#𝓲𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 — naomi santos.
bluemmings · 1 year
day 42 / naomi&&adela.
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“ i can’t believe they’ve let her back here, ” she can, actually, but she hates it. thinks there’s so many other past islanders who would’ve been way better but she supposes naomi and josh are a bit comfortable. she knows she didn’t invite him on a date but, “ d’you reckon she’s coming for josh ? “
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bluemmings · 1 year
day 35 noon 
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​“ pfft, last night was kinda bullshit, there’s no way i didn’t win that. ” marcus scoffs. “ i feel like i deserve more points. i was a fucking dragon. realistically, if you saw a dragon, your heart rate would be fucked. it’s rigged, mate. ” 
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bluemmings · 2 years
day 32 marcus & naomi. kitchen on the lil stools.
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“ i don’t know how i managed without you for real, ” marcus laughs, so glad to be able to catch up with naomi after what feels like ages. he takes a sip from his iced vanilla latte which is more vanilla than coffee. “ did you miss me ? aw, c’mon, you don’t need to tell me; i know you did. ” 
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bluemmings · 2 years
with naomi / day 27 @heatwayve​
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waking up in self-inflicted pain with a slight discolouring on the bridge of his nose, he’s having trouble differentiating what hurts from the drinking and what hurts from his and naomi’s collision.  he’s hoping some of the muck on his face is just glitter or rum or whatever else it could be instead of a bruise, so he’s scrubbing his face with a cleanser, hoping he’ll look better on the other side. he doesn’t. he sighs, turning off the faucet, the last drips of water escaping before he pats his face dry. examining his face, he catches naomi in the mirror and is met with memories of last night. ugh.
“ morning. ” he smiles, not void of his usual warmth but it still leaves his lips softer than he intends, as if dipping his toe hesitantly into new waters with depths unknown. naomi has the ability to both carry him ashore and drown him, to craft his lifeboat or be the cause for its wreckage.  “ how’re you feeling ? ” 
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bluemmings · 2 years
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“ hey, ” marcus starts, unsure where he’s going with this. i spoke to josh / josh told me you broke up / i didn’t realise you were that into dylan all seem like pretty bad options. “ you doing okay ? ” 
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bluemmings · 2 years
day 34, morning, kitchen
adela & naomi @heatwayve​​
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naomi's been some sort of enigma since adela's been at the main villa— she truly thought that any interaction with her would swiftly turn sour. but for some reason, she thinks she actually likes her. the fact that naomi came over to her at all last night was stunning, a lot more so than her vote to save her and dylan, or that they were saved over rhys and bash at all. it's not like naomi is doing these things in an active attempt to befriend her… they're just in each others vicinities, seem to not clash somehow. adela's sure if there was a bone to bark and bite at she'd take the opportunity, but as of now, she’s pretty sure they get on. it's a bad look for her when she's been taking any chance to shit on naomi whenever she's brought up, feels a bit like a hypocrite for it, her stubbornness wanting to hate her regardless, call her a bitch right now just to solidify it. instead; " good morning. " there's a chime in her voice, a permanent smile on her lips— even if last night was a shitshow, her night didn't end with the same conclusion—and the more times she wakes up next to dylan the more she likes it. “ kind of bummed we didn’t get to have that drink last night, ” adela says, though she’s not that bummed to have been doing what she was doing instead. “ though, i wouldn’t be against a little apéritif to start the day. “ she suggests, small grin on her lips. day drinking is totally fine, they’re on vacation. 
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bluemmings · 2 years
bean bags, idk what day probs 16
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there’s some tense vibes, some chill vibes, but overall a weird mix of everything. though out of everyone, he thinks he and callie, and josh and naomi, are on the more positive side of things. and naomi definitely knows the villa better than him. “ how long do you think it’ll be until it’s all chill again ? the next recoupling ? ” though he wouldn’t necessarily say his time before the recoupling was hella chill, with whatever that mimi x luke x dylan thing was. 
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bluemmings · 2 years
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“ so which sign have you slept with most ? and which have you slept with the least ? ” he wonders, just a bit intrigued. “ what if you don’t know someone’s sign, do you have, like, a misc section ? ” marcus asks, amused by the idea of keeping a tally.
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