iiseor · 8 months
KNIFE — TOXIC!ELLIE | 마취된 슬픔이 다시 고갤 들 때까지 It Seems Like Hangover
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synopsis: just toxic!ellie wrote based off my ex/gf/situationship, by based off i mean i literally looked through our texts to write this. don’t read if toxic storys make u sad or whatever
warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs & alc & cheating.
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your mind was blank. The cold pierced through your window, empty alcohol bottles and old cigs scattered around as you lay spread out on floor beside your bed.
it all repeated over and over again in your head.the other night, ellie coming home smelling like weed, alcohol and another girls perfume again. you knew where she had been.
“this is not the end of anything” ellie said rolling her eyes at you. “it is to me” you replied. “why? tell me, why? because my attention was off you for one night? you can’t go one night without me?” she scoffed, “fucking embarrassing y/n”.
“it wasn’t just one night, it’s been many el you know this. you can’t keep doing this and expecting me to be here the moment you’re done messing around with other girls” you choked out. her words were getting to you, she knew they were.
“so what?” she replied.
your eyes were wide. she was always dismissive, you couldn’t put up with it anymore. “get out ellie” you answered. she scoffed in return, “i’m going to sleep”.
“get out, i’m serious” you raised your voice “stop yelling at me” she replied, walking towards your room.
your heart was racing. You walked in front of her, pushing her away before she could open your bedroom door. “leave ellie” you repeated. “baby, stop overreacting” she sighed.
“i’m not fucking overreacting, why can’t you listen to me? why can’t you take me seriously for one goddamn minute? i want you to leave, i don’t want you here anymore” you yelled again, ellie still rolling her eyes at you, sighing again. “why would i take you seriously” she laughed.
“what?” you breathed out, lowering your tone, your heart still racing. “why would i take you seriously? look at how psychotic you are over a few girls who mean nothing. how do you expect anyone to put up with you when this is how you act? so greedy. i always come back to you and it’s still not enough” she said caressing your face, her eyes looking into yours so innocently. you forced yourself not to fall for it.
you held eye contact for a minute before she walked back over to the living room where this had started.
“Fuck el, why aren’t you listening? i don’t want you to come back to me, i want you to stay with me, why am i not enough? why do you need all these other girls?” you cried. “i’ll change, you know i will ellie. i’ll change anything, i’ll stop everything you don’t like, please, just tell me”.
her face was blank, she sat down on the couch, keeping her eyes off you, but she could hear the tears through your voice. “look at you” she said, your eyes filled now—there was no point in trying to hide it.
“you were just yelling at me, trying to stick up for yourself. now you’re crying, saying you’ll “change yourself for me”, and i haven’t even said anything” she laughed again, you stayed silent. “you’re so pathetic, really”. “you’re lucky i even put up with you for this long, everyone else would rather be dead then with you. I put up with you, I stayed with you, I came back to you so you wouldn’t feel alone” she laughed at her words again. “You know that’s all you’ll feel when i leave, there’s nobody else who will ever put up with your bullshit the way i do. you’d be a nobody if it wasn’t for me”. you stayed frozen. “what? nothing else to say now? you were just going on and on about how terrible i am, cat has your tongue now?” she spit.
“just leave ellie, please” you whispered, barely able to get anything out through the sobs.
she stood up from the couch, walking towards you. you stepped back slightly before her hand reached to cup your face, wiping away the continuous tears.
“you don’t realize how much you’re throwing away right now” she whispered “all for what y/n?” “to feel like a big girl” she mocked you. you couldn’t look her in the eyes, your body was stuck in place. you stayed still as she leaned in to kiss your head, her face unsympathetic through it all. she caressed your face once again before picking up her jacket off the rack and leaving, making sure to slam the door behind her.
you remained in place. standing in your empty one bedroom apartment, tears flowing down your face as your body filled with agony.
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jinxedmuse · 10 months
고갤 들어 헤매다 꽃은 피어
🌒 purple rose — yoon jeonghan 윤정한
🎵 all night - beyoncé, bartender - lana del rey, kiss me - cassie, fantasize- ariana grande, girls need love (w/ drake) - summer wlkr, so anxious - ginuwine, like i need u - keshi, tumblr girls - geazy, next to you - bryson tiller, 7 exp ver - jk
in which: you find out that your cranky boss at your bartending job turns out to be quite the mischievous co-host of an exclusive bdsm club. not wanting to back down, you try to ignore this new found info when at work. but once blurred lines are already crossed, can they really be forgotten?
authors note: hiiii! im kinda proud of this:?/! (spoiler i hate this rn) this is part 1 of 2. started writing this 4 days ago after watching thing 1 & thing 2 & developing a filthy jh brain rot >< not proof read (clearly , ew) but enjoy plz & ty :,)!!
warnings: fem biology, v frequent cursing, absolute filthy smut (bdsm including but not limited to: degradation/praise, oral/cunnilings, raw sex,consented force, restricting toys, & etc) angst (?), alcohol, use of mj, pet names; princess, darling, slut
tags: 25 y/o bartender!reader x 27 y/o boss!jeonghan — boss/subordinate to fuck buddies to lovers (?)
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friday 5:48pm kst
you exit the employee break room after hearing some frustrated curses and grunts. to no surprise, you see your boss yoon jeonghan, struggling with something up front.
you approach him cautiously, “you okay boss?” once you’re by him, you see clearly what he’s struggling with; the tap handle.
you were supposed to tell him about that problem like an hour earlier.
“no. it’s this stupid fucking lever that won’t go down and when i try-“ you listen to his complaints silently, biting your bottom lip. a habit you’ve formed whenever you get anxious.
he realizes how quiet you suddenly got and he pauses, looking at you with a slightly raised eyebrow.
“why do you look like you know this already?”
fuck fuck fuck.
you let out a stale laugh, jokingly slapping his back. “haha what? no way, is that the tap handle? yeah so about that, i meant to tell you earlier but i forgot because i was busy with the..?”
the? the? the absolutely nothing. the truth is you forgot all about the stupid, useless lever as soon as your boss walked into work. his sleeves rolled up, his first two buttons unbuttoned and his semi-long hair pulled into a ponytail.
he takes a step back from you, putting his face in his hands and taking a deep breath. he drops his hands, putting one into his pocket and taking his other hand and poking your shoulder back with every few words he said up until you were completely back up unto the wall behind you.
“the first thing i asked you when i walked in here, was if there was something i needed to know. cat got your tongue staring at me or what?”
your head hit the wall slightly. not enough to hurt but enough to make your breath hitch. you were starting to get aggravated with the demeaning tone he constantly had with you.
you muster up your best apology, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
“i really am sorry. won’t let it happen again boss.”
he lets out a sardonic laughter before completely turning his back to you and garnering attention from the rest of the team.
