#๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ louis + eva
lunarrscribbles ยท 1 year
continued from here because tumblr is a bitch / @fillyoursoulxx
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"You've given this a lot of thought," she said, mock-concern on her features. "I mean, I know your sisters are a lot but they're not that bad. I'm keeping one eye open around you from now on." The silly back and forth is another plus, another tick in the good column on his behalf because she couldn't joke like this with a stranger. A stranger didn't know her history like he did, even if it was more of a spectator versus an actual contributor. Though any premeditated murderous fantasies are gone when she hears the music and she can't help but hum along with it. "I didn't know you were capable of playing something at a normal listening level," she teases, letting him know that yes, she remembered.
The funny thing about all of this is that at the time, she didn't give a second though to the things that he did for her. He wasn't bowing at her feet, but there had been song dedications and corny jokes, all things she had attributed to a silly teenaged crush, and it was all things that she had forgotten the second they happened. But now, it felt like memory after memory was being pulled from the depths of her mind, remembering the moments he did this or said that. It was a surreal feeling to say the least. And it was that same feeling when he pulled out the food. "You remembered my favorite sandwich?" she asks, a hint of disbelief to her tone. Eva can't remember the last time a boyfriend had remembered the tiniest of details about her, but she chalked it up to the history and afternoons spent when she'd help Max babysit him and Dallas and they'd make sandwiches after school. Strangely, the sandwich felt better than any meal a restaurant could prepare.
She pulled the sandwich out of the plastic and took a bite, letting out a hum of satisfaction. "You even put honey," she groaned, looking over at him and when did he get so close? The arm behind her head did not go unnoticed but she didn't say anything as she took another bite, simply enjoying this moment. If she thought too long about it, she'd freak out and run away, not believing how well he was actually doing on this not-date. Peeking into the basket, she pulls out a bottle of water and, after a few seconds of rummaging, finds a mini Cinnamon Whiskey. "I wonder if these two go together," she mused, popping the top and drinking half the bottle before taking another bite of sandwich. It was definitely a combination but not an unpleasant one. The bottles reminded her more of his sisters than him, rummaging through their uncle's liquor cabinet, trying to keep things looking as if they were untouched. Failing more than succeeding at times.
So caught up in the food and the music and actually having a nice moment with him, she barely registers when he talks, though she actually listens this time, no quick jab or teasing comment falling from her lips. His words are deep, referencing her earlier thoughts about the fireflies, and she doesn't respond right away. Instead, she eats the remainder of her sandwich, and it's not until the song is over does she say anything at all. "Are you trying to say that I'm magic?" she asks as she tucks her trash back into the basket and she turns her body so she's facing him versus sitting side by side. "Or that there could be magic between us?" Maybe it's just the small whisper of alcohol running through her system because of the mini bottle, or it's the magic they both have spoke about, but she feels lighter, like she might actually believe there's something more out there. "I have something I've been wanting to ask you since you asked me on this not-date. Why have you had a crush on me for so long? Like ... is this some type of self-challenge that you need to conquer? Notch in your bed post type deal? Which I am totally not offended by, by the way." She reaches out, hands on his arms to assure him as much before she pulls back. "I'm just curious."
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