#𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞. main
tripleflames · 1 year
@sharpnosedscout / continued from here
Exhausted, she thinks, does not even come close to how she feels. Battered and bruised, wrung out and feeling completely and utterly helpless as Tarja and her team try their best to heal Cid of his grievous wounds, that would be more accurate to the truth.
She knows Tarja would say she needs to rest. Jill knows she should, too, is the thing. Her entire body aches, inside and out, her arm most of all from the toll using Shiva has claimed from her. They'd only barely managed to clear away from the crumbling ruins of where Oriflamme's mothercrystal once stood, the area full of aetherfloods and akashic. In the end the only thing she could do was prime to fly both Clive and Cid to safety and have Clive practically drag them all the rest of the way.
But Jill knows also that she'll not find rest until she knows Cid will be alright. Until she has dealt with the fallout of Kupka's attack on their sanctuary. Clive is busy helping Otto and Charon bury those whose lives has been lost and Jill had tried to soothe and reassure where she felt she could, even with the knot of restless anxiety in her stomach, the feeling of uselessness that her powers could be of no help here; and Jill only useful as weapon.
So this had brought her to Gav. Her lips curl to a weak smile, shoulders drooping slightly as she sits down next to him, shoulder to shoulder. She may not know him as well as Cid or Clive, but right now she thinks they can both use the comfort.
" We can share, " Come her quiet words, a slender hand taking one edge of the blanket to curl it around her own shoulders, pulling it taut across them both.
A soft silence reigns. Eventually Jill goes a step further, taking his hand in her own. " Tarja said we'll know in a few bells time if he will make it. If he makes the night, she is confident he will survive. I have faith he will. "
At the very least she has faith in Cid's stubborn nature, his drive to survive.
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wistrea · 20 days
❛    there has always been a price to pay for power, i do not see why this is any different.    ❜ a stark contrast to the ever adoring gaze she so often gazes 'pon the sovereign of shadows, how she now avoids his gaze as she instead stares at tomes and parchment, bearing testament of magic circles revised and revised in repetition with the surface now scratched.
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although she spoke with such conviction, she does not address that most of her assumptions in her gamble remains unproven. ❛    i know what i am doing. trust at least that, if you do not trust in my methods.    ❜ there is so much she intends to do: rewrite fabrics of existence to remain here, claim the chaos as hers once and for all. her life is an inconsequential price to pay with that to gain.
@fearnigh , liked for a starter!
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goldenclairs · 8 months
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       “        your     family     is     already      talking      about      having      a     barbeque      celebration.              well     your     mom     and     sister     in     particular       so          ....          guess     that     really      means      that     i’m      apart      of     the      family      now     huh ?        “     
﹒   🏈 ﹐   ⬚   ﹒    ׅ  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥.     ׄ  ﹏    rvbelhearts ᶠᵗ. ʲⁱᵐᵐʸ ᵘˢᵒ.
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enruiinas · 9 months
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@climatact. [Modern // Main - continued.]
Though he kept it hidden behind the withering scowl he cast her way, Law couldn’t deny the quiet sense of relief that settled over him the moment he met that chestnut stare. 
It was almost laughable, really. The attention of nearly every other occupant in the small waiting room was fixated solely on the man with the bleeding ankles (as his should be as well), but Law couldn’t help but hold her gaze just a little bit longer. Not after that last visit, when Nami had wandered into his operating room as battered and bloodied as the rest of them. Not after she’d looked at him the way she had when he’d pushed aside the torn remnants of mangled flesh and glanced between that mark and her down-turned lips. 
Don’t say anything, her eyes had seemed to  plead - though whether she meant to her or the authorities, Law couldn’t say. Erring on the side of caution, he’d simply held that stare and nodded, a silent agreement before he turned and set to work. Don’t spare it, Nami had told him - and he hadn’t. The extent of her wounds was far less severe than those of her companions, but Law had treated them with a practiced tenderness the swordsman with a death wish would never know. Carefully and methodically he had worked to finish what the woman had started, filling the minutes with idle and offhanded conversation. Not a word was asked about the mark he knew quite well to be a gang symbol. No further exasperation expressed to her gruesome condition, though he made up for it with each of her incapacitated friends.
And when finally his tattooed hands had come to a stop, Law leaned back to examine his handiwork with narrowed eyes. It wasn’t perfect, but he prided himself on thinking it was as close as one could get, given the damage that had been done to it.
The damage that she had done to it, he knew. And though Law had given her a rather pointed look at her proffered story, he held his tongue. Not a word was said about that, either. 
