#𝐑𝐜 . ❛ sangre por sangre. ❜
cartelheir Β· 10 months
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whenever i think about the balance between modernity and tradition in pat, the more i realize she leans way more towards traditional. sure, there are many ways in which one could consider her a modern woman, such as her independence, her headstrong personality, and her genuine desire to be a successful businesswoman in a very male-dominated field.
but it's obvious, in the day to day, that traditional values are a part of her. she wants marriage and children. she hates the thought of being 30 and single, like she's approaching her expiration date. she continuously seeks relationships with men who hold power over her. she thinks her worth as a person is tied to her beauty and youth, even though all she wants is to not end up like her mother, who refuses to accept she's growing old.
pat did not grow up in a "progressive" environment; this is simply how she learned the world works. but her inability to see that many of these values are empty is a big reason why she often ends up still feeling unhappy and unfulfilled even after getting what she wants.
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cartelheir Β· 9 months
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a list of pat's bad habits in no particular order because i feel like roasting her:
her temper. self-explanatory. she's very confrontational and unable to keep her damn mouth shut when angry.
forgets she's 5'2" and hits people when she's pissed off regardless of how much bigger and stronger they are.
never grew out of her spoiled daddy's princess phase even though her dad has been dead for well over a decade.
loves being the center of attention, which often makes her domineering in a group setting. a queen bee, basically.
picks fights for no reason when bored.
thinks having maids is a human right and often forgets to clean up after her own messes if she doesn't have at least one at her disposal.
tries to seduce all her exes at some point, yes even the ones she said she would never ever ever get near again.
she tries to behave herself in public, but if she's really mad she doesn't give two shits about who's watching. the kind of person who'll have a screaming match in the middle of the street.
gets mad and starts doing stupid shit when she goes too long without getting attention, like a cat.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 π€π„π’π“π‡π„π“πˆπ‚ β€” BOLD / ITALICIZE what applies.
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by : @proofwhisky thank u ❀️ tagging : @newyorksrose / @flmed / @lcvnderhazed / @parieur / @wellfell / @doomedfist / @clownfile / @thieved / just go ahead and steal this if i forgot to tag you!!
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cartelheir Β· 9 months
3 pros & 3 cons of dating pat
pros :
idk i think i ran out of pros
cons :
her jealousy is hella intense, and often irrational.
pat can get bored of relationships very easily. the truth is she thrives in chaos, even when it's clearly bad for her. so if things are going too nice and calm, chances are she'll either find something to fight about or move on to someone else.
even when single, pat always has at least one situationship going on. since her first relationship, she's basically never been actually alone for longer than a couple of months. in a way, there's a lot of competition if you want to date her.
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cartelheir Β· 9 months
3 pros & 3 cons of dating pat
pros :
pat's the kind of girlfriend who doesn't have to be asked to do nice gestures of affection to a partner, such as bringing them coffee or food or helping them out with a task to get some work off their back.
i guess this can be a pro or a con depending on the other person, but she wants to have children. although strict and bossy, she'll definitely be a loving mother.
she always remembers birthdays and important dates, even with a very busy schedule.
cons :
she's high maintenance as fuck. if you're looking for a chill, low-effort relationship, pat's not the woman for you. this is good because she actually puts effort into the relationship, but she'll very easily be frustrated if she feels like her partner is getting lazy.
she's a very confrontational person, and she can't stand it when someone is clearly just agreeing with what she says to avoid conflict. she'd rather fight everyday with someone who faces her head-on than deal with a pushover.
she'll absolutely cheat if she's unhappy or bored in the relationship. also, if you break up after a fight and she sleeps with someone else a day later she doesn't consider it cheating lmao (even if she would be upset if this was done to her).
