#𓆩✧𓆪 Eiji
MerMay Day 1 : Marine Biologist
Prompt by: @mossypidder
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He’d taken the job working with the eccentric marine biologist to get away from his life on the land. A man on the run, he figured the waters would be a safe place to hide. At least, for the time being. He’d heard rumours of the scientist, his precise nature, he was strict and kept to himself. And yet, those who encountered him couldn’t help but note how…
Uncanny, he seemed.
Katsumi was intrigued by such a description. How could he not be? 
The first night on the ship, he didn’t even get the chance to see the marine biologist. Apparently he retired early, leaving Katsumi to wonder for another day. The man walked along the deck of the ship, listening to the waves and whipping wind as the sun began to set.
He stopped when he more smelled than heard people nearby. Katsumi’s kitsune features twitched, his tails swishing softly behind him. He crept closer, quietly, so he could eavesdrop on the people speaking.
“I heard he doesn’t go anywhere near the water.”
“Oh really? Why not?”
“Nobody knows! But I hear that’s why they hired that weird diver.”
“That fox man?”
“Yeah! Apparently they found him on the Naikama port.”
“Well no weirder than a marine biologist that doesn’t swim.”
Katsumi rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the metal wall he’d leaned against. Such trivial gossip. But with night rapidly approaching, he decided an argument wasn’t worth his time. Instead he opted to quietly return to his cabin, he would make the most of his time on the seas. Even if he didn’t necessarily make friends whilst doing so.
He took the following dawn in stride, eating something light in his cabin before getting ready for the day. Katsumi held the wave patterned ribbon in his hand, hesitating as he held his ponytail in his other hand. He didn’t want it to get ruined if he had to dive.
He let his blond-brown hair fall around his shoulders and chest, he looked around, eyeing the spare pillow cases in the closet.. Katsumi grabbed one of them, then his dagger, ripping the fabric lengthwise. This would probably be fine, he assumed. He needed a hair tie, somehow.
Katsumi was surprised to find the ship anchored, he hadn’t really noticed. The early morning sun was beautiful, it warmed his skin as he made his way to where he heard people gathered. The scent of the sea, the sparkling water. It was all so beautiful, all so different from the lands he felt stranded upon.
He stopped in his tracks upon seeing a purple haired man, notebook in hand, a hat upon his head. But cutouts had been made for the purple feline ears atop his head. His face was void of any readable emotion, but Katsumi was attracted to his features and calm aura almost immediately.
Was this the marine biologist?
“Oh, you’re here.”
The kitsune straightened out.
“Suit up, I need you to dive for some samples from this area.”
“Yes, sir!”
He turned to leave, but his tails stagnated. 
“I’ll show you, come on.”
Katsumi was quick to follow him and his long strides as he led him away from the deck of the ship. 
“Are you Doctor Asase?” 
“I am.”
“It’s really nice to meet you!”
Eiji Asase.. He was even more interesting in person. Maybe it was due to Katsumi’s own less than human inclination, he wasn’t put off by the man’s feline nature, whatsoever. Of course he didn’t want to go into the water. He was a cat!
The thought brought a smile to his face as he followed the man into a room. It felt more like a closet than anything, but there was enough space for him to change into the diving suit hung on the wall. “Here. I’ll meet you back at the stern. Take your time.” And with that, he was shut in the dark room.
Katsumi carefully undressed from his regular clothing, neatly folding them and leaving them on a bench in the small room. The diving suit was updated, far different from any he’d ever seen. He wondered where the good scientist got the funding. But he merely slipped into the suit, carefully pulling it up and zipping everything up.
He wasn’t paid to ask questions. Wait. Was he paid at all? Katsumi left the small room, adjusting how his tails sat against his body as he made his way back to the stern of the ship. When he stepped back out on the deck, the sun was higher in the sky, it was undoubtedly going to be a warm day.
Katsumi listened intently to what Eiji had to say, what he wanted, what he needed collected from the ocean floor beneath them. With the list in detail explained to him, Eiji tucked his notebook under his elbow. The feline wordlessly helped him into the helmet, making sure it was secure to his suit.
He boarded the lifeboat with ease, sitting down so he could attach the equipment given to him to collect the samples around his waist. “At that depth you have thirty minutes of oxygen. Use it wisely.” Eiji walked away as the boat began to get lowered.