“when i ask you if there’s something i need to know, you tell me immediately. not less than an hour before opening, yeah?” he says clearly and sternly. eyes going cold for a moment.
they all nod their head in compliance, looking at you from the corner of their eye. some out of pity and some annoyance.
almost as soon as it was there, his mild scowl left. replaced with his notorious, easygoing smile. he claps his hand before looking at his watch. “great. everybody take positions, we open in 10 minutes.”
saturday 12:39 am kst
“i’m seriously, seriously, so fucking over him. as soon as i rack up enough money for a new apartment elsewhere, i’m quitting this job,” you say with a huff, falling back into your reclinable chair.
your best friend, hae won had picked you up from work after your 8-hour shift and brought you home. you both were currently on your patio as she let you vent your heart out into the night.
she lays out a blanket over you and goes to sit down across from you. “babe, you say that after every shift.”
you set down your drink in exasperation. “you don’t know what he’s like. he’s so fucking passive-aggressive- scratch that, just aggressive. only towards me!” you complain while flailing your arms.
she looks at you, amused by your expressive way of telling stories and the reactions that match them.
“and you think he’s singling you out?” she asks raising an eyebrow.
“he might as well be! dude, i fuck up once in a while and it’s like i’m begging on my knees to keep my job, meanwhile that jisoo guy- which i’m sure they’re friends by the way, could sleep on the job and he’d probably get a raise. it’s like they’re evil twins!”
hae won lets out a sympathetic laugh before speaking. “hm i would’ve never thought he was like that. he’s hot. like, beautifully hot. especially when he has his long hair?”
she lets out a cat call-like whistle into the air and you both erupt in laughter.
“i mean, i guess he is,” you say as y’all simmer down, agreeing with her comment. to deny it would be a blatant lie. if there’s one thing yoon jeonghan, it was beautiful.
his hair is always perfectly styled. he had these intense eyes when he was focused on working. he’d roll up his sleeves and sometimes stand behind you, instructing you how to work something with a low voice.
she interrupts you out of your thoughts, eyes scheming with a look that says she has a plan.
“you know what you need?” she asks getting closer to the table. you look up at her desperately. eager to hear what it is she has to say this time.
“to get laid. like some mind-blowing sex that distracts you from all this work bullshit.” she deadpans.
you let out a stale laugh, not taking her seriously. “right, and where am i gonna find the time for that? and don’t say a dating app because i’m cursed with those things.”
her face remains serious, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes.
“wanna know a secret?” she asks while scooting her chair closer to yours. you lean into her, slightly curious at what random, outrageous plan she is cooking up.
“i have a club i go to,” she says simply. you back up & look at her perplexed; was this the big secret that she was supposedly hiding?
you pick up your beer, taking a sip. the cool foam hitting the back of your throat before the actual drink does. “what club? did a new one open in Hongdae?”
she takes a sip from her can, a non-alcoholic beer, while slightly shaking her head. “no, not that type of club. they’re having an event this weekend, come with me on sunday?”
now you’re skeptical, had your best friend been lured into something? “this better not be some cult shit, i already deal with enough of those recruiters on the way to work.”
hae won loosens up now, returning to her playful nature and laughing at your claim. “it’s not. i promise, i’ve been there before.”
you thought this through for like half a second. you had work on monday but so what? you haven’t made an impulsive decision in a while.
“alright, why not.”
hae won claps in excitement, eyes practically beaming with delight. she had finally roped you into her plan.
she finishes up her drink and starts getting up while speaking.
“good! wear all black, doesn’t matter what and make sure it’s ‘accessible’ if you know what i mean.”
grabbing her coat and purse, she winked and left. heading home for the night.
sunday 10:15pm kst
your rush up to your best friend's car while pulling down your mini-trimmed black skirt. it had paired up well with an off-the-shoulder, see-through, black button-up shirt that you were wearing with no bra.
you had decided against safety shorts after thinking about it for like 5 minutes in front of your mirror before just saying fuck it.
a big regret.
“get in, we’re already kinda late.”
you get into the car, close the door, and start zipping up your black, knee-high, faux leather boots. “well hello to you too, princess” you say jokingly.
she was wearing almost the same thing as you but instead of a top and skirt combo, she had opted for a sheer, slightly see-through, button-up mini-black dress with thigh-high boots.
“oh and put this on once we reach” she hands you what seemed like a masquerade mask. it had a gold band with cute gold fringes and small cat-like ears at its peak.
that didn’t stop you from being completely thrown off guard though. “dude what type of fucking club is this?”
she puts a finger on her lips before starting the engine and pulling out of the lot. “shh just trust me, this shit is gonna rock your mind”
10:28 pm kst
when you finally arrived at the destination, you looked through the car window and your mouth immediately dropped.
undoing your seatbelt, you got out of the car with your best friend who was taking quick and hasty steps towards the front door.
you follow her and find yourself standing in front of the giant double doors, practically in a state of shock. “why are we at a mansion right now?” you ask while trying not to freak.
hae won looks at you, smiling before pulling her mask up to her face and ringing the doorbell once and then knocking on the door twice. “nice, right?”
“yeah but where is the club? you know what—fuck this, i’m out” you start walking away but your best friend tugs you back and quickly hands you your mask once more.
you give her a stern look but the door starts unlocking and you find yourself immediately putting on the mask.
the guy that opens the door looks like he came straight out of a dream. he was large with broad shoulders and muscular arms almost as big as your thigh. his hair was blonde and kinda of long, stopping right by his ear, styled perfectly. his eyebrows dark and prominent.
he was wearing a black and red masquerade mask with emerald green accents. he opens the door wider and with a deep husky voice, he finally speaks up.
“so, what is it tonight ladies?” he asked while holding up a variety of different colored wristbands.
your best friend speaks up for the both of you, knowing you were still shocked. “both single, both bicurious.” she rushes out.
she then takes your hand in hers and walks through the door, standing in front of the man.
he lets out a genuine laugh. skies above, it was so sexy. he then closed the door, taking two pink wristbands and wrapping them around both your wrists.
his big hands were warm and scruff but clean, it was obvious he worked out. yet he was being gentle as if we were delicate flowers.
he looks up, accomplished. “right all set, follow me.” before we gave a reply he already turned his back towards us, heading deeper into the mansion.
the further in we went, we started hearing low r&b music, like some actual baby-making music. there were all types of girls and guys and people in general of different heights, wearing different clothes, and in different masks, each with a different colored wristband.
he stops in his tracks and you almost bump into his large back, smack dab with what seems like a tattoo peeking out from under his collar. he turns around, holding you steady.
his touch was warm and stern and very caring like a worried leader. he rubs your shoulder before dropping his hands and speaking up once more.
“alright, ladies. drinks are to your left, rooms are upstairs, enjoy yourself” and with that he walks off, heading to a group of guys, all seemingly just as attractive.
you finally turn towards your best friend who seems to be just beaming under her mask, taking in her surroundings.
“okay, now fess up. what is this place?” you ask in a hushed whisper. she looks up at you innocently.
“let’s just call it a bdsm castle, yeah?” she says all too casually.
“oh. you’re fucking joking.”
“nope” she pops the p and scans the room some more before looking back at you.
“and you’ve been here before?” you ask, wide-eyed.
“yes, well once with that one ex that was an investment banker.” she then takes your hand and starts walking with you, going further into what seemed like the lounge room.
you were nervous, super nervous. you wanted to bail and quite frankly you should’ve but behind your already jarred morales, your subconscious was screaming “why the fuck not” and to be honest, you were intrigued.
“what the hell am i supposed to do here?” you ask curiously
“what the hell else? mingle, fuck, have fun. seriously anything.” she starts. she then nods her head towards a group of people that are standing by a piano, drinks in hand while in deep conversation. “you see those people with the white wristbands? they’re observers.”
squinting your eyes in their direction you could see their white wristbands. you turned towards her, curiosity growing by the second. “observing for what?”