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cartelheir Β· 9 months
❣ i'm still gonna marry her btw
3 pros & 3 cons of dating pat
pros :
pat has a really nice singing voice, so sharing a space with her means you'll get to hear it pretty often, whether it be when she's humming to herself in the shower or when she feels comfortable to actually sing in front of a partner.
high sex drive. if she goes too long not wanting to fuck assume something is wrong.
pat has a lot of money; dating her is a sure way to enter a life in high society. she has valuable contacts with people who could give you a career boost, for instance. and, of course, you get to enjoy the private jet trips, staying at 5 star hotels, eating at the best places, attending the countless events and fancy parties she's invited to, etc.
cons :
there's a downside to pat having a lot of money: dating her is expensive. she lives a lavish life and expects partners to pull their weight. which means constantly buying expensive gifts, taking her to nice places, splitting the cost of household bills and employees, etc. for those reasons, pat very rarely dates someone who doesn't have money. she simply doesn't see how they'll keep up with this kind of lifestyle.
also those fancy events i mentioned? some of them are fun, but some of them are just very boring rich people gatherings that she has to attend for work. and she'll expect her partner to sit there and smile and pretend to be having a good time.
pat is very critical of her partner's physical appearance such as their clothes and personal grooming, and she'll often try to dress them up to her standards. if you're looking disheveled and wearing old worn out clothes she will literally refuse to be seen in public with you.
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cartelheir Β· 9 months
3 pros & 3 cons of dating pat
pros :
we've all seen pat right. if her beauty is not a pro idk what is.
pat's more observant than she might seem, and she notices and remembers the little things about her partner. she'll remember something you only mentioned once or twice about yourself, or know your interests well.
she gives very good gifts, not only because she's not afraid to splurge but also because she puts a lot of thought into a gift to a loved one. as i just said above, being observant and remembering a lot of things about them definitely helps.
cons :
her temper.
if pat has a suspicion she's being cheated on (which she will at some point, in any relationship longer than a month), she's not afraid of going through her partner's personal belongings, phone conversations/calls, etc looking for "proof" of said cheating. she makes sure to be subtle about it so they won't find out in case she doesn't find anything.
pat is not good at communicating her feelings, unless we're talking about an angry outburst. but when she's sad, upset or unable to lash out, she can act very immature in an attempt to get her partner's attention.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
πŸ” πŸ”
send πŸ”Β for an old headcanon i scrapped.
1. original pat didn't have half of today pat's glamour and expensive taste. i used to describe her fashion as mostly basic and practical. by the time i started adding elements such as lots of jewelry and fashionable clothing, lindsey m.organ in the show the 100 just didn't cut it for me anymore in terms of icons and visual inspiration. it's one of the main reasons why i still think changing her fc was one of the best decisions i ever made.
2. pat used to have brazilian ancestry, which was mostly self-indulgent because i wanted to put some of myself into her. and it's not that there's any problem with that, but now i've already got enough brazilian ocs that i feel like i don't need that anymore.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
send πŸ”Β for an old headcanon i scrapped.
1. ofc you were there to remember it all, but initially pat's father, javier, was alive. when creating her i really wanted to give her a backstory that was sad, but didn't involve a dead parent or a bad upbringing. but i believe killing her off was one of the best decisions i've made, because with him alive there were just too many plot inconsistencies that i couldn't make sense of. i also enjoy writing a pat who has power thanks to her family name, but doesn't have her father's protection anymore.
2. similarly, pat and her mother were supposed to have a good relationship. ig i really liked the idea of going see, i made a morally gray character who didn't have bad parents, but it felt inevitable that this changed because pat has so many issues that can be traced back to generational trauma and abuse. it makes their relationship feel a lot more developed and three-dimensional this way.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
send πŸ”Β for an old headcanon i scrapped.
if any of my followers remember the time pat's fc was lindsey m.organ......... y'all been here for way too long
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it's funny because i think she's stunning but i also look at her and i don't see pat at all despite the fact that was her fc for almost 3 years. pat was lindsey for longer than she's been her current fc. it was mostly due to the fact i had no idea how to make my own icons and banners and stuff, and lindsey had a lot of resources as opposed to t.eresa ruiz, who i've never even seen be used as a fc before, so i had to work with what i could.
but i don't think anyone can deny teresa simply captures patricia's vibe better than anyone else ever could.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
one thing that's really sad about pat's relationship with cΓ©sar imo is how she fell in love with him shortly after her father's death. she was in such deep grief and found a source of comfort and support in him, so much that even now in her adult years, part of her feels indebted to him for helping her get through her grief. for a long time she felt ungrateful when she acknowledged his abuse because he was there for her during one of the worst moments of her life, and that was "proof" that he really loved her.
meanwhile to any third party learning about this the truth would be obvious: that he purposefully got close to and took advantage of her during a vulnerable time because she'd be easier to manipulate and groom. for pat, realizing this is a painful, complicated process.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
[ πŸ’₯ ] is your muse determined, or do they give up easily?