At only eighty feet down, it wasn’t the deepest he’d been. He barely had to rely on his vulpine eyesight like he had in the past. No, this was quite enjoyable. Even if he was scraping weird goo off of rocks.
He lifted the closed container in front of his face, shaking it slightly. His only thought was how gross it looked. Katsumi tucked it away in his carrier. He paid close attention to his time as he completed each task as quickly and efficiently as possible beneath the surface. 
He resurfaced with five minutes left to spare, gripping the edge of the boat, he hoisted himself into it. Katsumi laid in the warm boat under the warm sun, waiting for it to be brought up. He was going to enjoy his time. It’d been a while since he dived, he forgot how tiring it could be, swimming against the waves.
The next several days were more of the same. Dive in the early morning, have the rest of the day to himself, let Masuyo deal with the evening. Every morning was somewhere new, every morning was the deep blue sea. It brought him a sort of joy that the land couldn’t. Even if it also brought with it an inescapable emptiness.
The sun would set soon, most of the crew were enjoying their dinner. It was quiet back here. Katsumi enjoyed the relative silence, just the sounds of the ship and the sea. They may not have been moving, an approaching storm rendering them safer in the current dive spot. But the hum of the ship still pleased his ears.
He knew the expedition was only slated to last a month. But he couldn’t help but want it to last longer. His tails swished behind him with fondness as he stared out at the orange and pink sky, the cotton candy clouds. It was all so-
A yell and a nearby splash caught his attention, the sound was nearby, but quiet. Katsumi pushed himself off the railing, moving quickly along the side of the ship. He noticed the rope before anything else, then it was the dropped notebook. 
“Doctor Asase?!” 
Katsumi held onto the railing, crouching down to search the water. Blue-green eyes quickly processed every inch of water in front of him. He turned his attention to the unravelled rope currently plunged into the depths. 
The man grabbed the rope, pulling on it with a huff. Katsumi fell back when the rope came up with nothing on the other side. “Damn-” He went to the ledge again, once more trying to search the water. He could dive but that was deep, even with his training. Not to mention trying to get a struggling person out.
There was a flash of purple and white and the kitsune had to blink a couple of times. Had he seen that correctly? Maybe it was Eiji- But it wasn’t hair he was seeing. It was almost like- fins. Billowing, beautiful fins. Purple and white, and they looked almost soft. 
Eiji surfaced from beneath the water, on his back in the darkening sea. Mismatched eyes caught his and Katsumi couldn’t help the way his slit pupils quickly turned round with surprise. His hat floated nearby in the water, his lab coat soaked, clung to him awkwardly. 
“You have a tail!”
Well, that wasn’t a feline one.
“Oh dear.”
Katsumi shook his head, leaning back he grabbed the rope and once more threw it overboard. Eiji swam for his hat, grabbing it before he grabbed the rope, allowing the kitsune to drag him back onto the ship’s deck. On his knees, his tails soared behind him, wagging side to side with glee. 
“You’re a merperson!” 
“Not so loud.”
Eiji held his hand up, silencing the kitsune with a look. He lowered his hand, instead wiggling out of his now too tight lab coat. His scales were various shades of purple and white, some were faded with scars, others were shiny against the pink sky. 
“You’re beautiful.”
The scientist hesitated, taken off guard by the comment. He hadn’t expected it. “I- I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Katsumi touched his chest, over his heart. “Cross my heart.” And Eiji could feel his shoulders relax. The kitsune looked around, dinner would be done soon.. 
Eiji let out a strangled noise when the man picked him up with ease, using his lab coat to cover as much of his flowing tail as possible. “My notebook-” but he was already bending down so Eiji could grab it with ease. He could only wrap one arm around Katsumi’s neck to balance himself as the kitsune made a beeline for the closest room.
Admittedly, it was his own, rather than the scientist’s. But it was a safer bet than attempting to traverse more of the ship. Mercreatures were a rarity, considered a treasure more than a person. Something a kitsune understood all too well, himself. It was an odd kinship, but he felt the need to protect the marine biologist. To protect Eiji.
Katsumi shouldered open his room door and then shut it with his foot. He brought Eiji to the bathroom, lowering him into the shallow bathtub. “There we go!” He immediately sat on the floor beside him, eyes wide, tails wagging again. Eiji tossed his lab coat onto the ground beside him, tail flopping over the side of the bath.
“Can I borrow a towel? I need to dry it..”
