#﹙ 🎸 ﹚ ✶ ׅ plastic flowers ノ social media
plasticflwrs · 5 months
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ KUAEKULSRI is the Instagram account belonging to Plastic Flowers' leader — SALEM ! Over the years, she's created her "perfect" theme which features alternating rows of aesthetic photos and pictures of herself. She is the only member to have every photo from the accounts initial opening in 2016 and though some of it is embarrassing, she loves having the memories stored somewhere and seeing how far her career has come. Her bio is always promoting whatever the newest Plastic Flowers' release is and each album has their own dedicated post. She is also always posting about new music on her stories to give smaller artists a platform and make sure her followers are "cultured".
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ JUNYEONG'S account has gone through a very recent renovation. At the end of 2023, he realized how robotic the account looked as it was filled with only dancing videos and photoshoots. Since then, he's been trying to post more "casual" and "candidly", though it's very obvious how much he cares about his presence and feed. He still posts the same content, but tries to separate them with selfies and posting about the adventures he's been taking recently with SALEM. Of all the members, he is the least active on stories and does not have any highlights, instead making dedicated posts to whatever he has to say.
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ LEESERIN has gone through multiple changes through the years as Jiyeon is constantly posting and deleting. It's not very often that you get a photo of her looking directly at the camera and she seems to enjoy these more casual photos of herself rather than taking photoshoot quality photos. She is easily the least active member, only coming onto post during promotional periods and for her members birthdays. In a live with Oliver, she said that she hates all social media platform and prefers texting over anything. Her stans are constantly starving and it's only thanks to their messaging platform—BLOOMDATES—that they even get updates on her.
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ OHDEURIM is her pride and joy! Though it many not seem like it, Deurim puts a lot of effort into every aspect of her Instagram account. She knows when the best time to post is, what photos perform the best, and the perfect captions to drive engagement up. She is the queen of influencing in Plastic Flowers and will not let you forget that! The only critique fans often bring up of her account is the lack of Plastic Flowers content... She will make a dedicated story post for the albums, but everything else is focused on herself during the promotional period. She is the only member to have never featured another in a post as well.
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ As revealed in the 2023 reboot of FLOWER SHOWERS, Oliver has not been in full control of his own Instagram account since 2021. The account was taken over by his management during the " INCIDENT " and has never been returned to him. OLIVERSONG.MP3 used to be a very active account as Oliver loves interacting with his fans and hyping up any content they make of him, the account now posts irregularly and has lost that typical Oliver charm. He now needs to clear any photos, captions, and comments with his management team before hitting post and even spoke of being scolded for posting without permission. Despite this, they keep the appearance of the account still belonging to him and only dedicated fans will notice a difference in his posting style between his Instagram and Tiktok.
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plasticflwrs · 1 year
ESTRAGON, feebly. Help me!
VLADIMIR. It hurts?
ESTRAGON, angrily. Hurts! He wants to know if it hurts!
VLADIMIR, angrily. No one ever suffers but you. I don't count. I'd like to hear what you'd say if you had what I have.
ESTRAGON. It hurts?
VLADIMIR, angrily. Hurts! He wants to know if it hurts!
[ Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, written between 9 October 1948 and 29 January 1949. ]
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