“means they’re not here to have sex. just here to watch people have sex. voyeurism or some shit, at least for today i guess.” she says quickly before moving on.
“pink means single and willing to get laid basically and red means in a relationship but willing to get laid.” she further explains.
you look at her perplexed. “so cheaters come here to get their dick wet?”
hae won laughs at your remark but shakes her index finger signifying no. “mainly means that they’re polyamorous and looking for a third or fourth or whatever it is they’re into.” she breaks down.
the essence of this place was starting to make sense. you nod, showing your comprehension and edging her to keep talking.
“oh, and you’re not allowed to say your name. you don’t need a code name or some shit but usually, these things are exclusive and private ie: CEOs, your local librarian. anyone could be here and unless you decide you want to sleep with them, which is the only time you can take off each other's mask, you can’t ask for their name.”
you look at her with a sly smile. “you know for someone who's only been here once you sure do know a lot.”
“oh, did i say once? I thought i said twice. i’m thirsty, are you thirsty? i’ll go get us a drink” before you could reply she was already making her way to the bar.
she orders the drinks but lingers, it seems like she is flirting with the bartender who has dyed hair. he was wearing a slightly orange and silver mask with pointed cat ears. he was tall and lengthy, his movements clumsy yet still confident as he made the drinks.
you rolled your eyes in adornment, looking around. your feet were hurting, they were low-heeled boots but still. you sit down on a lounge couch and roll your ankles slightly.
“you okay there?” a voice asks in a dialect you aren’t quite used to. it sounded more like an accent from elsewhere. their voice was smooth.
you look up and a slim and tall man has come up to you. he has multiple earrings and fiery red hair styled nicely. he had on a green mask with gold lining. he was holding a drink in his hand, which seemed like some type of wine and you noticed that his nails were clean and painted.
you smile before remembering your mask. standing up, you approach him and stretch out your hand to shake his. his hand meets yours, a white wristband around his small wrist.
“here to watch?” you ask. he leans in closer to you, your hand still in his. his voice was low and smooth, yet full of personality.
“that’s only if you allow me,” he says, tugging you slightly closer to him. his actions were bold, making your face heat up almost immediately but he radiated a type of calmness to him that you rarely saw in men nowadays.
just as he’s about to whisper something in your ear, someone else joins you too. slinging an arm around his shoulder and pulling him back away from you.
“aw not fair man, you know i called dibs.” said the new man.
now he was a sight for sore eyes. even the bunny-shaped white mask couldn’t hide the fact that there was certainly a handsome face underneath.
his almost jet-black hair was long and had a sheen to it that made you know he took proper care of it. it hung over his face, well mask, with only one side tucked behind his ear. his eyes through the mask were mischievous and his tone playful. he was wearing a prada suit with its tie lazily undone, barely holding it together.
the guy in the green mask let out a small laugh. “i was only introducing myself” he said, keeping his eyes on you.
“yeah well introduce yourself elsewhere. besides, your twin asked me to call you over.” the mysterious man said, nodding his head towards the bar.
mr. green mask looked back and you followed his gaze. sure enough, you saw the guy with oreo hair waving him over. your best friend looking up at him lustfully.
he cleared his throat, biting the inside of his cheek at the sight. he slowly stirs his wine, taking the last sip while not breaking eye contact with them. he looks back at you swiftly, excusing himself before walking over to them.
you were now alone with the guy wearing the bunny mask. he approached you confidently, taking 3 long strides towards you but he didn’t stop there. he kept going until you fell back onto the couch. both of his hands were at your side, keeping you in place. the move felt eerily familiar to your boss.
nope. you weren’t going to do that. think about your boss on a weekend? you refused.
you finally spoke up to him directly, even leaning in slightly, not backing down from the confident man.
“someone seems interested.” you tease all whilst maintaining eye contact.
“oh trust me, very,” he replies back before you can even finish your sentence. he then takes a hand and brings it up to your face. you flinch, not scared of him but about your mask.
“relax darling, in due time,” he says. he leans in closer, your face now practically inches away from each other. he then raises a leg, putting his knee in between your legs. once positioned, he straightens himself up, now looking down at you.
with one hand now in his pockets once more, he uses the other to gently cup your face; his slender and cold fingers slightly squeezing your cheeks. you felt like a doll under his touch, your face gradually growing warmer.
“hm someone getting hot, huh? you interested?” he asks, not breaking eye contact. still cupping your face, one of his fingers, his thumb specifically, grazes over your now pouted lips underneath the mask.
you nod, almost too frozen to speak but he shakes his head, kissing his teeth.
“c’mon darling, we’re grown. use your words.” he insisted, cupping your face a bit tighter now. this makes you respond almost immediately.
“very interested.” you manage to get out.
he laughs at you. “atta girl” he says, as if he knew full and well the effect he had on you. a familiar heartbeat appeared in your cunt, you could already feel it getting warmer as you got more excited.
he lets go of your face and backs up from the couch. he straightens himself up and slightly cracks his neck, relieving the tension from looking down at you.
he then offers you the palm of his hand. you look at it for a second but he takes it as hesitation.
“don’t worry, i don’t bite; that is of course unless you want me to.” his voice sounded like a trance, you could tell he was the type to be able to convince someone to walk off a cliff if he truly wanted to.
you take his hand and he jolts you up, pulling you into him. he catches you effortlessly, wrapping an arm around your waist lazily. he gets closer to you, his cologne smells good, probably expensive.
he whispers in your ear as if no one else in the room full of other people who had the same plan, needed to hear your intimate conversation.
“let’s go find ourselves a room.”
11:16 pm kst
the masked man walks you to a secluded area of the house. stopping right before a door that seemed to have a keypad instead of a keyhole.
he looks back at you once more, raising an eyebrow . “not backing down?” he asks, tone hopeful that you say no.
honestly, this wasn’t your style. sure you’ve had a one night stand before but this whole bdsm castle thing? you felt like a virgin all over again.
yet there you were, anticipating for this masked man to fuck you funny. your cunt already slick with wetness, his actions from earlier had a strong effect on you and you wondered just if this man could truly satisfy you.
you nod, stepping closer to him and the door. “not backing down.” you say firmly, keeping direct eye contact.
with that, he punches in some numbers and the door clicks open. he leads you in and you have to mentally stop yourself from your jaw-dropping. the room was huge, all the furniture black and the bed could easily fit at least six people on there.
you stepped closer, taking it all in. at the head and feet of the bed, there were stainless steel handcuffs. at the foot of the bed, there was a thick rope lying on top of the bedroom bench.
you touched it gently, tracing a finger along it’s rigid and dry nylon. was he planning on using this on you? and almost as though he read your mind, he kept up behind you, leaving no space for imagination.
his hard cock twitching against your ass, his chest against your back. he brought down his still-masked face into the crook of your neck, pulling you into a back hug, arms wrapped around your waist.
“you wanna use that tonight darling?”
his voice rose the tiny hairs on your arm, your cunt now pulsating in an almost painful and steady beat, asking, no, begging to be used.