He reached behind him, fumbling with the cupboard, he threw the door open and grabbed one of the towels within. He then handed it to Eiji who began to pat his tail dry. “This is why you don’t swim.” Katsumi realised, watching as the man nodded. “And you still have ears.. You’re like a fish cat! A catfish!” He snickered at his own terrible joke.
Eiji exhaled a soft chuckle, the kitsune’s reaction was refreshing. “You really won’t tell? I could fetch more than I can pay you.” But Katsumi shrugged, leaning back, his tails finally stopped wagging aggressively, brown-blond fur pooling on the ground around him.
“I won’t tell. My tails go for a lot too.” 
He held a hand out and Eiji stared at his face, reading him, but he could only read sincerity. He reached out too, taking Katsumi’s hand. 
They shook on it. 
“But now you gotta be my friend!”
“A fair deal, I suppose.”
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taglist: @cerasus--flores, @hamausagi
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Eiji's not a city boy but that's okay, Katsumi knows how to make it up to him.
Eiji belongs to @ha-ule-nalu
taglist: @cerasus--flores
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Eiji crossed his arms over his chest, purple ears flat against his head as he waited on the sidewalk. It wasn’t that he hated trips to the city, he enjoyed the different scenery every once in a while. It just wasn’t a great place to be during big events. He took a step back as a couple talking walked too close to him without paying attention. He sighed at the audacity.
Mismatched eyes blinked in surprise when the large black truck nearly hit the curb in front of him. The window on the passenger side rolled down, revealing Katsumi in the driver seat, fangs visible as he grinned. Eiji stepped forward, his ears perking up upon seeing the man.
“You got it cleaned?”
Katsumi nodded, unlocking the door so he could get in. If Eiji knew anything, it was how much that man loved his truck. “It looks good.” Eiji pulled open the door and pulled himself into the vehicle. He pulled the door shut and relaxed almost immediately. As much as the large truck was… It was much better than the busy city.
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
Eiji lifted his shopping bag before he buckled himself in. “Mhm. Unfortunately she was missing the chiffon I wanted but I got everything else.” He set the bag down on the floor beside his feet. “Did you find my ‘surprise’?” The whole reason Katsumi left him.
“It’s in the bed.” Katsumi tilted somewhat to the side, checking his mirror before he pulled back into the street proper. “Did you want to look somewhere else for the fabric?” But Eiji shook his head, leaning back into the seat. “Alright.” Katsumi kept one hand on the wheel, but he rested his free hand on the feline’s thigh.
“Are we going home now?”
The kitsune snickered, the muffled sound of his tails wagging became audible despite the fact they were pressed against the seat. “You really hate the city, huh?” He snuck a peek at Eiji’s face, Katsumi didn’t miss the way his face scrunched up momentarily before quickly relaxing again.
“I don’t hate the city, I just prefer our cabin.”
“Your cabin. I still have my apartment.” 
“You stay there more than your apartment.”
“Because you hate the city.”
Eiji sighed, resting his hand on top of Katsumi’s, he intertwined their fingers. “I don’t like the city, I don’t hate it.” He corrected softly, leaning his head against the window so he could watch the grey pass by in a blur. The city didn’t have the lushness his cabin did, or the camp did. It just wasn’t the same to him.
“We just have to pick up groceries then we can go home.”
The feline gave him a small nod.
They survived mostly off the land, traps, foraging, Marabelle the cow. Katsumi even taught him how to make cheese. But Katsumi’s sweet tooth was another story, Eiji smiled at the mere thought. His lover loved sweets and deep fried tofu. 
“I can go in alone, it’s okay.”
But Eiji shook his head, letting go of Katsumi’s hand to open the truck door. The kitsune shook his head with a smile, pulling his keys from the ignition, he then also hopped out of the truck. “How are you wearing that jacket in this heat?” Eiji questioned as he rounded the front of the truck to once more take Katsumi’s hand.
Katsumi looked down at his leather jacket then at his jeans and boots. He then shrugged. “I’m always the same amount of warm anyways.” He answered, taking Eiji’s hand with a grin. Eiji returned his smile but shook his head, endeared. 
Both he and his siblings always ran cold, but even then his thin long sleeve was enough protection with the beating sun. Katsumi started towards the grocery store, pulling the list out of his pocket. “Okay! So we need mango ice cream, sushi rice, nori, tofu, popsicles, beer..” He rattled off the list as they entered the store.
