย  ย  still accepting.
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
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"Oh so you came all the way here to drink my beer and question my methods? Fun." She speaks, stealing the bottle from the other's hand in half a pissed yet playful way. The type of conversations Mara did not like to have, at all. It was known, yet only whispered in the shadows in the corridors, or behind her back at the corner of a smoke break that the ethics of the notorious Inspector Lim were questionable. Her efficiency was the only justification for the hierarchy to close their two eyes whenever she did abuse her power. To the ones who truly knew her however, there was no doubt the glory, the ego, the appeal of her name on a piece of paper was driving her to crave of solving all the unsolvable cases, her way. A way for which she was putting herself in situations that could incriminate her, put her behind bars one of these days, or worse, a bullet in her head down the Han River. Be it. Mara learned not to care too much, perhaps corrupted to the core, blinded. An attitude that one day might cost her. "Or do you worry about me or something?" A smirking bend at the corner of her lip as she takes a sip. "I'm a big girl remember, single handled the Hongdae drug bust, yeah, aaaall by myself. Guess I'm not like the other girls."
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hymnoire ยท 7 months
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๐Œ๐€๐‘๐€'๐’ ๐‚๐€๐Œ๐„๐‘๐€ ๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐‹ // ๐Ÿšซ
1. morning coffee with garam. / 2. notes at her police station office before a meeting. / 3. morning surprises to send to T Lio. / 4. noodles by herself on a thursday night. / 5. a late drive in itaewon. / 6. outfit check for the Black and White Swans party with chiwon.
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hymnoire ยท 10 months
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Detective Lim Mara always is in places she isn't supposed to be. On the underground scene, behind many traffics are hidden pretty piles of cash and handshakes between the detective and the biggest names of Seoul's crime scene. The money, the glory - is driving Mara to always take more and more dirty alliances in the shadows but not only. She has fun, when downing glasses of neat whiskeys and loud laughters exchanged with these men. They respect her as an alley straight from the Force that's been Oh so precious for them to stand away from the repercussions of the Law. As long as you have Lim on your side, you're safe to do whatever the fuck you want. Last night happened to be another night of satisfying business, to the Gangnam Union quarters this time, sharing a drink with the higher ups as usual, getting her cash and disappearing to her next stop : in her long leather jacket. Something unexpected happened however and hasn't left her mind ever since : there, she crossed the eyes with a familiar face, Detective Ahn Junho @jiiansblog. Now, what one should do when running into a fellow coworker around such dirty corners of the city? They did not exchange a word, both knowing it was not the time, not the place. It did not smell so good for Mara, she however was confident in her ability to could come up with another lie to cover her dirty little business. She waited the day after, sure she would run into Ahn back to the presinct : she didn't. Nor the day after, or the day after again. Her only way to find out was to go back there, in the heart of Itaewon, not so far the Gangnam Union's headquarters to spot Ahn again, to follow him from afar, to keep an eye on his demeanors : he seemed to be one of them. Mara immedialy thought of an undercover operation he might have been involved into, she needed confirmation. The man seemed to have completely blended into this universe. It took her a couple hours to wait for him to be completely alone, by the corner of a street, blocks away from the Gangnam Union to make sure nobody would see their interaction, her back against the wall. It didn't take much time before he walks past her. "Well." Mara simply says to get his attention, for him to turn around, for him to look at her. As usually, she wears her long leather jacket, all dressed in black, her hair loose. "Would have bet we had more chances to cross paths at the goddamn karaoke but here we are. We should talk." Mara speaks, a corner nonchalant smirk on her lips, the type of sly smiles she always has one - her arms crossed against her chest, her eyes on him, from head to toes. "What are you doing here?" To ask first is to prevent him from questionning her right away. It gives her a step ahead.
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
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ย  headcanon:ย  mara and various hcs.
COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS. Mara appears as unbreakable. Being a female inspector, she put aside her femininity in order to be respected as much as her male peers. It did make her push away an unexplored side of herself, this side that is a little softer, in need of a little more care and tenderness from the cruel world she evolves in, a side she keeps locked away. Her walls aren't so easy to break however, all it takes is a connection, a genuine one she can feel to the bone.
AN IMPORTANT HEADCANON. Mara is a women of many faces but also a woman of many lives, a mutating creature, a butterfly. If she has an established career as a respected inspector, she breaks her conventionnal routine and cracks her core wide open when she becomes her cam girl self, Mask Girl. This alternative version of her is feminine, free, loved, adored even. Comes various patterns of obsessions connected to that side of her life. She herself turns obsessed of being and existing as Mask Girl. Her viewers and watchers fall obsessed with watching her. And while many try to find who is hiding behind the mast, get to her, own her, she also finds herself obsessed with being tracked yet uncatchable, with the chase, the game, the thrill that comes with her double identity.
A USELESS HEADCANON. Her real name is Maritza. She was born in San Juan in Puerto Rico and is half korean, half puerto rican. Her father being a violent man however, her and her mother escapes from this home and finds refugee in Seoul Korea with the grandmother. The grandmother is rather wealthy and helps the girl get a proper education. Maritza is renamed Mara.
POTENTIAL TRIGGERS. Grey morals. Mara killed a man to protect herself from a sexual assault and did not regret her actions. She is either a hero or a villain in someone's story. Dependence and enslavement. By existing as Mask Girl, she controls and exploits her admirers and watchers as she pushes down into that cult they built for her.
SOMETHING YOU ENJOY ABOUT (WRITING) THEM. I love how versatile Mara is as a character. I think she has the widest arcs I can ever write in a muse : from regular life as a police Inspector, to a murderer even if it was self defense, to a prisoner as she gets caught for her crime, to a free woman later down the road. Through all these ground breaking episodes of her life I think she's the type of character who can never be the same ever gain. Mara finally gets to know herself and to understand herself once she suffers from this mess that is her life and surprisingly, finds peace at the end of it all.
SOMETHING YOU WANT OTHERS TO KNOW BEFORE WRITING WITH THEM. Mara's universe is insanely wide and full of crazy ups and downs and turns. I want to write connections that last through her arcs. Relationships that start when she is Inspector Lim and that keep going when she's behind bars. Or ones that starts when she hides as Mask Girl and still develops after she escapes from jail due to her crimes. I want to watch these relationships grow and resist through time.
Tagged by @tyliocellier , thank you so much!!
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
โ™ฃ + ( can I send one in for ga-ram & mara?? If youโ€™re still taking these of course!! )
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A letter from Mara to Garam, from the Dongbu penitentiary in Seoul.
โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒTo a friend who became so much more : "For a long time, I didn't feel like the world was made for someone like me. Someone who's a little too raw, a little too rough. I have spent too many years, blood, sweat and tears trying. I tried yes, the hardest I could. And I managed it for a while, to get power, to get status, to get reputation, and I thought : I did it right ? I belong now? And yet it was never enough. I realize now that I lost everything, that the only times I felt like I belong was with you. Stealing your beer and making chili in your crappy apartment, when the outside world just did not exist anymore. I know now, all I needed was to find you, someone who's a little too raw, a little too rough, just like me. I know we don't say these things to each other, I know it's not Us to be like that but, I miss you."
โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒSend meย โ™ฃ + a ship and iโ€™ll tell youโ€ฆ
Who is the better dancer?
Secretly Mara but neither of them wishes to dance in public. They usually simply stand by the counter, by the bar just the two of them, sharing a drink. "Come on you two don't be such a buzz, come and dance!" Would tell them the host of the party before going back to the dancefloor. Garam stays silent and keeps on drinking, he does not move a hinch. "Can't wait to arrest this one for fraud. Look at them all, dancing like they're embezzlement free." Mara replies, sipping on her drink as well. "Yeah well, rich people." Garam comments, not so pleased to be here in the first place. "Shit. Remember that man I told you I would keep an eye on tonight, he's staring at us." Mara speaks as she starts moving. "Ok let's act normal, let's dance. And I don't know, Smile or something. Let's go follow my lead." She would say dragging him there by the arm even if he sighs and complains.