Still. Even though Nami’s wounds had been far from fatal, there’d been something in her that day that had left the surgeon unsettled. A lingering guilt had followed him that night. A guilt that settled upon his shoulders like a weight he couldn’t escape - until he found himself face to face not with the quiet, injured woman of a few weeks prior, but the version he’d met before. This was the headstrong, worry-free woman he’d come to think of in rare moments of distraction. This was the Nami he’d hoped he’d see again after that last encounter - although just once, he thinks, it might be nice to see her somewhere other than an ER waiting room. 
A tilt of the woman’s head when he failed to respond brought Law back to himself, and he frowned when he realized she’d been waiting for an answer. ❝I don’t think that’s the flex you think it is,❞ he told her flatly, the relief in his eyes masked by a deepening frown as he shook his head and turned back toward the door he had entered from. A door the trio knew well enough to follow him through without need for further instruction.
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frxntlines · 11 months
┊closed starter for @vvhimsicals
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" well that was fun. if i had a dollar for every time i had to punch some as.hole in the face for someone, i would be on a damn jet by now. "
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tripleflames · 1 year
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" You━ sent for me, Your Grace? " The young girl bows, hands folded in front of her meekly, trying not to show just how nervous she feels. / @creatrix-mea
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wistrea · 1 month
wine is poured into the cup as the pitcher lifts itself 'pon the witch's wave, the drink flowing as freely as the promises from her lips that ensure her guess that the red was not laced with the same glamour that has driven mortals mad before with just a drop onto the tongue.
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❛    there are those on my council who had been against the invitation sent with your name.    ❜  the sovereign begins as she regards him with a curious gaze, ❛    but to both our benefit, they are not here. so, tell me. in your reign, do you intend to continue the tradition of spilt blood 'pon my soil, or are you more interesting than your predecessor?    ❜ 
@lordsrot / one - liner call ☆
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goldenclairs · 8 months
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  “     i told you win or lose , we were gonna tie the knot pam and i'm a man of my word. so let's get outta here. i need you to be my wife before we head off to disney land.       “    
﹒   🏈 ﹐    ⬚     ﹒    ׅ  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥.     ׄ    ﹏    rvbelhearts ᶠᵗ. ᵇᵃʸˡᵉʸ
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deathbond · 1 year
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"I'm in waking hell and the gods grow tired."
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take me back to eden by sleep token / resurrected by @adenial — ❀
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enruiinas · 7 months
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@climatact — [Godverse || Main] — cont’d.
        There was a fire in this woman’s eyes that even the thinly-veiled threat of a god’s wrath could not quell completely. A steadfast resolve Law suspected ran much deeper than the usual lashings out of certain other headstrong souls he’d come to collect throughout the centuries - not that he’d had any intention of doing the mortal more harm than he had by simply being here in the first place.
        Still, a sense of quiet relief washed over him when she decided against whatever she’d been opening her mouth to spit back at him. Time had taught him well enough that this temporary truce would be just that, but he’d learned ago to make the most of such fleeting ceasefires while they lasted.
        For the moment, he used it to survey the mortal in her natural environment. He’d seen glimpses of the small home in flashes of memory from their brief contact in the clearing before, but had largely tuned them out beyond what he needed to bring her back here. Only now, actually looking at her amidst the hut she’d grown up in, did Law let himself evaluate the woman not as the latest in a long line of wayward souls, but as someone whose voice and personality, whose very presence, had echoed off the same four walls that surrounded them now. A centuries-old weight settled heavy on his shoulders as he wondered how empty the space would feel in her absence.
        And though the incredulity in wide chestnut eyes left him with the distinct impression her village was far worse off than he’d imagined (never mind the possibility of his own failed perception to the value of the coins in his hand), the reprieve her admission allowed did nothing to alleviate his regret.
        Eyes drifted to the room’s other inhabitant at the concern in the mortal’s voice. Law frowned. Even if her sister wasn’t the one to find the delicately placed body tucked just off the main walk leading out of the village, she would find out soon enough regardless.
        He wished she’d never stepped foot in the grove in the first place. There was far more to it, of course. A deep and unsettling turmoil amongst the immortals that had left these lands in the conditions they were in to begin with - that had left villages run dry and led more like her than he cared to admit to the forbidden orchards in search of salvation they wouldn’t find. He wished every one of them had burned where they stood.
        But they hadn’t despite the god’s best efforts. And here they were.
        ❝ I don’t know, ❞ he admitted, unable to meet her gaze as he shrugged. ❝ I doubt it, unless she’s got business out of town or goes looking for you herself in the next few hours. ❞ If anything, he anticipated the discovery to come by one heading into the village. Had arranged the signs meant to lead someone to her with that framework in mind. But who was to say her sister wouldn’t wake up and head out to search for signs of the redhead’s arrival before the sun went down?
