#𝐑𝐄. ❪ auraline & leopold ❫
elysiium · 10 months
* 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 : auraline & leopold wayne .
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𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ghosts in front of her , a fleeting wisp of warmth swallowed by the frigid air . her breathe in unison with the hellish horses that pull their carriage through the gates of hell , down a winding , snowy path , her eyes lit by the flashes of a thunderstorm in the distance ( unknowingly to her as the sin corridor ) . auraline curls closer to her warlock beside her , pulling her fur coat closer to her as the chill in the air seeps into her bones . her gaze turns towards @violentdesires then , noticing the tension that has now taken him . ❛ are you okay ? ❜
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elysiium · 1 year
& 𝐑𝐄.  AURALINE & LEOPOLD WAYNE / @violentdesires
COME WHAT MAY . it was a vow leopold and auraline made to each all those years ago — when she was just a simple girl and he her guardian . when the world was such a perfect place and all they had were each other . a vow never forgotten even as the seasons changed ( winter to spring , autumn to summer ) . as storm clouds gathered , a river wide separating them for a time . even then their love never died . it never would . not even with the end of time . and it did take time for them to get where they are now . by each other's side once again , everything revolving around each other as it was meant to be . yet even after all this time , she never knew that it could feel like this — like she's never seen the sky before . not until she watches her warlock climb those steps , each one closer to her , his eyes bright like the glowing moon . as he stands by her side in front of her court , taking her hand in his , making that same vow . come what may . not just for her , but to her people . to be their king . the king that they need . the king they deserve . her heart sings to him and she knows he can hear it : telling him that she is giving him everything . everything that she is — from that simple girl she use to be to the queen she is now . the tears in her golden eyes reflect back every single memory that took them to where they are now — the good and the bad , and all the good that has yet to come . and when their lips meet , the stars collide overhead ; she vanishes in his kiss , sealing their vow once again . come what may .
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with crowns on both heads , they turn to the crowd , standing together . and auraline knows that the greatest thing she'll ever learn is this : to love and be loved in return . together , they are stronger . singing out their song . come what may . and their love , their vow , will strength her court . their court . the celebration that follows moves with such perfect grace — leopold spinning her in his arms , over and over again , the two dancing among their fae until she's dizzy with ' i love yous ' and come what mays and she's out of breathe . she pulls him away from the crowd , feet still dancing as she leads him out of the room and into another — an empty balcony away from prying eyes ( guards standing at the entrance , doors closed to give them privacy , a moment finally alone ) . her cheeks are flushed as she looks to her king , hand still in his . ❛ so how does it feel ? having all of this as yours ? ❜ she asks , free arm gesturing out to their land below them , trees and the hidden creatures in them spanning till where green meets the night sky .
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elysiium · 2 years
& 𝐑𝐄.  LEOPOLD WAYNE  /  @violentdesires​​  ➔   ❪   queen’s spire , faerie realm   ❫
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IT  WAS  WITH  a  hard  shudder  that  the  queen  wakes  to  the  darkness  in  the  room  .  no  light  pouring  in  through  the  cloaked  windows  lets  her  know  that  it’s  too  early  ...  yet  the  night  was  a  welcome  contrast  to  that  of  what  she  was  dreaming  of  .  tonight  was  not  so  bad  ;  a  small  ,  fleeting  nightmare  that  seems  so  trifling  compared  to  the  others (  ones  where  she’d  scream  or  cry  because  it  felt  SO  REAL  )  ,  but  even  so  she  cannot  decide  if  it  is  better  to  be  awake  now  to  avoid  such  things  or  to  let  herself  slip  deeper  into  her  slumber  and  let  those  wicked  dreams  swim  through  her  mind  just  so  that  she  can  actually  get  rest  .
a  heavy  sigh  slips  through  auraline’s  lips  ,  her  hand  brushing  back  the  tangled  mess  of  curls  that  drape  across  her  face  and  sits  up  ,  giving  up  on  dosing  back  off  .  brown  eyes  blink  and  adjust  to  the  shadows  ,  eyes  falling  to  leopold  who  is  curled  up  beside  her  .  she  slides  from  under  his  arm  ,  careful  to  not  DISTURB  HIM  (  he  wasn’t  one  for  much  sleep  ,  but  now  more  than  ever  he  needs  it  )  and  grabs  her  robe  on  hanging  beside  their  bed  ,  donning  the  silky  cover  as  she  steps  quietly  from  the  bed  and  into  the  adjacent  room  of  their  girls  .