Eiji was just happy to follow him around, the grocery store was quieter, less frequented. And despite being taller than him, Katsumi was always good about dragging him around the aisles. He moved quick for a man that was more tail than person. And as if he could hear Eiji’s thoughts, his tails began to wag side to side.
“Oh popcorn kernels!”
“You’re really stocking up.”
“Mhm! I don’t wanna come back for a while. I got a whole month of work from home to spend with you.”
Eiji squeezed his hand, he appreciated Katsumi swinging it so that he’d spend the month before they were due for getting back to the camp at the cabin with him. 
“When we get home I want you to bring the groceries in while I set up your surprise.”
“Hm? Very well.”
Not that they’d be home for another hour, but Eiji was sure he’d remember.
“What did you get me?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“Nuhuh, angel face.”
“Nope! I won’t tell ya, fruit cake.”
“Did you just refer to me as a fruit?”
“Your head was between my thighs this morning, I’d say it's apt.”
Eiji stuttered, mismatched eyes widening at his blatant comment. Katsumi smirked as he drove down the highway, the city melting to trees rather quickly. “Well..” The feline cleared his throat and then leaned forward, turning the radio on. The action made Katsumi laugh, but he didn’t say anything else.
When they did finally get back to Eiji’s cabin, Katsumi parked somewhere on the grassy entrance. The feline got out of the car with his shopping bag, opening the backseat door to grab the groceries. 
“I’ll be in the back!”
Katsumi grabbed a large black box from the bed of the truck, quickly jogging away and to the side of the cabin. Eiji shook his head, a smile on his face as he carried the groceries up the steps of the porch. 
He unloaded the groceries, taking the time to put them away while Katsumi worked on whatever the surprise was. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited to figure out what it was. Katsumi’s gifts were always so thoughtful, it made his heart thud. 
He jumped, tail frizzing slightly. He then exhaled, glaring at the back door even though Katsumi couldn’t see him. He wiped his hands off on his pants before heading outside said door, jogging down the steps. 
Eiji stopped in his tracks when he saw what Katsumi had set up in the backyard. Katsumi beamed as the feline approached him, mismatched eyes on the white and black device set up in the clearing. 
“A telescope..”
“Yep! You mentioned wishing you could see the stars better. I can’t exactly afford to put you through astronaut school so…” Katsumi rubbed the back of his neck, his grin becoming more akin to a sheepish smile. “Masuyo thought you’d like it. I. Ahem, I hope you like it.”
Eiji ran his fingers along the sizable optical tube. He’d even tied a purple ribbon around the tripod. “Katsumi..” He trailed off, turning towards the bashful kitsune. “I love it, thank you.” He closed the distance between them, arms wrapping around his waist to tug him in closer. 
“And I love you, my flower!”
Katsumi made a strangled sound when Eiji kissed him with nothing short of passion and adoration. The kitsune’s eyes swiftly closed as he melted into the kiss, arms wrapping around his neck. The passion was returned tenfold, something Katsumi was always good at. Something that he knew drove Eiji crazy.
“We should go inside.”
“Oh yeah?”
Eiji opened his eyes, taking in Katsumi’s expression. His flushed cheeks, and dopey smile, the slight pant.
“I have to reward you.”
“Happy pride to both of us.” Katsumi mumbled in a pleased daze as Eiji tugged him back inside the cabin.
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*jumps into your lap* does katsumi know how to read/write??? i am assuming he knows how to read/write
if i am not being silly and he does know how..... i am thinking abt how p early in their relationship eiji came up to katsumi one day and asked him to teach him how to read and write. he kept seeing novels and other books offered by merchants at the stalls he frequented, but he never picked any up as he couldnt read them.
thinking abt katsumi sitting down with eiji in their room in the shrine, parchment, ink, and calligraphy brushes spread out around the table as katsumi carefully guides eiji's hand to form the characters of their names.
"kaaaa.... tsuuuu......mi! there you go! you did it, dewdrop!"
(catches you) hi prettty~
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Surprisingly it was Masuyo that taught Katsumi how to read/write! He originally didn't know at all. It isn't like a "new" development. Katsumi learned over a century ago. But!!
This means, he's uniquely qualified to understand Eiji's perspective. Katsumi was particularly frustrated about his inability when he was younger, but being older and much more patient. He's actually really excited to be the teacher! (Masuyo was a good teacher, but its kinda hard when its a guy in your head)
He's very patient teaching Eiji the hiragana and katakana, while admitting his kanji is a bit shit. But he tries. He's also very adept at Teyvat Common too!
