#꒰ ♡ ˃̶̤́    mija: discourse!    ꒳  ˂̶̤̀  ꒱
tearfest · 2 years
starter for: @sinncdsculs​.
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               roughly six months were left on her lease for the apartment she was renting, and the first six had flown by at a pace that overwhelmed her. her gap year was disappearing before her own eyes and she doesn’t know how to stop and salvage it, how to slow it down and stretch it out so that it would never end. everyone here was so nice, and there was still so much she wanted to do and so many people she wanted to talk to. but there’s only so much she can fit into her day, and she only has roughly one hundred and fifty left here. one of the reasons she wanted to stay was a guy. well, a man. she knows it’s silly, really, that her crush would probably remain unrequited, but the speedy passing of time was scaring her, and she at least wants to try to get to know him before her time, and money, inevitably ran out again. she’d picked up a job, though, in an attempt to stop the latter from happening — having already wiped through the majority of the savings she’d hoped to last her the year.                 luckily today was one of her shorter shifts. she loves her job, being the mysterious new barista at the local coffee shop was awfully fun to her and it helped her make friends, but she likes to finish at a time when the fun was still going, not when everyone was ready to wind down and crawl into bed. hunter came in, as expected, and she performed her same old routine for what must be the thirtieth time of giddily taking his order, all bright eyes and smiles as she poured him his regular. though this time, she was bolder — she’d added her number onto his cup as well as the time that she finished in hopes that he’d linger. and linger he did.                she spots him through the window and takes a moment to prepare herself, smoothing out any newly formed creases in her summer dress and fixing her hair in the reflection of the glass before she’s strolling out as casually as she could muster, swallowing the nerves before tapping on his shoulder, standing behind the table he was sat it. one hand clutches at the strap of her bag that was thrown haphazardly over her shoulder whilst the other lifts to block the sun from her eyes.  “ hi, hunter! was your coffee good? i hope so. i sprinkled extra love in it, just for you. and maybe added a little extra choco dust on the top, but don’t tell my boss that. “  she giggles nervously, talking as she moves to stand in front of him, teeth nervously chewing at the inside of her cheek, scared to mention the note in case he wasn’t still here for her.  “ soooo, “  she twists on the spot, fidgeting as she nervously meets his gaze.  “ are you here to see me? or just taking your time with the really good coffee i made you? “  
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tearfest · 2 years
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