#๐•€ ๐”ธ๐•€โ„•'๐•‹ โ„๐”ผโ„™๐”ผ๐”ธ๐•‹๐•€โ„•๐”พ ๐•„๐•๐•Š๐”ผ๐•ƒ๐”ฝ! | ๐”ธโ„•๐•Š๐•Ž๐”ผโ„๐”ผ๐”ป
explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
[ NOSE ] sender gives receiver the lightest "boop" on the nose (either Denki or Kirishima, your pick)
Unspoken fluff starters | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
Why was that idiot staring at him? With his shitty hair and toothy grin? Was he mocking him? Either way, Katsuki took it as a challenge. After a few moments, he finally spoke up. โ€œWhat are y-โ€œ There was a soft boop to his nose as the redhead poked his nose. Red eyes wide before his face turned into a disgusted scowl to hide the way his ears turned a slight pink. โ€œDumbass.โ€ He smacked the idiotโ€™s hand away from him for good measure.
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ™Š โ€• a memory you donโ€™t ever talk about
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
Before he could stop himself, hands curled into fists, clenching in anger and hurt. His fist connected with the green boyโ€™s cheek. Like he wouldnโ€™t notice the way Izukuโ€™s finger broke when he threw that ball in that stupid trial class.ย โ€œWhat the hell was that, Izuku?! Youโ€™veย been playing with me this whole time?!โ€
The blondโ€™s teeth clenched angrily as he stared down at the shorter boy. Red eyes bore into the boy almost predatorily. โ€œYou had a damn quirk this entire time?!ย What, you thought you could take pity on me?!โ€ They hadnโ€™t spent so much time together right before the entrance exam. Izuku kept brushing him off and Izuku wouldnโ€™t tell him why despite Katsukiโ€™s insistence.ย 
โ€œLooking down on meโ€ฆ Dammit, youโ€ฆ youโ€ฆ DAMMIT, DEKU!โ€ He had avoided that stupid nickname. But now? Fuck him. Fuck that damn little nerd. How dare he lie to him. How dare he pity him. Katsuki didnโ€™t need fucking pity.ย โ€œI donโ€™t need you or your fucking pity. Just leave me the hell alone!โ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
๐Ÿง  โ€• a memory that had a big impact on you.
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
He couldnโ€™t breathe, the swirls of slime engulfed his vision, hands reaching out clawing at the villain. He could scratch it, but it didnโ€™t do anything. No blood, no screams, and it was filling his lungs. His world faded to black.
Then there were screams. He jolted awake and suddenly there were faces. Why isnโ€™t anyone doing anything?! He thought desperately, trying to break free despite the tightness and pain in his chest. Any gasps for breath were short lived able to get his mouth and nose free for a few precious seconds before the slime overwhelmed him once again. He was scared. He might die.
And then he heard it. That nickname. What aโ€ฆ childish thingโ€ฆ he glanced up breathing difficult, and thatโ€™s when he saw a mop of green hair. Quirkless Izuku who had never taken the first step toward anything ever was the only one doing anything, and he proudly mentally mused he knew the nerd had it in him. For all his own harshness, he didnโ€™t want to leave the idiot behind. But Katsuki couldnโ€™t fight his battles forever if he wanted to be a hero. Him throwing the yellow backpack was enough just as he was blacking out again.
The idiot was crying as he tried to break him free while everyone was speechless before- suddenly the slime was blown away, literally. Katsuki fell to his knees, choked, gagged, coughed, anything to return the air to his lungs. He was shaking and the nerd was at his side instantly and for once Katsuki let him comfort harshly wiping at his tears because thereโ€™s no way heโ€™d let Izuku see him weak again.
As he was being checked on and Izuku got the lecture of a lifetime, he couldnโ€™t help but smile a bit. Guess he really didnโ€™t need him looking after him after allโ€ฆ
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
๐ŸŒˆ โ€• a memory youโ€™re not sure actually happened
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
It had been a few days after those sparks appeared from his hands. He had been really sick from playing out in the rain. Red eyes fluttered open, groggy and achy as it hurt to move. A hoarse cough cause his chest and throat to sting. Burying further in the pillow and blankets of his bed he fell asleep once more.