"My name can be spelled in a lot of ways... It's kind of weird. But the kanji is.." guides Eiji's hand to do 克己. "Heh, you kinda made it look like a dragon. Nice."
Eiji gets many treats as he learns. And by treats, I mean kisses. Many kisses.
"You're a natural! Your hand motions are so smooth. I was really shaky.." and he just BEAMS because hes SO SOOOO proud of Eiji.
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love asks for katsumi ?🥺💗
Ask Game!
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♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
Katsumi knew almost immediately that Eiji stirred his heart in a way no other person he attached himself to did. So I want to say almost from the beginning of their friendship! ♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?
Ehehe, yes he knows! The mere idea of it makes his tails go brrrrrrrr ♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
PETNAMES. HE'S SO WEIRRRD- he loves his insane petnames. "Sugar plum fairy!!" "Hello, Katsumi." TYPE BEAT YOU KNOWWW. But anyways the fact that Eiji cooks for him >>>> fuckin GETS HIM. like you don't NEED to eat and yet... for me?? ♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
Maybe like baby talk? I think it'd annoy him if it was too heavily applied. But in general, Katsumi CRAVES being loved. And will take it in all its forms. ♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?
Exist. Uhm more seriously, I think the most romantic gesture he ever did was trust someone fully! And be somebody who could be trusted fully too. ♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
Eiji wraps his hands for him every morning when he gets back home. At first, it surprised Katsumi. But now it reminds him of their love, how normal it is. How safe it is. ♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?
HE'S SO EMBARRASSING. He's bold and aNNOYING. He's not very good at flirting but he's so earnest and he MEANS it that it turns out good? ♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
I don't think he expects anyone to propose to him, he's never thought about this. ♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
Woe, shiny stones be upon ye. ♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?
Physical intimacy. This can be nsfw or just as simple as skin to skin contact cuddling. Again it all boils down to trust and vulnerability! ♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC?
Helpful, happy go lucky, always wants to help! Helps that he's pretty too. ♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC?
This is where genshin and amant Katsumi differ. Genshin Katsumi's storyline is fine, but its really his relationships to others that shine. Eiji and Katsumi, the Traveller and Katsumi, Masuyo and Katsumi. His relationships are everything. As for Amant, his storyline is more set in stone and tangible. He's not just the Impure Discarded Daughter searching for reason. He still is, don't get me wrong. But the separation between him and Masuyo and the way their stories unfold together and apart grips me. I have not written any of it. :) ♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?
He wants to be useful. And he WILL be. and that is how he shows love. ♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
He doesn't know any.. Someone would have to teach him. ♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
In a modern world I think he'd fuck with cinnamon hearts. ♥ (16) What is your OC’s ideal first date?
Whatever his partner wants. Katsumi wants them to be happy! But also a nice walk in the forest really is perfect.. ♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person?
Probably lol ♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”?
Yeah "Eiji" ♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?
Love is very important to Katsumi. It keeps him going tbh ♥ (20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?
LOVES EM! MOREEEE. ♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight?
WELL HE DIDN'T. THEN HE DID. ♥ (22) How often does your OC read romantic literature?
If the book he picks up has romance in it, he'll read it. But he doesn't seek it out. He'll just read whatever. ♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves?
Buy way too much inarizushi. ♥ (24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
If they make his tails go wild... He's a simple guy. ♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates?
Katsumi would like to :) ♥ (26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”?
He says it all the time now.. ♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day?
I don't think that exists in GI, but hey who knows. He'd probably spend it doting on Eiji and watching AWFUL romcoms. ♥ (28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
Sleeping together in the moss. ♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?
I don't think he has one? ♥ (30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
Enchanted! (2007)
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local foxboy needs a hug
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It wasn’t often that Katsumi actually felt the pain.
Usually Masuyo muffled it, gave him some reprieve from a body he couldn’t bring himself to change in that way. But the last few nights had been hard, Masuyo taking on more than it usually did in order to protect him.
But that left him vulnerable to certain weaknesses he couldn’t otherwise control. Even as the sun began to set, Masuyo’s hold of him was only so minimal. It didn’t erase the pain he was in, it didn’t shutter him completely like it usually did.
Soft whines escaped the kitsune, arms wrapped tightly around his stomach. He wasn’t sure how he was going to survive, it felt like something was clawing at his insides. Katsumi sniffled, turning his face into the pillow.
I cannot make it go away.
