#𖥸 ₊ *  “ study ”  …  i  will  wade  out  ‘til  my  thighs  are  steeped  in  burning  flowers.
loetise · 2 months
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saw this on the 'for you' tumblr tab and snatched it so u should all do it and tag me :D
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loetise · 4 months
thinking about allie crying a little bit when she sees someone again after a long time because of a trip or something because of the relief of them coming back :(
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loetise · 5 months
thinking abt how allie really is not the type to not ask for help. like she loves helping others and doesn’t mind seeming weak or like she needs help. (she’s kind of accepted that she thinks she’s weak and she’s not the only one that thinks so) it’s all fine to her! but what keeps her from asking for help is because she thinks she doesn’t deserve it and she doesn’t want to burden anyone else. the second someone else’s fate or well-being is on the line it becomes so easy to find and ask for help, but she just can’t do it for herself.
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loetise · 3 months
thinking abt how allie considers herself unloved or unloveable because she’s not enough. (the mentality that she has comes from the idea she’s been told that she isn’t girlfriend or wife ‘material’, at best she’s just a hook up because of her attractive appearance but perceived lack of depth (she’s been told she’s shallow even though!!! have you seen her!!!! she is so very full of life and love and everything)) and how she backs herself into corners of loneliness So frequently despite the love that so many people have for her
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loetise · 3 months
i diagnose you with hot.  ˎˊ˗             your result;  drunk girl in the bathroom hot.
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                you're  both  wasted,  she  just  somehow  does  it  so  much  better.  you're  crying,  about  something  your  stupid  ex  did  or  said.  and  suddenly  she  appears,  looking  like  an  angel  aside  from  the  slight  sway  in  her  step.  she's  helping  you  our  of  your  slump  on  the  floor  when  you  grow  pale  and  catastrophy  strikes.  you're  the  most  disgusting  you've  ever  been,  and  still,  this  stranger  holds  your  hair  and  rubs  soothing  circles  in  your  back.  gives  you  a  breath  mint  and  sits  you  back  against  the  wall,  asking  what  happened.  you  tell  her,  and  her  glittery,  perfectly  made  face  turns  sour.  with  her  heels  in  hand,  she  loops  your  arm  around  her  shoulders  so  she  can  help  you  walk  to  an  uber  she  called  for  you.  your  ex  says  something  snarky  to  you  in  passing  on  the  way  out,  and  for  her  it's  the  final  straw.  she  whirls  around,  fire  in  her  eyes  and  a  set  in  her  brow  and  she  slaps  him  hard  across  the  face.  calls  him  a  jerk  or  a  dick  or  something  like  that,  you  can't  remember,  you  were  busy  smiling  at  the  stunned  look  on  his  face  as  she  drags  you  both  outside.  before  you  get  home,  she  gives  you  a  hug  and  kind  words  in  a  bubbling  voice  and  you're  thankful  for  her.  thankful  there  are  people  out  there  who  look  out  for  people  like  you,  who  stand  up  for  people  even  when  they  might  have  trouble  standing  themselves.
tagged by;   @firststab​​​​​​​  ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 4 months
let me assign you a nature aesthetic and also maybe psychoanalyse you in the process.  ˎˊ˗             your result;  grass.
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                it's  your  optimism  that  sets  you  apart.  it's  your  enthusiasm,  your  passion  for  life,  and  the  joy  you  spread  to  others.  i  hope  the  people  around  you  see  you  for  that,  thank  you  for  it,  and  love  for  it.  i  don't  know  you,  but  you  put  a  smile  on  my  face.  there's  something  about  your  energy.  it's  like  a  candle,  warm  and  bright;  sometimes  flickering,  but  always  there.  just  make  sure  no  one  puts  it  out.  don't  ever,  ever  doubt  yourself.  you  are  a  light,  and  you're  loved  for  it.  people  appreciate  you,  grass.  use  your  shell  to  protect  you,  not  hide  you  and  who  you  are.  i  know  life  can  hit  you  hard  -  an  optimistic  outlook  comes  with  disappointments  -  but  mistakes  happen.  life  moves  on.  you  know  this,  but  mistakes  are  an  opportunity  to  learn.  don't  let  it  deter  the  way  you  view  life,  because  there  aren't  many  as  so  purely  enthusiastic  as  you.
stolen from;   @lighthouseborn​​​​​​​  ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 4 months
which house lives inside of you?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  cottage in the woods.
