#𝐱 . he breathes as the moon the sun and the tide ( 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 )
duskwolf · 2 years
@deathrazed / ASTRAPE, RAVENNA
   He had never been around anyone like her, and it was strange. What she was had his senses standing up, tuned in to the frequencies of energies that hung all around them. Like they couldn’t quite figure her out either. Friend or foe. Except that she was helping him, and letting him help her. Besides, he wasn’t exactly sure he’d want her as an enemy -- he didn’t know everything she was capable of, and he didn’t think he’d want to find out the hard way. Vampires were easy; except for the occasional gift that could throw him for a loop, they were all the same. He knew their strengths, their weaknesses, how to hunt them, how to put them down. In part, it was what he was made for. Not so with someone like Ravenna, and whatever the hell else was out there lurking in the shadows.
   Which was why he needed her for this patrol. Maybe she’d pick up on something he hadn’t. "How weird is this, scale of one to ten? For you, compared to whatever else you’ve seen.” Or done.
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duskwolf · 3 years
@tricursed / MIKAELSON, HOPE
   [ TEXT MESSAGE → 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 ]  are you talking to me yet?    [ TEXT MESSAGE → 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 ]  just give me scale of 1 to 10 how mad you still are
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duskwolf · 2 years
@siphonaer / SALTZMAN, JOSIE
   "You know a bird’s goin’ to come along and shit on that lip if you don’t put it away.” A crooked smile, his attempt at cheerful humour. But he was raised with wolves, so the saying goes, and their humour was always a little cutting. “What’s up?”
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duskwolf · 2 years
@murderousbitch / LEHANE, FAITH
   "Aw, are you mad that I didn’t invite you to the party?” A glint of teeth, mischievous smile a little crooked as he looked her way. “Don’t worry, maybe you can catch the next one.”
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duskwolf · 3 years
@neverafters / HALE, ROSALIE
   "You know, if I was anyone else -- if you were anyone else, I might even say you look ...” The word choice here mattered a little too much, considering who he was talking to. Admitting Rosalie was hot? Not an option. He managed a crooked grin, as if it made it all more normal. “Nice. Yeah, y’know -- you look nice.”
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duskwolf · 3 years
@noblewitch / MACVEIGH, MORGAN
   When the sun first began to lift its weary head above the horizon, Jacob let out a breath of relief -- the moon has disappeared some time ago behind the layers of light that had turned a black sky to a bruised blue, and with its absence had brought calm back to the land. The creature that had rampaged through the woods all night was gone -- gone except for the scent left to mark its path that had led him to the wounded young woman cradled by the earth. She was the reason that thing had escaped -- rather, Jacob’s attention to her. The choice had come down to helping her or hunting it. The others could handle the hunt, tracking the werewolf as far as they could, and as Jacob listened to the slow sound of her heartbeat and ragged breathing made her the easy choice. The familiar glow of light that encircled her told him more -- that she already wasn’t human, and that maybe she had a better chance of living through what had happened. 
   He crouched silently in front of her, reaching to gently graze the pads of his fingers over an open gash on her arm. A nasty wound. His eyes ran over the rest of her, up to her face to the eyes blinking open at him. He withdrew his hand and set his knees against the ground. “Hey, you’re goin’ be okay,” he said tightly, jaw clenching as he spoke. “D’you remember what happened?”
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duskwolf · 3 years
@tricursed / MIKAELSON, HOPE
   He caught her hand before she could make it out of his reach, fingers lacing easily through hers when they met no resistance. “Let’s go the long way.”
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duskwolf · 3 years
   There was comfort in the strange hum of energy that came from the young woman standing in front of his Volkswagen Rabbit. He could see the flicker of colour that engulfed her naturally, emanating from the very nature of what she was. He’d seen it louder and seen it quieter, and now it was faint in his eyes, but still entirely noticeable and undeniable. It was easy to pick someone like her out of a crowd, what with the wolf’s senses joined with his in spirit. The wolf felt no threat there, but rather sighed in its presence, in her presence. There was something about him, something about what he was by blood and circumstance, that reassured by the existence of magic around him. 
   That didn’t mean he fully trusted her.
   Showing up in La Push, uninvited, wasn’t recommended. The pack didn’t take well to such supernatural surprises, every bone in their bodies driven towards ensuring the protection of their people, their home. Fulfilling the duty that ran in their veins. The arrival of some witches and their entourage didn’t bode well. 
   “You mentioned some coven in the area,” Jacob started in, picking up the detail he remembered most from their first interaction, though it was one star in a constellation of questions he had. On guard, but curious. “You’re not talking about the Sapphos, though?”
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duskwolf · 2 years
@alpherion / MCCALL, SCOTT
   “You look like you were goin’ to say something.” An imploring raise of brows, dark eyes simultaneously soft and serious on the pair opposite. “So what’s up?”
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duskwolf · 2 years
@frayededges / LAHEY, ALICE
   "What were you goin’ to do?” Dark eyes flashed, half humour, half skepticism. He wasn’t even looking at the knife in her hand. “Stab me?”
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duskwolf · 3 years
@sacredslaycd / LEHANE, HOPE
   It didn’t take much for him to lose patience, but he held onto it now with claws invisible, ones below that surface that could easily emerge if called upon. There was something oddly infuriating about her, about this inability to fully escape run ins like this. He didn’t stick his nose too far into the business of Forks were things weren’t his business. ( Of course where vampires and real threats were concerned, it was always his business, built into his blood. But the Lehane dhampir was the grey area around that hard line, and he was simply cautious to keep an eye on her now, without the urge as of yet for a full frontal attack. ) The truth was she was irritating because he couldn’t put his finger on her. Besides, she didn’t seem to need a reason to not be too fond of him either.
   "Oh, look who it is. You again.”
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duskwolf · 3 years
@tricursed 🎁  / MIKAELSON, HOPE   
   "Do you -- do you want to dance?”
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