“i’ll do whatever it is you want me to,” you replied, voice shaky, heavy breathing.
with that, he faces you towards him. your back to the bed before he pushes you onto it softly with one finger.
he crawls on top of you. both thighs at your side, knees dug into the plush and satin bedding. “now i warn you, i have a slim frame but i am a bit sadistic. scratch that, extremely sadistic. is there anything you’re uncomfortable with?”
you thought about it for a moment. aside from your ex and that one, one-night stand, you haven’t been sexually involved with anyone else. you weren’t too sure about the entire bdsm world. you’re old enough to get the gist but you weren’t sure how far you could go, how much your body could take.
“hm, i don’t mind spit but i’m not sure about it in my mouth. i’m not a fan of the butt stuff and i think that’s it? we can try anything tonight, i’m willing.” you consent. he laughs at your eagerness, finding it cute. finding you adorable.
he then brings a hand up to your hair, stroking it gently. “once i take off these masks, if, by some off chance, you ever see me outside of these mansion walls, know that i don’t know you and you don’t know me. strictly pleasure okay?”
his words weren’t harsh but it still made you flinch. it’s fine, he was simply being direct. you’re both consenting adults for a fun night, no need to turn this into something more and complicate things. besides, seoul was huge. no way you’d see each other outside of here. slim to none chance.
“yeah i’m cool with that, strictly pleasure,” you repeat back, anxious as ever.
“you wanna have the honor or may i?” he asks, finger slung into the string of your mask, slowly teasing it off.
you give it a split second thought before reaching for his. “let’s do it at the same time.”
he laughs, amused at your suggestion. “ i don’t see why not.” he holds your mask as you hold his and you both take them off.
the mask comes off and it seems like someone just knocked the wind out of you. no fucking way.
absolutely no fucking way.
“what the hell.”
it was non other than your boss. yoon jeonghan.
you must have upset the universe somehow, your shakras aren’t aligned, SOMETHING, because there is no fucking way your boss you had to meet at work on monday was getting you dripping wet on a sunday.
he smirks, dropping your mask and letting out an amused laugh.
“now this, this is interesting.” but he doesn’t back up, instead he keeps on getting closer and backing you up onto what seems like a dozen pillows.
“i should’ve known something was off by that voice” you murmur, no longer maintaining eye contact yet still trapped beneath him.
“awh c’mon, i’m not that bad,” he says in a low and husky voice. he licks his lips slowly, almost in a circular motion while eyeing yours. he then brings a hand up to your neck, pulling you closer to his face before he lets go, hands at your sides again.
he drops his head onto your shoulder, into the crook of your neck before letting out another laugh.
“ahh, what should i do? i really want to fuck you right now.” he says this casually, as if it’s a random daily thought.
it makes you instinctively clench your throbbing pussy. his words weighing more now that you were out of the confines of your job.
jeonghan then backs away from you and sits at the end of the bed, he opens up a drawer at the table side and pulls out a case of joints. he brings one up to his lips before looking over at you.
“want one?” he offers, the joint going up and down as he speaks.
you hesitate, observing his face. were you really about to fuck your boss. should you? i mean this was the same guy who usually gave you hell on earth while at work.
he puts down the spare joint as if coming to a realization. “ah, i probably shouldn’t be offering my employee weed huh?” He’s about to put it back and away into case when you suddenly stop him. your hand grabbing his wrist.
“yeah, i want one.” if he was going to be casual about this, why couldn’t you?
“hm. okay. grab a lighter from the left nightstand. It’s in the top dresser.”
you nod and open the drawer, sure enough, there are a few lighters. you grab a random one and hold it up to him but you realize he had put away the case of joints and was staring at you curiously.
“where’s mine?” you ask, still holding up the lighter.
he shakes his head, a sly smirk on his face. he then comes closer to you once more, joint still in his mouth. he points it out so you can light it.
you flick it once, it buffers. the second time, a dim flame comes out of the lighter. as you’re sparking the joint, he’s not breaking eye contact. finally he drags in a puff, holding it for a second.
“so, what’ll it be? are you gonna give me the honor of fucking you tonight?” he asked while inhaling smoke, eyes glued on you.
you knew it was wrong. it’d be awkward at work and you hardly even like him. but you were already in too far and honestly it had been so long since you slept with someone. to say you were touch starved would be underwhelming.
“yes.” is all you simply respond, now staring back at him with the same intensity.
he studies you for a few more seconds before holding out his pinkie, “no strings?”
you look at it and intertwine your own with his, then connect your thumbs. “no strings.” you repeat.
with that, he pulls you in roughly, exhaling smoke into your mouth. your eyes get watery but you successfully hold back a cough. he turns the shotgun into a kiss, wrapping his cold hand around your throat and brushing his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for access.
as soon as your part your lips open, he glides his tongue against your own, taking it roughly yet passionately. soft groans leaving his mouth. He laid you down on the bed, not breaking the kiss and the harsh movements caused you to moan into his mouth.
his other hand finds itself at your waist, holding you firmly beneath him. fingers digging into your skin as if there was still too much space between you too. it didn’t seem possible but the kiss deepened as he fully put himself on you, his body pressing hard against yours. his hardening crotch rutting against your core, eager for some kind of friction, eager to make you feel good.
you bring down a hand, starting to palm him through his once smooth slacks and almost immediately he moans into your mouth, shuddering at your touch.
he pauses, pulling back from the kiss with haggard breathing, you chase after his mouth. already missing it’s warmth on yours.
he giggles, almost too cutely for such a vile scene. “aww, you like my mouth that much princess? i can do much more with it.
“let me serve you,” he says this almost desperately, hands roaming your body.
your back arches at his touch, your cunt leaking wetness unto the satin sheets underneath you. “please, i need your touch.” you say between anguished moans.
he cocks his head to the side. “such a needy girl huh?” he was enjoying the view of you pathetically rutting yourself against the satin sheets. your fist gripping onto them.
he gets up and takes off his tie, he then takes one more puff of his joint before tossing it back on the nightstand. you were still on the bed, your core wet and aching badly. you needed him to do something to you soon or you would practically go crazy.
he smirks, pleased with simply seeing you shift uncomfortably. you can tell he wanted you just as much. his hardening cock making a very apparent dent in his pants.
“strip,” he demands. his voice broke you out of the strange of looking at his crotch, you didn’t even realize you were still fully clothed.
you complied almost pathetically too fast. taking off your mini skirt and your sheer shirt. immediately, the cold air hit you. your nipples getting instantly hard at the feeling.
his eyes dropped to your body, a lustful gaze with something so much more. as if he would spend the rest of his life admiring your body if he could. “fuck, you’re beautiful.”
he watched almost in awe, gently patting your hair before roughly pulling you closer to his face. he started kissing you once more, tongue eagerly greeting yours as if he couldn’t go another second without your mouth.
it was a sloppy kiss, just needing to feel each other. mouths desperate and far too eager to worry about presentation. he pulls back again, a string of mixed saliva breaking off between you too.
you moan dissatisfied as he pulls away, looking up at him with confused doe eyes.
“lie down.” he ordered, the lustful glimmer returning to his eyes.