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              you  share  a  deep  connection  with  nature  and  a  calling  at  the  very  base  of  your  soul.  you  were  meant  for  greater  things  than  the  situation  you're  currently  in  and  know  deep  down  that  you'll  make  it  there  someday.  others  find  you  warm,  intriguing,  and  friendly  to  be  around.
tagged by;   @rosewiltd​​​​​​​  ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 2 years
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allie fleur variants.  ˎˊ˗             pick 10 (however many) characters from media that remind you of your muse, or that you use as inspiration. (u should all do this and tag me btw, i did not make this up i saw a tiktok but even in an informal text post i wanna know)
+ bonus!
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loetise · 5 months
what type of garden should you grow?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  fairy garden.
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              you  share  a  love  for  all  things  ethereal  and  beautiful.  others  gravitate  towards  your  kindness  and  sweet  soul.  we'll  find  you  nestled  between  sweet  jasmine  and  vibrant  bleeding  hearts.  your  garden  will  be  how  you  love.
stolen from;   @publicabsent​​​​​​​  ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 5 months
thinking abt. if u say something to allie and she doesn’t know what to say back it’s incredibly likely that she’ll apologize. the brain areas are ‘my fault’ and ‘not my fault’ and the ‘my fault’ stretches soooo large and encompassing unfortunately that if there’s a doubt or something grey. it’s her fault
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loetise · 6 months
you know i'm really not sure if allie's aware that there's like a Feeling difference between romantic and platonic relationships. it's all love to her
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loetise · 7 months
scar meme on the dash. thinking abt how the scars on her back are truly the only thing allie hides about herself. she thinks they're so ugly and ruin the rest of her, like she actually hates them. both because she thinks they're unattractive, her mother berating her for them, and the implication of them (lack of wings). there will never be a time that your muse sees them for the first time (and second and third and-) and she doesn't cry.
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loetise · 9 months
what form of gentle affection are you?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  'i miss you' texts.
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                long  nights  full  of  yearning  and  fantasies...  intimate  secrets  you'd  be  embarrassed  to  say  out  loud...  passionately  reuniting  once  again...  you  want  a  love  that  is  desperate  and  passionate,  you  want  someone  that  will  make  you  feel  like  you’re  living  a  romance  novel.  you  want  to  feel  the  fire  burning  in  your  chest  when  you  see  them.  you  want  every  touch  to  feel  like  fireworks,  and  to  discover  something  new  about  them  every  day.  while  this  addicting  fire  can  be  fun  to  chase,  try  not  to  drop  every  lover  once  the  flame  seems  to  have  died  down.  sometimes  the  most  intense  burn  comes  from  the  fire  you  continue  to  kindle,  and  it  is  worth  it  to  settle  in  front  of  a  hearth.
stolen from;   @publicabsent ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 9 months
what form would your dæmon take?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  perching bird, starling.
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                your  daemon  would  take  the  form  of  a  perching  bird!  those  who  have  perching  bird  daemons  are  intelligent  and  like  finding  patterns,  though  unlike  other  bird  daemons  they  are  more  chatty  and  social.  they  enjoy  putting  their  inner  thoughts  into  words  and  wearing  their  heart  on  their  sleeves.
                your  daemon  would  take  the  form  of  a  starling!  you  are  a  resourceful  and  friendly  individual  happy  to  help  others  out.  more  so  than  others  with  perching  bird  daemons,  those  with  starlings  are  expressive  and  outgoing,  often  the  glue  that  holds  their  friend  group  together  and  never  lacks  for  understanding.  they  are  less  focused  on  success  and  more  focused  on  enjoying  life;  they'll  put  all  of  their  eggs  in  one  basket  and  work  at  their  own  pace.  
tagged by;   @lighthouseborn ( op ) ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 9 months
what's your problem?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  you're too nice.