“I- ow! I know..” 
Katsumi curled himself into a tight ball, trying to ease the pain, anything. He wanted Eiji, but the feline was nowhere to be found. Katsumi couldn’t even be mad, it was almost dark, he usually was gone by this time. But he wanted his boyfriend.
Another pang of pain shot through him and he brought his tails around his body in an attempt to soothe himself. Blond and brown ears flattened against his head as he tried to make himself as small as possible. Any amount of relief would serve him, any. 
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep. He woke suddenly when a cold wet cloth was pressed to his sticky hot skin. Eiji’s hand stilled as a blade made of swirling wind approached his wrist. But the wind dissipated before it struck, and Eiji stared in surprise. Masuyo couldn’t use wind, not like Katsumi. 
Katsumi sat up, shirt slouching around his shoulders as he looked around. But the movement prompted the pain to return, the kitsune gasped out. He curled back into a ball almost immediately, holding onto his tails. 
“I thought you were injured.” Eiji admitted, laying the cloth on the side of his head, letting it droop down on his forehead. Katsumi became painfully acutely embarrassingly aware his clothes had been changed, a new blanket placed over him. “Worry not. It’s only natural.”
“Not to you. That- that came out.. Ow- ow ow ow.. Mean.. meaner than I intended-”
Eiji exhaled softly, fingers carding through the kitsune’s messy untied hair. “Neither of us constitute normal.” He couldn’t argue with the feline puppet. Katsumi looked up at him through hazy eyes. The pain was too much. He didn’t know how to handle it, Masuyo always cushioning the blows for him.
The feline slowly laid down, pulling the blanket over his body too. He wasn’t warm, in fact he ran cold. But he brought Katsumi into his arms nonetheless, holding the overheated man tightly. “Rest. I will watch over you in his place.” Eiji pressed his face in the space between the fox ears on his head. 
“Please don’t leave me, Eiji.”
It was such a sincere request, spoken in such a soft tone. There were things still, Eiji did not know of the man in his arms. Things he didn’t know himself. But there was a loneliness in his tone that the puppet understood perhaps too keenly. 
Vulnerable and in pain. 
But loved. 
Eiji’s beliefs of eternity differed to those of his creator.
But there was no eternity to him as certain as staying by his kitsune’s side.
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taglist: @cerasus--flores, @hamausagi
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They were inherently different, even if they both took care of him. 
Katsumi sat up in bed, blue-green eyes blinking against the rising sun that washed over his skin. The bed dipped beside him, a cold body pressed against his side. The blanket pooled around his waist, but the heaviness of the fabric didn’t compare to the arm securely thrown over his torso. He brought a hand up, pressing his palm to his forehead as he closed his eyes tightly.
He had a headache. 
Purple cat ears twitched, the fur soft against Katsumi’s bare chest. He opened his eyes once more, looking down at the man who stared up at him. His mismatched eyes stared through his own. “Does something bother you?” Eiji’s voice was soft, pushing himself up a little bit.
Katsumi dropped his hand from his head, he moved his wrist so he could brush his knuckles against Eiji’s cheek. His hand was wrapped in a bloodied bandage. He furrowed his eyebrows, pulling his hand away from Eiji’s skin. He dared not taint the feline. Not with his blood. “He tried..” Eiji exhaled, sitting up properly in the bed.
“He was never good at tying those tightly.”
“I know.” Katsumi bit the inside of his cheek as the man cradled his wounded hand. Eiji carefully unwrapped the bandage, looking at the large cut that crossed Katsumi’s knuckles. “Let me get a cloth and water.” He set the kitsune’s hand down on his lap and then slid out of the bed.
Eiji grabbed the ronin’s kimono from the chair, pulling it around his body as he left the room. Katsumi stared at the wound on his hand, he didn’t remember how he got it. He couldn’t even feel it. He knew that was Masuyo. His head still hurt though, he let out a small groan, leaning his head forward, holding his head.
Just do not think about it.
“Hard not to think about it..”
Then it will continue to hurt.
Katsumi blinked back the tears caused by the growing pain in his head, he inhaled, then exhaled. “Here.” Eiji set the bowl and cloth down on the small dresser beside the bed. “Let me see.” Katsumi held out his hand as the feline sat on the edge of the bed, tipping the cloth into the water and ringing it out.
“Why does he fight every night?” 