“yes boss.” is all you can pull together, it was small and measly but he heard it.
fuck. you were so used to saying it out of habit at work you didn’t even realize it slipped out until he had gone silent.
too scared to look at him, you kept your head down. ashamed you could’ve fucked up that bad. instead, you feel his cold hands lifting up your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“i like that.” is all he says before he nods to the bed, signaling you to continue lying down.
you obeyed him and he found himself at your sides again. taking his hand towards your warm and soft body. he dragged a delicate and icy finger along all your curves, minuscule and large. just needing to feel the touch of your skin beneath him.
he drags it back up, reaching your plump breast and he starts playing with the bud of your nipples, making you wince at the feeling, back arching at his touch.
“fuck that feels so—ngh shit.” you tried to string some words together but all you could do is whimper pathetically.
his dick was practically begging to get out of his boxers, hell, even just his pants. at every pretty moan, you let out, it twitched, your lewd noises already having control over it before you had even touched it.
“mhm what did i say about using our words princess? since you’re so bad at following instructions, i’ll have to punish you like the perfect slut you are for me, eh?”
you look up at him weakly, eyes beaming with anger. he already had you pathetically curling over at his simplest touches, how did he plan on punishing you even more?
“wrist or ankles?” he asked while pointing at the cuffs at the top and bottom of the bed. before even thinking it through you said wrist.
he then briefly got up to tie your left wrist to the left bed pole and your right wrist to the right one. the handcuffs were cold and firm, the type that you could only imagine cops used but it felt like a slightly different material. it felt safe.
he then took the keys and gently grazed them over your nipple bud, earning another breathless moan from you.
he shuddered at the sound of you. one part of him wanted to release a full load right into you but the other wanted to make this last as long as he could.
after all, how often was he going to have his back-talking employee with such lush lips, underneath him? mouth slack, pathetically begging to be touched by the boss you claimed to hate.
“p-please boss, ah fuck- c’mon, just ngnnh fuck me already” you yelp desperately, head was thrown back, no longer able to take the teasing while your cunt wanted to be rammed into harshly.
you could tell he liked seeing you like this. squirming in pain did nothing but make him smile.
“in due time my pretty, pretty princess.” he placed the cold small key on your stomach and then kneeled at the foot of the bed. he trailed both his hands up and down your thighs, your core throbbing harder by the second.
“how bad do you want my mouth?” he teased, kissing your thighs and going higher and higher until he reached your dripping core, it’s heat practically begging for him.
“so-ngn, so bad so so fucking bad please— fuck i can't take it anymore.” that set him off, blowing cool air onto your clit before pulling you towards him.
the action caused a tug on your handcuffs and wrist, causing you to cry out in pain but it quickly turned into pure bliss because not even half a second later the flat of his tongue was on your heated core.
it was like he was on death row and you were his final meal.
his soft and pink tongue delving deeper and deeper into you. even kissing your folds every once in a while. he then took a hand off your thigh and spat on two of his fingers before roughly inserting them into you, curling them slightly so they hit the g spot that made you a moaning mess all while giving you kitten licks on your clit.
the feeling of both his fingers sliding in and out of you at a rapid pace tied with his excruciatingly slow licks, even sucking on your clit harshly every time you moaned out an excruciating “boss.”
your stomach tied in knots, your heat clenching around his fingers that were now wet and covered with your fluid. it felt so good how he was ramming his fingers into you, the palm of his hand slapping onto your core and hitting your clit at a rapid speed.
you swore you could see actual stars.
he moaned into you pussy, barely able to contain himself. “fuck baby you’re making such a mess.”
his praise makes you jolt your hip forward, being met with his eager tongue, “mnnhmgmm it’s all because of you boss, hmhm i need you so fucking bad-d.” you dragged out.
jeonghan couldn’t help himself. using his other hand, he started palming himself through his slacks, desperate for some kind of relief, some kind of touch.
“mhm fuck just like that, keep talking to me baby.” he egged your own, getting drunk at the sound of your messy moans and the squelching sound your cunt made every time his fingers went into you.
you kept praising him, saying anything that came to mind so he wouldn’t stop. your words almost coming out as gibberish because his fingers alone were clouding your thoughts.
“ah-shit, boss just like that, please keep going,” you begged and he abided. he took out his finger and went to work with his mouth again, his tongue harsh and fast, licking your folds and going as deep inside you as he could.
you were so close to an orgasm. your vision getting blurry by all the tears brimming your eyes. he felt the tightness of your cunt around his tongue and fingers.
“tell me when you’re about to come okay baby?” he asked in a haggard voice, pre cum oozing for his tip already.
“ah mgh— y-yes boss im so close” you breathed out.
while he was eating you out, he took the hand he was fingering you with earlier and started rubbing your clit slowly; giving it small slaps that made you squirm around the bed, unable to move much because of the cuffs.
your stomach hit a specific knot and you knew for sure you were about to come undone within the next few seconds.
“i’m—fuck, about to come,” you whine out pathetically, your eyes closed, chasing the high towards the climax.
right as you reach your peak, he pulled away from you.
your eyes immediately snapped open, wide and frustrated that the knot in your stomach was left unsatisfied.
you looked at him, heavy breathing, hair stuck to your face due to sweat. he simply smiled and licked your wetness from his lips and fingers, not wasting a drop.
“why?” was all you managed to whine, practically on the verge of tears at the loss of contact.
he shrugged, a satisfied smirk on his face “the only time you get to come is when i’m fucking you raw princess, simple.”
your eyebrows knit up in confusion.
“so fuck me.”
his eyes went from playful to lustful in an instant at your words. in a swift motion, he undoes his belt and drops it onto the floor. with one hand, he unzips his pants, they hang loose a few inches, showing off his prada briefs. his curved length pulsating underneath.
he then gets back onto the bed, discarding his shirt and revealing a slim but toned body. his arms slightly flexed as he threw the shirt onto a nearby couch.
jeonghan then positions himself on his knees, hair falling unto his face. he looks back up at you, eyebrows knitted with a now unfamiliar expression. he seemed needier as opposed to the hungry mess earlier. “touch me.” is all he says in a low voice.
you crawl towards him yet you feel like a prey being stalked by a predator. you take a nail, trailing it up his thigh, earning a slight grunt from him. your finger stops right above his length, twitching in eagerness. its pink hue apparent from underneath the white briefs.
monday 12:58 am kst
you both fall back onto the bed, worn out and still coming down from the high after exhausting each other to your limits.
he looks at you as if to say something but stops himself. you wanted him to say something. make one of his borderline rude yet sly remarks but he is silent. the sound of both your heavy breathing starting to calm down in the still bedroom.
“uh, is there a bathroom in here?” you ask, refusing to make eye contact with the main that had just fucked your senseless.
he brings up a limp arm, hand pointing to a door by the right nightstand. you get up cautiously, wrapping one of the sheets around your body. you make your way to the door and go through. the bathroom was big and spotless as if it had been cleaned just recently.
outside you hear some faint movement. a dip in the bed followed by careful footsteps. you had a clue you knew what was happening but a part of you wished it wasn’t so.
you use the toilet, never losing your habit of peeing after having sex and then you get into the shower. needing to get the remnants of tonight off your body.
monday 1:47 am kst
you get out of the shower, feeling refreshed and squeaky clean. you use one of the clean guest towels to dry your body and wrap it around yourself.
you reach the bathroom handle, hand hesitant on the nob. unsure if you were ready to face the scene or potentially a person outside. in a swift motion, you open the door and exit the bathroom.
you look to your side unto the bed just to find it neatly made but with no one in it. no scattered clothes lying around, instead it seemed he took his and even folded yours, putting it in a bag on the nightstand with clean oversized clothes next to it.
you were relieved to not have to face your boss after fucking each other for what seemed like two hours but there was a pang in your heart at the fact that yoon jeonghan didn’t even bother at least mention he was leaving.
you dressed yourself in the new clothes and put on your mask once more. as you were finishing up, there was a knock at the door.