[ πŸƒ ] how does your muse handle being lied to?
[ πŸ₯€ ] would your muse betray someone they love?
headcanon memes. not accepting at the moment.
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[ πŸ’₯ ] is your muse determined, or do they give up easily?
too determined, sometimes. she knows what she wants and she won't stop until she gets it, even when she should stop. girl's stubborn as a mule.
[ πŸƒ ] how does your muse handle being lied to?
it depends a lot on the lie. she doesn't particularly care much about lies someone told just to make themselves look good, as long as it doesn't affect her. she thinks it's kind of dumb, but nothing she'd feel very strongly about.
but an important lie, or one that personally affects her; it's definitely something that breaks her trust, and pat already has a hard time trusting others as it is. she would very likely confront the other person about it, and even if they apologized, it would be difficult for her to trust them again.
[ πŸ₯€ ] would your muse betray someone they love?
answered here!
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
πŸ“š & βš–οΈ
headcanon memes. not accepting at the moment.
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[ πŸ“š ] what is your muse’s favourite genre of books, tv, movies, etc.?
she likes drama, thrillers, and romance. disney movies. overall pat prefers movies to tv shows because she just rarely has the time to watch multiple episodes and seasons, but when it comes to tv, she also likes some reality shows once in a while.
[ βš–οΈ ] what is your muse’s moral code? what kind of morality do they have?
it's not very good tbh. basically, pat doesn't feel too bad about doing bad things to others as long as she thinks they'd do the same to her if the roles were reversed, or if it would benefit them, give them power, etc. and for someone who's inclined to expect the absolute worst from people ... that's basically everyone. pat has seen how horrible people can be. if her only options in this world are to be predator or prey; she refuses to be prey again.
i'd say she draws the line at unnecessary cruelty for cruelty's sake, when there's no benefit to herself. she's protective of women going through s.a., like she did. she would also not like to kill children or innocents, but she knows they often get killed or harmed due to the same cartel she works for and i wouldn't say she goes through great lengths to avoid it from happening. pat does things thinking primarily on what will be best for herself and her business, even if it harms others.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
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your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back ... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
tagged by: @artmadc ❀️
tagging: i'm lazy so pls steal and say i tagged you
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
send πŸ”Β for an old headcanon i scrapped.
in the very first version of pat's bio, what led her to ratting on the cartel was she witnessed cΓ©sar murdering a child. a few months later this evolved into him making her shoot the child, which was a little too theatrical for me. i tried to work with it for a long time but eventually scrapped this idea altogether and changed it to what we have right now, which is that she needed money to end an unwanted pregnancy.
the main reason i got rid of this part of her backstory is it's very important to me that pat's revenge is to no one but herself. she's not doing this to avenge an innocent child that died, or protecting someone else from harm; she's doing it for herself. it's a core part of her character that i intend to keep for all versions of pat.
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cartelheir Β· 10 months
send πŸ”Β for an old headcanon i scrapped.
1. does anyone remember when pat wanted to be a nurse? i hope not, because i try to forget it everyday 😭 it's just one of those headcanons that are so ooc i don't even know what i was thinking when i came up with it.
2. on this same note, pat was supposed to have more of a caring, nurturing side to her initially. this is due to the fact she was the main caretaker to her mother who was struggling with a drug addiction, and although it was stressful, taking care of others became something she craved. these days, i'd say pat can be generous and caring with the people she loves, but i would never call her nurturing lmao. nor would i say she has any desire to be some kind of mom friend to a grown-ass adult who should be taking care of themselves. she's simply not built for this.
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