Who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more?
Both are indoors persons. Garam hates crowded places as for Mara, she likes privacy in general : even when meeting with people for business or anything else truly, she avoids to spend too much time surrounded by too many people. So when it's just the two of them, they love to stay inside, it's cozy and silent and comfortable.
Whoโ€™s a cat person and whoโ€™s a dog person?
Both are dog persons. Mara loves the dogs they train for police duties and get attached to them; she however does not imagine having one at home due to her barely being at her place. She oftens tells Garam a dog would be good company to them, however.
Whoโ€™s more social?
None of them which is hilarioius. They avoid socializing and when both trapped in a social situation, they try to call each other for help in order to get out of here fast. The only time it didn't work was when they pushed the door of a pub Mara took Garam to and everyone inside screamed " Surprise!" It was their coworkers, a surprise party for Garam's birthday. Garam leans to Mara for a whisper between his teeth. "Just the two of us you said?", Mara replies "I knooow, they told me to drag you here, my god I hate it. Let's just smile, pretend we care about the present you get, spoiler alert it's a tie it's ugly as fuck - we drink as much as we can, in two hours we get out of here and i don't know.. sex in the car?" Garam thinks of the pros and cons before answering. "Ok fine. 1 hour." He says. "1 hour and a half and you can use the tie on me." Mara adds, sticking her hand out for a handshake to the side. "Ok, deal." He says, shaking her hand with a pinch of a smile before their eyes go back to the crowd of coworkers waiting for them to join the 'party.' "Ugh." He speaks again. "God I know." She adds.
Who makes the bed every morning?
Garam does. Mara is pretty messy in general but as his place is far away enough from the station she works at, she wakes up a little early to avoid traffic. "You're not staying for breakfast?" He questions. "Oh wow breakfast? It's time for The Talk. It was just a one time thing babygirl, I'm not interested in marrying you and carrying your loud babies." Speaks Mara, of course filled of sarcasm. "Shut up." He would say with a side smile on and she would laugh, slipping in her jeans and white t shirt and leather jacket. "Next time. I gotta go, crisis meeting with the higher ups today it's a big deal. Tomorrow night, beer and a movie?" She questions while tying her air up. "Yeah alright." He says. "Good, see you."
Who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm?
Mara likes the warm better, she usually overheats her own apartment so whenever Garam is over, it's too warm for him as he keeps his place cold. "I'm sweating in here." He says. "Oh come on it's the perfect temperature so I can walk in my underwear and look so so so so cuute and sexyy for you." She says with a tiny voice and a cute yet awful pose. "Jesus never say that ever again." He answers. "Ugh you're right that was disgusting-." She says immediatly cutting the act, with a disgusting facial expression. "No for real go take a shower, " He says. "I know I'm such dirty dirty little girl." She adds as she keeps on teasing this time striking another awful pause. This time he laughs. "Shut up and go."
Who takes longer getting ready?
None. Garam doesn't spend much time, first of all he so looks good the way he is, and he doesn't doll himself up nor spend hours choosing his clothes. Mara neither : it isn't that she's not feminine, her femininity comes from how natural she is, she does not wear make up, there is a natural elegance in her monochrome and classic simple fashion sense, it''s rather effortless hence why she does not spend hours getting ready neither.
Who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones?
Funny movies aren't their go to but they like these at least better than horror movies which they find extremely boring and well, unscary. They like movies that make they think, thrillers, psychological movies. Sometimes it's action movies when they look for a no brainer. They actually watch a lot of movies together, it feels peaceful on a saturday night after declining all the invites they received.
Who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it?
None of them scream.
Who is more technology challenged?
