brownbitchshit · 1 day
I currently have 700+ followers. And I will urge all of you to read about what is happening in Bangladesh. What has happened in Bangladesh. I am adding irrelevant tags of the fandoms I follow to garner more attention. I apologize in advance.
The government of Bangladesh killed pressumably 950+ people, innocent people, students, all because they demanded a system that will give them government jobs based on merit rather than quota. To suppress the students Sheikh Hasina and its government imposed 5 days of total internet blackout. While imposing this blackout they killed off anyone of the streets. They killed people from helicopters by shooting and throwing grenades. Many kids died in their own homes as the bullet shot them through their window.
Sheikh Hasina and its police took away all the dead bodies and the death registries from the hospital. The official death toll is 200. But various journalistic and medical staff sources confirm the death toll is over 950 in Dhaka alone.
That monster of a PM didn't acknowledge the death of the students. Instead she is crying over the infrastructure vandalism. I request you,rise up and speak out about this. Educate yourself and let other people know. The internet blackout have suppressed the truth at large. The Bangladeshi people are in deep surveillance and the government have made 2000+ arrests on false charges just because they have shared the Information. There is mass fear mongering. I know most of you people are not Bangladeshis and that's why you need to help us and speak up about it. Join your local protests, share the news in your social media, twitter Instagram. I beg you, don't let my people's murderers get away with it. Don't let my people's death be forgotten.
I am attaching some links for you to understand the horror of it all.
This Facebook page Bringing justice to you has documented all the horrors and the massacres that happened on Bangladeshi people. TW : all kinds of blood, gore, death bodies, every single horrible things imaginable but shows what went down.
This ig page is also another page that brings you the horror stories.
Al-Jazeera has been a very credible news source while the Bangladesh was under blackout. They have made several segments. I am attaching the latest one.
UN Human Rights have called out Bangladesh for explanation regarding the crackdown
Amnesty International's report of Bangladesh government using lethal weapon against its people and mass murder
There are many more contents, proof and videos to show you the horrors that was unfolded in the crackdown. Sheikh Hasina killed her people like insects and violated every single human rights imaginable. Please share these. Support us. Help us. I beg you all.
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snapscube · 3 days
NEW MIDNIGHT SNAP! where i play every Freddi Fish game back to back :D pls enjoy!
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blumineck · 1 day
Playing music with a bow! (The archery kind)
With thanks to everyone who pointed out the existence of these fascinating instruments (and apologies to every Berimbau player out there). Go check out Naná Vasconcelos to see an example of a skilled player!
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linafoxoficial · 3 days
something wonderful from our lovely sun and moon is coming!!!
I don't know if it's going to be a song or an ask sun and moon.... BUT ANYWAY.. I'M EXCITED
Some gifs
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encyclopediacr · 7 hours
For all of you keeping tabs on the cartoon adaptations of your favorite campaigns, there's a real treat for all of you today with a new sneak peek at season three of The Legend of Vox Machina, featuring the party and Gilmore in Ank'Harel...
...and a first look for Mighty Nein, featuring Jester and Fjord — our first proper peek at the series!
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🌊 Dip below the surface of Monterey Bay and dive into a dense, sunlight-dappled forest where towering kelp sways rhythmically in the ocean waves.  Join us as Naturalist Eric shares the many animals that call the kelp forest home in another episode of Word of the Bay. 
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amazingphil · 1 day
dan is going to get this channel deleted
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a Skibidi Toilet movie in the works.' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
We may not live in the absolute worst timeline but we definitely live in the weirdest. The amount of 'god, please don't let this be true' I felt can be calculated by taking the amount you felt reading this and doubling it.
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robertreich · 11 hours
Trump Is Project 2025
Trump claims he has “no idea who is behind” Project 2025.
Project 2025’s nearly thousand-page plan for a total MAGA takeover of America was assembled by more than 25 of Trump’s own administration officials.
Trump’s Make America Great Again PAC is running ads calling it “Trump’s Project 2025.”
CNN found that at least 140 people who worked for Trump are involved in the project, including six of his cabinet secretaries.
Trump’s campaign press secretary and his adviser Stephen Miller star in Project 2025’s recruitment video.
If Trump has “no idea” who they are, that’s some serious cognitive decline!
I can see why Trump wants to distance himself from such a toxic plan. Page 5 calls for jailing teachers and librarians over banned books.
Page 455 calls for “abortion surveillance” and stripping Americans of reproductive freedom.
Pages 587 and 592 have plans to gut overtime pay rules.
Page 489 demands the government prioritize “married men and women” over any other type of family.
Page 371 proposes privatizing nuclear waste disposal. What could go wrong?
Trump has promised to be a “dictator” on Day One. The Supreme Court has given their blessing. Project 2025 is the how-to manual for Trump’s dictatorship.
Trump is Project 2025. He cannot escape it.
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apas-95 · 13 hours
okay I see why the USA has so many train derailments now lmao
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 days
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orangeocelotmartyn · 2 days
Martyn raids Ren after revealing he’d accidentally not replied to him and Ren is Dramatic about it.