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                that's  not  a  bad  thing,  not  by  far.  you're  wonderful  to  be  around  and  no  one  hates  you.  but  it  feels  like  they  do.  maybe  it's  imposter's  syndrome.  maybe  it's  simply  fear.  no  one  hates  you  but  you  need  everyone  to  like  you.  you  need  to  feel  validated  and  so  you  go  out  of  your  way,  so  far  out  of  your  way  that  you  shove  yourself  to  the  side  of  your  own  story.  remember,  you  are  your  main  character.  you  need  just  as  much  attention  as  the  rest  of  us.  you're  human,  and  it  is  okay  to  want,  to  ask  without  being  expected  to  return  every  time.  you  don't  need  to  compensate  for  your  friendships.  i  know  it's  hard  to  believe,  so  many  people  have  used  you  like  a  stepping  stone  that  a  path  is  beginning  to  form  over  your  body.  you  can't  let  them  do  it,  though.  change  is  hard  but  you  need  to  find  people  that  will  care  for  you  without  expecting  payment.  those  people,  your  people,  are  right  around  the  corner.  they're  waiting  to  listen,  to  talk,  to  greet  you  with  their  arms  open  and  their  smiles  wide.  accept  them.  you're  worth  it.  you  are  worth  the  love  and  the  friendship  and  the  happiness  that  is  waiting  for  you.  take  that  step.  stand  up  for  yourself.  you're  strong,  i  know  you  can  do  it.
stolen from;   @tiderider ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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loetise · 9 months
which dnd class suits your personality?  ˎˊ˗             your result;  college of glamour bard and druid following circle of dreams.
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( bard )                you’re  a  storyteller  at  heart  and  you  may  have  a  bit  of  a  thing  about  attention  and  validation.  you’re  a  natural  improviser  and  you’re  great  at  adapting  to  situations  at  a  moment’s  notice  using  whatever  resources  you  have  at  your  disposal.  you  can’t  stand  being  bored.  you’re  very  creative  and  you  probably  have  a  great  sense  of  style.  you’re  honestly  just  here  for  a  good  time,  and  you  live  for  drama.
+ ( college of glamour )               the  college  of  glamour  is  the  home  of  bards�� who  mastered  their  craft  in  the  vibrant  realm  of  the  feywild  or  under  the  tutelage  of  someone  who  dwelled  there.  tutored  by  satyrs,  eladrin,  and  other  fey,  these  bards  learn  to  use  their  magic  to  delight  and  captivate  others.  you’re  a  natural  performer  who  doesn’t  mind  being  the  center  of  attention.  you’re  a  great  admirer  of  beauty  and  you  are  the  type  to  have  a  very  carefully  cultivated  personal  aesthetic.  you  might  have  a  bit  of  a  whimsical  or  eccentric  side  and  some  people  might  find  you  a  little  unusual  at  first,  but  you  can  usually  win  them  over  with  your  delightful  personality.  you  love  receiving  compliments,  praise,  and  validation  but  might  have  a  hard  time  dealing  with  criticism  or  negativity.
( druid )                you’re  a  thoughtful  and  reflective  person  who  cares  a  lot  about  the  natural  world.  you’re  generally  open-minded  and  non-judgmental,  though  there  are  some  beliefs  or  opinions  that  you  won’t  be  swayed  from.  you’re  in-tune  with  your  intuition  and  you  know  yourself  pretty  well.  you  may  spend  a  lot  of  time  in  your  head,  observing  the  world  and  thinking  about  what  you’ve  observed.  you  seek  peace,  balance,  and  try  to  avoid  confrontation  unless  absolutely  necessary.
+ ( circle of dreams )                druids  who  are  members  of  the  circle  of  dreams  hail  from  regions  that  have  strong  ties  to  the  feywild  and  its  dreamlike  realms.  these  druids  seek  to  fill  the  world  with  dreamy  wonder.  their  magic  mends  wounds  and  brings  joy  to  downcast  hearts,  and  the  realms  they  protect  are  gleaming,  fruitful  places,  where  dream  and  reality  blur  together  and  where  the  weary  can  find  rest.  you’re  a  cheerful  person  who  doesn’t  mind  helping  others.  you’re  a  wanderer  at  heart  and  you’re  either  the  type  of  person  who  can  feel  at  home  no  matter  where  you  go,  or  the  type  of  person  who  doesn’t  quite  feel  at  home  anywhere.  sometimes  you  might  feel  a  little  disconnected  from  the  real  world,  you  might  find  yourself  drifting  into  daydreams  or  getting  lost  in  fictional  worlds.  you’re  very  tuned  in  to  your  intuition  and  your  personality  brings  a  delightful  touch  of  whimsy  to  any  group.
tagged by;   @songeurame ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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