Who would be more likely to burn something in the kitchen?
They are both comfortable with cooking like responsible adults can be, it's rare for them to burn anything. At first, they used to order food a lot to go with the beers. Mara loves the burgers from that one place in hongdae. One time they did try to order but it was a little too late for that - and so Mara grabbed a pan while Garam was in the shower. "You didn't join me?" He asks once he gets out - it's true she does that sometimes. "As much as I have a thing for water cascading down your abs... " Oh she does. "I thought I could fix us a little something with what was left in your fridge. Now stop distracting me, put some clothes." She jokes. He comes closer and tastes with his fingers. "Huh that's spicy? What is it? Is that Latin cuisine or something?" He questions. "Yeah... It's the only dish my dad could make, back in San Juan. It's simple but it's good, right." Mara answers. "San Juan. I had no idea. Lim Mara doesn't sound so latino." He comments. He never truly asks questions he's afraid she wouldn't be comfortable with. He respects her boundaries, she likes that. "It's Maritza, actually. Maritza Lim Guerrero- Mara is fine." She pauses. "Here, I added, some pepper, tell me how it is."
Who talks in their sleep?
Mara does. Again she is a little bit messy so whenever she sleeps, she speaks, she pulls the blankets, she pushes him. "Next time you're sleeping in your own bed jeez." He says.
Who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Mara does and it annoys Garam a lot since he told her 100 times Not to do that.
Who likes getting dressed up more?
They both aren't so interested in fashion and dressing up isn't their main concern. However it does happen for Mara to get herself into soirรฉes and events as she wants to keep and eye on someone for her own agenda, her own investigations as a detective or when she is invited somewhere by the political spheres. She looks breathtaking in long black dresses. "So... How do I look?" She would question Garam as she enters the room. "Are you sure you don't wanna come? As my +1?"
Whoโ€™s better at tying ties?
Both. Mara also wear ties sometimes. They help each other tying it up when one of them has something important to get properly dressed up for.
Who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone?
Garam took care of it but when Mara listened to it she couldn't help but to smile to herself, recognizing his signature stoicism. It was close to two words : "Not here." - " You could at least say leave a message, is it too much words?" Mara asks him, to tease.
Whoโ€™s better at planning romantic things?
Mara is. Not necessarily wanting it to be romantic but it ends up being romantic. The day after his surprise birthday party with his coworkers, the one he hated, she waits for him at his place and she cooks a little something and lights a few candles lighted up. "What's happening..?" He questions as he sees her at his place, getting everything ready for a night together. "Well, I know you hated yesterday's party but it doesn't mean your birthday shouldn't be celebrated, yeah? I made some chilli. My grandmother's recipe. I found a nice movie we can watch and got you a stupid little hat to put on your head when you blow a candle." She smiles. "Just the two of us. No one else. For real this time."
Who takes up more space in the closet?
None of them. They only have the necessary amount of clothes.
Who has more of a sweet tooth?
For halloween, Mara bought candies. "Is that for the kids?" He questions. "Naa. I thought we could like open the door, tell the kids we don't have any candy and keep them all for ourselves." And so they did.
Who drinks more often?
Mara, as her secrets are becoming heavier and heavier, she tends to drink a lot. Too much. "You're drinking too much." Garam tells her. "I know, I fucking know." She replies, being a mess. "Come on, let's get you home." Garam says with the will of taking care of her in this situation. "I'm fucking pathetic, what the fuck is wrong with me huh." Mara then asks him. "Come on, let's get you to bed." He adds.
Garam also had his moments, after everything that went down with Yohan, his depression and the unwanted memories of it - the alcohol helps whenever his head is too filled. "Hey, just.. put your head down my thighs and close your eyes. Listen to me, let's empty your head." She whispers to him.
Who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation?
Mara. It actually doesn't take long for her to start laughing. Sometimes out of being a total cunt if she wants to point out the absurdity of a situatio, most of the time simply because she cannot remain serious for too long.