He woke up a while later sweat clinging to his skin. His pillow slightly damp from the sweat, but he felt a cold rag placed on his forehead someone must have put it there when he was asleep. โ€œMomโ€ฆโ€ He called out and someone was there instantly. He didnโ€™t see who it was in the darkness of his room but what he did see was broad hand with a piercing hole in the middle of the palm gently resting on his head. Was thatโ€ฆ? He was confused for a moment.
That wasnโ€™t his mom, it was Izukuโ€™s dad. He tensed when he felt something watching the red glow of the hand and it felt like the other person was pulling something out of him. It hurt, but he didnโ€™t cry. It didnโ€™t hurt that bad. And once the glowing stopped he was out again going to sleep suddenly exhausted. He had no idea what happened. But the next day his quirk never manifested. Many trips to the doctor indicated it was a fluke and Katsuki wasnโ€™t even sure if his fever induced state conjured up the man in a dream or just the exhaustion got to him. But despite it being a memory he had no idea if it was real or not.
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
hc + videogames
send meย  โ€˜ย hc โ€˜ย  + a word and iโ€™ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
//So, Katsuki is super competitive in video games. He likes to win. No matter what. And depending on who heโ€™s playing with heโ€™ll shoehorn you into games you donโ€™t usually play and beat you at them. Izuku he always plays horror based games with him because he knows Izuku will cry about it. Or get scared he ainโ€™t picky.
With Denki or Kirishima he likes strategy games cause he thinks strategy games arenโ€™t their strong suit.
And then there Shoto who doesnโ€™t even know what a video game is. Katsuki doesnโ€™t play video games with him. Unless Izuku drags him to do it.
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
some angst idk yโ€™all i like crying | ACCEPTING | @hissaviorcomplex
[ PREVENT ] for one muse to stop the other from going too far during a fight.ย 
An animalistic growl bedded in his throat before he could stop himself. All this anger and he had a lot more left to unleash.
"You wanna say that again? Come on! I fucking dare you!"
They were just trying to enjoy their outing and these fuckers had to ruin it with their damn jeering. As if their quirks were anything spectacular! He was on the biggest one, the leader, before his could stop himself punching the guy as hard as he could, and Katsuki made sure to stay fit.
But not even a few seconds later he felt arms grab him. Ah, right. The bastard's strength quirk... Dammit. Easily being lifted up and pushed aside able to see his knuckles were going to be slightly bruised.
"Why the hell did you stop me?!"
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
Hmm...break his heart in a single sentence. ๐Ÿค” Okay how's this:
"Everything is your fault."
Try to break my museโ€™s heart in a single sentence | ACCEPTING | @rain-coat-killer
โ€œDefine everything.โ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
Denki is SO going to steal these electric bombs...
Your Muse can do one thing to mine without facing any negative repercussions. Tell me what theyโ€™d do in my inbox.
| ACCEPTING | @chargingbolt
"What the-" He had to refrain himself from blowing the bastard up. e's sure the idiot would do it himself anyway. "I hope you die, dumbass!"
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
โย  iโ€™m right here.ย  iโ€™m always here right in front of you but you never see me!ย  โž (Denki)
Affectionate prompts | NOT ACCEPTING | @chargingbolt
โ€œOh, I see you, alright. How the fuck can I even miss you, Sparks? I actively try to ignore you.โ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
โ€œย  stay stillโ€”ย  iโ€™m trying to hug you.ย  โ€ (Izuku)
Affectionate prompts | NOT ACCEPTING | @dekucando
โ€œAnd who the fuck gave you permission to fucking hug me, you damn nerd?โ€
Childhood friends or not, Katsuki wasnโ€™t an affectionate person. Casually, placing a hand on Izukuโ€™s face, holding his arm at armโ€™s length, keeping him away from him.
โ€œYouโ€™ve got five seconds to calm the fuck down, Deku, before I blast you with a grenade.โ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ— โ€• a memory you never want to forget.
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @sparkwave
He had been training for as long as he could remember. His fatherโ€™s and motherโ€™s careful eyes on him as he had a few of the support items on him. โ€So, like this?โ€ His father nodded and motioned a opening pin. โ€Just like that. This one is light but you have a few seconds to move back before it goes off. Six seconds exactly.โ€
Katsuki nodded quickly throwing the small practice grenade with all his might, before it exploded in the air. the blast wasnโ€™t too strong and instead of fire it was confetti. Katsukiโ€™s eyes widened and shined as a wide smirk appeared on his face.
