#ꓤoɯɐuɔǝ ● Rσмαηcє
I’m gonna ramble again. 
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I feel like Charlie’s attraction to Victoria McQueen began way before their first meeting. Have to remember he correlated visions relative of her as she had of him. Then they dreamt of one another, both the good and bad. It makes my mind spin at the possibilities on what he may have saw attached to her essence. Or even heard intrusively. We do know he dreamt of all the things she successfully retrieved. Perhaps the bridge itself in sporadic burns of memory linked between them. Which if this were the case, the AU I have of him coming across her sketch of the Shorter Way before the abduction of young Haley would be a certified identification when she comes to Bing to collect it for her portfolio. The idea of her holding attachment and love for the antiquated, collaborating on having an old soul; both becoming metaphoric of a bygone era. Or prattle on how he sensed her longing to be free from the binds that tangle her in a stagnant and ignorant place -- much like he had been. Then the irresistible urge to find the lost , she sung to his heart without meaning to and it grew into an irresistible attachment. He was smitten before he even knew her name or that she was in fact a she.
Though, I am partial that he knew she was a girl before Haley told him. Perhaps he just wanted to hear it, elucidate his instinct. The ploy to get the young girl to give details of the Strong Creative by playing at the battle of the sexes which is ingrained in us at an early age and would have been a clever way of allowing emotions to free the tongue so the web can be spun.
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Feeling a little under the weather the past couple of days, so my intention of popping out replies left and right has become stalled regrettably.  Not certain if it was food poisoning or a bug going around. Only that it lingered far longer than it should have.      
       On other notes .. this line in particular has me speculating on Charlie’s relationship dives. “ I'll admit Vic McQueen has stoked a fire I've long struggled to keep dormant. “ This love at first sight with the “ I must make her mine “ in tow. It’s adorable as it is sad.
I’m sure there may have been less of a denial with Jolene July, cause he was fresh off his own 1940s death bed. Considerably young with his developments under that periodic innocence. Remnants of his human life. Yet the fault remains the same in the end. What little love he had been shown with Cassandra , his first wife - especially in the beginning. Developed into a drug for him, so when she took it away , the relationship was no better than what he had with his own mother. Churning into resenting his very existence. Banishing him outside because she refused to give him proper affection.
Parallel to Cassandra banishing him to work himself to death to appease her needs. Their children were no different, often put to work too, where the line from Charlie’s youth resurfaced on the lips of his wife and attached itself to his darling daughter (s) with such ugly scorn. Robbing her of her youth.  He had become the burden of both mother and wife.        When Jolene takes that route upon refusing the ring, Charlie in his rejection associated it with his past rejections which often turned to violence. That it was the violence that accompanies which he was growing to crave. Germinating into a full fledged trauma at that point. He buries more trauma than he should and it eventually suffocates him without him fully comprehending in it doing so. That in the end it all narrows down to his inscape. That according to these rejections, he is nothing without it. Thus why it eventually becomes an attractive quirk as wealth would be for some. Which prompts him to show the next woman of interest his inscape before popping the question that would tie them. Though having gotten away from the point I was trying to make; his denial to keep such desire at bay is not because he shuns the affection or the qualified perversion in which it could conjure. Or the distraction it could merit, cause the man yearns for touch.  But deep down he fears the hurt that would be inevitable, a hurt that reopens a wound he had allowed to scab and scar for a time. A hurt he eventually can not differentiate. An emotional stain that is often taxed under the wall of rage.
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Yet with Victoria McQueen it was becoming more like an expectancy , that maybe this was how it was suppose to be. With love comes pain. Conjuring such a thrill. With pleasure births violence. Allowing her to play hard to get with what the mundane would dub down right abusive. Yet Charles Talent Manx was never normal, not even when he had been human.
It’s a chase that he thirsts after in more ways than one, especially now that his more predatory traits have become a dominant role. His children needing a mother would ferry an excuse that was in fact true, but often not the triggering factor which would cause him to leap. Judging by some quotes of his in the book insinuating Charlie holding a very high libido. A man has needs and his has been denied for far too long that he has become touch starved.
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what form of gentle affection are you?  
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Charles Talent Manx the III
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Tagged by: @vyrulent
Tagging :  @aurora-stantler-our-historian , anyone else who wishes to give it a whirl.