“boss?” you called out. no way, he had the code right? you walk towards the door, your belongings in hand and open it. sure enough, your best friend standing at the door.
“oh, it’s you,” you say casually, giving a faint smile.
“damn bitch can you be less excited pretty please? you’re overwhelming me.” she teased sarcastically. she was wearing a change of clothes too but she still had on her mask.
“you’re done right? your bunny boy told me you would be up here.”
you let out a dry laugh. so he could tell her but he couldn’t say anything as he was leaving? you know what, fuck that. you can be super casual too.
“yup!” you say popping the p, you exit the room and close the door behind you. your best friend takes your free hand and you both walk down the steps together.
you quietly dip out of the mansion through the front door, making your way to her car.
“can you drive? i had drunk earlier and i still feel kinda dizzy” she pouts.
“yeah, toss 'em,” you say about the keys and she does. you unlock the car and head in, making your way home as your best friend sleeps in the passenger seat, adamant about sleeping over at your house.
monday 4:50 pm kst
on her way home from work, your best friend picked you up and dropped you off at yours. you stopped in front of the bar. it’s large and luminescent name shining above, “purple rose.”
you felt queasy, nervous, nauseous, and anxious all at once. yet you also felt excited, a newfound secret to keep as yours. you entered through the front and made your way to the back, the employee room to clock in.
your fellow bartenders were gathered at the front. some sleeping on the table, others talking behind the bar.
“good morning guys!” you say in a more chirpy voice than usual.
no way you had become one of those people who finally get laid and suddenly you’re ms sunshine walking on a rainbow.
they noticed the slightly higher octave, raising an eyebrow but nevertheless, they said their fair share of greetings.
you start heading to the break room when one of the workers stops you. a slightly concerned look on her face.
“i wouldn’t go in there if i were you, boss is in a bad mood,” she whispered the last part, clicking her tongue.
what the hell could’ve happened in the last 12 hours since you had sex that had the whole bar walking on eggshells?
you smile at her warning but disregard it. not to see him, you say to yourself, but because you needed to clock in any way.
you open the door and are immediately met with a pacing jeonghan. he looked disheveled, handsome, but still disheveled. as if he didn’t get a wink of sleep.
he sees you by the door and motions you in.
“what took you so long?”
what was he talking about? you looked at the clock and you were exactly on time.
“i’m here on time, what do you mean?” you asked while setting down your stuff.
the atmosphere was tense as if you had truly done something wrong. jeonghan pauses in his tracks and starts walking towards you. he was unreadable, you couldn’t tell what he was feeling at all.
“being on time is being late,” he answers, eyebrows furrowed, breathing haggard. he was a couple of inches away from you, far more than what was appropriate at work. his eyes fell to your lips before begrudgingly looking back up.
“so, what do you have to say for yourself?” he ask, almost in pain.
you were truly lost. was he seriously mad because of the time? he pulls you out of your thoughts, hand slamming on the desk behind you.
“i asked what you have to say for yourself.”
now you were seriously annoyed, what the hell was his problem? you answer, tone curt and firm. no longer wanting to indulge in this conversation or his presence.
“my apologies boss, it won’t happen again.” you spat out, tone laced with venom. you said it formally, not missing any honorifics and he caught this. gaze going cold before breaking out a smile.
he hung his head low, muttering a curse before looking back up at you. the night you spent together, the line that was crossed, almost as though it never even happened.
a mere figment of your imagination. ha, if only.
“it won’t happen again? we’ll see about that. come back out immediately after clocking in, you have front duty again today.”
and with that, yoon jeonghan, no, your boss left the break room.
leaving you in a complete state of confusion.
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i4219s · 1 year
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사람들의 시선 ♡ 우릴 보며 고갤 흔들어 ( 🌹 )
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halfsiblingsinblue · 8 months
찾았다, 수사학. 찾았어. 자네가 물어보던 그 창백빛 고래 말이다.
요 며칠간 집중해서 들은 결과, 안타깝게도 고래 이야기는 들리는게 없더군, 해안에 누군가가 고래를 칠해놓은 배를 비행 청소년들이 훔쳐갔다는 거 빼곤. 기록들 중에서도, 아무리 읽어도 그 처음 찾았던 보고서밖에 없었다.
하지만 답은 의외로 가까이 있었다. 레나가 해리한테 보내주는 낡은 미확인동물 잡지들 말인데- 그중 하나가 그 순경을 인터뷰했었고 우리는 그걸 읽게 됬다. 뭐, 엄밀히 말하면 해리가 읽은거지만.
어쨋든, 거기 써있기를, 그날 그 순경은 순찰돌 겸 술도 께기 위해 해변을 따라 걷고 있었다. "먼 바다쪽에서 희미한 소리가 들려 고갤 돌리자 [창백 속에서] 무언가가 움직이는 걸 봤다. 그리고 몇초 후, 창백이 바다속에서 뛰어올랐다." 여기까진 보고서에 나와있는 내용이지만, 이 다음 내용은 새로운 정보다.
"...멀리 떨어져 그 창백빛 덩어리를 쫓아 창백이 움직였다. 그 광경은 말로 설명할 수 없는 것이였다- 마치 기름이 물과 만나는 표면과 같았고 동시에 구름이 뭉개져 합쳐진 것같은 자연스러움이었다. 그리고 그 뒤로 거대한 그림자가 보였다. 갈라진 창백빛 꼬리를 향해, 전혀 어울리지 안는 어두운 물체가 잠시 벌어진 창백 사이로 보였다 사라졌다..."
그 고래 뒤에 무언가가 있었다, 수사학. 이것이 뭔진 모르지만.
