#* 💥 𝐔𝐊,adsevel:why should i thank you for doing the absolute bare minimum…?
quirofiliac · 1 year
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dynamics tag drop because maybe tumblr will respect me.
#* 💥 𝐊𝐑,thusspoke:i can't help but wonder… and i know you'll laugh but do you like me?#* 💥 𝐃𝐁,godforsaken:leave me alone. can't you see that you've taken enough from me?#* 💥 𝐆𝐆,determinazione:where is that rage?isn't it time you taught them all a lesson?#* 💥 𝐓𝐀,truelovebenefactress:isn't it about time that you learn your place?#* 💥 𝐃𝐁,bloodydevoir:who do you think you are… you're nothing but a fraud!#* 💥 𝐊𝐘,bloodydevoir:it's like looking in a mirror… they do say your best company is none other than yourself.#* 💥 𝐇𝐉,bloodydevoir:meddlesome brat— i'll make sure you're buried right beside your grandfather.#* 💥 𝐒𝐑,bloodydevoir:take it easy… after all,they'll never find you.#* 💥 𝐇𝐂,duplikiss:since when are you the victim— you've done nothing but harass me!#* 💥 𝐊𝐒,rottingkiss:women like you have never belonged in the man's world; you should know this by now.#* 💥 𝐘𝐘,lovehounded:now be a good girl and keep your pretty,little mouth shut.#* 💥 𝐒𝐀,idyllicserendipity:you're better off dead. allow me to finish the job… properly.#* 💥 𝐈,yukikorogashi:hasn't anyone taught you to keep your nose out of places it doesn't belong?#* 💥 𝐎,seesforever:i never asked for this; i never asked for your rotten help!#* 💥 𝐌𝐀,rottingkiss:i wonder how it feels… to finally have a strong male figure in your life?#* 💥 𝐉𝐆,rottingkiss:you're a man,aren't you?start acting like one !!#* 💥 𝐀𝐒,trehontin:you got what you wanted from me… i must insist that you leave me be.#* 💥 𝐔𝐊,adsevel:why should i thank you for doing the absolute bare minimum…?#tag drop!#* 💥 𝐕𝐃,epitaffia:you're nothing but a freak… little more than the dirt beneath my heel.#* 💥 𝐃,epitaffia:how would you like your latest death done? i've thought of a few methods…
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