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I have come to strongly associate these two songs with Charlie and Victoria’s toxic relationships.  That I can no longer see anything but those two. Sleep Token -  Alklaine Bad Omens - The Death of Peace of Mind
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Headcanons to date :
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Charlie is needy of touch. He won’t announce it audibly, but he would at times enforce it, or beguile his way into it. Even if there is no spawned relationship, if only his infatuation is established?  The slightest touch would still fuel this behavior. Gentle or harsh, the results are the same. It greatly saddens me to list that this behavior spawned from a young age. From his mother in particular, who deprived him from knowing that sort of affection. So when his first wife had bestowed that upon him, I’m sure the feeling was foreign and addictive. Only for it to be stripped away and replaced with scorn once again. Which ultimately made him associate love as double sided and why he equates violence with normal affection. A misinterpretation that grew into habit. So though his neediness could be adorable in comparison to his more violent tendencies ? It’s rooted from an unstable mind conjured from years of neglect. However, keep in mind that he also scorns touch. Even skittish toward unwanted interactions of those he holds zero interest in. Other men in general he is quite tense around. If not due to his trauma from childhood. Which I should mention, I may have listed him as a horribly closeted bisexual.  His relationship with men would be purely platonic or at the supreme rarity, romantic. He would not indulge on any sort of sexual relations with another man.
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Story time !
Charlie did not steal Jolene’s skates to end her, or cripple her per say. Quite the opposite, really.  She was already becoming crippled for over using them in their chase. He didn’t extract them to end her meddling - he enjoys the chase too much. The attention.
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Like with Victoria, he will take whatever he can get with the women of his life. He honestly doesn’t know any better. Or knew any other form of love. So violence to him goes hand in hand with romance. As does the vile onslaught of name calling when said love is rejected or humiliated in anyway when he opts to give.
I also strictly headcanon that he had not intended to run Jo through with the Wraith during the ring refusal. The automobile was what fueled his rage and tainted a clear thought. The Wraith was very much like Christine at that particular moment in my headcanon. She does influence him in more ways than one. She felt his pain, his sorrow, when Jolene refused, and worst yet, accused him of doing wicked things to his children. They more or less influenced one another in a hyper fixation roused to one general emotion. Blinding all elements of reason. However, I headcanon that he hesitates at the last minute which is why the vehicle did not get up to speed before Jolene vanished to her own inscape. She sensed his hesitation when he , himself, had not.
He made the choice in taking her skates to relieve her from the cost they were causing her. It’s the reason he didn’t destroy them. The reason he kept them.  He’s quite possessive over what he becomes attached to, and Jolene was his first attachment since dying in the 40s. Plus he craves control.
So taking her knife was the object of everything he is, whilst the benefit of keeping her alive and well. She was his and he couldn’t allow her to be in that particular pain so he did what he could by preventing that. Let us not forget that he mourned her passing in his own way.
( Now some would argue over that, and make him hurling Vic’s bike into her bridge as an example.  Well, I have a thought ,or several for that too. He simply was getting rid of her way of escaping him. Where he intended her to go, she would not need her knife. The ultimatum of having her come with him to Christmasland despite all what Bing tarnished to her name. Charlie still gave her one last choice, even a reprieve, and when she refused - his own house was set ablaze in his passionate tantrum.)
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Course he was painted in a bad light for taking the skates however, if not already by the misconception of taking children. Jolene assumed the worst of him when regarding those he took. Granted, I’m not excusing his behavior of murder and mayhem. Yet I’m simply trying to shine the light on the way his mind would work justifying it.
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Allow me to discus this particular scene, that for some reason up until now I had over looked -----
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             Victoria’s headstone within the Graveyard of What Might Be. An image that haunts her in various visions, daydreams etc. An indicative procedure that Charlie may have visited her stone after their visit whilst she was tied up in the hospital. Which is why she obtained such a vision in the first place. ( After he made mention that they would feel one another, their interests and objects relative. A curious assumption that would elucidate their connection.)
The interesting thing is ; instead of having written Charlie as her savior, like most in the graveyard had carved -- in his stead, his daughter.  Whom she recites this on the phone with Vic later on. It holds speculation that despite Charlie wanting Victoria as their mother. Infatuated with her even. It still falls down to Millie being accepting of her. Hence the “ give thanks to her savior, Millie Manx. “ Which pretty much announces her giving favor. Or let us drabble on about how Millie ends up calling Victoria almost immediately, in demand of her finding food for her and the children. If she had meant Vic to be a meat pie she would have insinuated it a bit more obviously.  Instead, she suggested that Vic bring them something to eat. If that isn’t accepting of her father’s interest then I honestly don’t know what would be ?
Why you have to go and reject him, Victoria McQueen ?
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I got to thinking on what if Charlie visited Victoria in the hospital ? Warning her about blabbing out over her abilities to simpletons. Parading around as if he already won her over -- sending her flowers, chocolates. While the hospital staff assume he isn’t real, because he never visits during normal hours.
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Playing toward her neighbor, Jolene , off on her pills the facility holds her to, keeping her quiet. Whilst silently mocking her on how he moved on. At times playing petty toward her meddling, her warning Victoria McQueen about him. Other times being quite sincere with her on how she was the one to ruin their future, and in Vic’s stead, it could have been her. Ooooh -- how it saddens and intrigues me !