she  isn’t  sure  how  long  she  spends  there  ,  auraline  rocking  a  content  celeste  in  her  arms  .  it  is  still  dark  by  the  time  she  hears  leopold  groan  from  the  other  room  followed  by  a  whine  from  leora  .  she  places  their  oldest  daughter  back  in  her  crib  before  venturing  into  their  room  ...  to  find  her  husband  tangled  in  their  sheets  ,  twisting  and  turning  in  ways  that  could  only  mean  he  was  in  DISTRESS  ,  a  worried  leora  nuzzling  him  .  she  runs  to  him  ,  crawling  back  into  their  bed  ,  one  hand  gripping  his  shoulder  while  the  other  cups  his  face  ,  slick  and  hot  with  sweat  .
❛  leo ,  my  love ,  wake  up  !  ❜
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elysiium · 2 years
& 𝐑𝐄.  LEOPOLD   /   @violentdesires​​
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IF  THERE  WAS  ANYTHING  that  might  draw  auraline  to  a  club  ,  it  was  the  dancing  ...  it’s  no  secret  that  she  loves  to  dance  .  it  was  one  of  her  favourite  pastimes  before  becoming  queen  —  she  needs  no  music  ,  her  feet  and  body  moving  to  the  rhythm  of  her  own  heart  or  to  the  melody  nature  make  ❪  the  sighs  of  wind  ,  bird  songs  echoing  through  the  trees  ❫  .  while  modern  music  ,  let  alone  club  music  ,  was  entirely  different  than  what  the  queen  listens  or  dances  to  ❪  and  she  won’t  even  mention  the  atrocious  body  movements  that  scatter  the  main  dance  floor  —  was  that  even  dancing  ?  ❫  she  dances  nonetheless  .  she  sticks  to  one  of  the  side  rooms  the  faeries  had  unofficially  claimed  for  the  night  ,  spinning  and  frolicking  among  her  court  ,  SMILING  AND  LAUGHING  ,  making  her  people  smile  and  laugh  in  return  .  it  leaves  her  giddy  ,  drunk  off  the  crowd  in  their  enthusiastic  cloud  .  but  it  doesn’t  last  ;  as  soon  as  her  eyes  spot  leopold  ,  her  feet  carry  her  over  to  him  .  she  twirls  ,  hand  reaching  for  his  as  soon  as  she  is  in  front  of  him  to  place  it  on  her  blue-painted  cheek  ,  leaning  into  his  warmth  .  ❛  hello  ,  my  love  .  i  missed  you  .  ❜  despite  them  not  having  been  apart  for  long  ,  she  could  count  every  single  second  they  were  apart  ❪  and  it  was  always  far  too  long   ❫  .