        Rubbing his eyes, Law let slip a weary sigh. He’d always hated this part of the job. Not in doing the only thing he could (offering what little comfort he might as he intended to do now), but in doing what he must in the first place.
        ❝ No, ❞ he amended after a moment. ❝ It won’t be her. ❞ He’d see to it himself if it would make this any easier for either of them. Go back to where he’d left her and keep watch until they found her. What were hours in the face of eternity?
        Features softened imperceptibly as he placed the pouch of coins noiselessly on the table’s smooth surface. A mysterious appearance that would not make sense until the blue-haired woman matched them to the one they’d find with her sister’s body, arranged neatly against the discarded fruit it would appear had fallen from the woman’s limp hand.
        She’d know soon enough who had come for her sunset-haired sister. They all would.
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frxntlines · 11 months
┊closed starter for @hclysins
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" SORRY NO can do. i'm not goin' anywhere so let's get comfortable. "
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gl1tchdd · 2 years
from @parashu​​: “ i urge you to remember exactly who it is you’re talking to. because while others might appreciate your tone, i assure you, i do not. ” / prompt
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A GLOVED HAND GRIPS HER JAW TIGHT, forcing her gaze upwards as the woman leans down. The drivel spouted is easy to ignore when her attention is more focused on the absolute difference in height between them. Not that she can ignore it, especially not when Karigan needs to lean down so far in an attempt to meet her gaze. It is a fact she detests and she immediately hisses as the grip tightens when she refuses to meet the pirate's gaze. 
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❝ Get yer fuckin’ hand off me, bastard.❞ Tail swishing rapidly, she finally meets mismatched eyes with a sneer.  ❝ Or you’ll fuckin’ lose it.❞
Glitch goes to shove Karigan away only to find that the pirate doesn’t even move an ilm. A low growl loosens itself from her throat. She curses the fact that she’s not carrying any weapons on her inside the club like this. At least not any within immediate reach. What a fucking mistake. Karigan isn’t even in position for Glitch to latch on with needle-like teeth, not unless she wants to damage the godling’s face — and well, Khoridae would be upset with her if she did that. 
❝ Ya think because you’re fuckin’ Khoridae that you can put your hands on whoever you fuckin’ please? ❞ Glitch utters as she goes to push Karigan again — this time with as much force she can muster in this position behind it and yet, the beast still doesn’t move. She bites back the instinctual need to curse at the situation she’s gotten herself into. Instead, she settles for trying to kill the pirate with her glare. ❝ Ever heard of boundaries? Ask before touching, maybe, huh? ❞
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tripleflames · 7 months
" Then how about we spare it over a drink! "
Because if there is one thing anyone could say of Byron Rosfield, it is that whether rain or shine, war or peacetime, whether the days ahead loom dark or bright, he will never shirk the opportunity of sharing in a drink or a good meal. And truly, what else can a man still find joy in these days, with so much uncertainty and pain and loss, if not in the small things in life? It matters not if he is growing older and, even if only in the privacy of his own thoughts, wearier and ever more concerned for those he cares for, in this much he'll stay consistent throughout.
And, of course, he'd rather cut off his own foot ere he made Clive worry of something as unimportant as his state of mind. The boy's got enough on his own, after all.
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" Why don't you tell me all the trouble you've been up to while I was back home? I'm sure there's been some, if the rumours come to my ears are any indication━━━ " / @adureus continued from x
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wistrea · 2 months
it was a fairly simple spell, considering how well practiced it was, to turn a man into a bird and reverse the transformation. she simply waves a hand, and there her beloved stands once again, after she had turned mirage into a raven in the midst of their previous argument. the witch had calmed down now, no longer irked, as she walks over to him and reached up, plucking one of the leftover feathers from his hair.
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❛    there we go.    ❜ she said, even if she had even kept him near her amidst her irritation, with him perched on her shoulder. ❛    how did being a raven for a day feel, darling?    ❜
@killerhubby , ♡'d
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goldenclairs · 8 months
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“     i've      got      a      couple       extra      tickets       for       the      SUPER BOWL        if       you       want      to       bring       some       friends      along    ?        “
 ﹒   🏈 ﹐    ⬚     ﹒    ׅ    𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥.         ׄ    ﹏     copiious
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deathbond · 1 year
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"I see the birth and death of the universe swimming around in your eyes."
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datura by crywolf / resurrected by @crimsontroupe - horos - ❀
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