He didn’t have an answer to Eiji’s question as he cleaned the wound tenderly. “This is deep, Katsumi.” There was concern in his voice as he held the kitsune’s hand, as he wiped away the crust and fresh blood. “Masuyo.” He lifted his head, mismatched eyes once more stared into his own. “You’re supposed to take care of him.” 
Something grey stirred in the blue-green eyes, something dull and pale, something not human. Not anymore, at least. 
He knows not what he speaks of!
Katsumi averted his gaze quickly, the pounding in his head. His hand came up again, groaning audibly, fangs bared against the pain. Eiji sighed softly, he shook his head and returned his attention to the injury. He set the cloth aside, taking a strip of bandages they kept on the dresser because of occurrences like this.
Carefully, he wrapped the injury. The kitsune’s tails stiffened when Eiji’s cold lips pressed to the bandaged injury. “Did you still want to make inarizushi tonight?” His tails relaxed, then began to wag rapidly. Eiji chuckled, eyes lifting to his, he seemed much happier, distracted from the persistent pain.
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“You’re the best, sunflower!”
“That’s a new one.”
“I have even more in my pocket, birdie.”
Eiji rolled his eyes playfully, releasing his hand to get out of bed. “Come on, let’s go get dressed.” 
They both took care of him, but he preferred Eiji. Overt love, a thing he always craved, needed. Eiji provided him with.
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Sweet Pea - A Tender Moment
There were times the man wondered if the other truly saw him for him.
But then, he supposed, that could be applied the other way, too. He knew the man wasn’t like him. Neither were strictly human. They both hid pasts. Similar, but very different. He knew his fears had no basis. He knew about Masuyo, and he knew about the man’s origins. What was there to fear?
“You have grown quiet.”
Katsumi looked up, watching the sun setting over the water. It was going to be night soon, and he would be gone. Eiji was looking at him, mismatched eyes peering into him. “Sorry. I forgot what I was saying.” He admitted in a quiet voice, green-blue eyes turning their attention to the feline. He was met with a soft expression.
In the grass, he felt a cold hand cover his, fingers resting in the spaces between his. The action was soft, tender. More gentle than he’d expected, maybe. They both had spent so much time alone. Katsumi wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to it. Used to the attention, the affection, the love. No matter how much he put forward, no matter how happy it made him.
There was something still so scary about being loved and cared for by another. Especially in his state. Unable to separate from whatever it was that haunted him with his old name and unmatched violence. “You should get out of your head, my petal.” Eiji brought up their intertwined hands, pressing a kiss to the back of the kitsune’s. 
“Yeah, I should leave the thinking to you.” He joked, but he was met with a subtle frown. The setting sun, hues of reds and pinks lit up Eiji’s face. It added a certain sheen to his violet hair, lit up his face in brilliant vibrancy. But it was Katsumi faced with the budding navy, the incoming black and starless sky, positioned in such a way no light lit up his features.
Eiji reached out with his free hand, cupping Katsumi’s cheek, thumb brushed Over his soft skin. “What is ailing you?” The man asked in a quiet tone, tilting his head as he gently stroked the man’s skin. Katsumi closed his eyes, leaning into his familiar touch. He didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to leave Eiji alone at the shrine every night to fight fights that weren’t his. It was tiring.
But this. The puppet’s tender touch.
This, he knew, he wanted. 
“Katsumi, my love.”
Eiji’s expression softened once more as he gazed at the kitsune’s face. It was rare for Katsumi to be anything but his loud boisterous self. Always trying to ease the people around him, a stark contrast from the other that Eiji knew was present. But these quiet moments, with the man in deep contemplation. Eiji wasn’t sure if he should be afraid of waking up to him not coming back, or relieved he felt comfortable enough to drop his facade.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you come home.”
The feline promised.
Katsumi’s eyebrows momentarily furrowed before his entire face relaxed, his shoulders relaxed. Maybe it wasn’t just Eiji that needed that reassurance, maybe he did too. “I will come home to you.” Katsumi promised in a quiet tone. Eiji nodded despite the fact he couldn’t see it with his eyes closed. 
And as the sun began to set…
His eyes opened once more, grey began to swirl in the pools of blue and green, dulling and overtaking the colour. Eiji pulled his hands away from the man, clasping them in his lap instead as he watched the colour disappear entirely into a medium grey. Masuyo stared at him with a face that belonged to his lover.
“I will bring him home to you.”
Eiji nodded and Masuyo stood.
taglist: @cerasus--flores
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