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tomorrowxtogether · 8 months
231013 [SUB]누군가 4세대의 미래를 묻거든 고갤 들어 TXT 연준을 보라...☆(ENG/TH)Ep.4
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got7ent · 8 months
[SUB]누군가 4세대의 미래를 묻거든 고갤 들어 TXT 연준을 보라...☆(ENG/TH)Ep.4
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nimooos · 2 years
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눈물이 차올라서 고갤 들어
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sup3rbo4rd · 1 year
‼️Read it on your own risk‼️
삐딱하게 그어버려 직선
어딘가 찌그러진 원
신발 끈 엉켜도 이뻐 리본
다 빈번히 지껄이는 기본
만 하란 말 집어치워
Freaking bucket list 지워
This is my way 외줄 타기 위에서 stomp
다르게 타지 난 삐딱선
남들 다 하는 거 따라 해 뭐하냐
정상인 코스프레 지겹지도 않냐
달라지지 않는 이 세상을 탓하며 살다간
맘에 안 들어 무엇하나
유행만 타는 거 따라 해 뭐하냐
평범하기 그지없지
세상이 달라지길 바라면서
왜 차려놓은 밥상만 섭취
My life's like a doodle
My style's like a doodle
Circle, triangle, square, break the rules Doodle
My rhythm's like a doodle
My flow's like a doodle
I doodle on the walls of the world
Live like a doodle
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계란 벽에다 graffiti
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계를 넘는 creativity
안 가려 다 해 처먹는 식성
그래야만 풀리는 직성
색다르게 바라보는 시점
제3자의 시점은 안 쓰여 신경
오거든 난 feel이
보이거든 내 길이
성공은 무수히
떠다녀 여기저기
Zero gravity
남들 다 하는 거 따라 해 뭐하냐
정상인 코스프레 지겹지도 않냐
달라지지 않는 이 세상을 탓하며 살다간
맘에 안 들어 무엇하나
유행만 타는 거 따라 해 뭐하냐
평범하기 그지없지
세상이 달라지길 바라면서
왜 차려놓은 밥상만 섭취
아무도 못 알아보는 내 sketch
나만 알아보게 만들어
손대면 You're gonna get cut
계속 이어가지 다음 chapter
내 낙서
세상을 바꿔
주연은 바뀌어
그래 대반전
준비해 팝콘
현실이 될 fiction, drama, movie, cartoon
My life's like a doodle
My style's like a doodle
Circle, triangle, square, break the rules Doodle
My rhythm's like a doodle
My flow's like a doodle
I doodle on the walls of the world
Live like a doodle
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계란 벽에다 graffiti
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계를 넘는 creativity
헛소리하듯 지껄이는 대로 그려
허풍만 가득 해도 텃세를 부려
존심도 못 챙기는 겸손은 버려
벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙여
근데 난 고갤 들어 위를 봐 더 위로 가기 위해
정해진 노선 없이 맘대로 비행
개척해 샛길을 내가 잡을 기회
더러우면 피해 난 그대로 이대로 직행
My life's like a doodle
My style's like a doodle
Circle, triangle, square, break the rules Doodle
My rhythm's like a doodle
My flow's like a doodle
I doodle on the walls of the world
Live like a doodle
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계란 벽에다 graffiti
Doodle doodle
Move like a doodle doodle
Jump over a hurdle hurdle
한계를 넘는 creativity
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𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓 ☆°•~ 𝖂𝕺𝕷𝕱𝕲𝕬𝕹𝕲 (𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖞 𝕶𝖎𝖉𝖘) ~•☆ 景子 ☆•~
세상에 물들어 버린다 빨갛게 물들어 버린다 아픔을 참아본다 독하게 견뎌본다 달빛이 타오르는 밤 Grr Wolfgang ah Grrah we go wild Grrah we go wild Focus 우리가 느껴지면 예의를 갖춰 고갤 쳐들지 말고 자세를 낮춰 굶주린 사냥꾼 굶주린 사냥꾼 자비 하나 없이 단숨에 목을 물어버려 다 씹어 먹어버려 약육강식의 세계 죄책감은 묻어버려 고조되는 음악과 우리의 howling 분위기를 압도하기에 가뿐 Plowing through the storm yeah I know 숨막혀 잔인함의 연속 벗어나려 해도 now I know 그 누구도 피할 수 없는 competition 다 사라져 가는 게 무서워 두려워 그렇게 무리 지어 뭉쳐야 살아 세상을 지휘하는 우린 maestro 매 순간 영혼을 갈아 Grr Wolfgang ah 숨을 죽여라 걸리적거리니까 본성을 드러내 본능을 따라 꼭꼭 숨어라 머리카락 보인다 본성을 드러내 본능을 따라 Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Grrah we go wild Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang 세상을 울리는 howling 중대 헤쳐 모여 차렷 모두 열중쉬어 We go hard let's go get'em 신경 곤두세워 우리의 걸음 소리는 마치 Orchestra 날카로운 선율에 몸서리치는 Crowd 무분별한 hunt 무리 지어 run 지나간 곳을 쑥대밭으로 만들고서 웃어 Wolfgang yes sir 미션 받고서 부숴 우습게 지었던 미소를 구겨 아니면 알아서들 받들고 고개를 숙여 Plowing through the storm yeah I know 숨막혀 잔인함의 연속 벗어나려 해도 now I know 그 누구도 피할 수 없는 competition 다 사라져 가는 게 무서워 두려워 그렇게 무리 지어 뭉쳐야 살아 세상을 지휘하는 우린 maestro 매 순간 영혼을 갈아 Grr Wolfgang ah 숨을 죽여라 걸리적거리니까 본성을 드러내 본능을 따라 꼭꼭 숨어라 머리카락 보인다 본성을 드러내 본능을 따라 Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Grrah we go wild Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang 세상을 울리는 howling
~ ᴡᴏʟғɢᴀɴɢ (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs)
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
˗ˏˋ universe (album) ´ˎ˗
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➺ songs she participated in:
• new axis:
(0:04 - 0:16)
gotta have access
without it, you can’t enter
new axis
우리 발 밑을 봐봐
new axis, axis
기준을 정하지 우리가
new axis, axis (yeah)
(1:05 - 1:10)
모여들기 시작해 (wow)
not right there, right here
got the world under my belt (my belt)
new axis, axis
(1:53 - 2:18) (yes, i added yanna’s own part)
표준이 정해져 있어
너 조금 당황하지 않아? (hahaha)
우리에 의해 모든 한계가 깨졌어
하지만 넌 여전히 위에서 나를 보고 있지 않아
you underestimate and try to humiliate
결국에는, i’m still great
우리의 음악은 우리가 알지도
못하는 이름을 가진 사람들의 기초가 되었다
plus, 나는 여자들이 너를 한 눈에 아끼고
싶어하지 않는 이유야 (bye!)
• universe (let’s play ball!)
see universe (let’s play ball!) era.
