ciccerone · 11 months
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Songbird by Dino
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skullscissors · 4 months
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xureyon · 7 months
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videogamepoc · 2 months
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Song So Mi 송소미 | Cyberpunk 2077
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From the database: Songbird. Song So Mi (Korean - 송소미), codenamed "Songbird", is a netrunner in the FIA. She started out as a freelance netrunner, taking on assignments that others dismissed as well-paying but suicidal. Meanwhile, before So Mi's eyes, corporate data fortresses opened without so much as a shove. She always worked solo and spent every eddie earned on newer, better equipment and ever-more-extravagant means of entertainment. She quickly became a living legend of the trade, although some didn't believe someone of her caliber could exist for long - if at all. The FIA believed.
When Song took an oath of allegiance to the New United States and was given the operational nickname "Songbird," the prototype technologies developed by the agency in strict secrecy from foreign governments - and sometimes from her own - were placed at her fingretips[sic]. In return, Songbird was forced to quickly learn two concepts that had been completely foreign to her until that point: following orders and playing as a team.
The immunity of a government agent, backed and protected by a powerful bureaucratic apparatus, guaranteed Song would remain untouchable. From masking vehicle signatures at secret meetings between NUSA officials and military juntas in Central America, to obliterating the digital footprints of commandos that executed terrorists impersonating the Bartmoss collective, NetWatch agents could only listen to the echoes of Songbird's footsteps in cyberspace - echoes that suspiciously went quiet near the Blackwall.
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