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I think I hold serious issues , kiddies and ghouls.  Over here getting glimpse of the new film hitting theaters in August called “ The Invitation “ .  What does my Christmas Wraith-tainted mind think of first ?
                     -------   Oh yes, I do believe some of you may have called it before I even admit. Charlie and Victoria.
𝖠𝗁, ‘𝖺𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌. 𝖢𝗋𝖺𝖿𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗋𝖼𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾, 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖾.  
“She 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰 you because her soul is pure. To make her one of us, 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔪 her, woo her, change her sᴘɪʀɪᴛ, 𝔥𝔶𝔭𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔷𝔢 her, set her free, bring her to you “
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"Happy Father's Day, Charlie" - Jolene
               He almost forgot of the tradition, as simplified as it may have become over the years. Still she managed to extract his attention, one lit with minuscule pride at first glance. A gaze use to veiling how he felt, still , it was the grin which vastly spread that said it all. Though tight lipped, he had flushed with what little color his flesh could muster.
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The father of many had every right to be overwhelmed by it. A warmth he didn't often get to feel when offered directly. " Why -- thank you, Jo. A joy I shall never take for granted. " With candor he held by it. @vyrulent
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Continued from : “ You’re Mine “
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               Her words uttered ages ago felt like just yesterday still to him. Sullying their reunion with anger extensively, coiled and prone to strike wherever he saw fit. Tainted reaction scored to an automatic disposal of his own defenses. Hate her ?  He couldn’t hate her no matter how hard he tried.. and tried he had. The end result cost him a rushed trip in repairs on his knife;  the automobile had suffered a lot during their tango.
To wipe her clean from his fondest memories like he had done to his departed -  now literal remnant wife prior. Proved near impossible. Miss Jolene July was nothing like Cassie, nor was she so easily forgotten as the harlot of a woman she took place of. She held his heart even now as he spat animosity upon denying his own buried truth for craving a touch that was lost within misapprehension.                 “ Ah - ah “ , unbalanced croon derivative along a tight lipped smirk. He’d sardonically follow, “ we mustn’t be so selfish, Miss July. “ Ensnaring her chin roughly between digits where elongated nails scathing contours danced upon her jawline. “  Please don’t cry, my sweet. “ Nefarious was his suggestive. Half canting his head whilst leaning close enough to ride his knee up between her own. The appendage that held her cruelly , softened momentarily. Bracing the backside of his hand to lure those tears away.
“ Sleep soundly.. knowing that every child is safe now that I have delivered them from the monsters under their bed. “ A tallied taunt with truth emotionally attached. That sharp grip returned instantaneously,directing her immediate gaze on him. Rage gradually beginning to germinate on the topic that got them in this predicament in the first place. His own stare tenant with malice yet dubious along fostering grief. “ What a pair we could have made.. “
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“Could you… sleep with me?” from jolene
An instantaneous rise deviated that brow. Hues held a bewitched pause that lingered longer than they should have, diverting his gaze to pursue the rest of her in a single sweep. Erupting his smirk smudged tiers, peaking at the finer corners to expose a jagged tooth at her expense whilst that gaze remit upward to counter her stare.
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" You wish me to stay ? " With an ounce of satisfaction emboldening his advance. Half canting his head toward the anomalous request. A step closer carried with presumption. @vyrulent
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Which type of romanticism are you?
Charles ( Charlie ) Talent Manx the III
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Tagged  :  I was not technically tagged.  I nabbed it from @badassxbirdy <3 Tagging :  @vyrulent , @victoriafreakingmcqueen , @nellelennox , @aurora-stantler-our-historian  -- anyone else who wishes to participate.
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What Form of Love do You embody?
Charles Talent Manx the III
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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑢𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑎 𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦. 𝑆𝑜 𝐼 𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑧 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟 :
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Tagged  :  No one.  I stole it. <.< t’ieeeeeeeeves !
Tagging :  @vyrulent​ , @victoriafreakingmcqueen​ , @haverhill-at-heart​ , @badassxbirdy​ , @nellelennox​ , @clairexbennet​ , @exsanguinatedserenity​
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Is the anyone else you’d ship charlie with? Either another character or an oc?
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Victoria is my true pairing I often aim for. I'm a huge sucker for that ship. ;) She may even uphold the strongest in my muse. Though I often have him shipped with a Jolene July too, in an AU that she eventually comes to see reason. I don't rule out other characters, not at all. All are welcomed to try here. Be it crossover or oc alike. It just depends on their chemistry with one another. It's a bit more of a complicated approach than the pre established show/book romances. I'm not a real big fan on auto ships, so the characters would have to work their way toward it among threads to see what we could conjure. If I start to see chemistry between them I'll most likely send a private message to discuss further options. Be it one of Charlie's many infatuations that turn toxic, or a legitimate romance budding. I don't rule anything out. Though, he is a very fickle and violent beast. Sometimes not even easy to approach.
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