• dreaming
(1:40 - 1:43)
dreaming, dreaming, dreaming on these axes
각자의 자리에서 go on
(2:01- 2:09)
같은 감정을 느낀 순간
현실이 돼 너와 나의 꿈
(2:31 - 2:34)
대답해 이 순간
• beautiful
(1:31 - 1:38)
[도영 / 성찬 / 얀나] 고갤 좀 들어봐 주위를 둘러봐
[도영/성찬 / 얀나] 그대만 바라보는 사람들이 있잖아
(2:37 - 2:46)
[태일 / 얀나] 작은 것 하나까지
[태일 / 얀나] 사랑하는 마음 잊지 말아요
➺ album shots
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➺ photocards
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audiophiliacfan · 5 months
[Intro] Baby, what a good morning
[Verse 1] 터져버린 눈물댐 어젯밤에는 나를 휩쓸고 갔지 (허? 춤춰?) 어쩌기는 뭘 어째? 해는 떴고 오늘을 맞이해야지 뭐? 또 하루가 날 기다려 Ready하고 set 했으니? Let's go 내 맘을 따라 I gotta run it and run it and run it and run it and own you
[Pre-Chorus] 날 스쳐가는 questions 어젯밤의 꿈인 걸 고민-고민-고민-고민하지 말고 고갤 들어 It's another day
[Chorus] (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Oh) 확실한 건 good morning (We don't) We don't (Need to) need to (Grow up) Think about another day 어제는 어제로 let go 내일은 내일 생각할래 'cause (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Grow up) Baby, what a good morning
[Verse 2] 길을 잃어버린 highway 표지판 위 'maybe' 어디로 향하는지는 고민 안 해 태양이 빛나는 곳, that's my way 뛰지 않아도 alright (Like ooh) 딱 한걸음이면 fine (It's true) Can you feel it? It's gon' be perfect day, yeah
[Pre-Chorus] 날 스쳐가는 questions 내일의 나를 믿고 고민-고민-고민-고민하지 말고 고갤 들어
[Chorus] (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Oh) 확실한 건 good morning (We don't) We don't (Need to) need to (Grow up) Think about another day 어제는 어제로 let go 내일은 내일 생각할래 'cause (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Grow up) Baby, what a good morning
[Post-Chorus] Na-na-na-na-na, woah-oh, oh-oh-oh Baby, what a good morning Na-na-na-na-na, woah-oh, oh-oh-oh Baby, what a good morning
[Bridge] 어젯밤 눈물 자국 지우고 거울 속 내게 말해, hi, babe 좋은 아침이야 오늘 하루만큼은 (Smile, la-la, la-la, la-la) 겁먹을 것 없어, baby, 저 하늘을 봐 It's another day (Oh)
[Chorus] (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Oh) 확실한 건 good morning (We don't) We don't (Need to) need to (Grow up) Think about another day 어제는 어제로 let go 내일은 내일 생각할래 'cause (Sun's up) Sun's up (What's up), what's up? (Grow up) Baby, what a good morning
[Post-Chorus] Na-na-na-na-na, woah-oh, oh-oh-oh Baby, what a good morning Na-na-na-na-na, woah-oh, oh-oh-oh Baby, what a good morning
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iuteamstarcandy · 7 months
[LYRICS] IU (아이유) - 좋은 날 (Good Day)
Lyrics by Kim Eana
Composed by Lee Min-soo
Arranged by Lee Min-soo
Why is the sky so much more blue?
Why is the breeze so perfect as well today?
Pretending like I don’t know, like I didn’t hear a thing,
like I erased it, should we start talking about something else?
Should we kiss so we can’t talk?
I lift my head as my eyes are brimming with tears
Once again, I smile a little, so they won’t flow down
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said before
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?
Was my recent hairstyle change bad?
Did I wear the wrong clothes?
Still pretending like I don’t know, like I don’t remember
Should I act as if nothing happened?
Should I just say that we should go out?
I lift my head as my eyes are brimming with tears
Once again, I smile a little, so they won’t flow down
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said before
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa,
What do I do?
Don’t look at me in this state
and say those saddening words
Is it that I’m childish or a bit slow?
I can’t believe what you say
Even though I’m crying, I smile broadly
I block your way and just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said before
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa
Aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream
It’s too beautiful beautiful day
Make it a good day
Just don’t make me cry
On such a good day
어쩜 이렇게 하늘은 더 파란 건지
오늘따라 왜 바람은 또 완벽한지
그냥 모르는 척 하나 못들은 척
지워버린 척 딴 얘길 시작할까
아무 말 못하게 입맞출까
눈물이 차올라서 고갤 들어
흐르지 못하게 또 살짝 웃어
내게 왜 이러는지 무슨 말을 하는지
오늘 했던 모든 말 저 하늘 위로
한번도 못했던 말
울면서 할 줄은 나 몰랐던 말
나는요 오빠가 좋은걸 어떡해
새로 바뀐 내 머리가 별로였는지
입고 나왔던 옷이 실수였던 건지
아직 모르는 척 기억 안 나는 척
아무 일없던 것처럼 굴어볼까
그냥 나가자고 얘기할까
눈물이 차올라서 고갤 들어
흐르지 못하게 또 살짝 웃어
내게 왜 이러는지 무슨 말을 하는지
오늘 했던 모든 말 저 하늘 위로
한번도 못했던 말
울면서 할 줄은 나 몰랐던 말
나는요 오빠가 좋은걸
이런 나를 보고
그런 슬픈 말은 하지 말아요
철없는 건지 조금 둔한 건지
믿을 수가 없는걸요
눈물은 나오는데 활짝 웃어
네 앞을 막고서 막 크게 웃어
내가 왜 이러는지 부끄럼도 없는지
자존심은 곱게 접어 하늘위로
한 번도 못했던 말
어쩌면 다신 못할 바로 그 말
나는요 오빠가 좋은걸
아이쿠 하나 둘
I'm in my dream
It's too beautiful beautiful day
Make it a good day
Just don't make me cry
이렇게 좋은 날
Translated by Spotify
Edited by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
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230202 Taehyun’s Tweet
눈물이 차올랐지만 고갤 들어 극복했습니다 모아들 진짜 너무 고맙고 사랑해요 남은 활동도 최선을 다할게요 #태현 #TAEHYUN
I had tears in my eyes but I managed to hold them back
MOAs thank you so much and I love you
I'm going to give my best for the rest of the promotions too
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yourwhitehand · 9 months
보고 싶다. 아무 것도 할 수 없는데 너무 보고 싶다. 고갤 숙이고 기도할 수 밖에. 너의 이름을 부르면서
널 보냈는데...
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groovetrill · 10 months
Get up 빙빙 도니
I know it 너의 떨림
미로 속 그 끝에 넌 (ya ah ya ah ya)
이제 빨리 move it
Uh 계속되는 멈칫
Te amo, I'll give you more
I'm up here say ya ya ya
따라와 faster ya
호흡을 뱉어 so hard
내 방식 그대로 찢고 나가
더러운 시선 신경 쓰지 마
미친 척 밟아 let's go on a ride
Get on my bike let's go
Get out of my way-ah!
보여줄게 how I like it
Do it my way-ah!
And it goes like broom broom broom broom
Get out of my way-ah!
고갤 들어 날 봐 face it
Do it my way-ah!
And it goes like broom broom broom broom
I'm getting higher
You're tripping lower
And when I say it's done, it's freaking over
And I ride it I ride it
You like it when I ride it I ride it I ride it
Gimme that
My sweat's dripping down my back
I got ice decorating my neck
I'll be the strongest thing don't miss it
Coz I'm the baddest queen
I'm sicker than all of them
Gossipin' lowkeys don't bring me no fun
Come on I'll slay you from tip o' my tongue
You wanna know? and no what she likes?
Sit back and watch me ride
I'm up here say ya ya ya
따라와 faster ya
호흡을 뱉어 so hard
내 방식 그대로 찢고 나가
더러운 시선 신경 쓰지 마
미친 척 밟아 let's go on a ride
Get on my bike let's go
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lyrics365 · 1 year
다시 오늘 (A Fine Day) (OST May I Help You? Part.6)
다시 오늘 (A Fine Day) (OST May I Help You? Part.6)
Just let it go Let it know 다 알게 될 거야 운명이 이끄는 끌림 You are 어두웠던 밤이 지나고 또 마주하게 된 하루야 닫혀있던 맘 틈 사이로 아침 해가 스미면 It’s alright 잠시 고갤 들어 보면 새 하얀 구름 아래 나답게 그냥 그렇게 걸어볼까 Just let it go Let it know 다 알게 될 거야 운명이 이끄는 끌림 You are Just say me now Tell me how 더 가보는 거야 세상이 환해지도록 I do, I do, do, do a fine day you are, you, you woo Beautiful world I do, I do, do, do a fine day 다시 오늘이 내게로 쉴 틈 없이 달려왔던 날들 새로운 날들로 채워가 두 손을…
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