I cut out a lot of dead air (read: all of the moments of Ren waiting for his sounds to end) to trim this down, and the transcription is under the cut:
Martyn: We should go um, raid, uhm...actually, my boy Ren-Diggity-Dawg's on. Let's go raid Ren. Ren-Diggity-Dawg. Actually I got a message the other day from Ren that I still need to reply to, I just, I saw it before I went live...today, and I was like, ''oop, don't know how that one slipped past me." Is it RenDogTV? It is, right, sweet! Uh, right, enjoy Ren's stream--
Ren: Welcome to all the Marteens, that have arrived in the chat. Martyn, bro. You and--listen. You and me need to have words, Martyn. (three seconds of silence) You know what, cut the music. Cut the music, this is-this is getting serious business now. Zoom in a little bit for dramatic effect. (five seconds of silence)
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Ren: Martyn. Bro. (two seconds of silence) I-Why you do me dirty, bro? Eh? What's up? Why you do me dirty like this, bro? (deep inhale) Dear viewers, let me tell you a story. A few days ago. Approximately--you know what, give me one moment, Imma figure out exactly how many days ago. I'm gonna rub the salt in this wound. Mm-mm-mm.
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Ren: We're gonna-we're gonna cook this one. Let's see, the twentieth. That's four days ago. Approximately four days ago, I sent a message to Mister Marteen. An important message. A message from the heart. What do I get in return, from Mister Marteen? Crickets. Crickets.
Ren: Give me one second, I need to find a cricket noise. I-I'm not as professional as Martyn, you see. Martyn's got instant access to sound effects because he's a professional. And uh, broadcasting genius. I am uh, you know. A little bit more amateur. Give me one second, guys, I gotta log into Epidemic Sound and everything. It's gonna take a while. Can't remember my password. (keyboard clicking, deep inhale, laughs) Okay, here we go. (keyboard clicking)
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(soft cricket noises that sound almost like a fire alarm in the distance play for ten seconds, uninterrupted. In the actual video, this sound plays for twenty-one seconds)
Ren: This is quite a long sample guys, it's two minutes long. Sorry about that. (cricket noises for thirteen seconds. In the actual stream this clip was thirty-five seconds long, and he turned the sound of the crickets up to be louder)
Ren: It's only halfway, guys, you still-still got a while to go. (cricket noises for twelve seconds. In the actual stream this clip was twenty-three seconds long. He then pauses the crickets for four seconds, zooms in on his cubito)
Ren: Pause for dramatic effect. (he starts the crickets again for thirty-five seconds [the full time here and in-stream] before pausing it again)
Ren: That is all I have to say about this matter. Thanks for the raid, Martyn. W-welcome everybody. You joined us right at the start of a trial chamber run. (four seconds of silence, then a fond laugh) And as an update, t-to Marteen-gate. I have received a reply! Hold on, I gotta find another sound effect real quick, one second. One second guys, uh, (keyboard clicking, then the sound of scattered applause and indistinct voices for thirteen seconds)
Ren: I have received a reply from Marteen! (the clip is still going, just indistinct voices) This-this sample is not working for me. (a clip of a motorcycle revving begins to play instead) (flustered laughing) That's n-that sample is not working for me either. Wait, I've got a sample on the stream deck! (applause begins, including happy yelling) I received a reply! (the sample continues to play) (Ren singing) Joy to the world / Marteen has replied! / He has finally / Replied! (deeper voice) After four days. (laughter, normal voice) Thank you for the reply, Marteen. I am very excited. We shall, uh, continue our correspondence, digitally. Upon another platform (laughing under his breath)
Ren: --X-Fandom is here with a gifted sub to Marteen! Ya weren't even subbed?! (silence for four seconds, then decisive keyboard clicking. Then the sound of a cat yowling, which is swiftly replaced by a baby crying for seven seconds, uninterrupted. In the actual stream it is twenty seconds long.) It's quite a long sample, too. Sorry guys. (In the actual clip, the baby continues crying for ten seconds uninterrupted, before Ren laughs over the baby crying, and then pauses it, while this video has only one second pause between baby crying and Ren's laughter) Oh, goodness gracious, I'm having too much fun.
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dduane · 3 days
Just a thought in passing: I would have no problem at all (should it come to pass) with the man responsible for this prank becoming my next Vice-President.
I mean... consider the logistics of the prank alone. Somehow or other Mark Kelly spoofed the cargo manifest for the ISS's delivery craft to hide the fact that his gorilla suit was inside. This is a level of both old-fashioned raw cunning and intelligent Commitment To The Bit that could be of use on the international stage. ...Editing to add: @cleolinda’s reminder that it was Mark’s twin Scott who was actually in the suit. Mark was the mastermind.
(And I say nothing of his additional value in having an actual identical twin around...) :)
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bubbleverseart · 1 day
"Sleeping Cat Blues" - To my cat
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I lost a friend a year ago.
He saved me from the abyss when I was younger.
The day he passed away,
I recorded for him a song I wrote a long time ago.
I played as hard as i could, so maybe
he would keep that song with him no matter where he was going.
Miss you, buddy.
To Adhafera.
My good old cat.
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bogleech · 2 days
Followed this mole rat's IMPORTANT BUSINESS today
Other things I saw at the zoo with @revretch:
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Metal arthropod sculptures including a teeny tiny one depicting springtails
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a important message
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a vinegaroon's enclosure at their "insect" zoo (vinegaroon was hiding)
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big huge walkingstick
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giant vulture sculpture made of recycled trash
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This art installation of a bird using a horn like an ammonite shell? It had no plaque or explanation
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creelarke · 2 days
Remember when all social media platforms were actually free because their sole purpose was for people to connect and post/talk about their interests?
YouTube without YouTube premium
Twitter without Elon Musk bullshit and X premium
Tumblr without Tumblr premium
Instagram without paid subscriptions and loads of ads
Good time
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