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elysiium · 1 year
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THE TRAVELS OF THE QUEEN were far and few between these days . having been pregnant only a few months ago and then planning leopold's coronation , it left her with little time to venture outside of her home . and anytime it was it hardly was ever alone . there are times her and leo could sneak away without the need of her guards , but any other time they were by her side — silent but watchful . today was no different , the queen having ventured to the town of spring for an overdue visit to her people . but she didn't go alone : ryella bundled in her arms , so small and content . while auraline knew it would excite the townspeople to see their new princess , in all honesty she had a hard time separating herself from the newborn right now and this little visit was just the perfect excuse . now , they were making their way back to the castle , horse and buggy their means of travel so it would be easier for the newborn ( and the fresh air was very much needed ) . it also meant she finally got some time alone with danny — her ' new guard ' whom she also had little time to check on since he joined the ranks of her seelies . but now was the perfect excuse , having requested he sit in the carriage with her while the other guards followed on their hoses . ❛ so ... ❜ she begins , turning her attention to the shadowhunter as she adjusts ryella in her arms . ❛ how has life as a seelie guard been treating you ? ❜
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elysiium · 1 year
& 𝐑𝐄.  AURORA DE' MEDICI & LEOPOLD WAYNE / @violentdesires
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THE NEPHILIM FLIPS THROUGH the book in front of her , a battered journal from some warlock recording his life and findings of curses and the like . having arrived early to his penthouse , it was the first thing aurora found at the table to preoccupy herself as she waited for leopold to arrive . things had been busy for the both of them — the warlock welcoming a new baby girl into his and auraline's world and her dealing with everything that happened with violet and julian . getting back to work with leo was a distraction she desperately needed . more than she realized . she didn't have to wait long , the nephilim looking up as he enters the room . ❛ hi . ❜
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elysiium · 2 years
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❛ it’s plain for anyone to see. we’re simply meant to be ... ❜   //   queen auraline wayne has turned sally’s patchy rags into a floor-length dress , stitched together by vibrant oranges , blues and peaches with a slit down the side for her to move more easily . her skin is painted blue with black stitches keeping her limbs together and her waist length hair straightened and dyed a bright red . the colours of her hair and dress catch the fluorescence lights of the club , making the queen glow as she is twirled around the dance floor by leopold wayne , her jack skellington for the night .  ❪    template & psd by goodvibesrph    ❫
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elysiium · 2 years
& 𝐑𝐄.  DARCY   /   @hlcynsouls​  :
inside  the  royal  library  ,  restricted  section  .
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❛  I  KNEW  I’D  find  you  here  .  ❜  the  queen  steps  through  the  heavy  doors  ,  the  overgrown  vines  groaning  at  being  disturbed  .  they  are  fast  to  cover  the  doors  once  again  ,  concealing  the  entrance  .  auraline  circles  to  the  other  end  of  the  table  where  darcy  was  burried  in  her  books  .  ❛  so  what  has  made  you  be  late  for  dinner  again  ?  ❜  she  asks  ,  her  eyes  glaring  at  the  witch  ,  though  her  soft  features  and  teasing  voice  make  it  clear  that  she  is  not  angry  at  darcy  once  again  being  so  consumed  by  ...  whatever  she  is  CONSUMED  BY  to  forget  dinner  with  her  and  leopold  .
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elysiium · 3 years
(   𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐍𝐄   )   ━━━   *   interactions   !
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𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓.   auraline
𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠.   the ethereal
𝑓𝑡.   auraline  &  cosimo
𝑓𝑡.   auraline  &  julian
𝑓𝑡.   auraline  &  leopold
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  araminta
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  ayla
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  cosimo
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  danny
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  deidre
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  julian
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  kaelie
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  leopold
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  pandora
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  pinnikolai
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  tyler
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  vasilkaera
𝐑𝐄.   auraline  &  zion
(   𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐄' 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐈   )   ━━━   *   interactions   !
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𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  cosimo
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  emilian
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  julian
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  juliette
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  kaelie
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  kiyan
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  koda
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  kwame
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  lecia
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  pinnikolai
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  vasilkaera
𝐑𝐄.   violet  &  zion
(   𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐄' 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐈   )   ━━━   *   interactions   !
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𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  cosimo
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  darcy
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  kiyan
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  isko
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  jasper
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  julian
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  juliette
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  lecia
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  leopold
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  pinnikolai
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  talia
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  vasilkaera
𝐑𝐄.   aurora  &  zion
𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓.   aurora
𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠.   the sleeping beauty
𝑓𝑡.   aurora  &  cosimo
𝑓𝑡.   aurora  &  isko
𝑓𝑡.   aurora  &  julian
𝑓𝑡.   aurora  &  kiyan
𝑓𝑡.   aurora  &  leopold
(   𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑   )   ━━━   *   interactions   !
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𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  araminta
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  ayla
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  danny
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  fahir
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  juliette
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  kaelie
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  lavender
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  lecia
𝐑𝐄.   logan  &  talia
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𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  ambrose
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  araminta
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  ayla
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  cosimo
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  kiyan
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  jasper
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  leopold
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  nalani
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  pandora
𝐑𝐄.   kaladhar  &  zion
𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓.   kaladhar
𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠.   the unseen one
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & ambrose
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & ayana
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & julian
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & kiyan
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & kwame
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & leopold
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & nalani
𝑓𝑡.   kaladhar & vasilkaera
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𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.   name
𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃.   date
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