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
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โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ@crescentphased sent !
In the distance, the sound of two girls arguing can be heard. Chiwon and Mara were listening in, the drama their only form of entertainment in the evening cells, where no televisions played. Chiwon giggled as the catfight turned physical, one of the girls shrieking curses as she accused her opponent of stealing her โ€˜manโ€™. (who was actually another girl in the prison, very much not a manโ€ฆ) besides the sound of the fight breaking out, it was a peaceful night. Chiwonโ€™s kingdom was kept in orderโ€ฆ and in the quiet of their shared dorm, the prison queen shows a vulnerability to Mara that no-one else sees. โ€œMaraโ€ฆโ€ her voice sounds unusually girlish and innocent. โ€œdo you ever worry what will happen, when youโ€™re released?โ€
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Mara couldn't help but to laugh out loud at the sound of this fight going down the hallway. Not only it was their only source of entertainment, Mara also particularly enjoyed watching it all boil up and then, explode. In this prison, she quickly turned into a bruiser, known to be Queen Chiwon's hell hound to the point nobody would dare to pick up a fight with her. How boring is that. "I wanna go down there, check if she got her good but bet it's just them pulling on each other's hair like drunk prostitutes on new years eve custody." Mara comments with a scoff, too comfortable to move from the shared bed with Chiwon. At the sound of her name, Mara's eyes connect with Chiwon's as she listens, closely. Her question echoes as one she does ask herself yet tries to never face an honest answer to. A vulnerable sphere exists in between the two, one for them to share to the bone until they are fully stripped of their secrets and fears. A sad smile is drawn by the corners of her lips. "Well... I do." There is a pause then, pensive eyes darkening at the reminder of it : the world outside. "Whenever I try to picture what awaits for me, all I see is blank. Every single soul I ever crossed path with, every one I ever cared for, ever loved, ever considered as a friend, as family... they only see a killer when they look at me. An animal. A sinner beyond redemption. Something so inhuman they cannot bare to even talk to me. I have lost it all after trying for so long to make something out of myself, to become someone. My status. My reputation. My house. My everything." A pause, as she looks down, her memories of a past life that don't even feel like belonging to her anymore. "I don't know who I am anymore, outside of these four walls I share with you. I never want to say I'm scared... But what if I am? Scared to face the loss of respect in society's eyes. I'm not ashared of what I've done, I would kill that man again. I would bring him back to life just to shove the knife through his neck ten more times than I did when they found his body completely unrecognizable but fuck. Do I deserve to be alone, rejected after doing what was right to defend myself? To survive?" Her words end in almost a defeated whisper, a sigh, her eyes connecting with Chiwon's again. "What about you love, are you scared?"
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hymnoire ยท 9 months
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โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ โ€ƒ@ofgentleresolve liked for a one liner !
"Can I spend the night? I just... I kind of fucked everything up today and let's face it, it's not like I got anywhere to go. Not being completely alone right now sounds good."
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
ย MARACORE:ย  ย my existence is a scandal.
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๐ ๐จ ๐จ๐ง ๐ฉ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ฒ๐ฉ๐ž โ€œ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž + ๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐žโ€ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Ÿ— ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ๐ฌ. lynnies edition : slight selecting for entertainment purposes. instead I picked the 9 first pins that screamed [muse]core like a "spot ur muse" thing :)
โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒMara's actual board.
Tagging : @crescentphased (Chiwon) @tyliocellier @dramatiique (Suyeol) @antiromantlc (Daisuke)
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
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ย headcanon :ย  ย  mara and daily outfits.
Mara's wardrobe is made of basics. Far from being hyperfeminine, her femininity still lies in the elegance and natural that comes out the simplicity of her outfits. Often seen wearing denim and leather, the color white with her shirts and t shirts. In intimacy it is quite similar, her underwear are usually made of white cotton.
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hymnoire ยท 1 year
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ย mara :ย  ย  greys.
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