โ€œMom, Dad! More, More!โ€ He called running over to them before they handed off a few more to them and Katsuki got better at throwing them. soon enough it was a cluster of confetti. It was one of the best days of his lifeโ€ฆ
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @ignisacglacies
โ€œWow, Mom that looks cool!โ€ The small boyโ€™s eyes lit up as he watched the small mechanism come to completion.ย โ€œWhat is it?โ€ He reached out to grab it only for his mother to firmly pull it away from him.ย โ€œNo way. No touching until youโ€™re older.โ€ There was a small flick to his forehead, and the boy whined loudly.ย โ€œMoooom!โ€
Though he instantly stopped at the stern look.ย โ€œI mean it, Katsuki. You can get seriously hurt with these. This is a smoke bomb. I specialize in explosive weaponry and support items.โ€ His parents didnโ€™t have combatant quirks but support items were very much needed for both heroes and police members.
โ€œWhen you get older weโ€™ll teach you how to use these. You still want to be a hero, right?โ€ The small blond quickly nodded. โ€œYeah!ย Iโ€™m gonna be the greatest hero!โ€ Feeling his motherโ€™s hand buried in his hair he leaned against her feeling proud and happy to use his momโ€™s support items one day to be an amazing hero!โ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
How does it feel to be out done by the nerd?
Send my muse anons pretending to be someone they care about. | ACCEPTING
"Out done?! By him?! Hell no, I ain't even close to done! That nerd ain't got nothing on me!" HE'LL FUCKING KILL THAT DAMN NERD!
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ’ฅ โ€• a memory you wish youโ€™d forget.
Walk down memory lane | ACCEPTING | @tempered-in-flames
It was something he never allowed himself to dwell on. He didnโ€™t allow it into his head. To eat at him, to gnaw. Because once it was there it would stick. All that pride and arrogance was compensation. He wasnโ€™t weak. At least it was what he was trying to convince the world, but even he had his moments. โ€œJust shut up.โ€ His fingers twitched and his knuckles cracked. The jeers werenโ€™t important anymore.
He didnโ€™t give a shit. His knuckles were bloody, seeing, seeping red, anger, hatred. His chest heaved with the weight of his breaths, they had been bigger then him. His parents were called and he said nothing. Didnโ€™t explain, took the punishment and left it at that. Ignoring the way his mother yelled after him. โ€œNot in the mood!โ€
Katsuki immediately slammed the door behind him before he sat on the bed rubbing his eyes. It was these moments where that damn nerd wasnโ€™t up his ass, where he could be weak. The sting in his eyes making him even more angry pressing the heel of his hand to his eyes. โ€œDammitโ€ฆโ€
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
Nodding off (nuravity)
send in " nodding off... " for the exhausted sender to fall asleep against the receiver's shoulder, and for the receiver's response to this. | ACCEPTING | @nuravity
Ever since the Sports Festival, Katsuki had a lot of respect for Ochako. Her quirk had some serious firepower despite being just anti-gravity. And she could do amazing things with it from what he could see. As they came back from training, they were resting in the dorm room.
The voices of idle chatter surrounding them like soft hums on the wind. He had been scrolling through his phone glancing at things until he felt something hit his shoulder.
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Having half a damn mind to push Ochako off, and ask her what the fuck. But glancing at her again he just scoffed and let her be. This didn't mean they were friends or anything.
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explosiongoddynamight ยท 2 years
โ€œYeah, iโ€™ll be here. iโ€™ll be here when youโ€™re ready to stop running.โ€
some angst idk yโ€™all i like crying | ACCEPTING | @ignisacglacies
"Running? Me?! I don't run from SHIT!"
Just because he wasn't about to get all up in his feelings didn't mean anything. He wasn't some crybaby like that damn nerd. Yeah, him and Shoto were fighting, but whatever!
"Icyhot, I'm doing you a damn favor by walking away from this. Because I'd kill you otherwise! But if you wanna fucking fight-!"
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