#๐ข๐ฏ. ๐Ž๐ก ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐ ? > verses โ€” King in the North
lykosog ยท 1 year
@summerkng continued from here
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โย  It does not seem like you understand that if this alliance is to work, we are both equalsย  โžย  lacking the stagโ€™s apparent ability to be calm even in a tense situation, Robb continued furious. And, even as if Grey Wind could feel it, a distant howl coming from his tent could be heard. Did he think he was that stupid? Even him was clever enough to notice how behind his kind words during supper, he was not taking him seriously. Perhaps he thought he was merely a green boy who hadย  taken a liking to playing at war.ย 
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It mattered not. He would prove to the other how wrong he had been to judge so quickly โ believe me, king Renly,ย  despite your armyโ€™s size, you need me as much as I need youย  โž a reality he would understand even more easily if he knew the plan he had in mind, but it was too soon to reveal it when he didnโ€™t even know if he could trust himย  โย  for together we could have the Lannisters' head mounted on spikes before the moon has turned and Westeros would be spared the bloodshed of a long war. โž
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lykosog ยท 2 years
Closed starter for @rexaestateโ€‹
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Baratheon, Arryn, Tully, Stark...an alliance that had defeated a greater dynasty than the Lannisters could ever dream of being.
At first, back when his father was still only kept a prisoner at the Red Keep, it seemed possible to rebuilt it in order to put the real rightful king on the throne. However, the Baratheon brothers were too busy now fighting against each other, his aunt Lysa refused to send him any knights ( claiming she needed them in the Vale ) and the crown of the old Kings of Winter now rested upon his head, never to be taken again. Something he knew would probably also become another obstacle towards that goal in the future.
The only ones who had joined his cause were the Riverlands after ending the Kingslayer's attack in Riverrun. But Robb was not a fool. That alone would not be enough to win a war. And so, with that change of circumstances also came a change of his plans.
He needed to find new allies and, with the fact that ships would be crucial ( for one attack or the other ) in mind, he sent Theon back to Pyke to negotiate with his father under the terms that, should Balon Greyjoy support him, he could also rule the Iron Islands as king.
Though that was not all, if he had managed to be victorious against someone like Tywin Lannister, with far more experience in warfare than him and with a bigger army, it was only for one thing. Good strategy. And with the news of a possible attack of Stannis to King's Landing, he just had the perfect one.
Or, at least, so he thought when he had marched to the westerlands. Yet, destiny seemed to not be in his favor. The older Baratheon had chosen to fight his younger brother before taking the Iron Throne. A mistake. Renly had not only the stormlands on his side but also the Reach through his marriage, and that had made him the winner. Causing his plans to change once more.
โ› It may still not be too late for it to work โœ
As soon as the news reached him, Robb gave orders for his army to continue as they had previously accorded now under the command of his great-uncle Brynden, sent a raven warning of his intentions to meet with the other king to avoid any chance of them being misinterpreted and, taking Grey Windย and the thirty members of hisย battle guard with him, rode to the stag's camp.
When they had not been far away from it, he had placed the crown on his head. It was going to be a discussion between two kings and as such he would present himself when they first saw each other. And how good his decision had proven to be since they were met by one of the other's men moments after that.
He lead the way, trying to have some type of conversation with him. Though, while he replied, they were other things more interesting to him. His eyes looked around and were amazed ( despite knowing the Baratheon had the largest army ) by how many people there were. In fact, Robb probably lost sense of time trying to count them because before he realized, he was in front of himย ย โย ย King Renlyย ย โžย ย the northener began with a very slight bow of his headย ย โย ย thank you for having us. I hope our visit wasn't too sudden.ย  โž
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